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Topic: Castle - Spoiler (Read 62190 times)
Heavy Poster
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #285 on:
September 22, 2014, 11:02:17 PM »
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If there is anyone who can be a "asshole" or a jackass with the main cast. Its Espo without a doubt. We've seen that in the past. But man do i hope its the FBI or someone from the outside. I would only hope that Espo, Ryan, Lanie would know Rick by now. And know that he would never do such a thing. But if they decide to go that route i would first be very surprised and a bit annoyed. But i would have to think they would have a reason to do something like that. It would be a risky buisness when it comes to us fans!
I read the buddy review after the screening. And man did their review get people talking about the episode?! woop woop. I guess that is what they wanted? And i saw you didnt like it either. What was it with it that you didnt like?
Me for one isnt that worried (yet) i see alot of people asking about Rick. Is he a super secret agent? Of course not! Does this kidnapping have anything to do with some research he did? And got to close too the wrong people? I think that would be the most logical thing tho. And\or did Rick tell Kate about it? Or didnt he? Is that reason for her to think about stuff? We all know that Rick and Kate will get out of this mess MUCH stronger. They will never break them up. Wich they said this summer aswell. Enjoy the ride! I know i will! And its only a week left!!!
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #286 on:
September 23, 2014, 12:11:35 AM »
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Yup....Esposito can be a jerk at times...and then others he is fine. Hopefully he doesn't go into asshole mode with this. But he did seem more willing to buy that Rick was the killer when 3XK set him up...even Lanie when she talked to Kate seemed to buy it was possible. That sort of nonsense I don't like and don't want to see a repeat of even if it is just for a few scenes or something.
I don't remember everything from that one now...I am trying to forget it really. It did annoy me last night when I read it..and I regretted reading it. There was something said that made it seem like, at least to me, that the writer was hinting that Rick was....somehow involved in his disappearance. Not just that he came across something or whatever..that he was a willing participant. I don't care for that idea at all. Then there was stuff about everyone, and even the fans, will be doubting basically everything about Rick and if he and Kate should even be together by the end of the episode. I don't want to see anything like that at all for any reason even if it is fixed in the next episode. Just no. Stop screwing with the fans with that artificial angst/drama crap. I'm calling it artificial since they have said that there is no long term damage to Rick and Kate - which I didn't like the sound of that because of the wording..long term damage...like they will screw them up for an episode or 2 or something and then fix it. Just no. That's not needed and will just annoy me. They can add drama through the stories - 3XK, Rick's dad...whatever...just don't screw with the relationship, even for the short term, at this point in the series. It doesn't add anything for me. And yes I know strong relationships face obstacles that they get past and all that. Rick and Kate have already done that, more than once. How the hell many obstacles should they have to deal with? After a certain point, it just gets ridiculous.
Anyway...back to that one article that irked me. There was also more in it that was hinting that Rick had been sneaking around in the last few months before his disappearance, keeping something from Kate. I don't like that idea either...unless it turns out that he was hunting for the absolute perfect wedding present for her. Otherwise, no. They got past all the secret stuff after the end of season 5. Maybe...Rick became aware of some sort of threat toward him that he didn't share because he didn't want to worry her before the wedding....or while trying to deal with Bracken...but even that would be stretching it. They don't keep secrets anymore - they both got burned by doing that before..we're past it. To do that again would be regressing Rick, not moving him forward.
Anyway...I think that was the main stuff that I didn't like with that review. I don't want to read it again to see if I missed something.
I don't really think he is a spy...or was a spy. At least not like James Bond type of spy. Maybe when he did the research with Sophia at the CIA he came across some useful tidbits of information here and there to the point where he did some kind of ...analyst type work for a bit..maybe. But not full on spy. Did he uncover something while doing research at the CIA? That is highly probable I think. Especially since at least one of the review/teaser things mentions that there is an unpublished Storm novel that no one knew about until some point in the investigation. Maybe he came across something that the CIA wanted covered up for whatever reason...or just wrote something that was too close to a current operation or something like that...and it is now coming back to cause trouble. Rick could have seen something while following someone else as research into another character. We already know Rick has developed some what questionable contacts over the years from research - the jewel thief...mob people... So Rick could have see something with one of those people..maybe it didn't seem like much of anything at the time, but turns out to be huge and someone wants to make sure Rick keeps his trap shut. It could be that it was something that Rick hasn't even thought of in ages.
As to if he mentioned something to Kate...I don't know. We don't know for sure that he told her everything about the time he spent following Sophia at the CIA. All we saw was just a little bit in those episodes. But we don't know everything the two of them have talked about, especially in the last season. Like at the beginning of Veritas when Kate was following the one guy...at first it seemed like she was doing it all herself and not telling Rick. Then we find out that they had been working on it together before he had to leave town for a book tour - something that hadn't come up before that. So there would be more stuff like that I'd think. But he may not have told her everything about the research stuff he'd done before working with her. Hmmm. I don't know.
I guess I'm just a little tired of waiting for the new episodes. Though after reading some stuff, I almost dread seeing what they do.
I am just about to the point where I just want these few episodes over with so we get back to normal between them.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Heavy Poster
Posts: 2140
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #287 on:
September 24, 2014, 10:27:40 PM »
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Well, first of all lets just remember that the screener and the review of the screener is put there to make us (the fans) talking about the show. And they have done a great job with that. Me and you are talking about it here. And people are talking about it elsewhere on the social media aswell. What will happen? Whatsup with Rick etc? This is exactly what AM&Co wanted. I got a few questions myself after reading some reviews. But i'm not worried. Not at all. I'm not annoyed. hey, look we dont really know what happened in the screener do we? Because the reviews i've read wasnt spoilery at all. And the screener isnt the whole episode is it? Dont think it was that before anyways. But it got us talking. But i will give my 2 cents anyways. Not that my 2 cents is worth much. But here goes. I dont know what all that spy bs is, but we all know Rick isnt a spy. And when it comes to Rick's dad, i dont think he's had any contact with him. Not after what happened last time he was at the show. Plus his busy scedual (the actor behind the character) But maby he will work in the background when\if he finds out that Rick is gone. Rick keeping secrets from Kate again? We dont know that at all! Or do we? We dont know what he's been up to either. Maby he did some research for his new book? And then Kate would know he's doing his research. But maby not all the details? Wich i would find totally normal and ok. Then she would know what he was doing, therefore no secrets.
And we also know that AM&Co WONT mess with Kate and Rick at all. Even tho if it only would be for a real short time. 2 episodes or whatever. Wont happen. They have said many times that this will ONLY strengthen their relationship. And AM&Co have always delivered what they have promised. ALWAYS. In S04 he said there would be a few dark episodes that will mess with our DD before they get a good reward in the end. We did get that reward! And he kept his promises in both S05 and S06 aswell. With a twist that many fans didnt enjoy. But i belive that he did it for a reason! And i got faith in AM. He's done what he said he would do. And i think he will still keep his promises. And lets be honest. Rick didnt do anything. But they try to make our head spins.
Rick is kidnapped for some reason. Why? When will find out who did it? And why? I think it can be a arc troughout this season maby.
Will they find Rick in the first episode? I really hoped so. I really did. But now i'm not sure anymore. Now it looks like he wont be found until episode 2 or something. I hope i'm wrong.
And for all the "jackasses" at Castle.. Well i can see Espo say something. And MABY Lanie. But i'm not really sure. Maby they would just do that to stirr the pot.
What i do know IS that in only a few days we will (hopefully) have a alot of answers! I know if Espo or Lanie starts to act up and blame Rick i wouldnt be a happy camper at all. AM is better then that!
And whatsup with all the CIA talk and talk about Sofia? Was there something i missed? Is CIA involved in his kidnapping? And didnt Sofia die that time? When she got shot in the head? I think to remember something like that.
There is a sneak peek out on the other forum. A interesting one too. Nothing much new, but we get to see some great acting by Stana, just in the few seconds we saw! It will be a great episode if she can keep this up!!
Wow, it will be great to get all of my shows back on the screen! Been waiting for this since May!
Thats it.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #288 on:
September 25, 2014, 05:59:05 AM »
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Unhuh....I know, but when they spin stuff this way, I don't like it. The more I read, the more uneasy I am getting and if they screw around too much with Rick and Kate, some people are gonna give up on teh show. I've already seen comments from different people who say they are done after the finale..that what they have heard about the new season doesn't sound good to them at all and they are done..stuff like that. So it is a possibility. The writers have to be very, very careful with what they are doing or they risk turning off the long term fans. They want to explore more from Rick's past...fine. Just don't screw up his character and turn him into a bad guy in some way....and damn sure don't screw with Rick and Kate. Enough with all these "tests" to their relationship and their trust in each other. It is aggravating and annoying and makes me lose interest.
Some people evidently think it will come out that Rick is a spy or agent for the CIA. His traveling for book tours would give him reason to do...something for the CIA or FBI or whoever. And it would explain why he can shoot. While that may be true, I really don't think he's a spy of some sort. He has shown, over and over, that while he can be helpful to an investigation, he doesn't follow directions or rules well.
I do think it is possible that back when he was doing research at the CIA he may have seen something...noticed something that is now coming back to cause the trouble. I could see him doing like he did at the 12th at first, looking at stuff he wasn't supposed to ....or pointing out something small that helped to solve a case. I can't remember everything from when Sophia was around, but I'm thinking she made some remark about how Rick could be helpful in investigations or something like that. Hmm. Those episodes aren't my favorites because of how Sophia was ...getting little digs in toward Kate and stuff. Even before we found out she was dirty, I didn't like Sophia. I don't always watch them when I rewatch the show. Anyway, Rick may have discovered something back then that is linked to his disappearance.
From what I have read about the screeners, it sounds like it was the full episode. One of the writers mentioned how ABC limited them on what they could say about the episode before the premiere. One was asked something about Rick's condition when he is found or something like that, and the writer said they couldn't confirm or deny if he was found in the episode, per ABC. So it could be that some idiot at ABC decided to exaggerate and spin stuff. I think some stuff, beyond the Alexis situation, was exaggerated last year too. Stuff about how Kate's new partner would come between Kate and Rick...something like that. Which didn't happen. I hate that someone decides shows should be promoted this way. It just ticks me off and irritates me...like most cliffhangers do. Although, the stuff coming out before the new season last year didn't bug me like it is this year. Of course, I didn't have the issues with the previous finale that I do this time either.
I have now read more than one review of the screener that says all kinds of doubts about Rick are going to come up, we'll be shocked by who was behind his vanishing act - and vanishing act is what was in at least one article. That makes it sound more like they are trying to imply Rick was in on it calling it a vanishing act instead of a kidnapping or disappearance. I have read more than one that says by the end of the episode, fans will question if Rick and Kate should even be together. That sort of crap is what I don't want to see and will just tick me off. Frankly, what some of these people have written makes the episode sound terrible and not something I want to see.
I am getting to the point where I almost dread watching it...almost feel like waiting and watching after they get past the episodes with the bullshit. I just don't know right now. And yes I know that Marlowe and the new guy have said that Rick and Kate will come out of this stronger than before. That's great, but there is no need to screw around with the characters this way for basically no reason other than fake drama and angst...and I hate when shows do that. They can explore Rick's past without turning him into some sort of bad guy...and some of what I have read about the first episode sounds like they are going that way. It is making me very uneasy even if it is just for an episode or two...or three. I still don't like the sounds of it. I just hope most of the stuff has been vastly, and I do mean vastly, exaggerated. Even if the stuff is fixed fairly soon, it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Depending on how stuff is handled, this episode could end up as one of the few I won't watch again. And if they drag this nonsense out too long, they are going to turn off more viewers.
I guess I'm just a bit....frustrated right now and just want the mess fixed without a lot of long term damage.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Heavy Poster
Posts: 2140
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #289 on:
September 25, 2014, 05:38:07 PM »
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I will try to answer your points.
With vierws saying "oh, i wont watch the show next season" and blah blah blah. Thats getting old, and its getting old fast. Every year we have fans saying that. And still every year they got bigger and better ratings. More fans tuning in on Monday nights. And the Castle merchindise (if thats how i spell it) is a goldmine for ABC. So they are doing something right i guess? I mean, there is alot of people who is watching this show. And they cant please'em all you know. Someone is watching the show because of the weekly murder. But some is watching it because of 'Caskett' So when we get a episode with almost nothing of Caskett moments. Some fans will be unhappy. But other fans will enjoy it. Because of the case. AM & Co messing with Rick and Kate, i dont see that happening you know. A few reasons for that. 1, they know how many shippers there are out there. They wouldnt risk it. And IF something would happen to mess with Rick and Kate, there would be no show. Rick would never be around the precinct or even Kate if they would have a real big fight. So nope, not even for a few episodes. Look how Rick reacted when Kate went to DC without telling him. I personally guess (since i dont know jack about whats really going on) that ABC is doing whatever they can to get people talking about it. And so far its working pretty darn well if you ask me. And with the whole spy and CIA thing. I dont buy it really. If it turns out that Rick is actually a spy and didnt tell Kate about it, their relationship is build on a lie. And that would kill the show. Kate would drop him faster than you could say it. And its NOT in character at all. Wich they are very strict on. Character this and character that. They dont do things with our DD if its not in their character. So i dunno.
What is more likely for me (i might be wrong ofc) is that Rick was doing some research for the Derek Storm or something, and got a bit too noisy or something. And the wrong people found out. Or maby they (AM&Co) will do something we havent thought about yet. Something that will come as a surprise to us all. They are known to do that.
And for the reviews after the screening. I see many of the reviews are negative about Rick. And if Rick and Kate even should be together? Ehm.. I dont even know what to say about that? Have they seen the show the last few years?! I dont know what will happen in the episode.. But please, come on? Really? I hope they are wrong. And for the Rick is found or still missing after the first episode. I personally hope he's found after the 1st episode. But i'm not 100% sure anymore. I just hope they find him soon. (in the end of the first episode.)
I try to take what the people are saying 1 week before the show starts with a grain of salt. I think they will say whatever they can to make us talk about it.
I'm looking forward to this episode, just to see what actually happens. And after the first episode i will than know what to think. I'm not sure anymore what to think. People are saying soo much different stuff. The show has gotten it buzz anyways!
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #290 on:
September 25, 2014, 09:36:18 PM »
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I'm not saying that I'm stopping watching, but I can see why some people may be considering that at this point. Massive disappointment after the finale and now the stuff that is coming out is not exactly......well. It doesn't sound that good to some people. All the negative nonsense toward Rick...all the doubts that will come up, even fans will doubt him and the relationship ..etc. I'm not liking that talk either, so I get why some may feel like the show has reached the point where they don't want to put up with anymore. ABC and the writers, showrunner, Marlowe, shouldn't dismiss the people expressing those thoughts quickly. For everyone that has actually posted somewhere, there are probably more sitting at home feeling the same way. I do think it is possible for a show to go to far in attempts to "shake things up" or add new stuff that they screw up what people originally liked about the show. When that happens, people stop enjoying the show and stop watching.
To some people, what is going on - the messed up wedding, Rick being missing, and now looking like doubts are raised about him - is screwing with Rick and Kate. And it is pointless since Marlowe and all of them keep saying that in the long term they will be ok and together. So just let them be together already and stop this nonsense. 3XK and Dr. Psycho can come back and try to wreck havoc someway. Bit more with Jackson. Fine. This other stuff just feels more...well like what would happen on a soap opera and I don't like it in Castle.
I'm not saying that the show is on the verge of a huge ratings plummet. I'm just saying that the writers and Marlowe had better been damn careful with what they are doing right now. If they don't handle the first few episodes and the mess they created well, then I can definitely can see people getting disgusted and giving up on the show. I don't want that to happen...but it could.
I do NOT think that Rick is a spy. I think it is more likely somehow tied to when he was researching a book. Possibly way back when he first started the Derrick Storm books. He saw something or discovered something that didn't mean much back then...maybe a bit of that has been in one of the new Storm books in a way. The Heat books have definite connections to some of the cases that Rick and Kate have worked on, so I think it makes sense that the Storm books would tie in to some real stuff as well. Heck, with the first new Storm book that came out, the main bad guy had the same name as that creep who was behind Alexis's kidnapping. So it would make sense that some little bit of something real ended up in one of the books that the bad guy found out about and pushed him to act now.
I don't think it makes sense that Rick would have been keeping something from Kate in the last few months before the wedding, though evidently, the investigation is supposed to bring up something like that. Which is stupid. They got away from the secret crap and should not be going back down that disastrous path. The only thing that I think would make sense in that regards - Rick having a secret from Kate - would be if he was planning a surprise for her...finding the perfect wedding present for her or something special for the honeymoon other than wherever they said they were going - some tropical island I think. anything else would just be bullshit.
I have seen some people still claiming that what is going on is Rick getting back at Kate for The Lives of Others. While I still think he will come up with something for that eventually, I don't see this being it. Not going this far...with him being missing and how that will impact not only Kate but his mom and Alexis. He may like to play jokes and stuff, but he isn't cruel and that would be cruel. Some that have seen the episode claim what comes out about the disappearance is shocking. I will....get pissed if go and have Rick a willing participant someway. I have read one or two things that say Rick is shown in the episode and it is very surprising. So not sure what to make of that.
I know stuff can get exaggerated or twisted...or spun. It just seems worse to me this time. I don't know.
Heck, maybe Sorensen, Demming, Josh, Pi, and Agent Partner all got together because they were pissed how they were portrayed in the last two Storm books and plotted revenge. heck...maybe Josh or Demming were heartbroken when she dumped them and the wedding pushed them over the edge so they went after Rick.
Yes I know those are crazy ideas, but they would make more sense to me than Rick being a bad guy.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Heavy Poster
Posts: 2140
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #291 on:
September 26, 2014, 11:29:51 AM »
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Well, its allready Friday here. So its just a small weekend and then its Castle! There is two (?) sneak peeks out there that i've seen. And both of them are real intense and we get to see some great acting from Stana. Wich is some of the things i'm looking the most forward to. Nathan had his moment in the two parter when Alexis was kidnapped. And man did he knock it out of the park. And now its finally Stana's turn. I think she will be amazing.. We all know she is truly amazing with her facial expressions and stuff. And now this is hopefully her chance to shine and show us that she is the A-list actress (we the fans) think she is. Or know she is.
And i wont write too much about all the theories about what happend with Rick, and the whole spy thing. I will wait till the episode is finished. And after that i will have something to say about it. But i still think AM&Co knows how important it is NOT to mess with our DD. So anything else would shock me really. So i guess we will wait and see what happens really. Because i've only seen 2 sneak peeks. Read some reviews and interviews from the cast. I havent seen the screener, so i dont have a clue on whats really happening in the episode. I can only guess ofc. But if they dont find Rick in the first episode, i wont mind it that much if it fits the story. AND Kate & Co, knows a bit more about where he is. And that Rick didnt have anything to do with it. Dont want it haning in the air for a week. I hope this is the closing "2nd part" of a 2parter that started last season. I guess its only 3 days left before we finds out eh?
I can hardly wait.
Have a nice weekend and stuff!
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #292 on:
September 27, 2014, 05:51:01 AM »
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I know it isn't much longer. It just seems like it has been too long already. The extra delay for Forever to start in the Castle time slot last Monday didn't help.
By the way, Forever is pretty good.
Back to Castle... I'm just....anxious and a little....apprehensive at this point. I guess from some stuff I've read, I'm worried about what they did in this episode related to why Rick is gone and if they can properly pull it off.
I was thinking later last night about something. Almost every season has started having Rick and Kate apart for a few months for one reason or another.
Between season 1 and 2 was because Kate basically kicked him out after he told her about looking into her mom's murder.
Between season 2 and 3, Rick went to the Hamptons to finish his book and he started seeing Gina again.
4 starts up right after Kate is shot and then jumps forward like 2 or 3 months, during which Kate wouldn't contact Rick.
Beginning of 5 there is no time apart. It skips forward a bit between the first two episodes, but presumably, they have been together during that time.
6 picks up with the proposal..then jumps forward 6 or 8 weeks and we find out that they had been apart most of that time because of her training and his book tour stuff.
Now this year, they are going to be apart because of him being taken. I am getting a bit tired of this happening every year even though it has been for different reasons. Frequently, because of the tension or awkwardness caused by the separation, the first episode of the new seasons haven't been as good for me since they had to deal with all that crap again. And now, here we are, waiting for that again. That has just gotten a little old for me. Of course it doesn't help that I don't like how last season ended at all.
Depending on how everything is handled, this first episode may end up being another of the ones I don't like that much ...and one that I may not fully watch again. If there is suspicion cast on Rick, I won't like it. I didn't like it in Probable Cause when he was looking guilty and Esposito and Lanie seemed willing to believe he turned psycho killer. Anything like that goes on again - and it sounds like it might - I won't like.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Posts: 2140
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #293 on:
September 27, 2014, 11:46:33 PM »
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So, its only 2 days left! And we've gotten a few sneak peeks allready! (2? or was it 3?) So i dont think we will get any more sneak peeks before it starts.
But hey, thats ok. I've been waiting since May. So i'll wait 2 short days. And then we will have 10 episodes of Castle before a week break or something? The usual i guess it is. There is so much i'm looking forward to in the first episode you know. But mostly is to see Stana act. She is just brilliant. Or atleast she has shown that she can be, when she is handed the opportunity. And i both hope and think she will make the best of it. I think (when Castle is done, the show that is) i think we actually might see Stana at the bigscreens you know. She is so talented that she wouldnt have any problem making great movies. She's proven herself and she's proven alot when Castle started. She's grown with the show. And she's done a great job. She wasnt a known name when she started. (not for me anyways) just small parts here and there. But Nathan is Nathan. Aaanyways, over to the show for a bit and the timejump.
I read somewhere that there will be a 2 month timejump in the first episode. And i mean, 2 months is a really long time if you ask me. What does that mean? (if its true. i dont know that ofc) Have they found Rick yet? Or will he be missing for such a long time as 2 months? And IF he's missing for over 2 months. What will that both do with Rick, Kate, Espo, his family etc? Will they lose faith in finding him alive? Or finding him at all? But if he's found before the timejump, then what?
Ah, i'm glad we get some answers real soon! I just hope that the precinct and the guys dont belive that this is something that Rick has done himself. Because he got cold feets or something else weird..
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #294 on:
September 28, 2014, 01:55:52 AM »
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From some of what I read, it sounds like Rick is missing after the time jump. Kate has kept looking.... might be after the jump when the stuff that is supposed to shock everyone starts coming out.
Though I could be wrong. I don't know.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Heavy Poster
Posts: 2140
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #295 on:
September 28, 2014, 02:20:56 PM »
Thank god its Monday real soon!
We'll Always Have Paris.
Heavy Poster
Posts: 2140
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #296 on:
September 28, 2014, 05:53:55 PM »
Its spoilery.. So read it at your own risk
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There is a new sneak peek out from ABC. A bit extended preview from the sneak peek when Kate goes down to the wreck.
And i am a bit worried about Espo.. He looks like he suspect Rick of something. Maby its Espo that will doubt Rick? I wouldnt like it tho. But, what you think?
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #297 on:
September 29, 2014, 12:07:35 AM »
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I saw that little bit. Martha taking Kate to change clothes..the guys starting to look. Alexis just there and not saying anything. Ryan found the busted taillight and Espo found signs that Rick was dragged out of the car.
I'm not sure what to think about Espo...he has been kind of ....nasty at times, and quick to side against Rick, so who knows. I think he is probably the most likely to be doubting Rick, but I hate, hate, hate, that idea. Espo should damn well know better by now. He's never been shy about hitting up Rick for favors - like the Ferrari - but he is so fast to doubt. It is aggravating. If he starts that nonsense, Kate needs to tell him off. Though I would hope, if he does think that, that he wouldn't be stupid enough to spout it off to Kate. Then they all need to slap the shit out of him.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Heavy Poster
Posts: 2140
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #298 on:
September 29, 2014, 11:00:57 PM »
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Hehe, its only a few hours before the new episode! And i cant wait really. Alot of questions i want answered. I understand all of the questions wont be answered in this episode.. I just read a interview somewhere that hinted to that Rick maby would be found in the first episode. And they will use episode 2 to find who kidnapped him.
And if thats true, that would be real interesting. But right now i'm taking everything they say with a grain of salt. But just in a few small hours i guess we will have more answers..
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #299 on:
September 30, 2014, 12:26:49 AM »
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I don't have a problem with not having all the answers to why Rick was taken right away. Just get Rick home soon and have stuff back to normal between him and Kate. And none of this nonsense that Rick was a willing participant in vanishing. That will tick me off even if it is just for a few scenes or something.
I did read one thing that said about some of the clues causing Kate to doubt something briefly before dismissing the doubts. Well...ok....just get this mess fixed.
I'm just to the point where I am almost afraid to see what they are going to do. Part of it may be, at least indirectly, because of what happened with Bones. Not that I think Castle is going to kill someone off or anything...just am still feeling a bit.....wary about shocks and surprises from premieres I guess.
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