I think Karsten is allergic to cats. Otherwise he would love them too!
That's what allergy pills are for.
Clearly you don't suffer from such an allergy! I get what most people would consider Hay Fever, but actually all year round with slight asthma and related allergic reactions to animal fur, dust, etc. The pills do work, but only if I avoid the triggers as well. Milk actually works better than the pills; if I have a glass as soon as I feel a reaction coming on it can stop it dead. During a full blown attack, it can temporarily relieve symptoms.
Cats are the absolute worst for me. If one even brushes my leg in that affectionate manner they insist on, I'm sneezing within seconds. If I visit a house I haven't been to before, I can tell you almost immediately if a cat even lives there. I feel like I've just walked into an invisible wall. If I don't retreat from a cat, I'll turn into a blind, wheezing, swollen, snot-filled monster! Jabba The Hut, basically. Pills and milk won't dent that and if the cat doesn't fuck off I have to consider decapitation!
Me, or the cat.
I do like cats, even though they are the Spawn of Satan and little balls of fluffy hell. So long as they are shaved and sealed in plastic, I'd even own one.