Author Topic: Sliders Marathon  (Read 14468 times)

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Re: Sliders Marathon
« Reply #15 on: September 02, 2009, 03:06:54 AM »
What can I say... I take it seriously when I say I am going to do something. Besides... I am afraid if I made an exception for this one episode it would just make it that much harder on me to not watch more.  :P

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Re: Sliders Marathon
« Reply #16 on: September 02, 2009, 06:49:40 AM »

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Re: Sliders Marathon
« Reply #17 on: November 19, 2009, 02:15:17 AM »
I think I will bring this thread back and work on finishing this marathon as well.

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Re: Sliders Marathon
« Reply #18 on: November 19, 2009, 02:10:09 PM »
17. THE EXODUS (Part 2)
Quinn and Maggie begin sliding to other worlds to scout for the perfect location while Wade and Arturo must contend with the egomaniac Colonel Rickman as they argue over who will be saved. Meanwhile, a serial killer has invaded the base and is systematically putting people into a coma.

My Thoughts:
The search for the new world continues. While I know it was needed,,, I have always had mixed feelings about the Rickman storyline. I just never cared for the character. I wouldn't say it is a storyline that gets boring. But it does get kinda old after the first time you view it. Seems weird but basically that multi-episode storyline don't have as much rewatch value as the rest of the series does.This is also the episode we say goodbye to Professor Arturo. But all that said... it is the end of a very good 2-parter episode.

My Rating:


Quinn is bitten by a zombie, infecting him with a flesh-eating, zombie-making virus.

My Thoughts:
Just by the description I am sure you know that I liked this episode! I thought they did the zombies pretty cool... and liked the effects they used for the dead (and eaten) corpse they found when they first slid onto this Earth. The glowing eyes were pretty cool as well.

My Rating:

On a world with a mandatory organ-donor program, Maggie is infected with a parasite that seeks out mates a-la-Species.

My Thoughts:
Oh... this is another really good episode. And this one makes 2 in a row that is somewhat horror related. You know I love that! Of course even as the plot says... this one is pretty much a rip-off of the movie Species. But I still enjoyed every minute of it. It really has been a great run of episodes here lately.

My Rating:

On a world plagued by earthquakes and populated by primitive people, Wade stumbles upon a vast, deserted underground city overrun by a race of nonhuman creatures.

My Thoughts:
This one is a little on the confusing side. Not the story... but the fact that this episode has Professor Arturo in it. I don't know if this set is in Air Date order or if they just goofed up. But it did take away from the flow a of the story a bit. It also wasn't quite as good as the resent episodes. But it is still good.

My Rating:

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Re: Sliders Marathon
« Reply #19 on: November 25, 2009, 12:57:02 AM »
Sliding into a world where a mysterious fog covers half the land, the Sliders find Rickman and the Quinn that, in the Pilot episode, taught Quinn the mechanics of sliding.

My Thoughts:
While a somewhat weird episode... it is a good one. I did ejoy it. Though it is not the best episode I ever seen. Wade and Maggie is still in the outs at this point.

My Rating:

Remmy and Quinn, on a short vacation together, need to get back to Maggie and Wade for the slide, and hitch a ride with a wildlife smuggler. When the plane crashes, Wade and Maggie hook up with the smuggler's partner and go in search of the group.

My Thoughts:
This is another one I didn't care for quite as much as the others. I don't know why... but this one just didn't keep my intrest as much.

My Rating:

The Sliders find what's left of the colony from Rickman's world. But Rickman is there, too, claiming more victims, as are the dinosaurs that inhabit this world.

My Thoughts:
This is a good episode. In this one we get an update on the colonists... and have some dinosaur fun as well!

My Rating:

The Sliders arrive on a world where vampires are real, and where Rickman is up to his old tricks - but refined by access to a blood bank

My Thoughts:
They are vampires... what do you think my thoughts are?... I loved it! But why did they have to make the vampires a rock band? At least while there is some music in the episode... they really didn't over do it.

My Rating:

The sliders land on an island populated by half-human, half-animal hybrids. Rickman is on this world, and has had to resort to using the mixed DNA for his sustenance, resulting in his own animal-like appearance.

My Thoughts:
This is a pretty good conclusion to the season. I know this episode was a rip off of a movie. Though can't think of the name of it especially since I never seen it.  But what really got me was the season end cliffhanger that really got me wanting to start the next season.

My Rating:

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Re: Sliders Marathon
« Reply #20 on: November 29, 2009, 09:02:29 PM »
Season 4: Disc 1

Home isn't necessarily where the heart is when Quinn and Maggie discover the Earth Prime has been taken over by warrior Kromaggs in their absence.

My Thoughts:
While I normally don't care for the ongoing Kromagg storyline... this is a very good episode. Unfortunately we have to say goodbye to Wade in this season. One of my favorite characters.

My Rating:

The Sliders jump to the scary side of organized religion when they land in an eerily peaceful Los Angeles ruled by an oracle the sends people to "the Other Side."

My Thoughts:
This is a pretty good episode. Though they used this "help the rebels" part of the storyline on more then one occasion before. So that took away from it a little for me. Though I did like the rest of the storyline.

My Rating:

The Sliders land in a world where the Kromaggs conduct ruthless experiments on humans, but trusting a Kromagg commander may be their only way out.

My Thoughts:
This is one of the several Kromagg related episodes... and one of the several I didn't care much for. I found it pretty slow and boring actually.

My Rating:

Maggie's sanity is a danger when she's captured by a greedy businessman who uses virtual reality scenarios to try to get her to reveal the secret to sliding.

My Thoughts:
Not a bad episode... but pretty much average. At least this one don't have any Kromaggs in it.

My Rating:
« Last Edit: December 06, 2009, 12:50:26 AM by addicted2dvd »

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Re: Sliders Marathon
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2009, 12:52:37 AM »
Season 4: Disc 2

It's double the trouble when the Sliders land in a world in which Quinn's double has created a device that has caused the rest of the human population to disappear.

My Thoughts:
This is a good episode... but not as good as some of the previous episodes. In this episode Jerry O'Connell plays 2 roles through-out the episode.

My Rating:

Quinn is finally reunited with his long-lost brother. Colin, but loses him again when he gets caught up in a frozen corpse-smuggling scheme.

My Thoughts:
This is a good episode. As it says above in this one Quinn finds his brother colin... who was played by Jerry O'Connell's real life brother Charlie O'Connell. I liked how they made his brother come from a parrellel world that is so far behind (almost like the Amish) everything is amazing to him.

My Rating:

Colin and Maggie find out the hard way what drugs can do when they land in a drug-addled society and accidentally become junkies themselves.

My Thoughts:
This one I didn't care for all that much. I just didn't care much for the whole drugged up world. Especially how they had Maggie and Colin acting when they were in the "rehabilitation center." There is a familiar face in this episode. That of J. August Richards who played Gunn in Angel.

My Rating:

One dark and stormy night the Sliders land in a haunted hotel, but the "ghosts" may be more closely related to them than they first appear.

My Thoughts:
A good episode... though not enough "ghost" stuff in this one for my taste. I definitely enjoyed it though. I especially enjoyed the fact that they changed the roles of Quinn and Remmy for their doubles. Making Remmy the genius and Quinn the rock star... though I didn't care for Quinn as the rock star... I didn't like the style they gave him. I mean it gave me a chuckle at first... but it got old quickly.

My Rating:

While trying to reach Quinn and Colin's home world and their birth parents, the Sliders become trapped in a lethal labyrinth with no way out.

My Thoughts:
This is another episode dealing with the Kromaggs. While I don't normally like the episodes with them... this one was pretty good. I liked how they were trapped in the "Slide Cage" and had to figure a way out.

My Rating:

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Re: Sliders Marathon
« Reply #22 on: December 10, 2009, 07:03:46 PM »
Season 4: Disc 3

Rembrandt falls for a beautiful doctor who is Quinn's only home for survival, but her dangerous secret could mean doom for everyone else.

My Thoughts:
This was a good episode... pretty much a Kromagg episode with no Kromaggs. They sliders arrived on a world that dealed with the kromaggs and they took all their natural resources and left them. I found this to be more entertaining then the ones where the Kromaggs are actually in the episode for some reason.

My Rating:

Rembrandt's latest jump has him fearing for his life when the groups lands in a dimension where minorities are rounded up by the violent racist elite.

My Thoughts:
This time the end up in racist world. Definitely not one of my favorites. I mean it is ok... but no more then that. I find it a bit on the slow and boring side.

My Rating:

An Eden-like-setting hides a fearful secret when the Sliders stumble across two Hu-maggs - part Kromagg, part human - who are involved in a deadly game.

My Thoughts:
While I normally dislike the Kropmagg episodes... this one I enjoyed quite a bit. I liked the whole manhunting game and the Hu-maggs were actually quite entertaining.

My Rating:

It's light, camera, Colin when the Sliders land in a world where he is mistaken for his wealthy double and the whole society seems to be turned in to a ridiculaus TV show.

My Thoughts:
This one is more of a humourous episode. And I can enjoy it for what it is... but the quality of the storyline really isn't up to standards with the rest of the series.

My Rating:

Maternal instinct causes trouble for the Sliders when they dicide to help an escapee from a breeding camp and her half-Kromagg offspring.

My Thoughts:
It is an alright episode. More Kromagg stuff. The storyline wasn't really bad... but it isn't an episode that I tend to remember much after watching it... for some reason the Kromagg heavy episode just bore me a bit.

My Rating:

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Re: Sliders Marathon
« Reply #23 on: December 12, 2009, 11:13:03 PM »
Season 4: Disc 4

Virtual reality takes on new meaning when the Sliders are split up on a world addicted to an internet-addicted world and get caught up in a dangerous romance between an Online girl and and Offliner.

My Thoughts:
This is a pretty good... but standard episode. Felt mostly like a filler episode to me.

My Rating:

Maggie's double seizes an opportunity to go to a different world with the unknowing Sliders, while the real Maggie is left behind in a brutal military experiment.

My Thoughts:
This is a very good episode. I liked how they went from a technologically advanced world to where one where technology is forbidden. I also liked how they took the wrong Maggie with them and had to go back for her. Something they couldn't have done in the earlier seasons.

My Rating:

The Sliders check in to a glamorous hotel with strict rules of decorum, but once the idyllic retreat has "scanned" them, they find themselves encrypted in a computer program they can't escape.

My Thoughts:
This is a good episode... played more for fun. Because of that it had quite a bit of Comedy in it. I especially liked the fighting scene.

My Rating:

The spirit of the West is alive and kicking when the Sliders land in an Old West town and face a showdown with their old nemesis, Mr. K.

My Thoughts:
This is a good episode. This is one I actually enjoyed quite a bit... and it does have a Kromagg in it. This one you are back in the Old West once again. It is also one of the very few (I can't even remember another one) where at the end of the episode we don't see them slide to the next world.

My Rating:

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Re: Sliders Marathon
« Reply #24 on: December 18, 2009, 12:28:04 AM »
Season 4: Disc 5


Quinn's body is not his own when the Sliders arrive in a world where his is expected to act as an organ donor for his injured double.

My Thoughts:
This is a very good episode. In this episode Malcolm Jamal Warner (The Cosby Show) gust stars as a clone... where in this world they create clones to harvest for people when transplants are needed.

My Rating:

The serene town of Middletown hides a deadly secret of human sacrifice that threatens to claim Rembrandt and Maggie.

My Thoughts:
Another episode I enjoyed quite a bit. Though I must admit that the ending... what the chasm leads to was a little bit of a let down. But over all... was worth the watch.

My Rating:

An unusual slide forces Quinn and Maggie to prematurely age, and it's up to Rembrandt to find a cure before they are destroyed by life in a "bubble universe."

My Thoughts:
This is a good episode... but not one of my favorites. they try something a little new in this episode... by having their slide (well Quinn and Maggie's stress while in the slide) creating a world.

My Rating:

An aging sci-fi writer helps Quinn and Colin reunite with their birth parents, but the warm family reunion is not what it seems.

My Thoughts:
I really enjoyed this season finale. Quinn and Colin think they are finally home. I did have one problem with this episode. Every time before when they opened the vortex it was stationary. But this time they open it while being on the top of a moving train... and instead of the vortex staying still and them moving away from it... the vortex followed behind the train to let them jump in. I know... it is a sci-fi show and anything is possible... but it just wasn't being true to all the episodes before it.

My Rating:

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Re: Sliders Marathon
« Reply #25 on: December 18, 2009, 12:30:16 AM »
Well... Since season 5 of Sliders has never been released this is as far as I can go with this marathon. If the final (season 5) season is ever released and I add it to my collection I will bring this thread back and continue to review the episodes then.

It was a lot of fun revisiting this series... I actually forgot how much I enjoyed this series till now.


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Re: Sliders Marathon
« Reply #26 on: December 18, 2009, 12:37:00 AM »
Well... Since season 5 of Sliders has never been released this is as far as I can go with this marathon. If the final (season 5) season is ever released and I add it to my collection I will bring this thread back and continue to review the episodes then.

That would drive me insane! I'm one of those people where if I have a part of a series, whether it be DVD, Book or anything else, then I have to have all of them. It's probably why I have so few TV shows haha, I have to make sure a series is absolutely complete before I start another!

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Re: Sliders Marathon
« Reply #27 on: December 18, 2009, 01:02:21 AM »
 :laugh: While I prefer to have them all... the way I see it is that some of it to enjoy is better then none at all. But it does bug me when it gets to the final season of a show and they don't release it.


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Re: Sliders Marathon
« Reply #28 on: December 18, 2009, 06:40:55 AM »
:laugh: While I prefer to have them all... the way I see it is that some of it to enjoy is better then none at all. But it does bug me when it gets to the final season of a show and they don't release it.

That is strange not too release all episodes. I like to have every episode of series which is why I never buy 'best of' DVD's that contain only a select few episodes of  TV series. But in the end you are right, it is better to have some than to just have none to watch.

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Re: Sliders Marathon
« Reply #29 on: December 18, 2009, 02:25:34 PM »
I really think so... that is why I also have a nice handful of Best of releases in my collection as well.