Hi. I'm new around here. I do a very small online store called undergroundcollector.com. It focuses of underground/DIY mixtapes, films, animations, non-conspiracy theory documentaries, music acts and DVDzines. There's some weird stuff that is indeed fairly underground, so make sure to check out trailers that I've left in the descriptions. You may find yourself pleasantly intrigued.
If anyone has put together their own releases in a DIY fashion and would like to sell through me, let me know! Also, if you haven't ventured into the world of video mixtapes, PLEASE DO. Retard-O-Tron, TV Carnage, Future Schlock- these are all great.
I also have a Myspace page for the store-
http://www.myspace.com/undergroundcollector^^^There's a few deals going on that can be seen through the Myspace page. Thanks for reading.