Author Topic: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.  (Read 49429 times)

Offline Achim

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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #45 on: April 17, 2009, 12:31:00 PM »
Meanwhile I'm close to finishing Drake's Fortune and have already finished Price of Persia and Burnout Paradise. Waiting for the island to release on Burnout - that should be fun!
All great games :thumbup:

I just completed (Platinum trophy) Drake's Fortune two weeks ago. Had finished the first play through last summer. Great game! One of the best on the PS3.

For PoP I didn't bother with the DLC as I liked the ending as it was and the gameplay had me not lusting for more.

Burnout Paradise is excellent, too. Seems like Cops and Robbers will be first though...


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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #46 on: April 21, 2009, 05:52:22 AM »
I am currently playing through Fallout 3. It's terrible, because I always get sidetracked doing other stuff than the main mission. :laugh: Seriously, it's a great game!

Me too. I keep wandering around the Wasteland. Just finished Agatha's Song quest. Thing is, I'm already level 18 (level cap is at 20), and I've only done 3 main quests! Everything else has been side quests and exploring!  :laugh:

I just encountered my first Deathclaw... ouch! It made mince-meat of me! These things have freakin' huge claws and are fast as hell!
Still, nothing my handy little Dart gun couldn't fix on the second encounter  :devil:

Also encountered my first Mirelurk King... meh! Thought they'd be more of a challenge (especially sine it happened right after encountering two Mirelurk Hunters in closed quarters!)

I love this game!  :-[
« Last Edit: April 21, 2009, 05:54:27 AM by RossRoy »

Offline Achim

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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #47 on: April 21, 2009, 06:33:53 AM »
I love it too! Not encountered any Deathclaws or Mirelurk Kings yet.

Main story I am finished with the Rivet City bit (I think). Trying to get in there was fun!
(click to show/hide)

I decided to max out my small guns skill, allowing me to be quick and good with all the smaller weapons, hopefully giving me a good chance later. I found those Talon Mercenaries are usually quite a bunch of trouble to kill too...

Mainly uncovered stuff in the lower right corner of the map and a little bit to the north of Megaton
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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #48 on: April 21, 2009, 03:48:49 PM »
Mainly uncovered stuff in the lower right corner of the map

If I'm not mistaken, the lower right part of the map is DC proper? Then you've been battling Super Mutants and their pet Centaurs. I jumped the first I saw a Centaurs right around a corner!

I knew something was there (my perception is rather high) - but I didn't expect it to be that thing! yuck! ;)

I made my character a sneaky small gun user. It's cool! I can kill most enemies with 2-3 shots to the head max, unless I manage to get a sneak critical ;)

Offline Achim

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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #49 on: April 22, 2009, 03:09:00 AM »
If I'm not mistaken, the lower right part of the map is DC proper? Then you've been battling Super Mutants and their pet Centaurs. I jumped the first I saw a Centaurs right around a corner!

I knew something was there (my perception is rather high) - but I didn't expect it to be that thing! yuck! ;)
Well, that part of the map also comes a bit when doing the main story... and yes, it's proper DC. I have killed several Super Mutants and some of them a centaurs. First time I encountered them I got squished but now I am getting quite into it. You'll find a whole lot at... (no, I won't). The centaurs look cool, but they spit out this acid like stuff that reduces health rather quickly...

I made my character a sneaky small gun user. It's cool! I can kill most enemies with 2-3 shots to the head max, unless I manage to get a sneak critical ;)
:thumbup: same here! Sneaky, small guns and lock-picking (admittedly, I had read somewhere that that one comes in handy). This way the super mutants are hardly a problem. Sneaking up + combat shotgun = one-shot kill. :dance: Additionally I picked the some perks that make me stronger against damage...

Yesterday I got myself the Animal Friend perk (or whatever that's called). I am a little uncertain if that was a good choice but now "furry animals" (vicious dogs, mole rats, brahmin, etc.) are my friends and if I get the second rank they'll even come to help me when fighting humans!

I am now at level 10, by the way, so still some improvements to be done. I still want to get perks to improve smaller-gun abilities (I hope even with lack of ability the mini-nukes will be sufficient against the behemoths later...) and smarten up the character. Because once I hit level 20 that's gonna be a hard-hard cap (while you can keep going to 30 later).

You have heard about the announcement of the next Fallout, probably due out in 2010? It will take place in Vegas. Bethesda haqs someone else developing it, so maybe less bugs and a dash of hope for DLC on the PS3.


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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #50 on: April 22, 2009, 03:28:51 AM »
Yesterday I got myself the Animal Friend perk (or whatever that's called). I am a little uncertain if that was a good choice but now "furry animals" (vicious dogs, mole rats, brahmin, etc.) are my friends and if I get the second rank they'll even come to help me when fighting humans!

When I read the description for it, I thought it was pretty weak. Especially against some of the other available perks.

I am now at level 10, by the way, so still some improvements to be done. I still want to get perks to improve smaller-gun abilities (I hope even with lack of ability the mini-nukes will be sufficient against the behemoths later...) and smarten up the character.

Just for kicks, here's my character data:
I'm level 18 - Very Good - Wasteland Saviour
S.P.E.C.I.A.L.     SkillsPerks
Strength: 5
Perception: 6
Endurance: 6
Charisma: 3
Intelligence: 10
Agility: 10
Luck: 5
Barter: 34
Big Guns: 27
Energy Weapons: 26   
Explosives: 42
Lockpick: 100
Medicine 100
Melee Weapons: 27
Repair: 100
Science: 85
Small Guns: 100
Sneak: 100
Speech: 100
Unarmed: 29
Action Boy
Ant Sight*
Gun Nut(3)
Light Step
Rad Regeneration*
Silent Running
Strong Back
Survival guru
Swift Learner

Starred perks were obtained through side quests.
The special and skills both include the bobbleheads I found so far.

I'll probably get Better Criticals at lvl19 (if I can), and then Grim Reaper's Spirit (replenished AP bar upon kill in VATS! Can you believe how strong that makes you?) at lvl20

You have heard about the announcement of the next Fallout, probably due out in 2010? It will take place in Vegas. Bethesda haqs someone else developing it, so maybe less bugs and a dash of hope for DLC on the PS3.

Yeah I heard about New Vegas. Should be cool!
« Last Edit: April 22, 2009, 05:08:48 PM by RossRoy »


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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #51 on: April 23, 2009, 05:03:26 AM »
I don't believe this!!!

My Xbox just crapped out... AGAIN!! RROD.... AGAIN!!

I thought they fixed that??

ARGGHHHHH!!! Things were going so well! I had just finished Gears of War 2, Lost Odyssey... I was having a lot of fun in Fallout 3.... and now this??? And I just went through it all!!!




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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #52 on: April 23, 2009, 05:18:26 AM »
Now that was odd... I had the three red lights flashing... but it still booted up to the dashboard, and even allowed me to browse the menu! all while the three red lights were flashing on the box itself! Weird!

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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #53 on: April 23, 2009, 07:01:35 AM »
Well, let's hope your box stays stable...

I am at level 11 now, being as good as possible. (When finished I will go back using older games saves  to level up to 8 and 14 respectively with neutral and then bad karma for those related trophies.) I had a chance yesterday to pick another perk than Animal Friend but decide to choose it again. Another useless perk I chose was the one where additional gore and mayhem is displayed upon kills, just couldn't resist (wouldn't choose that one again, though).

Well, I had my own AAAARGGHHH moment yesterday. I noticed at first that one trophy had not popped, despite the quest being complete. Read a bit one the internet and found that you MUST complete it in correct sequence.
(click to show/hide)
So, I went back to an older game save, redid the quest correctly as quick as possible and then continued with the other game save.

Then, back in normal progression, I got lots of freezes during the Project Purity quest. Reading up on the internet shows it's a well documented bug/glitch, assumably related to the above sequencing problem. So now I had to permanently go back to that trophy-run save game which lost me 10 hours of game play :weep: I hope it won't happen again... (reading up on the issue I got reminded that Bethesda is famous for releasing glitchy games and they are infamous for not updating, especially the PS3 version.


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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #54 on: April 23, 2009, 05:23:26 PM »
I'm currently doing the Scientific Pursuit quest... but I keep getting sidetracked! I keep finding new places! On the way, I discovered the Yao Guai Tunnels (which I avoided like the plague! Don't want to go there just yet), Little Lamplight, Evergreen Mills... (the game actually started crashing repetitively at Evergreen Mills - and I got the RROD afterwards), found a power station and a transmission tower that transmits morse code of some sort..

Offline Achim

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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #55 on: April 24, 2009, 06:37:08 AM »
I'm currently doing the Scientific Pursuit quest... but I keep getting sidetracked!

The bug/glitch I mentioned is not a PS3 exclusive! Have you been to the Memorial before going to Rivet City at the time? If so, did you pick up anything while there.  Did you kill all the mutants before? If any of those is "yes" you may have to preparew yourself for the worst (as you are apparently much further into the game as me).

The problem appears to be that Dr. Li asks you to look for clues in the Memorial, but she won't if you already had been there! This apparently not only voids the related achievement but also may lead to freezing during a later quest.

Yao Guais are one of the reasons I picked the Animal Friend perk ;) Brahmin are obviously no threat, Mole rats are a piece of cake with the repellent stick and dogs are tough bastards but killable, but Yao Guais are huge and I thought I better get them on my side...


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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #56 on: April 24, 2009, 01:23:32 PM »
The bug/glitch I mentioned is not a PS3 exclusive! Have you been to the Memorial before going to Rivet City at the time? If so, did you pick up anything while there.  Did you kill all the mutants before? If any of those is "yes" you may have to preparew yourself for the worst (as you are apparently much further into the game as me).

The problem appears to be that Dr. Li asks you to look for clues in the Memorial, but she won't if you already had been there! This apparently not only voids the related achievement but also may lead to freezing during a later quest.

I don't remember.. But chances are, if I found the memorial before Rivet City, I did kill all the mutants and picked up the holotapes :fingerchew:

But I just looked at the map.. Considering the direction from which I would've approached and my style of play, I probably found Rivet City first, and I did, I will have spoken to Doctor Li before going to the Memorial. So I should be fine... Hope so...

But I can tell you right now - if the game glitches on the scientific pursuit perk, I'm not starting over! Not now! (I didn't keep older save.. I only have 2 or 3 + the autosave)

Yao Guais are one of the reasons I picked the Animal Friend perk ;) Brahmin are obviously no threat, Mole rats are a piece of cake with the repellent stick and dogs are tough bastards but killable, but Yao Guais are huge and I thought I better get them on my side...

There's a much more effective alternative to the Animal Friend perk: the Dart Gun. It pretty much makes both the yao guais and the deathclaws as dangerous as kitties ;)
« Last Edit: April 24, 2009, 01:30:22 PM by RossRoy »

Offline Achim

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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #57 on: April 24, 2009, 02:06:37 PM »
But I can tell you right now - if the game glitches on the scientific pursuit perk, I'm not starting over! Not now! (I didn't keep older save.. I only have 2 or 3 + the autosave)
I hope you'll be fine, but for me at least it wasn't a question of "not starting over", I had to, as I couldn't proceed with the next mission (Water something...). You'll have to go to the Memorial again and that's where all the freezing occured. So, I suggest you finnish Scientific Pursuit, then the next one (which is loads of fun! one of the best yet!) and then the Water somethign one just to be sure. The more you divert yourself the more you loose. BTW, you wouldn't have to start entirely over, you only need to go back to a save before you came to Rivet City and/or Jefferson Memorial.

You are in my prayers tonight...

There's a much more effective alternative to the Animal Friend perk: the Dart Gun. It pretty much makes both the yao guais and the deathclaws as dangerous as kitties ;)
Ah, I keep reading good things about the dart gun. It's of those I am supposed to build, right? Don't have the schematics yet... (don't tell me where to get them...)


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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #58 on: April 24, 2009, 02:56:32 PM »
Ah, I keep reading good things about the dart gun. It's of those I am supposed to build, right? Don't have the schematics yet... (don't tell me where to get them...)

Yep, you have to build it. No, I won't tell you where to get it! I had to find myself... Get to searching! hehe

What I can tell you is that when I found the schematics and read the effects of the dart gun after building it, I thought what the heck am I gonna that for? But once I shot a single enemy with it and saw the effect..  :o

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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #59 on: April 24, 2009, 10:22:01 PM »
I received the Shishkebab schematics today (as a reward for a quest) and for a short while I thought that was a fancy name for the dart gun. Seems I was wrong.

Found the merchant Lucky today. When leaving the store three Talon mercenaries popped up right in front of me :o Killed one of them myself and the other two were torn apart by a Yao Guai (nto sure why though, they are not supposed to do that yet, only with the second level of the perk :shrug:). Still having my hands full with Mirelurks and scorpians...