Author Topic: Playstation 3  (Read 58080 times)


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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #195 on: July 19, 2010, 04:27:39 PM »
I'm gradually working away at getting some trophies in PixelJunk Shooter (usually after I have a crack at acing a level in LittleBigPlanet). So far got two in the past two days. :)


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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #196 on: August 04, 2010, 10:08:07 AM »
I've been considering getting an xbox360, mainly for the exclusive games. Since I already have a PS3 and a Wii I figure it would round up my gaming experience nicely. Almost no games would be out of bounds for me.

The trailer for Mass Effect 2 is what made me consider this for the first time. Until this, no other exclusive 360 games has made me actually want to get a 360. And yes, I am aware that it is also available on PC but I really prefer console gaming over PC gaming, and I would probably have to updates my graphics cards etc on this machine before I could play it.

Although, that being said, it will most likely be a long time before I could even consider buying a 360. Well into next year at least.

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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #197 on: August 04, 2010, 11:26:59 AM »
Another game for the 360 that I would want to get, had I a 360 (which I don't, probably never will), is Alan Wake.

Older ones would be Gears of War.

I have only become a gamer through the PS3. I bought it as a Blu-ray player, but then thought why not try a game or two :bag: Strangly enough I watch less movies these days :hmmmm: Anyway, I find ther game library on the PS3 sufficient and I already have more games than I can play with more on the horizon. I'd have to quit my job to have enough time for another console :laugh:


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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #198 on: August 04, 2010, 01:35:42 PM »
I certainly have enough games on the PS3 and Wii to keep me going, and if I ever did get an xbox it would be a long time off, but unlike before, I would consider getting one now. Maybe it's a bit overkill, but only certain games really interest me a lot, and they seem to be spread out over all 3 consoles in that annoying 'exclusive' way. That being said, there are probably more exclusive games on PS3 that interest me than any other console.


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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #199 on: August 04, 2010, 02:27:14 PM »
If you eventually get a 360 for Mass Effect 2 - do yourself a favor and get Mass Effect also (it is available on "Games on Demand" if you can't find the disc version). So many things transfer over from your playthrough that makes Mass Effect 2 more satisfying. I'll admit it's mostly little things, but it is worth it. It rounds out the story more. And the story itself is actually really good. I honestly can't wait for Mass Effect 3..

That final shot in ME2 is just  :o

Also, about imported your ME1 character, in the "person below me" thread, when I posted about scrapping a savegame 30 hours into it just to restart because I didn't like a choice I made.. I did that for Mass Effect 2. My first playthrough I imported my character from ME1. Now I was replaying ME2 and I kept wondering "where's that guy? what happened to this one? why is that one not there?" and I found out it's because I hadn't imported a character. (no need to comment on the fact it took me 30 hours to realize that!) So I scrapped the save, and am now replaying ME1!

Alan Wake is good. It's a mash up of many different horror survival game. Ammo is a bit scarce for my taste (or maybe I'm just not good enough at it :laugh:) But the play with light vs darkness and the story is good. Plays with your mind. You end not knowing what's real and what's a dream (not unlike a certain summer blockbuster that came out recently, from what I hear). And its episodic nature works wonders for me. I can start an episode, play it through, and by the end of the episode I really have to stop.

And the sound in that game. Awesome! :thumbup:

Gears of War is your standard shooter. It's fun, mindless fun. There's a story, somewhere in there, but mostly you just move from cover to cover and shoot at things. But it is satisfying and it is fun.

Both of yous:
Fable is also worth (as far as exclusives are concerned). I personally preferred Fable 1 (Fable II was a let down somewhat, especially the ending) but as a whole, it is great fun. I really like seeing the character physically morph depending on how you play, and I also the RPG elements in them, in that you standard XP and then you have Strength, Skill and Will specific XP that you get depending on what attacks you use. What makes Fable for me though, is all the little things you can do around the main story. Like buy out property, get married, take on jobs, etc.

And I love the visual style of it all. Especially the lighting effects in Fable II.. There's a place where you can be a woodcutter (???) where the camera angles itself right at the rising sun. I used to cut woods for days just to see the sun rising behind the trees. It is that beautiful IMO.

Ok enough with the sales pitch. You'll end up thinking I'm a raving Xbox fanboy. Sorry about that.

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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #200 on: August 05, 2010, 03:28:13 AM »
So I scrapped the save, and am now replaying ME1!
You are replaying Part 1 just so Part 2 will be different?

More often do I hear people saying that such RPGs have no replay value to them, because once finished with a certasin character they feel that that was their experiencewith that gameand using a different character just wouldn't feel right. It was for like that with Fallout 3. I remember starting over once to chance a choice (see the pattern....) and then never looked back. (Well, I started over a second time because of a trophy bug. but I made all the same choices that time).


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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #201 on: August 05, 2010, 04:15:21 AM »
So I scrapped the save, and am now replaying ME1!
You are replaying Part 1 just so Part 2 will be different?

Basically. ME1 is great. ME2 is just a little better. But as a whole, the experience is better when you play both back to back.

As far as finding it a different experience to go back and replay with different choices. I don't really go back for outright different choices. It's just that on my first plays, I always play to be, in D&D terms, "Lawful Good". Helping the poor, fighting evil, not stealing, etc.

But I usually like, well with games that change depending on the choices you make, to go back and be more neutral. Depending on the situation, I may decide to execute someone who just double crossed me for example, or I may decide to keep a treasure no matter how much that widow wants it.

It's what I'm doing with Mass Effect now. My previous playthrough, I always chose the Paragon option. Now, I resort to Intimidation and Renegade options in certain situation (like the last mission I did was a hostage situation. You have the option to sweet talk the baddie into not killing the hostage, or threaten him. Both give the same outcome - he won't kill the hostage - but one is the "good" option the other is the "bad" option).


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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #202 on: August 05, 2010, 04:57:29 AM »
Is Alan Wake scary? I have heard it is. I am yet to deal with really 'scary' games. Although I am thinking of trying out Bioshock eventually.

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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #203 on: August 05, 2010, 06:09:40 AM »
Is Alan Wake scary? I have heard it is. I am yet to deal with really 'scary' games. Although I am thinking of trying out Bioshock eventually.
I think there is a scary-factor to Alan Wake.

Bioshock can be scary when those splicers jump out at you, or you anticipate them to do so. Same goes for the necromorphs in Dead Space. Both games are just shooters at their core though.


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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #204 on: August 05, 2010, 06:12:35 AM »
Alan Wake is more atmospheric than scary. The music, lighting, the setting all come together to create a very creepy atmosphere. But it's not outright scary. But in the first episode, when you are running in the forest.. running from something not knowing what it is, it kinda gets to you ;)

Well if you're a scaredy-cat like I am anyway


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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #205 on: August 05, 2010, 06:13:30 AM »
I'm choosing between either Bioshock or Elder Scrolls Oblivion for my next PS3 game after Assassin's Creed 2. Both games are so cheap now since they have been out a long time.


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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #206 on: August 12, 2010, 08:57:27 AM »
How do you get Scott Pilgrim vs the World? I was looking for it today on the Playstation store and couldn't see it anywhere. I would really like to play it.

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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #207 on: August 12, 2010, 09:46:30 AM »
How do you get Scott Pilgrim vs the World? I was looking for it today on the Playstation store and couldn't see it anywhere. I would really like to play it.
A demo is available on the US store. I played it and it looks cool. However, such brawler is not really my type of game, so I'll skip.

If you don't have an account for the US store (or any other store than your own) and are not sure how to create one, I can help you.

I have accounts for 6 stores (Taiwan, Germany, USA, UK, Hong Kong and Japan). 2 of those are almost the same though (Taiwan and Hong Kong). I can do purchases on 4 of them (Taiwan and Germany via credit card easily refillable. For USA and UK two kind friends help me to purchase Playstation Network Cards). It is nice to have several options as demos and videos are not usually released in all stortes or at the same time and sometimes I must match DLC with the locality of the game Blu-ray.


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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #208 on: August 12, 2010, 10:11:45 AM »
How did you end up with so many?

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Re: Playstation 3
« Reply #209 on: August 12, 2010, 11:05:17 AM »
How did you end up with so many?

When I had the PS3 new, I just made an account for Taiwan, as that was what I thought how it's done. Also, I wasn't aware at the time I couldn't change the country or that the Playstation Store is very different throughout the regions.

Since I also have a german credit card, I soon after made an account for Germany.

Eventually I learned how different the Store is between regions. Incidentally Asia (Hong Kong, Taiwan and others, excl. Japan) are the worst and many stuff available in the US or Europe was/is not available here. So, as I also found that you don't have to have a payment method for that country available just to sign up, I made the US account. Here is where I most demos and trailers are. Eventually I noticed that some stuff not only comes to Asia later, but some not at all, hence the "need" to be able purchase there (again, a friend helped me there).

Another painful observation was, that Europe is not the same. While sometimes a game patch downloaded in Germany for a UK Blu-ray disc will work, more often it doesn't (and not a cheap realization at that :laugh:). Mainly since often the German game is censored (differently) than the UK game. So, I also "needed" a UK account and the ability to purchase there.

The Hong Kong account I added when I once read that something I waited for was available there already, just not in Taiwan yet. Turned out not to be true though.

The Japan account is most difficult to set up (since you can't read the names for the form fileds :P) but occasionally some blog will mention free stuff that is aviable exclusively there,so it's clearly a "nice to have".