Author Topic: Topic of the Month: May 2012 — Birthdays  (Read 8620 times)

Offline addicted2dvd

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Re: Topic of the Month: May 2012 — Birthdays
« Reply #15 on: May 15, 2012, 03:15:37 PM »

Series: Samantha Who?
Episode: s1e15 The Birthday
Who's Birthday: Samantha

In the season finale, Samantha is beginning to think that Chloe is using the sympathy card by saying her aunt is sick, just so Todd won't break up with her like he promised Samantha. Andrea and Regina are having several disagreements over how to plan Samantha's birthday party.

My Thoughts:
This is a fun episode of the first season. I enjoyed it more then I expected to actually. I kinda got a kick out of how they made this party to be her "first" birthday... since this is her first birthday since her amnesia.

My Rating:

Goal: 43
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Offline addicted2dvd

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Re: Topic of the Month: May 2012 — Birthdays
« Reply #16 on: May 15, 2012, 08:52:32 PM »

Series: King of Queens
Episode: s1e12 Crappy Birthday
Who's Birthday: Carrie

Doug subscribes for a sports game on television, not realizing it falls on the same night as Carrie's birthday. Luckily for Doug, Carrie is depressed about her new age, so Doug makes up a lie about having plans so he can sound like he remembered.

My Thoughts:
While I always liked this show... this particular episode just didn't really do it for me. I don't know... I just didn't even get a chuckle out of it. At least it was another episode where the entire storyline centered around her birthday.

My Rating:

Goal: 43
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Offline addicted2dvd

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Re: Topic of the Month: May 2012 — Birthdays
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2012, 04:06:07 PM »

Series: M*A*S*H
Episode: s2e17 For Want of a Boot
Who's Birthday: Major Frank Burns

Hawkeye starts a chain reaction of inter-Army bartering as he wheels and deals for a new pair of boots.

My Thoughts:
M*A*S*H... Always a fun series... and one I haven't watched any episodes in quite a while. In this episode the birthday storyline is really just a side thing as Hawkeye must promise to throw Frank Burns a birthday party to get a favor from Margaret in order to get the boots he needs. A god episode with several laughs.

My Rating:

Goal: 43
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Offline addicted2dvd

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Re: Topic of the Month: May 2012 — Birthdays
« Reply #18 on: May 16, 2012, 04:52:50 PM »

Series: M*A*S*H
Episode: s5e14 The Most Unforgettable Characters
Who's Birthday: Major Frank Burns

While Radar enrolls in a writing school, Hawkeye and B.J. decide to make Frank happy on his birthday by pretending to be fighting with each other.

My Thoughts:
Another good episode that had several laughs in it. The birthday storyline was definitely more funny then the writing school stuff. It was kinda fun seeing Hawkeye and B.J. going at each other for a change... even if it all was (well mostly) acting to entertain Frank.

My Rating:

Goal: 43
Watched: 15
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Offline addicted2dvd

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Re: Topic of the Month: May 2012 — Birthdays
« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2012, 10:06:59 PM »

Series: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Episode: s2e13 Surprise
Who's Birthday: Buffy

Drusilla reassembles the Judge, an unstoppable demon; Buffy and Angel consummate their relationship.

My Thoughts:
The first Birthday episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a 2-part episode. And I think it is safe to say my favorite of the Buffy's Birthday episodes. What with it happening in season 2 (one of my favorite seasons of the series)... at the very beginning of what is probably my favorite Buffy storyline (Evil Angel). Naturally since it is a 2-part episode... there was no way I could only watch the first half... so I ended up watching both episodes.

My Rating:

Goal: 43
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Offline addicted2dvd

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Re: Topic of the Month: May 2012 — Birthdays
« Reply #20 on: May 20, 2012, 05:04:09 PM »

Series: Lost
Episode: s1e18 Numbers
Who's Birthday: Claire

Michael begins building a new raft. He tells Jack that the chances of them being found while they're on the raft will be increased if they can send out a distress signal. With the transceiver needing new batteries, Hurley remembers Sayid mentioning that the Frenchwoman had batteries. He suggests that they try and find her. While searching for Rousseau's lair, Hurley discovers that the island may be linked to a secret from his own past.

My Thoughts:
OK... this one may be a little of a stretch as the whole birthday storyline is one short scene where Claire tells Locke that it is her birthday as they work on a cradle for Claire's baby. But what can I say?... I recently started to watch this series and it has me so hooked I haven't been able to pull myself away from it to work on this marathon. At this rate I may not make my goal.

My Rating:

Goal: 43
Watched: 17
Left: 26

Offline addicted2dvd

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Re: Topic of the Month: May 2012 — Birthdays
« Reply #21 on: May 22, 2012, 11:47:04 PM »

Series: I Love Lucy
Episode: s6e13 Lucy and Superman
Who's Birthday: Little Ricky

Lucy promises Little Ricky that Superman (George Reeves) will be at his birthday party, but when it looks like he can't make it, she tries to fill the bill herself.

My Thoughts:
This has always been one of my favorite episodes of I Love Lucy. I guess this is because I also always been a fan of Adventures of Superman. It really is a hilarious episode. My favorite line in this episode is the very last in the episode...

Ricky: In all the 15 years we been married this is the craziest stunt you ever pulled!
Superman: Wait a minute, you been married to her for 15 years?
Ricky: Yeah, 15 years!
Superman: And they call me Superman!


As many times as I have seen this episode over the years—and there has been MANY times—I still can't help but to laugh out loud on that scene. As well as many other scenes for that matter. A great episode! But not only is that line funny... the expressing that comes over Lucy's face when he says it is just plain priceless. An all-around hilarious episode!

My Rating:

Goal: 43
Watched: 18
Left: 25

Offline addicted2dvd

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Re: Topic of the Month: May 2012 — Birthdays
« Reply #22 on: May 23, 2012, 01:12:56 AM »

Series: Smallville
Episode: s4e8 Spell
Who's Birthday: Chloe

As Clark and Lois arrange a surprise 18th birthday party for Chloe, Lana receives a mysterious book that belonged to her French ancestor Isabel, who was burned as a witch in the 1600's. Through the book, Isabelle possesses Lana's body and she resurrects two other witches in the bodies of Chloe and Lois. The trio set about tracking down the Kryptonian Stones, spelling trouble for Jason, Lex and Clark.

My Thoughts:
Definitely not the best episode out there... but I enjoyed it some. Of course the girls looked great in this one. But I never did care too much for the Isobel storyline in Smallville.

My Rating:

Goal: 43
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Offline addicted2dvd

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Re: Topic of the Month: May 2012 — Birthdays
« Reply #23 on: May 23, 2012, 02:34:13 PM »

Series: Smallville
Episode: s8e17 Hex
Who's Birthday: Chloe

The magician ZANTANNA makes wishes come true...but every wish has consequences. When Chloe wishes she can have an uncomplicated lide like Lois does, she becomes Lois. And Clark? He just wants to be normal.

My Thoughts:
This episode is better then I remember it being. It all starts with a birthday wish Chloe makes... in front of Zatana in her first appearance in Smallville. I have seen the whole switched bodies storyline many times before... so nothing really original here. But it is worth a watch. I did however like the way it ended... with Chloe discovering what she really wants and with the help of Oliver Queen starting up the Watchtower.

My Rating:

Goal: 43
Watched: 20
Left: 23

Offline addicted2dvd

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Re: Topic of the Month: May 2012 — Birthdays
« Reply #24 on: May 23, 2012, 04:15:35 PM »

Series: Xena: Warrior Princess
Episode: s4e19 Takes One to Know One
Who's Birthday: Gabrielle
Family and friends gather for Gabrielle's surprise birthday party only to become suspects in a murder investigation instead when a bounty hunter looking to take Xena in, is murdered. Now Discord, the newly appointed goddess of retribution, has given Xena until sunrise to find the killer or everyone she loves will be taken to the underworld.

My Thoughts:
The birthday storyline in this one is no more then a reason to get everyone together. It isn't the best episode I ever seen... but it is entertaining enough to keep your interest. Though it is one of the episodes that contains a bit of that silly comedy you see in many episodes.

My Rating:

Goal: 43
Watched: 21
Left: 22

Offline addicted2dvd

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Re: Topic of the Month: May 2012 — Birthdays
« Reply #25 on: May 23, 2012, 04:20:04 PM »
Well... I am pretty much at the halfway point to my goal... and today is already the 2rd! I don't think I will make my goal this time around! No... I am not giving up... but realistically speaking... at this rate I don't see it happening.

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Re: Topic of the Month: May 2012 — Birthdays
« Reply #26 on: May 23, 2012, 05:33:47 PM »

Series: Batman Beyond
Episode: s3e5 Out of the Past
Who's Birthday: Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne's former love Talia al Ghul returns, to offer Bruce the chance to be eternally young. But this gift comes with a price Bruce has no intention of paying at all: the resurrection of Ra's al Ghul, Talia's father and one of Bruce's most dangerous enemies.

My Thoughts:
A good episode... I enjoyed it quite a bit. I kinda got a kick out of Terry taking Bruce to "Batman: The Musical". Don't he know  Bruce at all? This episode is also one of the few (at least that I remember) that we see Terry fight without the Batman costume on. Though it has been a while since I watched this series.

My Rating:

Goal: 43
Watched: 22
Left: 21

Offline Achim

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Re: Topic of the Month: May 2012 — Birthdays
« Reply #27 on: May 24, 2012, 06:32:48 AM »
A bit awkward to be barely half done at the three quarter mark :P

I agree, unless you arrange a dedicated marathon this weekend you'll be out of luck on this one.

This reminds me of my own goal, the "years of my lifetime" marathon... :bag:

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Re: Topic of the Month: May 2012 — Birthdays
« Reply #28 on: May 24, 2012, 12:31:09 PM »
Well... I have a week from today to watch 22 shows. It can be done... but it won't be easy. But I haven't given up yet!

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Re: Topic of the Month: May 2012 — Birthdays
« Reply #29 on: May 24, 2012, 02:17:16 PM »

Series: Bewitched
Episode: s2e23 Double Tate
Who's Birthday: Darrin
Unaware Endora's given him three wishes for his birthday, Darrin wishes he were Larry for a day and turns into an exact double of his boss.

My Thoughts:
This is a classic series I always enjoyed quite a bit. While not a favorite episode... it is enjoyable. Though I do enjoy most episodes more then this one. There just not as many laughs in this one.

My Rating:

Goal: 43
Watched: 23
Left: 20