As far as comparisons to the President of the U.S., I don't think it's even close to being the same.
First reason being that he is elected (Not directly elected as it's the case here) and not nominated or there because of his ancestors.
EditSince it kind of fits here : Sebastien, Eric, Kevin and all the other Canadians members don't forget to cast your vote monday. Every votes count and we are lucky to be able to, so why don't use this privilege we have since 1846 (OK we elect our deputy since The Quebec Act of 1774, but before the etablishment of the responsible government concept in 1846 the governements didn't have any real power).
I find the whole "royal" family thing in Great Britain to be quite amusing. It's like an "appendix". It really serves no functional purpose, but it's not something that needs to be removed unless it "ruptures". The royal family has come close to rupturing recently, but it hasn't quite happened yet. It is likely (IMHO) that it will become irrelevant sometime in the not too distant future, but for the meantime, it is a harmless appendage, that provides a certain continuity. There is an air of romanticism that some people seem to enjoy.The whole thing seems fairly innocuous to me, with little impact on anyone's day-to-day life, except perhaps the royals themselves.As far as comparisons to the President of the U.S., I don't think it's even close to being the same.
Realistically is the footage any different to that which would've been captured in the State's if Obama was visiting a school?
Is that any different than if say a Kennedy or a Rockefellar was to marry some trailer park redneck from Bunny Kill, Alabama?
Jon,If it is true (and I seriously doubt it) that the government, the military and the church would fall into chaos without the Royals, then they are built on a much weaker foundation than I had ever imagined! Image is one thing, but the practicality of life in the U.K. cannot seriously be so fragile as to disintegrate because the Royals disappear.As far as "rupturing", I said it came close. Not being a conspiracy theorist, but, Diana's untimely death was quite convenient for the Royal family. It would have been interesting to see how they would have dealt with her marrying Dodi Fayed! It may not have dealt a death blow, but I think it would have crippled it irreparably.....and the U.K. would most certainly have survived with little real impact, IMHO.
If it is true (and I seriously doubt it) that the government, the military and the church would fall into chaos without the Royals, then they are built on a much weaker foundation than I had ever imagined! Image is one thing, but the practicality of life in the U.K. cannot seriously be so fragile as to disintegrate because the Royals disappear.
Quote from: Hal on April 29, 2011, 04:17:12 PMIf it is true (and I seriously doubt it) that the government, the military and the church would fall into chaos without the Royals, then they are built on a much weaker foundation than I had ever imagined! Image is one thing, but the practicality of life in the U.K. cannot seriously be so fragile as to disintegrate because the Royals disappear.I have to agree with you on this one. Jon's scenario kind of reminds me of Thomas Jefferson's description of slavery, he said slavery was like holding a wolf by the ears, you don't like it, but you dare not let it go.
He then used the example of President Obama; how 10 years ago, it would have been reasonable to assume it could be 30 or 40 years before there was a black President, yet they did it 8.