Verblendung (Män som hatar kvinnor) Verdammnis (Flickan som lekte med elden)
Quote from: kahless on June 05, 2010, 11:39:29 AM Verblendung (Män som hatar kvinnor) Verdammnis (Flickan som lekte med elden) What're these?
Men who hate women? The title as I've known it is The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
No wonder I'm having a hard time getting into DVDP these days. It's hardly "collecting" when you don't add anything to the collection!
[...] At some point every collection reaches a level where you say "Now I have (nearly) everything I want.".[...]
I've just seen this movie: Persepolis Strongly recommended!
We have have too many DVDs/Blu-rays, but we will never have enough.Fact.