I just got a DVD Set that has a lot of the Hellraiser movies and a lot (all?... 5) of the Prophecy movies.
One of the Hellraiser discs contains 3 movies (on a single sided disc!?!
It contains...
Hellraiser: Hellseeker (2002)
Hellraiser: Hellworld (2005)
Hellraiser: Deader (2005)
As you can see the last 2 are both 2005 releases... IMDB lists Deader as part 7 and Hellworld as part 8. The DVD menu makes me think it is Hellworld as part 7 and Deader as part 8...
So my question is... to those who have seen the movies...Which is should be watched first Hellworld or Deader... or does it even matter storyline wise?
I want to get them in order in profiler so I know what order to watch them in when October gets here.