If I see an animated film with photo-realistic human characters I can't help but wonder why they made it animated at all? It so easily could have been a live-action film with a lot of CGI work (the spirits etc).
Here's a question... Isn't Blu-ray supposed to be the superior format? I bought this bluray brand new and was stunned to find out there are absolutely ZERO special features on this disc. Nothing... not even the theatrical trailer. The only thing it does have is the Smart Menu Technology that allows you to access menu features without even leaving the movie. Great! Except the menu features lead you to no where. Blurays can hold between 25 - 40 GB of content. If you are going to hype that, use it! This is just pure laziness.
Being completely, brutally honest? A half-arsed blu-ray release for a half-arsed film. Sorry. I thought it was pretty awful.