Author Topic: Two-Weeks Movie Marathon: Unwatched Movies  (Read 30171 times)

Offline Tom

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Re: Two-Weeks Movie Marathon: Unwatched Movies
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2008, 06:10:23 PM »
The bits and pieces I saw of Godfather never made me think: "I have to see this movie!"
It rather always seemed like a movie I would not enjoy  :bag:

Also, almost always when I give a movie everybody was raving about a chance, even though my instinct told me that I wouldn't like it, I found the movie tedious to watch until the end.

I dare you to find me a trailer of Godfather after which there is nothing left for me to do then order this trilogy  ;D

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Re: Two-Weeks Movie Marathon: Unwatched Movies
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2008, 06:12:15 PM »

Title: The Simpsons Movie
Year: 2007
Director: David Silverman
Rating: FSK-6
Length: 83 Min.
Video: Anamorphic Widescreen 2.40
Audio: English: Dolby Digital 5.1 , German: Dolby Digital 5.1 , German: DTS 5.1 , Commentary: Dolby Digital Stereo , Commentary: Dolby Digital Stereo
Subtitles: Commentary, English, German, Turkish

Dan Castellaneta
Julie Kavner
Nancy Cartwright
Yeardley Smith
Hank Azaria

In dem sehnsüchtig erwarteten Film, der der Serie zu Grunde liegt, muss Homer die Welt vor einer Katastrophe retten, die er selbst verursacht hat. Eine unselige Verknüpfung vieler Dinge setzt alles in Gang: Homer, dessen neues Haustier, ein Schwein, sowie ein mit Fäkalien gefülltes Silo, das ein Leck ausweist... und Springfield steht Kopf. Marge ist zutiefst über Homers Tölpelhaftigkeit erbost, während ein rachelüsterner Mob sich auf den Weg zum Hause der Simpsons macht. Da hilft nur die Flucht, die sogleich in einer Katastrophe endet - die Familienmitglieder liegen sich in den (schütteren) Haaren und gehen getrennte Wege...

Deleted Scenes
Scene Access
vier Simpsons-Kurzfilme

My Thoughts:
A successful translation of the series to the big screen. Though it gets a little boring halfway through the movie. In the beginning they played a little with the fact, that this is now a movie, but later on it succumbs to being a regular Simpsons episode.



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Re: Two-Weeks Movie Marathon: Unwatched Movies
« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2008, 11:03:30 PM »
I dare you to find me a trailer of Godfather after which there is nothing left for me to do then order this trilogy  ;D


I'm not sure such a trailer exists for a film like The Godfather. It isn't a story with moments that can be shown out of context like a typical blockbuster. You should see Parts I and II as a whole so that all its layers can work together, and the monumental performances can reward your patience. That said, here's a trailer for Part I:

Godfather Part I

The Godfather Part II is more ambitious and is one of the very best screenplays, because it follows the continuing saga of Michael Corleone, but also tells the story of his father as a young man. The way the two fold together is wonderful. So try this, but to be honest, the first minute is a waste as it is just a list of the Oscars the film won:

Godfather Part II

Finally, here is the ending of Godfather Part II! I haven't gone mad, it gives nothing away. It's a nostalgic flashback as Michael thinks back to a time before the story started. Although seemingly nothing happens, it encapsulates much of what the saga was about in a single scene. It's incredibly powerful coming at the end of watching both films, but I think if you can find something to enjoy in the characters and the style, then you should run, not walk, to a local DVD emporium and furnish your collection immediately!

Godfather Part II Ending

Now I don't push things onto anyone (in fact, I like you also reject things that have been hyped up too far), so I simply present these as they are and should you not be persuaded, then fine.

Of course, you'll be a soulless husk of an individual, but hey... if you're happy, you're happy!  :tease: :devil:

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Re: Two-Weeks Movie Marathon: Unwatched Movies
« Reply #18 on: August 23, 2008, 11:29:29 PM »
Sorry, didn't spark my interest. I will probably stay a soulless husk forever  :tease:

But hey, I am also one who didn't enjoy Lord of the Rings and have therefore stayed clear of LotR 2+3 :tomato:

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Re: Two-Weeks Movie Marathon: Unwatched Movies
« Reply #19 on: August 23, 2008, 11:37:05 PM »
Sorry, didn't spark my interest. I will probably stay a soulless husk forever  :tease:

I am there with you Tom... but then again I know this is something I won't enjoy as I never was a fan of mafia/mob style movies. Just not my thing.

But hey, I am also one who didn't enjoy Lord of the Rings and have therefore stayed clear of LotR 2+3 :tomato:

Once again I am right there with ya... I bought the first one... wasn't able to get into it... so didn't bother to get the sequels. I just don't see what the big deal is with these movies.


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Re: Two-Weeks Movie Marathon: Unwatched Movies
« Reply #20 on: August 24, 2008, 02:01:45 AM »
Sorry, didn't spark my interest. I will probably stay a soulless husk forever  :tease:

But hey, I am also one who didn't enjoy Lord of the Rings and have therefore stayed clear of LotR 2+3 :tomato:

I love the LotR movies too, but they are flawed and I can certainly understand where you are coming from. Although both trilogies started as books, LotR feels like it should just be a book to me, as I think a lot of the point is lost in translation. Godfather though was crafted with the author into a perfect screenplay.

Pete, I'm not sure they are your type of films anyway (no vampires or Bullocks! :laugh:), but it's worth noting they aren't typical mob films. Well, not what I would consider mob anyway (Goodfellas, Scarface, etc). It uses two generations of a crime family as a metaphor for the failure of the American dream. Coppola didn't even want to make it when he thought it was just a story about the Mafia (a word that is never used in the film) and the characters are far too complex to just think of as mobsters.

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Re: Two-Weeks Movie Marathon: Unwatched Movies
« Reply #21 on: August 24, 2008, 02:49:23 AM »
Pete, I'm not sure they are your type of films anyway (no vampires or Bullocks! :laugh:), but it's worth noting they aren't typical mob films. Well, not what I would consider mob anyway (Goodfellas, Scarface, etc). It uses two generations of a crime family as a metaphor for the failure of the American dream. Coppola didn't even want to make it when he thought it was just a story about the Mafia (a word that is never used in the film) and the characters are far too complex to just think of as mobsters.

LOL... my head hurts just reading that... I would be completely lost in the movie.  :P I am more of the type of person that enjoys movies I don't have to think to hard about! LOL  :bag:

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Re: Two-Weeks Movie Marathon: Unwatched Movies
« Reply #22 on: August 24, 2008, 10:28:58 PM »

Title: The Blues Brothers
Year: 1980
Director: John Landis
Rating: 15
Length: 142 Min.
Video: Anamorphic Widescreen 1.85
Audio: English: Dolby Digital Stereo , Italian: Dolby Digital Stereo , Spanish: Dolby Digital Stereo , English: Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles: Arabic, Bulgarian, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Other, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish

Dan Aykroyd
John Belushi

After the release of Jack Blues (John Belushi) from prison, he and brother Elwood (Dan Aykroyd) go to visit the orphanage where they were raised by nuns.

They learn that the church stopped its support and will sell the place unless the tax on the property is paid within 11 days.

The brothers decide to raise the money by putting their blues band back together and staging a big gig. They may be on a "mission from God" but they're making enemies everywhere they go.

Featuring performance by some blues finest: James Brown, Cab Calloway, Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin and co-starring John Candy, Carrie Fisher, Henry Gibson and Steve Lawrence.

Extended Edition of the Film (142mins) on Disc 2
Production Notes
Scene Access

My Thoughts:
Another movie everybody is talking about and I had never seen it. In the beginning I was a little vary and did not think that I will enjoy it, but thankfully I ended up liking it.
I liked most of the musical numbers and also the great car chase scenes everybody is talking about were just that: Really great!


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Re: Two-Weeks Movie Marathon: Unwatched Movies
« Reply #23 on: August 25, 2008, 01:05:56 AM »

Title: School for Scoundrels or How to Win Without Actually Cheating!
Year: 1960
Director: Robert Hamer
Rating: NR
Length: 95 Min.
Video: Anamorphic Widescreen 1.66
Audio: English: Dolby Digital Mono
Subtitles: Spanish

Ian Carmichael
Alastair Sim
Janette Scott
Dennis Price

Endlessly finding himself on the wrong end of a situation, businessman Henry Palfrey (IAN CARMICHAEL) seeks help at the College of Lifemanship run by the cunning Mr. Potter (ALASTAIR SIM). An ideal pupil, it doesn't take long before Henry's picked up a few good tricks and sets out to show the world he's a winner. Taking aim at everyone who beat him in the past, he ultimately focuses on the ultra-charming bachelor (TERRY-THOMAS) who stole his girlfriend (JANETTE SCOTT). As he discovers revenge can be quite enjoyable, the much improved Henry will soon learn what it really means to be a success. This hilarious and witty British satire on self-improvement strategies is considered a comedy classic.

Closed Captioned
Scene Access

My Thoughts:
I bought this movie after recently having watched the remake.
I enjoyed every minute of this original. I think it was funny throughout the whole movie.


Early scene from the movie:

Offline Tom

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Re: Two-Weeks Movie Marathon: Unwatched Movies
« Reply #24 on: August 25, 2008, 10:57:34 PM »

Title: The Departed
Year: 2006
Director: Martin Scorsese
Rating: R
Length: 151 Min.
Video: Anamorphic Widescreen 2.40
Audio: English: Dolby Digital 5.1 , French: Dolby Digital 5.1 , Spanish: Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles: English, French, Spanish

Leonardo DiCaprio
Matt Damon
Jack Nicholson
Mark Wahlberg
Martin Sheen

Rookie cop Billy Costigan (Leonardo DiCaprio) grew up in crime. That makes him the perfect mole, the man on the inside of the mob run by boss Frank Costello (Jack Nicholson). It's his job to win Costello's trust and help his detective handlers (Mark Wahlberg and Martin Sheen) bring Costello down. Meanwhile, SIU officer Colin Sullivan (Matt Damon) has everyone's trust. No one suspects he's Costello's mole.

How these covert lives cross, double-cross and collide is at the ferocious core of the widely acclaimed 'The Departed'. Martin Scorcese directs, guiding a cost for the ages in a visceral tale of crime and consequences. This is searing, can't-look-away filmmaking: like staring into the eyes of a con - or a cop - with a gun.

Closed Captioned
Scene Access

My Thoughts:
Another one of those cases, that a film is hyped and has won a lot of awards, but me I was not so impressed with it.
Sure it is well made, it has a superb cast and some scenes which I liked, but overall it was not all that great. Definetely not a must-see from my point of view.



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Re: Two-Weeks Movie Marathon: Unwatched Movies
« Reply #25 on: August 26, 2008, 12:44:33 AM »
If you liked the core story, Tom, you should check out the original version, a Korean film called Infernal Affairs. More Michael Mann in design, it is shorter and leaner. I really enjoyed The Departed, but I think the first one services the story much better in many respects.

Offline Achim

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Re: Two-Weeks Movie Marathon: Unwatched Movies
« Reply #26 on: August 26, 2008, 06:38:25 AM »
If you liked the core story, Tom, you should check out the original version, a Korean Hong Kong film called Infernal Affairs. More Michael Mann in design, it is shorter and leaner. I really enjoyed The Departed, but I think the first one services the story much better in many respects.
Fixed your post ;)

Offline Tom

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Re: Two-Weeks Movie Marathon: Unwatched Movies
« Reply #27 on: August 26, 2008, 08:48:07 AM »
If you liked the core story, Tom, you should check out the original version, a Korean film called Infernal Affairs. More Michael Mann in design, it is shorter and leaner. I really enjoyed The Departed, but I think the first one services the story much better in many respects.
When going in, I thought when I like this movie I will buy the original trilogy. After watching the movie I was not so keen on the original anymore. Maybe I will give it another chance after your recommendation. Though I only know two Michael Mann movies: Hancock (which I liked) and Aviator (which I didn't like). Both in which he was producer and not director. So I am not sure if it a good thing for me if it is more Michael Mann in design.


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Re: Two-Weeks Movie Marathon: Unwatched Movies
« Reply #28 on: August 26, 2008, 11:07:18 AM »
Thanks, Achim! Always get 'em wrong way around... :bag:

When going in, I thought when I like this movie I will buy the original trilogy. After watching the movie I was not so keen on the original anymore. Maybe I will give it another chance after your recommendation. Though I only know two Michael Mann movies: Hancock (which I liked) and Aviator (which I didn't like). Both in which he was producer and not director. So I am not sure if it a good thing for me if it is more Michael Mann in design.

Mann may have produced both those movies, but they certainly aren't his by design. I do specifically mean what he has directed, in particular Heat. But even then, Infernal Affairs is much shorter.

So long as you did enjoy the story, Infernal Affairs is worth a go.

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Re: Two-Weeks Movie Marathon: Unwatched Movies
« Reply #29 on: August 26, 2008, 10:57:15 PM »

Title: You, Me and Dupree
Year: 2006
Director: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo
Rating: PG-13
Length: 109 Min.
Video: Anamorphic Widescreen 1.85
Audio: English: Dolby Digital 5.1 , Spanish: Dolby Digital 5.1 , French: Dolby Digital 5.1 , Commentary: Dolby Digital Stereo , Commentary: Dolby Digital Stereo
Subtitles: English, French, Spanish

Owen Wilson
Kate Hudson
Matt Dillon
Michael Douglas
Seth Rogen

OWEN WILSON, KATE HUDSON and MATT DILLON deliver non-stop laughs and fun in 'You, Me and Dupree'. Newlyweds Carl and Molly (Dillon and Hudson) are just beginning their life together when Carl's oldest friend, the down-and-out bachelor Randy Dupree (Wilson), crashes on the couch. One comic mishap follows another, and soon it becomes obvious that two's company, but Dupree's a crowd. You'll laugh 'til it hurts with this hilarious, outrageous comedy!

Deleted Scenes
Scene Access

My Thoughts:
Boring. I only bought this movie, because it was bundled with "I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry".
This movie didn't have any new ideas and was not even remotely funny.
And for a simple comedy much too long.
