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Topic: Castle - Spoiler (Read 62204 times)
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #315 on:
October 12, 2014, 08:59:54 PM »
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Nope, i saw the movie twice only because of Stana.. And i saw her in the last 2-3 minutes of the movie. Check the movie out yourself. And let me know if there is a extended version somewhere that show some more screentime for her. She either had only 1 line, or no line at all. But anyhow, she was in the movie. Thats true but not a big part at all. But hey, that doesnt matter. She can have that on her CV. "Bond" small part or not, she can say she's been in a Bond movie. Not many can do that!
And for the contract issues that would have do be settled before July right? Because thats when they start shooting again. And we know no one will start shooting with any contract issues. Just look at Big Bang Theory.
But if Nathan and Stana wants to do the show for a few more seasons i'm sure ABC would love it aswell. Not only because of the good ratings and the new fans. BUT Castle is a cashcow for ABC. Its not many shows that sells so many merchdince for ABC as Castle does. Books etc. And i guess money talks in ABC too.
And for the sneak peeks, there are 2 sneak peeks out there. 2 real fun sneak peeks!
But now its allready Sunday here, so in just "a day" the episode will be out. I cant wait to see what Kate is saying after what we've seen in the sneak peeks. She got some splaying' to do
And for Martha. There is something weird going on. I cant put my finger on it yet. I think there is a reason why she wont talk about Rick's kidnapping. And she might know more than she is letting us know. Usually Martha is the one that have something clever to say when Rick is in doubt or in search of something. But this time around Martha is the one that is saying "lets not talk about it." But why? Does she know what happened in that forrest ages ago? Does she know more than she is saying? Its interesting.
What do you think Marie?
Last Edit: October 12, 2014, 09:12:51 PM by Piffi
We'll Always Have Paris.
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #316 on:
October 13, 2014, 10:10:40 PM »
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Ok. I'll eventually watch it again. I'll try to watch closer for her when I do watch again.
I think they would need to be settled by sometime in July. I think it was in July when everything with Big Bang Theory got signed. Sheldon, Leonard, and Penny signed first...then Raj and Howard signed new deals like a day or 2 later. They aren't getting anywhere near the same money, but they got raises too. It would be nice if ABC picked up Castle earlier in the season to get that settled. Though it seems like most of the time they wait longer anymore.
I remembered later that I saw another sneak peek. Rick and Kate on the couch with their tablets. Nice, normal type thing. I like seeing the little moments like that...or like when they were having breakfast at times last year or something like that. I've watched the one when the Invisible Man beats them up several times. That is so fun.
I can't wait to see Esposito's reaction to an invisible killer.
He's more skeptical than Gates.
I can see Ryan buying into it. Ooo...it could be fun if the Invisible Man has a chance to mess with Esposito sometime...beat up on him a bit. I loved it that he and Ryan were there when the ninja showed up again last year and got Rick's phone with the throwing star thing.
I don't know what I think about Martha. When I watched the first episode - I still haven't rewatched yet - I didn't think anything was too out of character really. She was believable when she got to the crash site..then supportive of Kate. Reassuring to her when Kate had the questions after that video of Rick putting the money in a dumpster. When Rick was found and Martha went to just wanting Rick home and worry about what happened later....I took that more like she was just happy he was back and ok except for not remembering the last 2 months. Then we found out in the second episode that she had actually started going to some kind of grief support group. To me, that means that she had gotten to a point where she thought that Rick wasn't coming home and even that he was dead. So I could see her just wanting him home at the hospital and not being concerned with the answers Kate wanted at that moment because it wouldn't be fully real to her that Rick was back and alive until he was back at home. Something like that. I don't think she was involved in whatever happened. Maybe she knows whatever happened when Rick was 11 in the woods even though he never told her. Maybe she just thinks that Rick's dad was mixed up in whatever happened and she doesn't want to see Rick upset by that...she already saw him upset and disappointed the last time Jackson showed up and used Rick. So I could see her maybe not wanting to find out for sure that Jackson was involved because she knew how that would bother Rick.
I don't think Jackson was involved either. I know someone - or maybe a few people - have speculated that Jackson at least knew what was going on and was ok with it since he didn't show up to look for Rick and leave a trail of dead bodies. I guess I could see that happening, especially after how Jackson used Rick the last time he showed up, but I don't know. I think it could be possible, though perhaps unlikely, that Jackson didn't realize what happened because he was deep under cover somewhere on a mission...maybe somewhere like Siberia or something where it would be very difficult for him to keep in touch with stuff. Maybe he even went on whatever mission it was at that time because he thought Rick would be safe on his honeymoon - I think when they mentioned it before, they were planning a longer honeymoon. But I don't know. I guess I have some wild theories, most of which will probably be wrong. lol
I did see that someone suggested that Rick wanted his memory erased because his dad was directly involved and deliberately messed up the wedding for whatever mission he was on. If Jackson was involved because he needed Rick for something - which it seems like he has tried to keep that stuff away from Rick before..anyway... Even if Jackson was behind it and Rick was ticked, I don't see him wanting to lose his memory because of that. He seemed to come to terms with Jackson not really being a "dad" the last time after he used Rick for his mission and then took off and vanished. Yes Rick would have been pissed, but I don't think that would have pushed him to lose his memory. And goodness knows, Kate would have been more convinced if Rick could have said something along the lines of my dad popped up and dragged me off ...to help with a mission....protect him from a new 3XK threat... a relative of the wacko who took Alexis wanted revenge...whatever than just saying he thought it was just a day after when they were supposed to get married and he can't remember anything after the SUV.
So I guess I really have no idea despite how much I just rambled. lol
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #317 on:
October 13, 2014, 11:51:30 PM »
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I'm looking forward aswell to see how Espo and specially Gates will react to this invisble man. Not so much Kate tho. She's been a bit more open to stuff after she got together with Rick. And she likes when Rick is getting crazy with his crazy theories.
Martha is a bit weird (or should i say weirder than usual?)
There is something she isnt telling us. But what and why? What does she know about what happend in the forrest all those years ago?
And does she knows anything about the kidnapping? And what happend back in the forrest that was so bad?
I guess we will find out when the season goes on.
I dont think Jackson (Rick's dad got anything to do with this) Or 3XK or anyone else we have heard about. AM said many many times that this will be a complete new arc. I guess this are a group of people that we dont know about yet. I dont know when\if we will see Jackson again this season. The actor is a apartantly a busy man these days. Hard to get.
Well its only a few hours before get some new answers! Have a great Castle!
We'll Always Have Paris.
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #318 on:
October 14, 2014, 08:25:17 PM »
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I'm not sure about Martha. Maybe if I watch those first 2 episodes again, I'll see what other claimed was .....suspicious behavior from her.
I don't think Jackson had anything to do with Rick being taken either, even indirectly. Unless someone was using Rick to make Jackson do something...which I could see, if Marlow hasn't said so many times that this is new stuff not tied to any of the characters already introduced. I don't mind learning more from Rick's past, but I honestly wonder if it wouldn't have been better to have someone known to the audience be involved...like 3XK. But I don't think he or Dr. Psycho were involved..or Jackson. Or a lackey that Bracken still can get to do stuff.
This episode was so fun. This is the Castle I like...Rick and Kate are back in sync - even had the mind meld thing later on and Rick even remarked on it. The case was fun, and there is some truth to the science. The government or military..both..whatever..over hear have been working to develop some sort of..well...invisibility cloak or suit for a few years. To me, this is classic Castle. A little silly yes, but so much fun. I love when something in a case makes Rick convinced it is something silly - mummy's curse, vampire, time traveler, killer zombie, ghost, cursed by a DVD.
It was so funny when Kate was telling Gates about what happened and Rick almost starting to say it was the invisible man but stopping after Kate's look. It was dark..we couldn't see anything...
Ryan taking a second job..and what that job is...
I can see more teasing from Esposito in the future over that...and Rick once he finds out. I don't think Esposito told Rick yet.
Rick's homemade alarm in the bedroom was a hoot...and then Martha walking into it.
Yes she shouldn't have just walked in, though she did say she thought they weren't home yet.
I'm going to watch teh episode again in a bit...first one this year that I've wanted to rewatch this soon.
I'll probably be back later with more...and I want to write up something for my blog like I have the other episodes.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #319 on:
October 18, 2014, 04:05:50 PM »
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I'm late to the party again. Wich i apoligaze for. Real life takes up to much time. I should just take a break from it all.
Anyways, great episode again. Typical Castle as said. And when it comes to Martha i guess we'll have to wait and see in the coming episodes if anything get out. If she knows anything or if there is another reason for her "weird behavior"
I've seen two sneak peeks i think it is for the next episode. Rick in a school or a kindergarden? And Kate really enjoying this "childish Rick" we all know that Kate really love that side to him.
Looks like it will be a hilarous episode.
I've rewatched the last episode a few times allready!
We'll Always Have Paris.
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #320 on:
October 18, 2014, 08:52:41 PM »
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I loved this episode. So much fun. Back to normal for them really...not just Rick and Kate, but even the guys too. Esposito teasing Ryan and all that.
I still love that homemade alarm even though it looks like Rick has enough pots for about 3 families.
And Martha getting stuck in it was so funny that I couldn't be annoyed at her for just walking in.
It was also funny to me that once the lights were on and she realized how she was trapped, she didn't ask anything...nothing like Richard, why are the pots hanging from the ceiling?
The next one looks like it should be good too. I've seen a picture a few times that has Rick sitting with a little girl while wearing fairy wings... looks so cute. This will probably have him remembering when Alexis was little again...and give Kate more of a look at while he'll be like when they have kids. Yes she already knows that he was there for Alexis all the time when she was little and he did all that stuff - reading, tea parties etc - but this will let her actually see that side of Rick in action. That should be fun.
And with this being the 4th episode, this means only 2 more till episode 5.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #321 on:
October 20, 2014, 01:24:36 PM »
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Hehe, its great to see Rick and Kate back to normal. And to be honest, i kinda like the goofy episodes as much as the dark ones. I wonder if this season will be a "lighter" season. Or if the kidnapping will put the mood down a bit? So far these 3 first episodes have been great i guess.
And Rick is back to being childish. As we saw in S03/S02. And we have seen over the seasons that Kate really enjoy that side of Rick. We see how she grins when he's acting like a kid. As she said "He's making geeky sexy"
Well, i wont agree on that. Since i'm in love with Stana
Its Monday morning here allready. So its only hours before Castle.
Is it episode 5 or whatever when they are getting married or?
We'll Always Have Paris.
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #322 on:
October 21, 2014, 06:11:30 AM »
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Yes I loved seeing them back to normal. Everything still not fully settled, but back to normal.
I like it when there is more of the goofy, lighter, silly stuff overall. A more serious or dark episode every so often is ok - story tied to Kate's mom....3XK stuff - but not every episode. I think it is better when those are the exception instead of the norm. But that's just me. I think Rick's silly side has grown on Kate too.
I missed the first few minutes of this episode...I'll have to watch again later. Did stuff with a friend today and got home way later than I intended or wanted. Anyway, the episode was good. Fun stuff with Rick and the kids. The little Princess tea party was sweet. It would have been so nice if Kate had showed up and seen that...like stopping by to have lunch with him or something..seeing Rick with Emily I think it was and just silently watching. That would have let Kate see more of what he was like when Alexis was little...and how he would be with their kids.
Episode 6.
2 weeks. 14 days. Or 13 days, 21 hours, and 55 minutes, give or take a minute. I'm not at all looking forward to the episode.
That is also the episode that is supposed to have the sort of alternate world type story of what if Rick and Kate had never met. Not sure about that part of the story...just depends on where they go with it I guess. I don't particularly want to see Rick with some other kind of ditz or Kate with someone like Demming or Josh for much of the episode. Or with Esposito. I have the season 6 DVD..finally started watching after last week's episode. Anyway, on the 3rd episode, there is a commentary that is from Esposito and Ryan. They there was a documentary filming during the case. Anyway, during the commentary, Esposito says something happened between him and Kate ...would have been back before the start of the show. I don't like that idea at all. No idea if the actors just made up what they were saying, or if some of it came from writer's or something. But I don't like the idea of Kate and Esposito having hooked up. I am just going to ignore that bit of information. But, because of that, I wouldn't be surprised if they go and do that in the what if story. I won't like it though.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #323 on:
October 21, 2014, 10:07:34 PM »
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Meh, that was.. An OK episode. Not great. I might rewatch it once to see if i've missed something. I guess the case was fairly good. But the rest was meh..
We see that Rick is good with kids (we know he was anyways) And we also see that Kate loves Rick's side when he's with children etc. The start of the episode was nice tho. Family dinner with Kate, Rick, Alexis and Martha. That was a nice touch to start the show. And we got some answers on whats going on with Alexis.
But in this case we didnt see Rick and Kate working much together. And i'm been spoiled like that. I like our DD working together. It just works much better. We saw Espo and Kate working together today. Didnt work nearly as good. So i hope Rick and Kate will be back next episode.
So, episode 6 huh? Is that the episode where they will be married? Or is that the alternate episode?
We'll Always Have Paris.
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #324 on:
October 22, 2014, 12:00:11 AM »
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I watched the episode again today to see the beginning I missed. I liked it overall. Yes I like it better when Rick and Kate work more together, but it was still good. We got to actually see Rick dealing with little kids instead of just hearing about stuff from when Alexis was little.
I liked the meal at the beginning. That was nice. Meal with all them together and Alexis not seeming to feel like Kate is cutting in on her time with her dad or anything. It was kind of cute how she was ...fussing over Rick, though I agree, she did take it a bit far. But it is good that it came up and they dealt with it. Maybe this was what they meant when they talked about Alexis having PTSD tied to Rick being gone.
Yes episode 6. That is supposed to have the alternate episode and the wedding. So not sure how much time either will get...but least they will soon be married.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #325 on:
October 22, 2014, 10:12:24 PM »
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Look like the next episode will be a fun episode aswell. Rick joining the social media huh? What can possible go wrong there?
So in ep 6 that will be both the alternate AND the wedding? Will those two be in the same episode? Will the wedding be the real thing then?
I'm a bit confused right now.
We'll Always Have Paris.
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #326 on:
October 23, 2014, 02:30:02 AM »
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It does look like it will be fun too. Did you see the sneak peek when Martha is trying to help him prepare before he films a ...I guess it is a commercial.
From my understanding, episode 6 is doing both what if Rick and Kate never met, then the wedding. It is supposed to be the real wedding.
Like I said, I'm not how I feel about the alternate world thing in general, let alone with the wedding in the same episode. Not sure how it will work. All I can think of now of how they can make it work would be if the episode starts with Rick and Kate talking...like how she said at the end of the second episode they would take about the wedding again in a month. So they are talking and one of them says something about what do you think it would be like if we hadn't met...then it goes into that story..maybe Rick telling it since he is the writer. So it could get...odd or silly. But by the end of the story they realize they are back to their solid ground and ready to get married...so off they go to the court house or somewhere. But that is just speculation on my part of course.
After everything they have gone through to get to the wedding, and what the audience has been through, would like to see more than them just walking in the room or something. Also guess I would prefer if they are showing calling a few people - her dad, Martha, Alexis, Ryan, Esposito, Lanie...and then they go and do it. At this point, would be ok if only her dad, Martha, and Alexis are there. yes they could just alone and tell everyone after the fact, but look at all the angst that caused with Alexis last year just over the engagement. Well really, I'll pretty much be happy as long as the wedding happens some way. Just think it would be nice if at least a few people were there.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #327 on:
October 23, 2014, 10:53:28 PM »
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Hm, so the altarnate episode AND the wedding episode will be the one and the same episode? I'm just confused now. I thought maby the wedding episode would be an episode alone? But its not? well. What does that mean? Since my english isnt my first language can explain what "the altarnate episode" really means?
And why isnt the wedding episode a' episode for itself? If you understand my question.
When it comes to the wedding, i dont care who's there. Aslong as Kate and Rick is there and they say "yes" i'm happy with it. I actually just hope its their closest family. Alexis, Martha and Kate's dad. If Espo & Co comes that allright too. But if not, thats ok aswell. Most important is that Kate and Rick is saying yes.
In Norway the season 7 airs on tv on thursday's. And i just rewatched the episode there aswell. Since i'm watching it first when it airs in usa. So thats nice
Even with subtitles
We'll Always Have Paris.
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #328 on:
October 24, 2014, 06:48:25 AM »
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It doesn't look like the wedding will fill an entire episode. That would make more sense to me really, especially after everything that Rick and Kate have gone through to get to the wedding...and what the fans have waited through to get to that point too. But it doesn't look like that will happen. I don't know specifics or anything and haven't seen any promos yet of course - we'll get the first one Monday - but it seems, just from the little I have heard about the episode that it isn't just the wedding. I don't know for sure why they are doing it this way. Depending on how they handle it, they could still disappoint fans even with them being married.
Like I said, I think it would make more sense for the wedding to get more attention myself. However, what they did last season...building up to basically nothing, I have a feeling it will be very different this time. Unfortunately, I really won't be surprised if the wedding doesn't take up much time. I hope that isn't the case...but, I'm not holding my breath. And you are right, the most important thing is them saying yes and actually getting married. At this point, I just hope we see the entire wedding - whether it is just them going to the court house, or they have a small ceremony somewhere with family and few friends. I guess I am ...slightly concerned that the wedding won't really be seen..we'll get to the last few minutes and they walk in to where ever they are getting married and then the episode is over. That will annoy me. Yes I'll be happy that they are married, but I'll be annoyed too.
From what I have read, the alternate part is supposed to somehow show how Rick and Kate would be if they had never met. So...Kate hiding in another relationship that really doesn't mean squat...Rick still a playboy...at least in his public image since he usually didn't take that home. Bracken is president or the front runner since he wouldn't have been exposed. That sort of stuff. I have wondered if they will have Montgomery back in that part of the episode.
The alternate thing could be interesting...it just may be too much to put in the same episode as the wedding. One or other will get short changed with it set up like this. I don't even know if Rick and Kate will decide by the end of the next episode that they want to move forward with the wedding or if that waits till the 6th episode too. No idea if there will be any sort of discussion about where to have it or what. I think it would make sense to show them talking about it some and doing the little planning they need to - I'm guessing this is going to happen in a short time frame, so no elaborate plans. But little things...like where...do they do it alone or have close family...few friends. That stuff I would be good with. Just no clue if any of that will make it in the episode. It would be nice if there was a little bit of a reception or something at the loft afterwards. Jim, Martha, Alexis, Lanie, Esposito, Ryan, Jenny....heck even Gates at this point.
She has grown on me. Anyway, something like that would be nice. I'm just not holding my breath for it. Trying not to get too.....hmmmm. well. Not have too many expectations beyond the wedding happening after the disaster that was the finale.
I just tried to look, and so far, still no information on the 6th episode anywhere...at least no guest cast or anything. That would at least show if Jim would be there. I think it would be nice to see him around a little more...see how he and Martha get along now. Yes they were better by the end of that episode..just be nice to see that friendship continue a bit. And see him and Alexis. Anyway....I rambled again. lol
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #329 on:
October 25, 2014, 10:43:20 PM »
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Hehe, its a great season so far. Even tho its been only 4 episodes. Quality so far. I really like how Stana and Nathan is working together. I know i shouldnt be wondering this (since it doesnt matter at all) But do you think Stana and Nathan are good friends? I know i shouldnt care at all, as long as they do their job on screen.
Anyways, i guess i'm looking forward to the wedding episode. It will be nice to see them get married i guess. But i wont be thinking too much about how and when i guess. Since they had the whole big wedding episode in S06 i'm pretty sure they wont do that twice. I think this will be a small wedding maby at the city hall or something. With just their families or some witnesses only. When they do get married i'm 100% sure that it will be in character for both Rick and Kate. Something nice and sweet.
So the alternate episode, we will see what would happen if Rick and Kate never met huh? I guess that could be interesting enough. As long as we dont see Kate and Espo hooking up. I wouldnt like that for some reason. But i guess it will be a great episode all in all. AM & Co said something about it would be a fan favorite. They usually delivers on their promises. So i have faith in them. Wonder if there will be a "case of the week" when they have the wedding episode.
And for people to join the wedding. I dont want to see too many people there actually. Esposito\Lanie and Martha\Alexis. Thats it. In Norway we dont invite our bosses to our wedding if they are not a good personal friend. We dont invite them just because they are the boss. I dont know what you guys usually do in USA tho? So i dont want to see Gates in the wedding.
We'll Always Have Paris.
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