rsync is a tool that will compare the files and directories on both sides and only transfer the differences, it's a lot faster than having to upload all your images every time you want to update. However it requires ssh (Secure Shell) access which most web hosting companies won't allow.
the other advantage rsync has is it only uploads the differences in the file. So my xml file is almost 40mb and if I change a few profiles that only causes under 100kb to be uploaded. Much quicker than even zipping and transferring it.
collection.xml 47.79M 100% 18.93MB/s 0:00:02 (xfer#1, to-check=2410/2411)
You may have noticed my watched/purchased banners are now gone.
I often have a rather slow internet connection and I do not like it when a thread page slowly gets larger when loading additional banner while reading a post and thus the post I am reading disappears from my screen (I hope you know what I mean).
You may have noticed my watched/purchased banners are now gone. We been trying to get phpdvdprofiler to update with no real luck.... every since I had to reformat my C Drive. For some reason... even after making sure all settings are right... and redoing my xml file a couple different times it is not uploading new images or my watched stats. So for the time being at least there is no sense in having old info on here.I also feel guilty about (what feels like) taking advantage of a friends good will... as he is hosting my collection as well as probably going pretty nuts with all the problems I have with it. At this point I am considering waiting to see what Ken comes up with on his update to the online collection.