Author Topic: Smallville Marathon  (Read 41948 times)

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Smallville Marathon
« on: July 31, 2007, 01:21:25 AM »
Smallville Marathon
At one of the forums I go to a lot they were talking about the Smallville DVDs. As they talked about some of the episodes that I haven't seen in a long time... I got in the mood to watch them again myself. So now here I am starting a 5 season marathon.

Season 1: Disc 1

Rescue Lex, avoid Lana's killer green necklace, stop an avenging scarecrow man and don't reveal your powers to anyone. Who says being a teen hero is easy? Clark also learns he's not exactly from the neighborhood.

My Thoughts:
This is a good start to a great series! The start of the friendship between Clark and Lex... Clark's unbreakable infatuation with Lana... And who can forget Chloe with her Wall of Weird... It has been so long since I have seen these early episodes... this is going to be a fun marathon!

Is Lana fated to a cocoon of doom? A nerdish bug collector is transformed into a monster by the irradiated bugs of Smallville - and he wants Lana for his bug-world queen.

My Thoughts:
Another good episode... most of them are! In this one Clark gets his first real fight as the Bug Boy is strong too. Of course (like most the episodes) Clark must save Lana from the freak of the week.

He has a burning desire for victory! A win-at-any-cost football coach turns deadly when unexpected exposure to 'kryptonite' gives him the power to cause his critics to engulf in flames.

My Thoughts:
This is a decent episode... but not one of my favorites. I don't know what it is about this episode... I guess it is a mixture of 2 things.. first that couch bugs the crap out of me for some reason... just don't like him.... plus I am not much of a sports fan... so this episode having a lot to do with football kinda gets lost on me. Other then that... I am still able to enjoy it.

4. X-RAY
Clark is startled to discover he has the power of X-ray vision - a power that may be useful when he confronts a challenging-like student who can take on the appearance and emotional traits of anyone.

My Thoughts:
Now... this on the other hand is one of my favorites. In the Smallville series there is 2 type of episodes I really like. One being... like this one... where Clark develops one of his powers. and the other is when the other superheroes comes into the series... which don't happen to the later seasons if I remember correctly. I must admit... of all of Clark's powers... this is the one I would like to have! Of course I don't think I could be as strong as Clark on not looking at things I shouldn't! ;)

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Re: Smallville Marathon
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2007, 02:14:17 PM »
Season 1: Disc 2:
He's the coolest guy in school - and a stone-cold danger to everyone he meets. A fall into icy, kryptonite-laced Crater Lake turns a student into a hypothermic monster who seeks to rob others of their body heat.

My Thoughts:
This is a real COOL episode!... sorry couldn't help myself. In this one Clark needs to save Chloe... my favorite character on Smallville. This one had some pretty decent special effects what with the freezing of the school pool and all. A good episode.... really enjoyed it.

A plunge into kryptonite-infused waters act like a fountain of youth for a retirement home resident, who is restored to the murderous ways of his sinister past. A fortune-teller foresees Lex in the Oval Office.

My Thoughts:
Yet another Freak of the Week episode. As always... someone close to Clark is in trouble... this time being his parents. Is a good episode... but I don't think I personally would rank it up there as a favorite of mine.

A teen's amazingly successful weight-loss regimen gives her a crazed hunger for high-fat munchies! So she munches on a deer here, a boyfriend there - she's a fat-sucking fiend and a menace to Smallville!

My Thoughts:
This one I enjoyed quite a bit. was a decent episode with some pretty cool effects. liked the way they did Jodi's jaw when she went to feed. In this episode Clark had to save Pete Ross.

an Ex-'LuthorCorp' employee insists that the spasmodic rages that sometimes grip him are a result lf an incident that occured on the plant's secret Level 3. But if there is a Level 3, why doesn't Lex know anything about it?

My Thoughts:
This one I really liked... and it co-stars a favorite actor of mine... one that does a lot of horror movies... Tony Todd. This time Clark has to save his whole class from the inside a hostage situation. This one I would say is one of my favorites.

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Re: Smallville Marathon
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2007, 06:16:42 PM »
Season 1: Disc 3:

The secret is out - perhaps. Clark performs a lifesaving act of superheroism, thinking there is no witnesses, but a nearby cop sees everything, and he has blackmail in mind.

My Thoughts:
This was another good episode... nothing that really stands out on it... but enjoyable.

A servant is supposed to be invisible to their employers. But someone at Lex's mansion takes that axiom literally when he uses an invisibility potion to cloak himself during a manor-wide terror spree.

My Thoughts:
In my opinion only an ok episode. Has a couple decent moments but like the one before... nothing all that special about it.

11. HUG
His kryptonite-infused handshakeseals the deal! a manipulative, wheeler-dealer entreprenuer exerts a myseterious power over Smallville residents - and even convinces Clark's dad to sell the family farm.

My Thoughts:
This is a good episode. an interesting situation... and the first time they use the forget angle when someone finds out that Clark isn't "normal".

Lets see how the other half live. After a fluke lightning strike, Clark experiences the joys and pains of a normal human existance, and a classmate suddenly has the powers once weilded by Clark.

My Thoughts:
This one is a really good episode... I enjoyed it a lot... the storyline of how another could/would handle the powers Clark possesses is an interesting one.

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Re: Smallville Marathon
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2007, 08:02:22 PM »
Season 1: Disc 4:

Whitney falls in with the wrong crowd - ex-jocks turned theives whose kryptonite-saturated tattoos alter their molecular structure so they can pass through walls... and rob banks and Lex's mansion with ease.

My Thoughts:
Good episode... really interesting... I like the tattoo angle. In this one Clark has to come to the aide of Whitney. Talk about awkward... having to help the boyfriend of the girl you are in love with!

14. ZERO
A nemisis presumed to be dead for three years resurfaces in Smallville and stalks Lex. Chloe uncovers intriguing information about Clark's adoption.

My Thoughts:
An interesting episode... yet probably my least favorite Smallville episode there is. Definitely my least favorite of season 1. I found myself enjoying the sub-story of Chloe investigating Clark's life... then the main storyline. Oh well... they can't all be winners.

Jonathan turns against his son, Lana becomes a sexy flirt, and Pete sets out to settle a score with Lex. They all exhibit unusual behavior after coming into contact with a strange, toxic flower - and there appears to be no antidote to the flower's poison.

My Thoughts:
This was a fun episode.... not only for the sexy scene with Lana... but the little nod to John Schnider's  old TV Series... The Dukes of Hazzard... where you see him driving a pick-up and listening to the Dukes of Hazzard theme song on the radio.Being a big Dukes of Hazzard fan I got a kick out of that. The whole episode was and interesting and fun one... much better then the previous one... that is for sure.

A child that can read minds escapes from his cruel parents and finds happiness with the Kents. But that joy may be brief when his parents come looking for the boy so they can use his psychic gifts in a life of crime.

My Thoughts:
Great episode! I really liked the boy in this episode. This is one of the episodes I would consider in my top favorites.

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Re: Smallville Marathon
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2007, 11:26:21 PM »
Season 1: Disc 5:

Angel of mercy or death? After a Kryptonite-related incident gives a young man the ability to kill via mere touch, he sets out to use his newfound power on people who are gravely ill.

My Thoughts:
Another really good episode. enjoyed every minute of it. Though I do feel the ending left some to be desired. I just didn't care for how the Freak of the Week was stopped.

running on the platform of "truth, justice and... other stuff," Clark vias for class president. But a beekeeping rival contender vows Clark and the other aspirants will feel the sting of her candidacy.

My Thoughts:
Another good episode but nothing really in it that I would call special. Just a good 45min of Smallville entertainment.

After a hit-and-run accident that destroys his drawing hand, a cartoonist is left with bitterness, pain... and an unexpected gift of telekinesis that he turns into an instrument of revenge.

My Thoughts:
This is a really good episode that had a lot to do with my favorite character (Chloe). I also liked the effects of the drawing of Chloe with the telekinesis. I remember when this season originally aired I hoped to see Clark and Chloe to get together.. at least for a while.

Lana has eerie visions involving a kidnapping of Chloe. Lex's ongoing inquiry into the mystery surrounding Clark takes an intriguing turn when a crop duster reveals what he saw fall from the sky during the Smallville Meteor shower.

My Thoughts:
Going from Chloe being emotionally hurt to her being physically in trouble. This is an excellent episode... one of my favorites of the season. This is also the first look at the metal octagon that becomes so important in the series.

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Re: Smallville Marathon
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2007, 12:07:11 AM »
Season 1: Disc 6:

A reporter closes in on Clark's secret: Chloe may depart Smallville: LuthorCorp is forced to close. At least the school dance will provide carefree moments for Clark and his friends. Then the twister hits.

My Thoughts:
What a great way to end the first season! The twister scene was amazing! And of course it has plenty of cliffhangers leaving you wanting to see what will happen next!

Over-All Season 1 Thoughts:
I tell you... I forgot just how much the first season was Freak of the Week episodes. I also forgot how fun this first season actually was... It is no wonder that Smallville became such a big of a hit as it did. It started off much stronger then I remembered and in my opinion is still going strong after 6 season! Now to get off here and start season 2!  :)


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Re: Smallville Marathon
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2007, 12:13:37 AM »
I'm really in two minds about what you've said. It's always sounded good to me, but of the few episodes I did see when channel hopping, I can't get used to the messing around with the Superman mythology!

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Re: Smallville Marathon
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2007, 12:28:56 AM »
Oh... they definitely take their own spin on the mythology... but that is something that never bothered me as I was never a big comic book reader. Plus I have a tendency of getting lost in a storyline without comparing it to anything else. I take every show/movie as it plays on it's own merits only... never compare it to anything else. Which is probably why I enjoy more remakes then most people do.

basically what it boils down to is if you can watch it and enjoy it for what it is... without comparing it to the mythology from the comics and the shows before it you will really enjoy it. If you are the type that must compare it to what came before... you could still enjoy it... but I don't think nearly as much... if at all.

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Re: Smallville Marathon
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2007, 12:59:27 AM »
Oh... they definitely take their own spin on the mythology... but that is something that never bothered me as I was never a big comic book reader. Plus I have a tendency of getting lost in a storyline without comparing it to anything else. I take every show/movie as it plays on it's own merits only... never compare it to anything else. Which is probably why I enjoy more remakes then most people do.

basically what it boils down to is if you can watch it and enjoy it for what it is... without comparing it to the mythology from the comics and the shows before it you will really enjoy it. If you are the type that must compare it to what came before... you could still enjoy it... but I don't think nearly as much... if at all.

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ps I started season 1 of Smallville - I'm done with the first two discs!

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Re: Smallville Marathon
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2007, 10:05:52 AM »
I watched the first 5 seasons on DVD and the 6th on Torrent TV a few months back and I remember it vividly.

I watched the 6th season en bloc on Ascension Day (holiday in Germany).

While the series is quite fascinating it is sometimes tiresome that all people always conveniently forget about Clark's capabilities. And if they don't forget, they die - except for one or two selected persons.

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« Last Edit: August 01, 2007, 05:19:47 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: Smallville Marathon
« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2007, 05:15:40 PM »
Everything seems to be working fine now... maybe the site was down for a bit. Can you see it ok now?

DJ Doena...
I agree with what you said.. but never really bothered me all that much for some reason.

Season 2: Disc 1:

Is it the powerful wind that lifts Clark during a dramatic airborne rescue of Lana? Or does Clark tap into an unknown super power? A snoopy reporter meets a sudden end... and a certain secret dies with him.

My Thoughts:
This was a really good continuation of last season's cliffhanger. I thought it was pretty cool that Lex is the one that saved Clark's father... of course at this point there is still some good in Lex.

Clark's emerging power of heat vision may be too hot to handle - it's triggered by thoughts of sex! He'll need to cool his jets to thwart an alluring new biology teacher who has an overwhelming power over men.

My Thoughts:
Another of my favorite episodes... Clark gets his Heat Vision. The teacher/Freak of the Week was played by the beautiful Krista Allen. Surprisingly When I looked in my Profiler I actually have very little with her in it.

Clark reveals his secret to his best friend after Pete discovers the spaceship. But knowing the truth makes Pete more than a participant in Clark's adventures: it also puts him in harm's way.

My Thoughts:
This is actually another of my favorite episodes. When he tells his best friend Pete Ross the truth about himself.... At the time of this show aired I thought it was a cool thing... that he needs someone he can trust and talk to about everything... and I think Pete Ross was perfect for this. Of course as was stated... as the years went one... more and more people found out... some of which either died or they used the old forget everything on. But I think at this point it really felt right for him to tell Pete.

Lana is attracted to a leather-wearing biker dude who attends Smallville High. The guy's name: Clark Kent! He's undergone a dangerous transformation, and Pete and Jonathan are scrambling to discover why.

My Thoughts:
OK... I wouldn't say this is a favorite of mine... but is absolutely one I really enjoyed.Seeing the effects of Red Kryptonite on him. .. and I think Tom Welling did an awesome job with it. I actually know a couple female friends that watches the show... and prefers Clark with the Red Kryptonite.

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Re: Smallville Marathon
« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2007, 11:25:28 PM »
Season 2: Disc 2

The poems of a secret admirer leaves for Lana are heartfelt and eloquent, but are they harmless? Perhaps not when the writer is a reclusive youth who mysteriously turns monstrous when forced into the light of day.

My Thoughts:
This was a pretty good episode... their take on Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I really like how they did the make-up of the character... it was a slight change that had a massive result.

Clark and Lana are confronted with family secrets from the past. And a spirited cheerleader has a secret of her own: she's a geriatric fiend who hides her age by sucking the youthfulness out of teens.

My Thoughts:
Not a bad episode... but not a favorite. I think the ending could have been better.... think she was beaten way too quickly.

If she's Clark's mother, Lex is his half-brother! A woman claiming to be Clark's biological mother sparks a revisiting of events that brought Clark to Smallville and mysteriously linked the Kent and Luthor families.

My Thoughts:
In a TV Series about the teen years of Clark Kent.... of course they had to do the supposed Real Parent comes to town type show. I think they did this one really good though. It not only gives a decent story... it also sets up a good story for later.

Clark uses his powers to free his young mind-reading friend Ryan. But Ryan's plight leads Clark to realize there are some things even a fledgling superhero can't do.

My Thoughts:
Cool... The return of Ryan... the boy from the episode "Stray" (Season 1 episode 16). This is a good... but sad episode.... which also sets up something for later this season... when he tells Clark's mother he knows her secret and asks when she will tell the family. Definitely a good episode.

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Re: Smallville Marathon
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2007, 12:18:00 AM »
Everything seems to be working fine now... maybe the site was down for a bit. Can you see it ok now?

You're back! :thumbup:

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Re: Smallville Marathon
« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2007, 11:50:05 AM »
Season 2: Disc 3:

Clark has his suspicions when an overachieving student goes on a date with Lana and Chloe at the exact same time. Meanwhile, Lex meets his future wife in anger management class.

My Thoughts:
This is a really good episode. Jonathan Taylor Thomas (Home Improvement)  plays the boy that can split in 2. I have to admit... every time I see the scene where :ex takes a 9 Iron to the meter maid's car a smile comes to my face.

He fell to Earth in a meteor shower. Shoots fire from his eyes. Sound like anyone you know? The story told in ancient cave drawings may relate to Clark's destiny and his new romance with a lovely Native American.

My Thoughts:
Another good episode. This is the one that started the long arc about the Indian caves that talks of Clark's destiny.  Though I must admit... even the first time I watched this episode I figured right away who the "Skinwalker" was.

Just when things are getting better between Lana and Clark, along comes ex-boyfriend and Marine recruit Whitney. But there's something about Whitney that doesn't seem right to Clark.

My Thoughts:
Yet another good episode. And the last appearance of Eric Johnson (Whitney) in the series. And the last appearance of the character Tina Greer... the "Freak of the Week" that was able to change her appearance into anyone.

There's only one way into the sealed-off Metropolis tower where Lionel and Martha are held captive at gunpoint, and that's to leap 200 feet from the adjacent 'Daily Planet' building. This sounds like a job for - wait: can youthful Clark really accomplish such an incredible feat?

My Thoughts
Wow... This disc is 4 for 4 on good episodes! In this episode we get the first real hint of Lionel Luthor's attraction to Martha. I loved the scene of Clark jumping from building to building. Really good episode.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2007, 08:44:14 PM by addicted2dvd »

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Re: Smallville Marathon
« Reply #14 on: August 02, 2007, 08:41:51 PM »
Season 2: Disc 4:

So many suspects, so little time. More than one person had the opportunity and motive to shoot Lionel Luthor, but the prime suspect is Clark's dad.

My Thoughts:
This is the "Who Shot Lionel Luthar?" (Who Shot J.R.?) Episode. I really enjoyed this episode... especially since it has been so long since I seen this episode... I didn't remember it at all! So it was like watching it for the first time again.

Chloe goes wild. Pete goes bad. Clark goes along with the whole, nonstop party when Pete slips a certain red k ring into his pal's pocket.

My Thoughts:
Another really good episode.I really enjoyed the "hot" Chloe and the daredevil Pete scenes.This is one where Clark is slipped Red Kryptonite and he and Pete tell Chloe the secret... both Pete and Chloe being effected by a parasite... so of course once the parasite was removed Chloe forgets about Clark's secret.

Lex locates half-brother Lucas in order to get enough votes to oust Lionel from the corporation. Lionel feigns blindness to his advantage. And Lucas may have an agenda entirely his own.

My Thoughts:
This one... to me... is not that great of an episode... it is ok at best. The big thing happening in this episode is the realization that Lionel Luthor is no longer blind.

Martha is pregnant, but there's no joy when that news comes with the realization that she may be dying of exposure to meteor dust. Lana and Chloe examine their feelings for Clark after he is similarly stricken.

My Thoughts:

This is one of those episodes that even after watching it I don't know just how much  It goes up and down on how much I like it. The meteor dust makes both Martha and Clark sick... I think the scene where Chloe tells the sick Clark her feelings is my favorite... though sad...  scene of the episode.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2007, 08:45:05 PM by addicted2dvd »