Author Topic: "Battlestar Galactica" Marathon (1978-2009)  (Read 20107 times)

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"Battlestar Galactica" Marathon (1978-2009)
« on: March 13, 2009, 08:50:35 PM »
This evening the first part of the great finale of Battlestar Galactica airs in the US. And I thought this would be the ideal moment to re-watch the entire saga again, starting with 1978's Battlestar Galactica, continuing with Galactica 1980 and then finishing with the re-imagined series from 2003.

« Last Edit: March 14, 2009, 07:00:26 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: "Battlestar Galactica" Marathon (1978-2009)
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2009, 09:11:08 PM »

Can't wait to read your reviews!

I'm actually planning to do somewhat the same thing once Season 4.5 of the re-imagined Galactica comes out

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Re: "Battlestar Galactica" Marathon (1978-2009)
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2009, 09:17:41 PM »
I'm curious as well. After being mostly disappointed with the Mini Series and S1, I have come to reluctantly like the (new) series in the following seasons. I have never seen the original series (except for maybe two episodes on German TV), so maybe you can do some comparisons of the major story lines.

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Re: "Battlestar Galactica" Marathon (1978-2009)
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2009, 11:25:05 PM »
Battlestar Galactica (1978)

Disc 1

Saga of a Star World
Synopsis: For a thousand yahren the war with the Cylons has lasted. The Cylons are machines and their creators - the original race called "Cylons" - have died out long ago. But now an armistice was negotiated by Baltar and the fleet of the Twelve Colonies of Man meets with the Cylons to sign a peace treaty. But Baltar has betrayed his own species to seize power and the Cylons launch a large-scale attack on the colonial fleets and the colonies. Only one Battlestar - the Galactica - and a few refugees survive that holocaust. But there's a myth about a thirteenth colony of Kobol. Commander Adama and his fleet of 220 ships leave the colonies behind to find that legendary colony: Earth. But it won't be an easy journey and there are still those who believe that mankind should lay down its weapons and seek peace with the Cylons.

My Opinion: The show begins with an epic three-parter which was re-cut and re-published as a movie. The designs of that show are still great. The Galactica, the Cylons ("walking chrome toasters"), the Cylon Raiders, the Basestars. Although the deception of mankind and the destruction of the fleet was a bit too easy, it was a decent start for the story and it showed that Adama is an astute commander and that he has the best pilots in the fleet. I also liked their sense of humour: One of the ships had an advertisement printed on the side: "Colonial Movers - We Move Anywhere". The characters are also good. They may not have the depth of nowadays's characters, but they have charm: Adama, Apollo, Starbuck, Athena, Cassiopeia, Serina, ... and of course the diabolical Baltar.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2009, 01:46:51 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: "Battlestar Galactica" Marathon (1978-2009)
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2009, 01:58:53 PM »
The designs of that show are still great. The Galactica, the Cylons ("walking chrome toasters"), the Cylon Raiders, the Basestars.

I just fixed the "hotlinking" problem, the images are now clickable.

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Re: "Battlestar Galactica" Marathon (1978-2009)
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2009, 05:21:09 PM »
Disc 1

Lost Planet of the Gods
Synopsis: Starbuck and Apollo detect a vast electromagnetic void on one of their patrols. Once inside it, there are no more stars, no more anything. But Galactica hasn't much choice because Jolly and Boomer have detected a cylon outpost on their patrol. And there's another problem: Jolly and Boomer have brought some kind of disease with them and they have infected most of the fighter pilots during Apollo's bachelor party. Now the shuttle pilots have to learn how to fly a Viper. Amongst them: Athena and Serina, Apollo's fiancé.

My Opinion: It sounds a bit harsh but it would have been more realistic if they had killed at least one of the cadets. They're sitting in a Viper for the first time and yet they destroy an antire squadron of Cylon Raiders. But I really liked it that they made no (verbal) issue about them being woman, just rookies. But one could see that Starbuck and Apollo felt a bit uncomfortable because "things had changed".

Disc 2

Lost Planet of the Gods, Part 2
Synopsis: Baltar - who has been given a Basestar of his own - has been following the fleet for some time now. When they enter the void and he realizes that Adama plans to find Kobol, the planet from which the thirteen tribes set out. He develops a plan to lure the fleet into a trap. But for this he has to face Adama personally. But Lucifer - Baltar's cylon second-in-command - has plans of his own. Meanwhile Apollo and Serina have married and Adama has found Kobol. He hopes that it will help him finding Earth.

My Opinion: Lucifer is cool! He and Baltar are the perfect couple. ;) What I just complained about did happen in this episode: Serina was killed by a Cylon and Apollo has to raise Boxey alone. :( But I liked Baltar's scheme, because it remained unclear to everyone (including the viewer) who he was trying to betray.

The Lost Warrior
Synopsis: Apollo tries to lure a cylon patrol away from the fleet and he succeeds. But then he runs out of fuel and has to land on a nearby planet. There he meets not only simple farmers but also a gangster and his henchman: Red Eye - a Cylon.

My Opinion: It's fascinating to see how many settlements lay between the twelve colonies and Earth (see following episode, too). Yet none of them seems aware of the war at all or hasn't heard that it was lost. But I liked that a Centurion was allowed to play a main role. And he was a great gunslinger. I liked it how his scanner always stopped the moment he shot someone. I remember his death/destruction very vividly because my VCR always overdrove when it played that scene (It was to bright I believe).

The Long Patrol
Synopsis: Galactica and the fleet have just past a dust cloud and entered a new galaxy. Starbuck is about to leave for a recon mission for which he will use a modified Viper: Doubled speed but no weapons. And a new computer system. But before he departs he has a double date: Starbuck with Cassiopeia and Starbuck with Athena. Unfortunately his luck doesn't last and he gets lost in the new galaxy.

My Opinion: I liked this episode a lot for different reasons. First of all because it symbolizes the charm of the old show. Starbuck dating two women at the same time. Grandpa Adama having his grandson on his lap and telling stories of Earth - on the bridge of a Battlestar. Starbuck finding a treasure in the form of Ambrosia (a beverage) that's several hundred yahren old. But also the way they used astronomical terms (light speed, galaxy) without a care in the world.
But I had forgotten that it was Starbuck who found the drawing of our solar system in a prison cell. In the re-imagined series Starbuck paints a picture of the "Eye of Jupiter" which will be later discovered to be a pointer towards Earth.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2009, 08:39:53 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: "Battlestar Galactica" Marathon (1978-2009)
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2009, 03:05:52 PM »
Disc 2

The Gun on Ice Planet Zero
Synopsis: Baltar and his Basestar is driving the Galactica and the fleet forward. And of course he is driving them into a trap. Starbuck and his patrol detect a Cylon-occupied planet on which a huge pulsar cannon is positioned. This gun could destroy a Battlestar with a single shot. Starbuck, Boomer, Apollo and a group of demolition experts (read: criminals who like to blow things up) try to destroy it, but they get shot down and have to fight for their survival on an ice planet.

My Opinion: Except for the cold it must be paradise for Starbuck: Countless nice women and they are all equally beautiful (because they all look the same ;)). I didn't remember that the old fleet also had a prison ship. But it bothered me that Boxey could sneak in on the shuttle - that boy seems to be everywhere. And crash-landing (instead of just landing) also seems to be a recurring theme on the show. But I didn't care much for this or the following episode.

Disc 3

The Gun on Ice Planet Zero, Part II
Synopsis: Having found help in the form of a group of Human clones the colonial fighters are still trying to destroy the pulsar cannon. But they are running out of time because the fleet is closing in on the shooting range of the cannon. If they fail the fleet will most likely not survive.

My Opinion: An OK conclusion to the story (of course they destroyed the gun). But I liked how Baltar toyed with the fleet and made them do what he wanted.

The Magnificent Warriors
Synopsis: The Cylons have attacked the fleet and destroyed two of the agricultural ships and damaged another. The fleet needs new seeds and they hope they can trade for it on a nearby planet. Even Adama is coming along on this landing mission. But Boomer and Starbuck get robbed and have now nothing to trade. Fortunately for Starbuck the people there play cards, too. Unfortunately that brings him in even deeper trouble and in the middle of a fight between the local Humans and another alien race.

My Opinion: A rather ridiculous story. The entire story about Adama and his "stalker" was absurd and the way Starbuck became the Constable was ludicrous. And on top of that all were these "pig aliens".

The Young Lords
Synopsis: Starbuck gets shot down by a Cylon patrol and has to crash-land while Boomer returns to the fleet. Shortly after he got apprehended by a patrol of the local Cylon garrison he gets freed by local Human resistance fighter. But they are merely children, not warriors.

My Opinion: "Starbuck crash-lands" I should put this on a shortcut key. I really liked the banter between Lucifer and Specter (same production line as Lucifer), the commander of the local garrison. I also liked that he was able to lie and to deceive but I didn't like that Baltar fell for it the whole time. But the story on the planet was again over the top. Starbuck attacks a garrison with a bunch of kids (some of them not older than ten) who ride on unicorns(!) and they win. ::)
Interestingly the female lead was a young woman called Miri who had a crush on Starbuck. In Star Trek there was also an episode called Miri where the female lead was a young woman called Miri who had a crush on Kirk. ;)
« Last Edit: March 27, 2009, 08:40:15 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: "Battlestar Galactica" Marathon (1978-2009)
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2009, 11:19:19 AM »
Disc 3

The Living Legend
Synopsis: "Commander, there's a signal coming over Fleet Comm Line Alpha!" There's another surviving Battlestar, the Pegasus, under the command of Commander Cain, a living legend. Now they have two Battlestars and Cain wants to use them to attack the outer capital of the Cylon Empire. But Adama can't leave the fleet defenceless, he has to care for more than just revenge. And Baltar has now the force of three Basestars and wants to wipe out the colonial fleet once and for all.

My Opinion: Great start to a great two-parter. I always liked this Cain. At times he seems morally ambiguous but he has his heart at the right place and he takes a stand for what he believes is the right thing to do. I also liked that they made some new special effects shot for this and the following episode, especially when it comes to shooting down Cylon Raiders. And I loved Baltar's face when he saw that second Battlestar!

Disc 4

The Living Legend, Part II
Synopsis: Thanks to the Pegasus Baltar's attack failed miserably but the Galactica was heavily damaged. But the fleet is running out of fuel. They have to attack the Cylon capital and their fuel depots. Cain devises a plan where the Pegasus diverts the Basestars and the Galactica attacks Gomorray and secures the fuel. One Battlestar against three Basestars. This will be a battle to be remembered.

My Opinion: Cain is a great contrast to Adama. I always felt that Adama was more a member of the Quorum of Twelve and the leader of the fleet than a military commander. Cain is a warrior to the core. The greater the battle, the greater the victory. I really loved it when he charged that two Basestars (Baltar has of course retreated). And I loved it how Baltar shooed his Raiders from the Pegasus to Gomorray and then back to his Basestar and how he (inadvertently) made them totally useless. ;D

Fire In Space
Synopsis: The Cylons have developed a new tactic. Instead of engaging the colonial Vipers in a dogfight and getting shot down they simply load their Raiders with explosives and ram the Galactica. And it's working. The Galactica sustains heavy damages. One landing pod is burning uncontrollably, Adama is badly hurt and needs surgery and Boxey, Athena, Boomer and others are caught between burning sections of the ship. Every attempt to extinguish the fires is failing until there's only one solution left: To blow holes in the outer hull and let the vacuum of space do the job.

My Opinion: This episode and the two previous ones were re-cut and released in european theatres as Mission Galactica: The Cylon Attack. I thought this was a good, dramatic episode that took its time to develop the characters a bit more - especially Boomer's and the doctor's character. I also liked Starbuck's and Apollo's "space walk". It may not have looked perfect but I thought it looked fairly decent and not as if they were hanging on ropes or something.

War of the Gods
Synopsis: A patrol has gone lost when they were scouting a nearby sector. Suddenly there were bright lights and an eerie sound and they simply vanished. Starbuck, Apollo and Sheba (Cain's daughter) land on a planet in that sector and discover a crashed ship - and what seems to be a survivor. He asks to be brought to the fleet and they agree. But once in the fleet he tries to become more: The fleet's leader to Earth and he has very persuasive powers. He even promises them their arch enemy: Baltar.

My Opinion: Patrick McNee played a great Iblis. He has the charisma and when he threatens someone he is deadly serious. It became clear very quickly what Iblis was supposed to be, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

War of the Gods, Part II
Synopsis: As promised, Baltar is now a prisoner in the fleet and Count Iblis gains more power every day. But since he has come aboard the spheres of bright light are always in and around the fleet and they seem connected to Iblis. Starbuck, Apollo and his father are amongst the few who don't fall for Iblis's charming personality. And Baltar has found out where he heard Iblis's voice before: From the voice synthesizer of the Cylon Imperious Leader.

My Opinion: Funny thing is that Patrick McNee actually voices the Imperious Leader. But luckily neither is Iblis the devil in the literal sense nor are these light beings angels. They are just older than the Humans. One could compare it to the First Ones in Babylon 5. I liked the conclusion that even these higher beings have to follow the rules and that not even Iblis can break them. But I have to say that I didn't like Anne Lockhart's (Sheba) acting in the "ship of light". Her mourning didn't convince me. Granted the acting in this entire show isn't the best, but that scene stood out for me.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2009, 01:23:59 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: "Battlestar Galactica" Marathon (1978-2009)
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2009, 10:44:37 PM »
Disc 5

The Man with Nine Lives
Synopsis: When Starbuck tries a new gaming system that "can't lose" an older man starts a conversation explaining to him why it won't work. As it turns out this man, Chameleon, may very well be Starbucks long lost father and both men get really exited about the idea. But Apollo is a bit more sceptical, especially since a group of Borellian Nomen warriors also seem to have an interest in that old man. Is this for real or just a con to get protected by colonial warriors?

My Opinion: I really liked Fred Astaire's appearance in this episode. Even with the Borellians this was a nice change from the constant fight for survival. And it's fitting that Starbuck's father is a card player and a con man.

Murder on the Rising Star
Synopsis: Starbuck and Ortega have a long history of mutual dislike and every time they "meet" each other in a Triad ball game there's bad blood between them. And when Ortega is found shot to death by a laser pistol Starbuck becomes the main suspect, especially since he was seen leaving the crime scene and his pistol isn't fully charged anymore. But none of his friends would believe that Starbuck would kill someone and Apollo is going to be his defense attorney.

My Opinion: Huh. Couldn't even remember that episode. Apollo defends Starbuck in a court of law. Yet another detail they will re-use in the new series (though it won't be Starbuck who needs defending). And I liked it how Apollo used Baltar as bait who in turn wasn't too happy about that.

Greetings from Earth
Synopsis: The Galactica intercepts a vessel in which six passengers are in stasis. And the ship uses technologies unlike any used in the colonies. But when these people awake they can't breathe the dense atmosphere aboard the Galactica. Starbuck and Apollo are escorting them to their original destination in order to find out where they came from and if they know anything about Earth. But there's a third party involved: The Eastern Alliance, the military force that rules this part of the galaxy.

My Opinion: An episode of it's era. The good west against the bad Eastern Alliance with typical uniforms and bad accents. I also didn't really like these two androids, they were too cartoon-like for my taste. And the acting was again below average. It didn't feel natural.

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Re: "Battlestar Galactica" Marathon (1978-2009)
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2009, 11:27:50 PM »
Disc 6

Baltar's Escape
Synopsis: Baltar, the Borellians and the soldiers of the Eastern Alliance plan to escape from the prison barge. And they succeed. Aboard the Galactica they take the Quorum members as hostages (except for Adama and Siress Tinia). Adama has to either let them go or he has to try to free the Quorum members with the risk of getting them killed.

My Opinion: I really liked the irony of this episode's title and the fact that Baltar was the only one who didn't escape. And the moment I saw the dismantled Cylons and Apollo stating that he had a plan I really believed (and hoped) that he and Starbuck would slip into the armour and pretend to be Cylon pilots. Too bad they didn't make that move, that would have been fun.

Experiment in Terra
Synopsis: When the squadron is following the escaped prisoners to Lunar 7, Apollo is suddenly brought aboard the ship of light again. There he's warned of a great danger Terra is in and that it's important for them, for the people in the fleet and even for the light beings that he helps the people on Terra. When he lands there he's recognized as someone else but he has little success in convincing them. Luckily Starbuck and also the Galactica aren't that far behind.

My Opinion: I really liked Edward Mulhare (Devon in Knight Rider) in the role of John. He was a funny guy and yet recognizable as the father figure he would later become to Michael Knight. But I also liked that Terra wasn't Earth, I didn't like the Terra storyline very much.

Take the Celestra
Synopsis: During a ceremony Starbuck discovers that an old girlfriend of his is still alive and did not die on Caprica as he had suspected. Cassiopeia isn't very thrilled but there's also not much she can do. Starbuck and Apollo follow Aurora  to the Celestra and run in the middle of a mutiny. And Aurora is of course among the mutineers. But not everything is as it appears to be.

My Opinion: It was an OK episode. But it was a bit constructed that the XO developed the plan to get rid of his captain and miraculously a mutiny started in just that moment and gave him the opportunity. The captain also seemed to have lost touch with his crew, otherwise he had to notice that his XO was a "slave driver". But he still got a medal for his excellent leadership.

The Hand of God
Synopsis: The Galactica receives a signal that might have come from Earth but soon they detect a hidden Basestar that is looking for them. But Adama and Tigh are both tired of running. Adama develops a plan to attack and destroy the Basestar and its Raiders. Apollo and Starbuck get the most crucial role in that attack: They have to board the Basestar and to destroy its sensors. Both Cassiopeia and Sheba aren't very happy about it.

My Opinion: I really liked that final episode of the old series. It had the right amount (and quality) of humour and charm in it and also a good deal of action - even though they re-used the FX shots once again, there were so many and even some new shots that it looked really good. I also liked the idea that Apollo and Sheba may become a couple, Apollo had been alone since Serina died.

The Series - My Opinion: I will miss these guys. I really like the new series. But it's different there. The old series had its own charm and the characters are still great. Granted, a lot of the episodes have aged a lot and don't hold up in comparison to today's shows but it was still nice to see characters that aren't burdened with a difficult past but are straightforward WYSIWYGs.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2009, 11:55:57 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: "Battlestar Galactica" Marathon (1978-2009)
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2009, 11:40:51 AM »
Galactica 1980

Disc 1

Galactica Discovers Earth
Synopsis: After many yahren, the Galactica has finally discovered Earth. But Earth isn't the save heaven they had hoped for. They are technologically inferior and wouldn't survive a Cylon attack. Adama decides to send small teams down there to speed up Earth's development while he leads the fleet away from Earth since they are still followed by the Cylons. Troy (who was called Boxey when he was a child) and Dillon are being send to a country called "United States of America" where they want to meet with a leading nuclear scientist. And the local TV reporter Jamie Hamilton becomes their "tour guide".

My Opinion: And once again Los Angeles was destroyed by aliens - even though it was only a simulation. ;D I liked this first episode of the series, it showed promise. To bad the bridge sets seemed to be destroyed. The new bridge looked far inferior to the old one, but I liked to see Colonel Boomer again. I had forgotten that another recurring character (besides Adama) from the old show reappeared in this show. I also like the new two-seated Vipers because I like Jamie and that gives her the chance to ride along.

Galactica Discovers Earth, Part II
Synopsis: Troy and Dillon have been ordered back to the Galactica and they brought Jamie along (they didn't have much choice). Dr. Xaviar has travelled back in time to advance Earth's development in th past. He's gone into the year 1944 and to Peenemünde in Nazi-Germany. He's helping to develop the V2 and must be stopped. Troy, Dillon and Jamie follow him there.

My Opinion: The whole plot doesn't make much sense. Even if he could change the past, 36 years are clearly not enough to catapult Earth's technology forward in a way that it would be of any use in 1980. And even though the Nazis were the most advanced in regards to rocket science at this point in time I think it's very unlikely that the "Master Race" would be very open-minded towards a truly superior alien race.

Galactica Discovers Earth, Part III
Synopsis: Troy and Dillon can successfully sabotage the start of the V2 and it explodes shortly after launch. Xaviar is accused of being a spy and gets arrested but can escape, returns to his Viper and travels back to his own time. Jamie, Dillon and Troy follow him but lose his trail. After they successfully returned Jamie to California a new problem arises: The cloaking field has deactivated and made the Vipers visible. They are now in the hand of the US military and they need to get them back.

My Opinion: Even if the V2 test had worked (btw: the V2 tests started in 1942, in 1944 they were already mass-produced in slave labour), one year later a nuclear bomb over Europe would have still ended the war.
Also: They won't kill german soldiers because that would change the future but they free an entire train of Jews who were about to be brought to Auschwitz. Don't get me wrong: I don't critizise the break-out but then they might as well shoot the Germans.

The Super Scouts
Synopsis: After the Cylons have attacked and destroyed the fleet's school ship, Dillon and Troy have to evacuate 12 of the children down to Earth. There they disguise themselves as boy (and girl) scouts. Due to the higher gravity and the denser atmosphere in the fleet the children are stronger and faster as normal children of Earth. But that doesn't protect them from Earth's diseases and especially not from water that is poisoned by a chemical plant.

My Opinion: C'mon, gimme a break! Kids that jump 30 foot high? How high can Troy and Dillon jump? The Empire States Building? It's always a good idea to critizise how we treat our environment, but to shift the focus in a Sci-Fi show from their main protagonists to a bunch of kids who (of course) do childish things isn't a good idea.

The Super Scouts, Part II
Synopsis: Troy and Dillon have to care for three of their children who are very ill. But that's not their only problem. The military is after them because they detected the landing of the shuttle. The police is after them because they are accused of bank robbery. And the local workers are after them because they threaten the chemical plant.

My Opinion: And now a real "flying saucer", too. This ship looks nothing like a ship from the colonies. Why would they use such a design? No, these two episodes didn't work for me at all.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2009, 10:58:42 AM by DJ Doena »

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Re: "Battlestar Galactica" Marathon (1978-2009)
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2009, 10:14:28 PM »
Disc 2

Synopsis: Troy and Dillon are called back to the Galactica for an important mission. But it's a trick of Xaviar's and now they are sitting in a disabled Viper somewhere between Earth and the fleet. Meanwhile Jamie has to care for the scouts and to protect them both from the US military as well as Xaviar who wants to use them as bargaining chip. Jamie hides them in a baseball camp.

My Opinion: Don't win! Win! Don't win! Win! Jamie's constant change of minds were a bit annoying, especially since the point of this episode was totally lost on me. There was nothing in it but to show some special effects of super-kids playing baseball.

The Night the Cylons Landed
Synopsis: A Galactica patrol has encountered a new and improved Cylon Raider and engaged it. Both ships were damaged but the Raider is drifting towards Earth and will crash north of New York City. Troy and Dillon travel by plane there but they assume their patrol ship will crash there. Only two Cylons survive the crash but one of them is an advanced model who looks like a Human. And it's Halloween...

My Opinion: Together with the first part of this series, Galactica Discovers Earth, this and the following episode were re-cut to form the movie Galactica III: Conquest of the Earth. And I have to say that I like them. I thought it was an ingenious idea to hide two Cylons in plain sight, but since it's Halloween no one questions their appearance. And although these human Cylons are fully mechanical they are obviously the template for the human Cylons in the next series.
And it seems to have become a running gag that no matter where Troy and Dillon go, they get in some kind of trouble with the local law enforcement and that they steal a police car.

The Night the Cylons Landed, Part II
Synopsis: The Cylons were invited to a Halloween party and the famous radio moderator Wolfman Jack will be there. They want to capture him in order to get to the "communication center". From there they will send a distress signal and reveal Earth's position. Dillon and Troy have to prevent that at any cost. But they are not only the chaser, they are also the chased.

My Opinion: It was only years later that I learned that Wolfman Jack was a real person but I liked the character from the start. What I didn't like about this episode (and what wasn't in the movie) were Troy's and Dillon's "super jumps". But I really liked how the (seriously damaged) Centurion tried to protect the Cylon Andromus and jumped from that skyscraper and landed in the dumpster. ;D

Space Croppers
Synopsis: The Cylons have destroyed the agricultural ships and the fleet needs new crops. The Cylons hope that it will finally lead them to Earth. Dillon and Troy buy a piece of land from a farmer and try to grow plants there. But the farmer (and now they) are harassed by their neighbour who owns pretty much all land there and he controls the water reservoirs. But people who can fly through space can also make it rain.

My Opinion: I can't remember ever seeing this episode before. And to be honest: When they were harassed by their neighbour (played by MacGyver's Dana Elcar) I expected to see a certain black van with a red bar on it: "If you have a problem. If no one else can help. Maybe you can hire - The A-Team." ;)
Since the scout kids were back, they used "super jumps" to spread the seeds and used the "flying saucer" to make it rain. ship I didn't like this episode very much.

The Return of Starbuck
Synopsis: Doctor Zee tells Commander Adama about a dream he had. It includes a great battle and a great warrior called Starbuck who had to be left behind on a lonely planet. There he repairs on of the Cylons who crashed there with him in order to have some company. But soon they are not only 2, but 3.5: Cy has found a pregnant woman and Starbuck has to get her off the planet because soon other Cylons will come looking for their patrol.

My Opinion: That was a great episode. It was well told and had great characters in it. I loved to see the developing friendship between Starbuck and Cy. It was a bit like Enemy Mine and I was really sad when Cy "died" because he protected Starbuck from these other Cylons. And it's pretty ironic that this episode worked very well and didn't need many FX shots (except for the re-used battle scenes in the beginning where Boomer has to say goodbye to his friend).

The Series - My Opinion: Let's face it: The series isn't that good. The special effects were basically reduced to "super jumps", to cloak each and everything and to make their motorcycles fly. And while it maybe OK to destroy the same Raider in the upper right corner over and over again, it looks odd when your motorcycles always fly over the same skyline no matter in which countryside you had been before - especially when you do it in nearly every episode.
It was a good idea to bring the fleet to Earth - they had told many space stories in the original series - but they didn't make anything out of it. Instead four out of ten episodes revolved around a bunch of kids and the main characters were reduced to kindergarten teachers.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2009, 10:26:36 AM by DJ Doena »

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Re: "Battlestar Galactica" Marathon (1978-2009)
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2009, 03:06:17 PM »
Battlestar Galactica (2003)


Synopsis: Many years ago the Humans in the Twelve Colonies of Kobol build themselves advanced machines that would work for them. But these machines developed and one day they began a war against their masters.
40 years has it been since the war has ended and the Cylons disappeared. Now they are back and they want the total annihilation of mankind. They have hacked into colonial defences and disabled it. The attack comes swift and deadly. Only a handful of ships under the lead of the Battlestar Galactica survives this holocaust. Now they want to find the mystical thirteenth colony of Kobol: Earth.

My Opinion: When I heard that there would be a new Battlestar Galactica series, I was excited. This series is nothing like the old one except for the basic story. Some of the characters have changed gender and/or skin colour, their names have become call signs and Adama is no longer the lone leader of the fleet. He's now a military commander who was about to retire. The role of the civilian leader was taken by President Laura Roslin who is a counterpoise to Adama. Also, the characters aren't so upright anymore: Lee "Apollo" Adama dislikes his father because of what happened to his brother, Kara "Starbuck" Thrace hits "superior assholes" once in a while, Colonel Tigh is a drunk, Baltar is the egocentric scientist who inadvertently let the Cylons into the defence mainframe and Sharon "Boomer" Valerii is a Cylon sleeper agent. Ah yes: And some Cylons look like Humans now. Of these 12 human models we know 4 so far.
What I like about this mini-series and the following series was that they didn't overdo the Sci-Fi elements. When they use FX it looks great but they decided to don't make everything futuristic. The interior and the normal stuff looks pretty much normal. No fancy laser pistols, no communicators, no spacy music instruments.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2009, 03:46:42 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: "Battlestar Galactica" Marathon (1978-2009)
« Reply #13 on: September 01, 2009, 08:34:53 PM »
Season 1

Disc 1

Synopsis: The Cylons somehow always know the position of the fleet and follows it mercilessly. 33 minutes after the fleet has arrived at the new jump coordinates a Cylon fleet arrives also and starts to attack. The fleet has just commenced its 237th jump and the pilots and the crew of the Galactica have been awake for more than 5 days straight without relieve or pause. They have to put an end to this or they will make one final, deadly mistake.
Meanwhile another Number Eight (numerical designation of human copies that look like Boomer) pretends to have come back to Caprica to get Karl "Helo" Agathon out of there.

My Opinion: This was a great start to the show because you are thrown right in. One doesn't know how much time lay between their jump over the "red line" and the first time the Cylons found them again but it can't have been much. And then we see them already 5 days into this 33 minutes rhythm, all exhausted and on duty for over 130 hours and no hope of release except death. It was only the first of many hard situations to come but it showed directly that this won't be an easy journey.

Synopsis: When Boomer (a Cylon who doesn't know she is one) regains consciousness she finds herself soaking wet and she also has a plastic explosive plus a detonator in her hands. When she secretly brings it back she discovers that 6 more are missing from an arms locker. Soon after a huge explosion erupts in Galactica and 60% of the water tanks are emptied into space. If the fleet doesn't find a new water source it won't survive.

My Opinion: This was also a good episode, I liked it how Boomer struggled with herself, how she tried to override her Cylon programming without even knowing that it's there. I also liked it how both Adama and Roslin didn't really like the ceremonial pomp but both did it to make the other one feel better. I also took notice of Alex "Crashdown" Quartararo for the first time, because now I know his actor Sam Witwer from the eight season of Smallville.

Bastille Day
Synopsis: They have found water, but in its liquid form it is to salty to be used, but there are also huge masses of frozen fresh water. It will be hard and dangerous work to mine that water and Apollo offers freedom points for the men on the prison ship if they are willing to help. But the prisoners stand united behind former terrorist Tom Zarek who uses the situation to take hostages and demands elections.

My Opinion: While I liked to see the classic BSG alumni Richard Hatch (Apollo in classic BSG), I never cared much for Tom Zarek or his "mission". At no time this character was somehow likeable, he's simply a bad guy who happens to be human. This was also the first episode that Starbuck becomes an all-purpose Swiss knife (Is that a pleonasm?) because otherwise there would be no reason why she would lead the marines to rescue the hostages and it's also her who carries the sniper rifle. But I am not mad about this, because it gives her more screen time. ;)

But I really love this quote from Adama: "There's a reason you separate military and the police. One fights the enemies of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people."

Act of Contrition
Synopsis: An accident on the landing deck occurs which kills twelve Viper pilots and injures seven more. Adama gives Starbuck the task of training pilots to become Viper pilots since Starbuck had been an instructor before the war. What Adama doesn't know is that Starbuck passed Adama's son Zek in basic flight even though he should have failed because she was engaged to him. Soon after he died in his plane.

My Opinion: Another thing I like about this show: Past events are rarely forgotten, no pushing of the reset button after the episode has ended. And also the occasional flashback to a pre-war Caprica. This episode also introduces two new pilots: Brendan "Hot Dog" Costanza and Louanne "Kat" Katraine and the latter one will become a worthy challenger of Starbuck's and she will call Starbuck out when no one else dares to. Starbuck needs that on occasion and that's why I like Kat.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2009, 10:09:03 AM by DJ Doena »

Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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