Author Topic: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.  (Read 50721 times)


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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #75 on: May 01, 2009, 01:39:49 PM »
Sounds like Fallout 3 be worth keeping for a later try :)

Oh yeah, it's definitely a keeper! With the alternate endings, all the options I couldn't select because I was playing a "good" character that I'd like to try as a "bad" character, etc.

I finished 4 main story quests yesterday (which should really be 1, they flow all together): Picking Up The Trail (location of Vault 87), Rescue from Paradise (Access to Little Lamplight, and access to Vault 87), Finding the Garden of Eden (Vault 87) & American Dream ([XXXeditedXXX]). That means I have only 1 main story quest left to do!

But the thing is, I've still not discovered all the locations on the map. There's even some locations I did find, that I have yet to explore (Dunwich Building, Deathclaw Sanctuary, Oasis, Iradiated Metro, Sewers, Nuka Cola Plant)

So I'm wondering what I should do. Put the last quest on hold and go explore. Or do the final quest, complete the game, then restart with a "Bad" character with the Broken Steel DLC and then be a little more thorough in the exploration.

I also have to consider that I have other games on my shelves waiting - see previous post here (minus Lost Odyssey and Gears of War 2 - which I've completed since)


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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #76 on: May 01, 2009, 01:54:37 PM »
Can somebody explain something to me?

I don't understand what's the big deal about Achievements/Trophies and the quest to make sure to get them all. I mean, what's the point? Prove to the world how you have no life and spend all your time chasing achievements?

I mean, there's people cheating to get achievements (see here)! As well as websites ranking games on how easy it is to get all the achievements (can't find the link now, but I remember seeing it. Games listed in order from easiest to toughest)! There's also the whole boosting of gamerscore, with the advent of multiplayer achievements (intentionally lose to someone in order to get "5 victory in a row" type achievements) ???

And Microsoft having strict achievement rules (see here)

I'm guessing it pretty much the same situation for Trophies on PS3.

But what's the point? Who cares if I have 25,000,000 points or only 9,209?

I realize the irony of my posting this, while at the same time having that little ticker with my gamerscore. But mostly, I put it there so people can see what games I'm playing (if you click on it, the games are listed in order, from most recent played, to the last.)

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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #77 on: May 01, 2009, 05:12:24 PM »
This was present too in some PS2 RPG and the only game that I owned with this had the possibilty to play without that. You can be sure that I've never use this, maybe I'm too old school but my trophy is to end the quest and do it again finding something new. Why would I care to receive a trophy because I receive no hit in 3 consecutive fight ::)

A real rewarding trophy was the old Activision patch for the Atari game. Getting one was a real achievement and no I've never got one. Succeed in Decathlon to reach the achievement level, but my photo was no good :laugh:


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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #78 on: May 01, 2009, 09:47:46 PM »
(even purchased some songs for my iPhone on iTunes :bag:)

Which ones did you get? I already have most of them (I love that kind of music! War years swing)


Well, I've decided to do the final quest now, and move on to another game at least until Broken Steel is released (most probably longer, since I'll want to finish whatever I start next before coming back to Fallout 3).

Still have to decide what to play next.. Guess I'll go by released date - the older game that I have yet to finish is the one I'll be playing next.

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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #79 on: May 02, 2009, 01:06:58 PM »
I've been playing FEAR 2 and enjoing it plenty. I particullary like the movement and weapon animations of my carachter, the fellow soldiers, the story line and ofcourse the occational scare treatment :)
Without "telling" too much, I'd say, there are places that are particullar scary  :fingerchew:
Seems like I might want to keep F.E.A.R. 2 on my Wish List. There is just so much stuff coming out in he next few months and with the backlog I already have I really shouldn't add more items...


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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #80 on: May 02, 2009, 03:30:07 PM »
Achim - while you still can divert you attention and keep exploring, somehow that narrative will make you want to advance a lot faster with the main story. So if you want a friendly recommendation, either have a save that is just before you enter Vault 87, so that you can go back and explore some more. Or, simply don't enter Vault 87 until you have done all the exploring you want to do. The story really picks up big time starting with the visit to Vault 87.

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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #81 on: May 03, 2009, 05:17:44 PM »
Achim - while you still can divert you attention and keep exploring, somehow that narrative will make you want to advance a lot faster with the main story. So if you want a friendly recommendation, either have a save that is just before you enter Vault 87, so that you can go back and explore some more. Or, simply don't enter Vault 87 until you have done all the exploring you want to do. The story really picks up big time starting with the visit to Vault 87.
Haha, I was just going to post the same thing... Well, I read up on the issue before hand, so I was prepared. You can finish the Vault 87 mission and leave the vault. The rest in a spoiler tag:
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I am actually planning to finish the story now (well, tomorrow) to see how it ends. Then I'll go back to the save point I just made today and keep exploring the world...
(click to show/hide)

Did you do the Vault 87 quest yet? It's great fun (both, or all three, parts). ...and provided your Karma allows for it you get the chance for a new partner (next to the dog,m who I still have to find).


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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #82 on: May 03, 2009, 05:46:17 PM »
Did you do the Vault 87 quest yet? It's great fun (both, or all three, parts). ...and provided your Karma allows for it you get the chance for a new partner (next to the dog,m who I still have to find).

Yeah I did it. I had actually already finished the game when I posted the warning above. I'm now waiting for Broken Steel, and I will then restart the game as a bad character to see how the game changes, and to visit the few places I have yet to visit.

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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #83 on: May 04, 2009, 03:49:55 AM »
I am also planning to replay as bad character after I finished as the Saint I am right now. First I want to complete all the achievement/trophy queests though and then I'll play at a slower pace than I play now.

I assume playing as a bad character will be a little harder, as you are bound to piss more people off (then again, rumor has it that raiders may not be as angry with you...). What will help here is, that we'll have learned which perks and skills were helpful to use and which won't be needed (like, I enjoy playing stealthy but my low Agility occasionally works against me this round). I am also looking forward to see how all encounters will play out differently when being bad. I already know that the first thing to do will be to shoot that beggar in front of Megaton :devil: Hmmm, maybe I should start a parallel save file more soon just to have fun with it sometimes.

Good thing for you: You can play through to the end next time, continue with Borken Steel and then enjoy the open end.


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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #84 on: May 04, 2009, 04:43:32 AM »
Good thing for you: You can play through to the end next time, continue with Borken Steel and then enjoy the open end.

Hahaha! I hope that's not a premonition and the Bethesda will not "bork" the DLC ;)

I actually can't wait to blow up Megaton (ridding the world of the Children of Atom cult!) - and I'm sure I'll have a lot of fun enslaving countless innocents ;)

You know what's funny? I've actually encountered only 1 Super Mutant Behemoths.. aren't there 5 of those? You'd think with all the exploring I've done, I'd at least have found 1 or 2 more.. oh well, that'll be for next playthrough!

I don't know if you've read about it, but there's an easy way to get all level achievements at every karma level in 1 shot. Basically, you play a bad character, and when you get to level 7, 13 or 19, you save your game, then go to any church and donate caps to raise your Karma to good.. reload and repeat to neutral.. reload then level up normally as bad. Bingo! 3 achievements in 1 shot! If you're short of caps to reach the proper karma, you can even sell all your stuff, because anyway it's a "temporary character" ;)

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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #85 on: May 04, 2009, 06:31:48 AM »
Hahaha! I hope that's not a premonition and the Bethesda will not "bork" the DLC ;)
Just a typo, honest!

Well, let's hope they learned from the previous experience(s)...

I actually can't wait to blow up Megaton (ridding the world of the Children of Atom cult!) - and I'm sure I'll have a lot of fun enslaving countless innocents ;)
Hmmm, enslaving innocents may be a good way to lower Karma and earn somem caps at the same time. Thanks for the tip there.

You know what's funny? I've actually encountered only 1 Super Mutant Behemoths.. aren't there 5 of those? You'd think with all the exploring I've done, I'd at least have found 1 or 2 more.. oh well, that'll be for next playthrough!
I'd imagine them in D.C. somewhere. One is supposed to be nearby the Capitol...? I Haven't been around D.C. that much yet myself, but I'd have imagined you should have met at least one more, indeed.

I don't know if you've read about it, but there's an easy way to get all level achievements at every karma level in 1 shot. Basically, you play a bad character, and when you get to level 7, 13 or 19, you save your game, then go to any church and donate caps to raise your Karma to good.. reload and repeat to neutral.. reload then level up normally as bad. Bingo! 3 achievements in 1 shot! If you're short of caps to reach the proper karma, you can even sell all your stuff, because anyway it's a "temporary character" ;)
Yes, I read about this. I have a feeling though it should be easier to "go from top", meaning I will use my good character and then just do bad stuff until I reach Neutral and then again for Bad. Or you reckon we can save boat leads of money to redeem ourselves instantly? Of course, you can also give water to the three beggars as well, but I thought ultimately killing loads of innocents should change the Karma more efficiently. So, yes, I have game with levels 6/7, 12/13 and 19 (well, that's where I am now) so that I can get those trophies quickly. Although, I may only do it for Neutral and get Evil in regular gameplay.


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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #86 on: May 04, 2009, 06:50:03 AM »
You know what's funny? I've actually encountered only 1 Super Mutant Behemoths.. aren't there 5 of those? You'd think with all the exploring I've done, I'd at least have found 1 or 2 more.. oh well, that'll be for next playthrough!
I'd imagine them in D.C. somewhere. One is supposed to be nearby the Capitol...? I Haven't been around D.C. that much yet myself, but I'd have imagined you should have met at least one more, indeed.

Well I know of 4 of them. The one you encounter in the course of the main story (pretty scary that one! Especially if met early on). There's one in a raider camp somewhere (I actually killed that one - So I actually killed 2). There's one in the Capitol - which I haven't been to. There's also one in an unmarked location somewhere in the wasteland around a few overturned train cars (There's a few Super Mutants, then when they are dead, the Behemoth usually comes out - I found that one, but haven't killed it. I was running low on ammo so I ran away, and I never found it again!) I have no idea where the fifth is.

Yes, I read about this. I have a feeling though it should be easier to "go from top", meaning I will use my good character and then just do bad stuff until I reach Neutral and then again for Bad. Or you reckon we can save boat leads of money to redeem ourselves instantly? Of course, you can also give water to the three beggars as well, but I thought ultimately killing loads of innocents should change the Karma more efficiently. So, yes, I have game with levels 6/7, 12/13 and 19 (well, that's where I am now) so that I can get those trophies quickly. Although, I may only do it for Neutral and get Evil in regular gameplay.

Killing innocent to lower you karma works, but the danger is that it also gives you exp (I think? even if it's very little). So if you start killing too close to leveling up, you might end up leveling before reaching the right karma.

You could also steal to lower your karma, but I'm guessing it'd be long and might make a few people unhappy.

Giving caps to church redeems you easily, and doesn't give exp - total control ;)

Giving water to the beggars is way too long IMO. Of course, you can get free purified water, but it would take a while.

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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #87 on: May 05, 2009, 05:31:24 AM »
Well I know of 4 of them. The one you encounter in the course of the main story (pretty scary that one! Especially if met early on). There's one in a raider camp somewhere (I actually killed that one - So I actually killed 2). There's one in the Capitol - which I haven't been to. There's also one in an unmarked location somewhere in the wasteland around a few overturned train cars (There's a few Super Mutants, then when they are dead, the Behemoth usually comes out - I found that one, but haven't killed it. I was running low on ammo so I ran away, and I never found it again!) I have no idea where the fifth is.
Yes, the first one shocked me and had me run for cover. I had on no where near enough fire power myself, but luckily the Botherhood does the killing really. I had the impression though I fired the finishing shot.
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Do you read guides on the internet, occasionally? I usually do what I can myself first and then retreat to reading those... Usually the ones at IGN are fairly comprehensive and easy enough to navigate. So, if you're tired looking for the 4th and 5th one just go to IGN's Fallout 3 Guide

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Killing innocent to lower you karma works, but the danger is that it also gives you exp (I think? even if it's very little). So if you start killing too close to leveling up, you might end up leveling before reaching the right karma.

You could also steal to lower your karma, but I'm guessing it'd be long and might make a few people unhappy.

Giving caps to church redeems you easily, and doesn't give exp - total control ;)

Giving water to the beggars is way too long IMO. Of course, you can get free purified water, but it would take a while.
Hmmm, I see your point. I figured that's why I should use a game save maybe even one level "too low" in order to avoid the problem of leveling up too quickly. Would give me enough time to run around and kill friendlies... Maybe I will get the Evil ones in a regular play through and use your method to do the Neutral ones.


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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #88 on: May 05, 2009, 05:41:20 PM »
oh boy...

[Yes, it's still Fallout 3 Related]

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Re: x-box 360: games, gaming and your game list.
« Reply #89 on: May 06, 2009, 06:48:37 AM »
oh boy...

[Yes, it's still Fallout 3 Related]

As you may have read by now, it appears to be a Microsoft problem somehow (the installer coughing up, or so) and they are working on a fix.

Are you aving problems too? It's supposed to be on the PC only and I thought you play on the 360... They sure haven't been lucky with their DLC.