Author Topic: TV Shows/Episodes Watched in 2022  (Read 13962 times)

Offline DJ Doena

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Re: TV Shows/Episodes Watched in 2022
« Reply #60 on: October 17, 2022, 05:57:15 PM »
Oct 01
The Martian
Total: 2h 22m

Oct 02
Resident Alien 2x09 Autopsy
Resident Alien 2x10 The Ghost of Bobby Smallwood
Resident Alien 2x11 The Weight
Resident Alien 2x12 The Alien Within
Total: 2h 54m

Oct 03
Resident Alien 2x12 The Alien Within
Resident Alien 2x13 Harry, a Parent
Resident Alien 2x14 Cat and Mouse
Resident Alien 2x15 Best of Enemies
Total: 2h 50m

Oct 04
Resident Alien 2x16 I Believe in Aliens
Real Time with Bill Maher Sep 30, 2022 Masih Alinejad, Caitlin Flanagan, Van Jones
Total: 1h 39m

Oct 05
Total: 0m

Oct 06
Die Anstalt Oct 04, 2022 Der Strommarkt
Total: 47m

Oct 07
Smallville 6x07 Rage
Total: 43m

Oct 08
Real Time with Bill Maher Oct 07, 2022 Chris Wallace
The Problem with Jon Stewart Oct 07, 2022 The War Over Gender
Total: 1h 39m

Oct 09
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 2x03 School Hard
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 2x06 Halloween
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 2x07 Lie to Me
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 2x08 The Dark Age
Total: 2h 59m

Oct 10
Total: 0m

Oct 11
Total: 0m

Oct 12
#beisenherz Oct, 10 2022 #gaspreisbremse, #CDU_klatsche, #merz_flüchtlingsthesen, #FDP_ampelfrust, #industriestandort_gefährdet
Total: 42m

Oct 13
1883 1x08 The Weep of Surrender
1883 1x09 Racing Clouds
1883 1x10 This Is Not Your Heaven
Total: 2h 57m

Oct 14
SOKO Potsdam 5x03 Tödlicher Sonnenschein
SOKO Potsdam 5x04 Mensch und Maschine
Total: 1h 27m

Oct 15
SOKO Potsdam 5x05 Wer einmal lügt
Real Time with Bill Maher Oct 14, 2022 Benjamin Netanyahu, Michael Smerconish, Neil DeGrasse Tyson
The Office (US) 6x03 The Promotion
The Office (US) 6x04 Niagara (1)
The Office (US) 6x05 Niagara (2)
Smallville 10x06 Harvest
Fire Country 1x01 Pilot
Total: 4h 13m

Oct 16
Fire Country 1x02 The Fresh Prince of Edgewater
The Big Bang Theory 1x01 Pilot
The Big Bang Theory 2x19 The Dead Hooker Juxtaposition
The Big Bang Theory 2x11 The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis
The Big Bang Theory 3x05 The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary
The Big Bang Theory 1x02 The Big Bran Hypothesis
Total: 2h 27m


Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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Offline DJ Doena

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Re: TV Shows/Episodes Watched in 2022
« Reply #61 on: October 23, 2022, 11:09:39 PM »
Oct 17
Smallville 6x08 Static
Total: 41m

Oct 18
Total: 0m

Oct 19
Smallville 9x02 Metallo
#beisenherz Oct 17, 2022 #merz_grüne_akwgeiselhaft, #blackoutgefahr, #industriestandort_wackelt, #bomben_auf_kiew, #iran_proteste
Total: 1h 23m

Oct 20
Central Intelligence
Russian Doll 1x01 Nothing in This World Is Easy
Total: 2h 21m

Oct 21
Top Gun: Maverick
Total: 2h 10m

Oct 22
Black Adam
Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam
Smallville 9x11 Absolute Justice
Superman: The Animated Series 2x20 The Hand of Fate
Total: 4h 49m

Oct 23
Smallville 6x09 Subterranean
The Peripheral 1x01 Pilot
Total: 1h 53m


Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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Offline DJ Doena

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Re: TV Shows/Episodes Watched in 2022
« Reply #62 on: November 01, 2022, 05:48:48 PM »
Oct 24
Supergirl 3x06 Midvale
Total: 42m

Oct 25
Total: 0m

Oct 26
#beisenherz Oct 24, 2022 #gaspreisbremse_anpassen, #marshallplan_für_ukraine, #china_machtspiele, #richtlinienkanzler_scholz, #druck_auf_teheran
Total: 41m

Oct 27
Total: 0m

Oct 28
Total: 0m

Oct 29
Smallville 6x07 Rage
Smallville 1x07 Craving
Hart of Dixie 1x01 Pilot
Hart of Dixie 1x02 Parades & Pariahs
Total: 2h 48m

Oct 30
The Problem with Jon Stewart Oct 28, 2022 Midterms: This Is What Democracy Looks Like?
Fire Country 1x04 Work, Don't Worry
Total: 1h 22m

Oct 31
SOKO Potsdam 5x06 Es lebe der Sport
SOKO Potsdam 5x07 In Therapie
The Rookie 5x01 Double Down
The Rookie 5x02 Labor Day
The Rookie 5x03 Dye Hard
The Rookie 5x04 The Choice
Total: 4h 19m

Total: 2d 2h 50m
Average: 1h 38m per day

Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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Offline DJ Doena

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Re: TV Shows/Episodes Watched in 2022
« Reply #63 on: November 05, 2022, 03:04:54 PM »
Somehow I can't get as excited anymore as I used to do. I still haven't watched season 4 & 5 of Cobra Kai, season 4 of Stranger Things and other shows I actually enjoy. But for some reason I can't seem to motivate myself anymore to actually watch them. Instead I watch short 10-15 minute Youtube videos and even then I'm not really paying full attention. And it shows in my watching stats.

I realize that it coincides with the Corona stuff where fewer episodes and shows were produced overall but as I said, I have stuff on hold that I actually enjoyed but can't bring myself to continue...
« Last Edit: November 05, 2022, 07:55:55 PM by DJ Doena »

Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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Offline Tom

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Re: TV Shows/Episodes Watched in 2022
« Reply #64 on: November 07, 2022, 09:54:45 AM »
Instead I watch short 10-15 minute Youtube videos and even then I'm not really paying full attention.

For me it is because when I have time to watch something, I mostly am too tired. But instead of going to sleep at once, I also often get stuck on YouTube.
But I must say, I have the urge to watch a lot of stuff. But once I started, I often get bored and would like to watch something else. But I try to get the series I started to finish.
But there are some series, I go through fast, because I get hooked. E.g. I now finished watching the second season of "Türkisch für Anfänger".
« Last Edit: November 07, 2022, 10:17:02 AM by Tom »

Offline Tom

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Re: TV Shows/Episodes Watched in 2022
« Reply #65 on: November 07, 2022, 10:16:47 AM »
Episodes I watched in October:

DateTV SeriesEpisodeRating
1The Sarah Silverman Program.2.15 Kangamangus
2The Sarah Silverman Program.2.16 Vow Wow
3The Twilight Zone1.20 Elegy
3The Twilight Zone1.21 Mirror Image
4Firefly1.09 Ariel
4The Twilight Zone1.22 The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street
5Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.04 Klassentreffen/Seitensprünge
5Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.05 Ein bisschen Hoffnung/Spuren im Schnee
6Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.06 Die Zwickmühle/Ein echter Knaller
7Batman1.33 Fine Finny Fiends
7The Sarah Silverman Program.3.01 The Proof Is in the Penis
7Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.07 Das Rennen/Das Collier
9Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.08 Bruderherzen/Die Härte des Gesetzes
9Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.09 Der Butler/Der eiserne Besen
9Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.10 Viel Lärm um nichts/Eine unmögliche Hochzeit
9Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.11 Alles wegen Max/Ein ungehobelter Bursche
9Batman1.34 Batman Makes the Scenes
10Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.12 Kleine Rache/Einmal zu viel
11Smallville1.14 Zero
11Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.13 Das Glück vom Dach/Schneetreiben
11Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.14 Kindsköpfe/Stern der Begierde
12Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.15 Der Sonntagsjäger/Kokosbusserl
12Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.16 Der Vater meiner Braut/Erste Liebe
13Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.17 Der Silvesterkracher/Der falsche Hochzeitsgast
13The Twilight Zone1.23 A World of Difference
14Türkisch für Anfänger1.01 Die, in der ich meine Freiheit verliere
15Türkisch für Anfänger1.02 Die, in der ich keine Schwester will
16The Twilight Zone1.24 Long Live Walter Jameson
16Türkisch für Anfänger1.03 Die, in der ich abstürze
16Türkisch für Anfänger1.04 Die, in der ich keine Freunde finde
16Türkisch für Anfänger1.05 Die, in der sich Axel in meine Familie verliebt
16Türkisch für Anfänger1.06 Die, mit den Geheimnissen
16Türkisch für Anfänger1.07 Die, in der ich leider erwachsen werde
17Türkisch für Anfänger1.08 Die, in der ich keine Gefühle habe
17Türkisch für Anfänger1.09 Die, in der Axel ständig grün ist
17Türkisch für Anfänger1.10 Die, in der ich echt voll okay bin
17Türkisch für Anfänger1.11 Die, in der mich der Wolf kriegt
18Türkisch für Anfänger1.12 Die, in der es nur einen geben kann
18Smallville1.15 Nicodemus
18The Sarah Silverman Program.3.03 A Slip Slope
19The Sarah Silverman Program.3.04 Nightmayor
19ALF2.06 Take a Look at Me Now
20The Sarah Silverman Program.3.05 Smellin' of Troy
20The Twilight Zone1.25 People Are Alike All Over
21Smallville1.16 Stray
21Türkisch für Anfänger2.01 Die, in der Frauen schwach werden
22Death Note1.01
22Türkisch für Anfänger2.02 Die, mit dem Abschiedskuss
23Death Note1.02
23Death Note1.03
23Death Note1.04
23Türkisch für Anfänger2.03 Die, mit dem Perpetuum Mobile
24Death Note1.05
24Türkisch für Anfänger2.04 Die, mit Sex und Pistols
24Türkisch für Anfänger2.05 Die, in der Cem keine Wurst sein will
25Death Note1.06
25Türkisch für Anfänger2.06 Die, in der ich Kitschi-Gänsehaut kriege
25Türkisch für Anfänger2.07 Die, in der Yagmur ihren ersten Kuss kriegt
26Death Note1.07
26Death Note1.08
26Türkisch für Anfänger2.08 Die, in der ich Mama wahnsinnig mache
27Death Note1.09
27Death Note1.10
27Death Note1.11
28Türkisch für Anfänger2.09 Die, in der Cem Rotlicht sieht
28House, M.D.1.01 Pilot
28The Sarah Silverman Program.3.06 A Fairly Attractive Mind
28Türkisch für Anfänger2.10 Die, in der ich ein Kranich bin
29Türkisch für Anfänger2.11 Die, in der Metin fremdgeht
29The Sarah Silverman Program.2.07 High, It's Sarah
30Türkisch für Anfänger2.12 Die, in der der Osterhase böse war
30House, M.D.1.02 Paternity
31Türkisch für Anfänger2.13 Die, in der alle hysterisch sind
31The Sarah Silverman Program.3.08 Just Breve
31Smallville1.17 Reaper

Offline DJ Doena

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Re: TV Shows/Episodes Watched in 2022
« Reply #66 on: November 07, 2022, 06:56:38 PM »
Nov 01
The Rookie 5x05 The Fugitive
The Rookie 5x06 The Reckoning
Total: 1h 26m

Nov 02
Quantum Leap (1989) 1x01x02 Genesis
Total: 1h 29m

Nov 03
SOKO Potsdam 5x08 Romy und Julian
#beisenherz Oct 31, 2022 #gaspreisdeckelchaos, #chinakanzler, #kiew_unter_beschuss, #bürgergeldstreit, #iranproteste
Real Time with Bill Maher Oct 28, 2022 Quentin Tarantino, Gillian Tett, Yuval Noah Harari
Total: 2h 23m

Nov 04
Total: 0m

Nov 05
Real Time with Bill Maher Nov 04, 2022 Fareed Zakaria, Maggie Haberman, Richard Reeves
Hart of Dixie 1x03 Gumbo & Glory
Smallville 6x10 Hydro
Smallville 6x11 Justice
The Office (US) 6x06 Mafia
The Office (US) 6x07 The Lover
The Office (US) 6x08 Koi Pond
The Office (US) 6x09 Double Date
The Office (US) 6x10 Murder
Total: 4h 52m

Nov 06
Blockbuster 1x01 Pilot
Fire Country 1x03 Where There's Smoke...
Fire Country 1x05 Get Some, Be Safe
Hudson & Rex 5x03 Run, Donovan, Run
Total: 2h 34m


Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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Offline DJ Doena

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Re: TV Shows/Episodes Watched in 2022
« Reply #67 on: November 14, 2022, 04:14:31 PM »
Nov 07
Hudson & Rex 1x01 The Hunt
The Rookie 5x07 Crossfire
Total: 1h 25m

Nov 08
Total: 0m

Nov 09
Total: 0m

Nov 10
Barry 2x08 berkman > block
Barry 3x01 forgiving jeff
#beisenherz Nov 07, 2022 #bürgergeld_wackelt, #gasentlastung_wann?, #scholz_chinareise, #klimakonferenz, #letztegeneration
Doctor Who 2x03 School Reunion
Total: 2h 35m

Nov 11
Smallville 6x12 Labyrinth
Total: 40m

Nov 12
Timeless 1x04 Party at Castle Varlar
Superman & Lois 1x11 A Brief Reminiscence In-Between Cataclysmic Events
Total: 1h 24m

Nov 13
Wir sind's Nuhr
The Flash 1x19 Who Is Harrison Wells
Arrow 3x09 The Climb
Real Time with Bill Maher Nov 11, 2022 Jared Polis, Robert Costa, Ro Khanna
Total: 3h 6m


Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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Offline DJ Doena

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Re: TV Shows/Episodes Watched in 2022
« Reply #68 on: November 21, 2022, 12:03:57 PM »
Nov 14
Total: 0m

Nov 15
Total: 0m

Nov 16
Hart of Dixie 1x04 Faith & Infidelity
Total: 41m

Nov 17
Total: 0m

Nov 18
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 3x09 Defiant
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 5x16 Doctor Bashir, I Presume?
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 1x03 Past Prologue
Total: 2h 16m

Nov 19
Hart of Dixie 1x05 In Havoc & In Heat
Real Time with Bill Maher Nov 18, 2022 Matthew Perry, Laura Coates, Jonathan Haidt
Tulsa King 1x01 Go West, Old Man
Total: 2h 19m

Nov 20
Smallville 6x13 Crimson
Tulsa King 1x02 Center of the Universe
Fire Country 1x06 Like Old Times
Total: 2h 3m


Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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Offline Tom

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Re: TV Shows/Episodes Watched in 2022
« Reply #69 on: December 02, 2022, 11:03:43 AM »
Episodes watched in November:

DateTV SeriesEpisodeRating
1House, M.D.1.03 Occam's Razor
2Türkisch für Anfänger2.14 Die, mit When a Metin loves a Woman
2The Vampire Diaries2.05 Kill or Be Killed
2Türkisch für Anfänger2.15 Die, in der alle K..K..Komplexe haben
2Türkisch für Anfänger2.16 Die, in der Ulla kommt
3Türkisch für Anfänger2.17 Die, in der ich mich für meine Familie schäme
3Türkisch für Anfänger2.18 Die, mit dem Ex in der City
3Türkisch für Anfänger2.19 Die, mit Grillen in Honig
3Türkisch für Anfänger2.20 Die, in der Costa den Lukas haut
3Türkisch für Anfänger2.21 Die, in der es La Boumt!
3Türkisch für Anfänger2.22 Die, in der die Fete nicht weiter geht
3Türkisch für Anfänger2.23 Die, in der Metin die Schnauze voll hat
3Türkisch für Anfänger2.24 Die, nach der schon alles vorbei sein soll?
4The Sarah Silverman Program.3.09 A Good Van Is Hard to Find
4The Sarah Silverman Program.3.10 Wowschwitz
4House, M.D.1.04 Maternity
4Doctor Who13.03 Chapter Three: Once, Upon Time
5The Vampire Diaries2.06 Plan B
5ALF2.10 Wedding Bell Blues
6House, M.D.1.05 Damned If You Do
6Smallville1.18 Drone
6ALF2.09 Prime Time
6ALF2.05 Some Enchanted Evening
7Community1.01 Pilot Episode
7Türkisch für Anfänger3.01 Die, in der es total beschissen weitergeht
7ALF2.01 Oh, Pretty Woman
7ALF2.11 Something's Wrong With Me
7Community1.02 Spanish 101
8Türkisch für Anfänger3.02 Die, in der ich die Motorhaube nicht aufkriege
8Community1.03 Introduction to Film
8Superman: The Animated Series2.23 Heavy Metal
8ALF2.13 Night Train
8ALF2.08 Isn't It Romantic?
8Türkisch für Anfänger3.03 Die, in der ich nicht Anne will, sondern Jette
8ALF2.14 Hail to the Chief
8Community1.04 Social Psychology
9Türkisch für Anfänger3.04 Die, in der Schläge auch nichts bringen
9ALF2.25 ALF's Special Christmas
9ALF2.15 The Boy Next Door
9Community1.05 Advanced Criminal Law
10Türkisch für Anfänger3.05 Die, in der ich Boris Becker bin
10Community1.06 Football, Feminism and You
10The Twilight Zone1.26 Execution
10ALF2.07 Can I Get a Witness?
10Türkisch für Anfänger3.06 Die, in der ich wieder 17 bin
10ALF2.16 We're So Sorry, Uncle Albert
11Community1.07 Introduction to Statistics
11Türkisch für Anfänger3.07 Die, in der Oma ohnmächtig wird
11ALF2.19 Someone to Watch Over Me (1)
11ALF2.20 Someone to Watch Over Me (2)
12Türkisch für Anfänger3.08 Die, in der ich kein Bonobo sein will
12Community1.08 Home Economics
12Smallville1.19 Crush
12ALF2.18 We Gotta Get Out of This Place
12ALF2.02 You Ain't Nothin' but a Hound Dog
13House, M.D.1.06 The Socratic Method
13Türkisch für Anfänger3.10 Die, in der Opa sich verknallt
13Community1.09 Debate 109
13ALF2.21 Hit Me With Your Best Shot
13Community1.10 Environmental Science
14Community1.10 Environmental Science
14Türkisch für Anfänger3.11 Die mit dem Ghetto-Spezial
14ALF2.22 Movin' Out
14ALF2.12 I'm Your Puppet
14ALF2.23 Tequila
15Türkisch für Anfänger3.12 Die, in der die Toten auferstehen
15Community1.12 Comparative Religion
15ALF2.24 We Are Family
15ALF2.17 Varsity Drag
15The Golden Girls1.04 Transplant
16Türkisch für Anfänger3.13 Die, in der der Papagei kommt
16Türkisch für Anfänger3.14 Die mit der guten alten D-Mark
16Türkisch für Anfänger3.15 Die, in der Cem Hausmann werden will
16Türkisch für Anfänger3.16 Die, nach der Menopause ist
17Community1.13 Investigative Journalism
17Community1.14 Interpretive Dance
17Smallville1.20 Obscura
17Community1.15 Romantic Expressionism
17The Golden Girls1.05 The Triangle
18Community1.16 Communication Studies
18Community1.17 Physical Education
18The Orville1.01 Old Wounds
19Community1.18 Basic Genealogy
19Community1.19 Beginner Pottery
19The Orville1.02 Command Performance
19Community1.20 The Science of Illusion
19Community1.21 Contemporary American Poultry
19The Golden Girls1.06 On Golden Girls
20The Orville1.03 About a Girl
20Community1.22 The Art of Discourse
20Community1.23 Modern Warfare
20Community1.24 English as a Second Language
20Community1.25 Pascal's Triangle Revisited
21The Orville1.04 If the Stars Should Appear
21House, M.D.1.07 Fidelity
21The Orville1.05 Pria
21The Golden Girls1.07 The Competition
22The Orville1.06 Krill
22Glee1.01 Pilot
22Glee1.02 Showmance
23The Orville1.07 Majority Rule
23Glee1.03 Acafellas
23The Orville1.08 Into the Fold
24Smallville1.21 Tempest
24The Orville1.09 Cupid's Dagger
24The Golden Girls1.08 Break-In
25The Orville1.10 Firestorm
26The Orville1.11 New Dimensions
26The Orville1.12 Mad Idolatry
26The Vampire Diaries2.07 Masquerade
26The Twilight Zone1.27 The Big Tall Wish
28House, M.D.1.08 Poison
28Glee1.04 Preggers
28Superman & Lois2.01 What Lies Beneath
29Community2.01 Anthropology 101
29Community2.02 Accounting for Lawyers
29Superman & Lois2.02 The Ties That Bind
29The Golden Girls1.09 Blanche and the Younger Man
29Superman & Lois2.03 The Thing in the Mines
30Community2.03 The Psychology of Letting Go
30Superman & Lois2.04 The Inverse Method
30Community2.04 Basic Rocket Science
30Community2.05 Messianic Myths and Ancient Peoples
30The Golden Girls1.10 The Heart Attack

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Re: TV Shows/Episodes Watched in 2022
« Reply #70 on: December 04, 2022, 04:05:48 PM »
Nov 21
Total: 0m

Nov 22
#beisenherz Nov 14, 2022 #bürgergeld_blockade, #reichensteuer, #gipfel_diplomatie, #söder_präventivhaft, #iranproteste
Total: 41m

Nov 23
#beisenherz Nov 21, 2022 #katar_wm, #wirtschaft_talfahrt, #bürgergeld_boykott, #klimarettung_vertagt, #ukraine_raketenhagel
Hart of Dixie 1x06 The Undead & The Unsaid
Total: 1h 22m

Nov 24
Total: 0m

Nov 25
Smallville 6x14 Trespass
Total: 42m

Nov 26
Total: 0m

Nov 27
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 1x01 Strange New Worlds
Total: 54m

Nov 28
Total: 0m

Nov 29
Total: 0m

Nov 30
#beisenherz Nov 28, 2022 #china_festnahmen, #ukraine_unterstützung, #turbo_einbürgerung, #letzte_generation, #quo_vadis_wagenknecht?
Hart of Dixie 1x07 The Crush & the Crossbow
Total: 1h 21m

Total: 1d 10h 13m
Average: 1h 8m per day

Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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Offline DJ Doena

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Re: TV Shows/Episodes Watched in 2022
« Reply #71 on: December 12, 2022, 02:25:52 PM »
Dec 01
Yellowstone 5x01 One Hundred Years Is Nothing
Barry 3x03 ben mendelsohn
Barry 3x04 all the sauces
Barry 3x05 crazytimesh*tshow
Total: 2h 29m

Dec 02
Air Force One
Total: 2h 5m

Dec 03
SOKO Potsdam 5x09 Das siebte Haus
SOKO Potsdam 5x10 Game over
Total: 1h 27m

Dec 04
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 1x01 Strange New Worlds
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 1x02 Children of the Comet
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 1x03 Ghosts of Illyria
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 1x04 Memento Mori
Total: 3h 25m

Dec 05
Tulsa King 1x03 Caprice
Total: 39m

Dec 06
Total: 0m

Dec 07
Total: 0m

Dec 08
#beisenherz Dec 05, 2022 #habeck_in_afrika, #energie_dilemma, #klimakleber, #reizthema_einbürgerung, #reinzthema_einbürgerung, #happy_birthday_ampel
Total: 40m

Dec 09
Tulsa King 1x04 Visitation Place
Smallville 6x15 Freak
Total: 1h 22m

Dec 10
Total: 0m

Dec 11
The Rookie 5x08 The Collar
The Rookie 5x09 Take Back
Tulsa King 1x05 Token Joe
Total: 2h 1m


Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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Offline Tom

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Re: TV Shows/Episodes Watched in 2022
« Reply #72 on: January 02, 2023, 10:29:46 AM »
Episodes watched in December:
DateTV SeriesEpisodeRating
1Community2.06 Epidemiology
1Superman & Lois2.05 Girl... You'll Be a Woman, Soon
1Community2.07 Aerodynamics of Gender
1Superman & Lois2.06 Tried and True
1The Golden Girls1.11 Stan's Return
1Community2.08 Cooperative Calligraphy
2Superman & Lois2.07 Anti-Hero
2Superman & Lois2.08 Into Oblivion
2Community2.09 Conspiracy Theories and Interior Design
2The Golden Girls1.12 The Custody Battle
2Superman & Lois2.09 30 Days and 30 Nights
3Superman & Lois2.10 Bizarros in a Bizarro World
3Superman & Lois2.11 Truth and Consequences
3Superman & Lois2.12 Lies That Bind
4Community2.10 Mixology Certification
4Superman & Lois2.13 All Is Lost
4Superman & Lois2.14 Worlds War Bizarre
4Superman & Lois2.15 Waiting for Superman
5The Flash8.01 Armageddon (Part 1)
5The Orville2.01 Ja'loja
6The Flash8.02 Armageddon (Part 2)
6Community2.11 Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas
6The Orville2.02 Primal Urges
6Community2.12 Asian Population Studies
7The Flash8.03 Armageddon (Part 3)
7Glee1.05 The Rodes Not Taken
7The Orville2.03 Home
7The Golden Girls1.13 A Little Romance
8Smallville2.01 Vortex
8The Orville2.04 Nothing Left on Earth Excepting Fishes
8The Golden Girls1.14 That Was No Lady...
9The Flash8.04 Armageddon (Part 4)
9Community2.13 Celebrity Pharmacology 212
9The Golden Girls1.15 In a Bed of Rose's
10Star Trek: Deep Space Nine2.09 Second Sight
10The Orville2.05 All the World Is Birthday Cake
10Community2.14 Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
10The Flash8.05 Armageddon (Part 5)
10Community2.15 Early 21st Century Romanticism
11Community2.16 Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking
11The Orville2.06 A Happy Refrain
11The Twilight Zone1.28 A Nice Place to Visit
11Community2.17 Intro to Political Science
12The Orville2.07 Deflectors
12Community2.18 Custody Law and Eastern European Diplomacy
12The Orville2.08 Identity
13Community2.19 Critical Film Studies
13The Orville2.09 Identity, Part II
13Community2.20 Competitive Wine Tasting
13Glee1.06 Vitamin D
14The Orville2.10 Blood of Patriots
14Community2.21 Paradigms of Human Memory
14The Orville2.11 Lasting Impressions
14Community1.22 The Art of Discourse
16Community2.23 A Fistful of Paintballs
17The Orville2.12 Sanctuary
17Community2.24 For a Few Paintballs More
17The Orville2.13 Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow
17The Orville2.14 The Road Not Taken
17The Golden Girls1.16 The Truth Will Out
18Community3.01 Biology 101
18Community3.02 Geography of Global Conflict
18Community3.03 Remedial Chaos Theory
18Community3.04 Competitive Ecology
18House, M.D.1.09 DNR
18The Golden Girls1.17 Nice & Easy
19Timeless1.01 Pilot
19Community3.05 Horror Fiction in Seven Spooky Steps
19The Golden Girls1.18 The Operation
20Full Metal Panic!1.11 behemosu kakusei
20Timeless1.02 The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
20Glee1.07 Throwdown
20Community3.06 Advanced Gay
21Community3.07 Studies in Modern Movement
21Timeless1.03 Atomic City
21Community3.08 Documentary Filmmaking: Redux
21The Golden Girls1.19 Second Motherhood
22Community3.09 Foosball and Nocturnal Vigilantism
22Community3.10 Regional Holiday Music
23Community3.11 Contemporary Impressionists
23Timeless1.04 Party at the Castle Varlar
24Community3.12 Urban Matrimony and the Sandwich Arts
24Star Trek: Deep Space Nine2.10 Sanctuary
24Community3.13 Digital Exploration of Interior Design
24The Golden Girls1.20 Adult Education
25Timeless1.05 The Alamo
25Community3.14 Pillows and Blankets
25Timeless1.06 The Watergate Tape
25Community3.15 Origins of Vampire Mythology
25The Golden Girls1.21 The Flu
26Timeless1.07 Stranded
26Community3.16 Virtual Systems Analysis
26Community3.17 Basic Lupine Urology
26Community3.18 Course Listing Unavailable
27Timeless1.08 Space Race
27Community3.19 Curriculim Unavailable
27Community3.22 Introduction to Finality
27Community3.21 The First Chang Dynasty
27Community3.20 Digital Estate Planning
28Timeless1.09 Last Ride of Bonnie and Clyde
28Doctor Who13.04 Chapter Four: Village of the Angels
28The Golden Girls1.22 Job Hunting
29Timeless1.10 The Capture of Benedict Arnold
30The Golden Girls1.23 Blind Ambitions
30Timeless1.11 The World's Columbian Exposition
30The Vampire Diaries2.08 Rose
31The Golden Girls1.24 Big Daddy

Offline Tom

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Re: TV Shows/Episodes Watched in 2022
« Reply #73 on: January 02, 2023, 10:44:38 AM »
End of year total:

Movies watched:
TitleMonthWatched onRating
Ghajini (2007)118
Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse (2018)128
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)25
D.E.B.S. (2005)29
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog (2008)29
Just Like Heaven (2005)213
Jesus Christ Superstar (1973)225
Highlander (1986)312
My Super Ex-Girlfriend (2006)313
Superman II (1980)313
The Lion King (2019)41
Koi... Mil Gaya (2003)414
Krrish (2006)426
PAW Patrol: The Movie (2021)62
The Batman (2022)626
Black Widow (2021)629
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness73
Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)79
The Suicide Squad (2021)710
Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021)716
Galaxy Quest (1999)723
Krrish 3 (2013)826
Thor: Love and Thunder930
Aladdin (2019)116
Ever After (1998)1128
Big Hero 6 (2015)1211

Episodes watched:
TV SeriesEpisodeMonthDayRating
Polizeiinspektion 15.09 Möbel im Park11
Wings6.03 The Shrink11
Columbo11.04 A Trace of Murder11
Polizeiinspektion 15.10 Das Glück im sechsten Mond11
Columbo11.05 Ashes to Ashes12
Polizeiinspektion 15.11 Grenzfälle12
Polizeiinspektion 15.12 Wilder Hibiskus12
Firefly1.04 Shinding12
Wings6.04 The Spark and How To Get It13
Wings6.05 The Waxman Cometh13
Wings6.06 Is That a Ten Foot Sandwich ...13
Wings6.07 All's Fare13
Columbo11.06 Murder with Too Many Notes13
Polizeiinspektion 15.13 Rufmord13
Wonderfalls1.01 Wax Lion14
Columbo11.07 Columbo Likes the Nightlife14
Wings6.08 Miss Jenkins15
Wings6.09 If It's Not 1 Thing It's Your Mother15
Wonderfalls1.02 Pink Flamingos15
Polizeiinspektion 16.01 Der Betriebsunfall15
Buffy the Vampire Slayer6.20 Villains15
Wonderfalls1.03 Karma Chameleon15
Polizeiinspektion 16.02 Der Ersatzmann15
Polizeiinspektion 16.03 Der Mann aus Rosenheim15
Polizeiinspektion 16.04 Die Beförderung16
Wonderfalls1.04 Wound-Up Penguin16
Buffy the Vampire Slayer6.21 Two to Go16
Polizeiinspektion 16.05 Opas Memoiren16
Buffy the Vampire Slayer6.22 Grave17
Wonderfalls1.05 Crime Dog17
Polizeiinspektion 16.06 Karlis Heimkehr18
Wonderfalls1.06 Muffin Buffalo18
Wonderfalls1.07 Barrel Bear18
Polizeiinspektion 16.07 Erziehungsfragen18
Wonderfalls1.08 Lovesick Ass19
Polizeiinspektion 16.08 Der Dorfgendarm19
Wonderfalls1.09 Safety Canary19
Polizeiinspektion 16.09 Der Ausreißer19
Wings6.10 The Wrong Stuff110
Wings6.11 Insanity Claus110
Wings6.12 She's ... Baaack!110
Wings6.13 Have I Got a Couple for You110
Wings6.14 Fools Russian110
Wings6.15 Let's Call the Whole Thing Off110
Wings6.16 Remembrance of Flings Past (Part 1)110
Wings6.17 Remembrance of Things Past (Part 2)110
Wonderfalls1.10 Lying Pig110
Polizeiinspektion 16.10 Zwangsräumung110
Wings6.18 Gone but Not Forgotten111
Wings6.19 Ex, Lies and Videotape111
Wings6.20 Portrait of the Con Artist as a ...111
Polizeiinspektion 16.11 Ein Hauch von Kultur111
Wings6.21 The Love Life & Times of Joe & Helen111
Wings6.22 A House To Die For111
Wings6.23 Nuptials Off111
Wonderfalls1.11 Cocktail Bunny111
Polizeiinspektion 16.12 Leni111
Polizeiinspektion 16.13 Der Experte111
Wonderfalls1.12 Totem Mole111
Wings6.24 Et Tu, Antonio112
Wings6.25 Boys Just Wanna Have Fun112
Wings6.26 Here It Is: The Big Wedding112
Wonderfalls1.13 Caged Bird112
Wings7.01 Burnin' Down the House (Part 1)113
Wings7.02 Burnin' Down the House (Part 2)113
Wings7.03 Death Becomes Him113
Wings7.04 The Person Formerly Known as Lowell113
Polizeiinspektion 17.01 Gebrochene Herzen113
Due South1.00 Pilot113
Full Metal Panic!1.07 boi mitsu garu113
Polizeiinspektion 17.02 Der Wunderheiler113
Due South1.01 Free Willie114
Polizeiinspektion 17.03 Große und kleine Fische114
Due South1.02 Diefenbaker's Day Off114
Due South1.03 Manhunt115
Polizeiinspektion 17.04 Die Fortuna-Verkehrs-GmbH115
Polizeiinspektion 17.05 Die wilden Jahre115
Due South1.04 They Eat Horses, Don't They?116
Polizeiinspektion 17.06 Geldsorgen116
Angel3.01 Heartthrob116
Wings7.05 Hooker, Line and Sinker117
Wings7.06 She's Gotta Have It117
Wings7.07 So Long Frank Lloyd Wright117
Wings7.08 When a Man Loves a Donut117
Wings7.09 The Big Sleep117
Wings7.10 'Twas the Heist before Christmas117
Polizeiinspektion 17.07 Geistige Erneuerung117
Due South1.05 Pizzas and Promises117
Due South1.06 Chinatown117
Polizeiinspektion 17.08 Das Jubiläum117
Wings7.11 Honey, We Broke the Kides118
Wings7.12 B.S. I Love You118
Wings7.13 Sons and Lovers118
Wings7.14 Bye George118
Wings7.15 The Team Player118
Wings7.16 Love at First Flight118
Wings7.17 Lynch Party118
Wings7.18 One Flew Over the Cooper's Nest118
Wings7.19 Driving Mr. DeCarlo118
Due South1.07 Chicago Holiday - Part 1118
Polizeiinspektion 17.09 Schöninger versteht die Welt nicht mehr118
Polizeiinspektion 17.10 Alles Glück dieser Erde118
Polizeiinspektion 17.11 Logierbesuch118
Polizeiinspektion 17.12 Verwegene Moral118
Polizeiinspektion 17.13 Katzenjammer118
Wings7.20 A Tale of Two Sister Cities119
Wings7.21 What about Larry?119
Wings7.22 The Lady Vanishes119
Wings7.23 Life Could Be a Dream119
Wings7.24 The Lyin' King119
Wings7.25 Love Overboard119
Wings7.26 Grouses, Houses, & Bickering Spouses119
Wings8.01 Porno for Pyros119
Wings8.02 Like a Neighbor Scorned119
Due South1.08 Chigaco Holiday - Part 2119
Polizeiinspektion 18.01 Der Schatten120
Due South1.09 A Cop, a Mountie and a Baby120
Due South1.10 The Gift of the Wheelman120
Polizeiinspektion 18.02 Zwei Furchen auf dem Sonnenberg120
Wings8.03 Maybe It's You121
Wings8.04 Single and Hating It121
Wings8.05 Too Beautiful for You121
Wings8.06 The Gift of Life121
Due South1.11 You Must Remember This121
Polizeiinspektion 18.03 Kikeriki121
Full Metal Panic!1.08 patotaimu sutedi121
Due South1.12 Hawk and Handsaw122
Polizeiinspektion 18.04 Weinkenner122
Due South1.13 An Eye for an Eye123
Polizeiinspektion 18.05 Bilderwut123
Polizeiinspektion 18.06 Glück und Glas123
Wings8.07 Olive or Twist124
Wings8.08 Wingless (Part 1)124
Wings8.09 Wingless (Part 2)124
Wings8.10 Wingless (Part 3)124
Wings8.11 11.All about Christmas Eve124
Wings8.12 Let's Talk about Sex124
Wings8.13 Hosed124
Wings8.14 Just Call Me Angel124
Wings8.15 Fay There, Georgie Girl124
Wings8.16 Escape from New York124
Wings8.17 House of Blues124
Due South1.14 The Man Who Knew Too Little124
Polizeiinspektion 18.07 Dem Ende zu124
Polizeiinspektion 18.08 Wimmer hält durch124
Due South1.15 The Wild Bunch124
Wings8.18 Ms. Write125
Wings8.19 Dreamgirl125
Wings8.20 Heartache Tonight125
Wings8.21 Oedipus Wrecks125
Wings8.22 Raging Bull *&@!125
Wings8.23 Final Approach (Parts 1 & 2)125
Batman1.10 A Death Worse Than Fate125
Batman1.11 A Riddle a Day Keeps the Riddler Away125
Batman1.12 When the Rat's Away the Mice Will Play125
Due South1.16 The Blue Line125
Polizeiinspektion 18.09 Izmir liegt im Meer125
Polizeiinspektion 18.10 Viechereien125
Polizeiinspektion 18.11 Kurz vor den besten Jahren126
Polizeiinspektion 18.12 Roderich und Julia126
Polizeiinspektion 18.13 Immer Ärger mit Kwoka126
Due South1.17 The Deal127
Due South1.18 An Invitation to Romance127
Angel3.02 That Vision Thing128
Batman1.13 The Thirteenth Hat128
Batman1.14 Batman Stands Pat128
Polizeiinspektion 19.01 Kinder, Kinder128
Due South1.19 Heaven and Earth128
Polizeiinspektion 19.02 Der wunde Punkt129
Due South1.20 Victoria's Secret - Part 1129
Polizeiinspektion 19.03 Zug um Zug129
Due South1.21 Victoria's Secret - Part 2130
Due South1.22 Letting Go130
Polizeiinspektion 19.04 Kavaliersstart130
Firefly1.05 Safe130
Polizeiinspektion 19.05 Bodos exklusive Automobilunion130
Polizeiinspektion 19.06 Schnelles Geld131
Firefly1.06 Our Mrs Reynolds131
Polizeiinspektion 19.07 Moralische Verpflichtung131
Polizeiinspektion 19.08 Verständigungsprobleme131
Polizeiinspektion 19.09 Ein gewisses Alter131
Batman1.15 The Joker Goes to School21
Batman1.16 He Meets His Match, The Grisly Ghoul21
Polizeiinspektion 19.10 Alles Inklusive21
Polizeiinspektion 19.11 Südlich vom Hindukusch21
Polizeiinspektion 19.12 Der letzte Held21
Polizeiinspektion 19.13 Ausgewählte Kundschaft21
Due South2.01 North21
Batman1.17 True or False-Face23
Batman1.18 Holy Rat Race23
Due South2.02 Vault23
Polizeiinspektion 110.01 Schlafstörungen23
Polizeiinspektion 110.02 Schutzgeld23
Batman1.19 The Purr-fect Crime24
Due South2.03 The Witness24
Polizeiinspektion 110.03 Überstunden24
Polizeiinspektion 110.04 Nackte Tatsachen24
Polizeiinspektion 110.05 Die Erbschaft24
Polizeiinspektion 110.06 Nachtgeschäfte25
Polizeiinspektion 110.07 Einmal im Leben25
Due South2.04 Bird in the Hand25
Polizeiinspektion 110.08 Unheimlich seriös25
Polizeiinspektion 110.09 Der Stellvertreter26
Polizeiinspektion 110.10 Alles Theater26
Polizeiinspektion 110.11 Vorschriftswidrig26
Polizeiinspektion 110.12 Heimarbeit26
Polizeiinspektion 110.13 Der Umzug26
Due South2.05 The Promise26
Police Squad!1.01 A Substantial Gift (The Broken Gift)27
Due South2.06 The Mask27
Police Squad!1.02 Ring of Fear (A Dangerous Assignment)27
Police Squad!1.03 The Butler Did It (A Bird in the Hand)27
Batman1.20 Better Luck Next Time28
Police Squad!1.04 Revenge and Remorse (The Guilty Alibi)28
Due South2.07 Juliet is Bleeding28
Police Squad!1.05 Rendezvous at Big Gulch (Terror in the Neighborhood)28
Due South2.08 One Good Man28
Police Squad!1.06 Testimony of Evil (Dead Men Don't Laugh)28
Gokusen1.01 Nekketsu sensei Ô abare!!28
Due South2.09 The Edge29
Due South2.10 We Are The Eggmen210
Undeclared1.01 Prototype211
Due South2.11 Starman211
Undeclared1.02 Oh, So You Have a Boyfriend?211
Due South2.12 Some Like It Red212
Undeclared1.03 Full Frontal Nugety212
Undeclared1.04 Eric Visits213
Due South2.13 White Men Can't Jump to Conclusions213
Undeclared1.05 Jobs, Jobs, Jobs213
Due South2.14 All The Queen's Horses214
Undeclared1.06 Sick in the Head214
Due South2.15 Body Language214
Undeclared1.07 The Assistant214
Undeclared1.14 Truth or Dare215
Undeclared1.08 Addicts215
Undeclared1.11 Eric Visits Again215
Due South2.16 The Duel215
Undeclared1.09 God Visits215
Undeclared1.10 Parents' Weekend215
Undeclared1.12 Rush and Pledge215
Undeclared1.13 Hell Week216
Due South2.17 Red, White or Blue216
Undeclared1.15 The Day After216
Undeclared1.16 The Perfect Date217
Due South2.18 Flashback217
Undeclared1.17 Hal and Hillary217
Undeclared1.18 Eric's POV217
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl1.01 Spuk in der Werkstatt218
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl1.01 Spuk in der Werkstatt218
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl1.02 Das verkaufte Bett218
Due South3.01 Burning Down the House218
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl1.03 Das neue Badezimmer218
Due South3.02 Eclipse218
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl1.04 Das Schlossgespenst218
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl1.05 Die abergläubische Putzfrau219
Due South3.03 I Could'a Been a Defendant219
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl1.06 Pumuckl macht Ferien220
Due South3.04 Strange Bedfellows220
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl1.07 Der Geist des Wassers220
Due South3.05 Mountie & Soul220
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl1.08 Pumuckl und die Schule220
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl1.09 Pumuckl und der Pudding220
Due South3.06 Bounty Hunter220
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl1.10 Der rätselhafte Hund221
Due South3.07 Seeing Is Believing222
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl1.11 Pumuckl und der Nikolaus222
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl1.12 Auf heißer Spur222
Due South3.08 Spy vs Spy222
Due South3.09 Dead Guy Running223
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl1.13 Das Weihnachtsgeschenk223
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl1.14 Der erste Schnee223
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl1.15 Der Wollpullover223
Due South3.10 Perfect Strangers224
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl1.16 Der große Krach224
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl1.17 Der große Krach und seine Folgen224
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl1.18 Eder bekommt Besuch224
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl1.19 Das Spanferkelessen225
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl1.20 Pumuckl und Puwackl226
Due South3.12 Mountie on the Bounty - Part 1226
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl1.21 Pumuckl und die Angst226
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl1.23 Pumuckl im Zoo226
Due South3.13 Mountie on the Bounty - Part 2226
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl1.22 Der verhängnisvolle Schlagram226
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl1.24 Die geheimnisvollen Briefe226
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl1.25 Pumuckl und die Ostereier227
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl1.26 Der erste April227
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl2.01 Das Spielzeugauto227
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl2.02 Pumuckl und die Obstbäume227
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl2.03 Pumuckl und die Maus227
Due South4.01 Dr. Longball227
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl2.04 Das Segelboot227
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl2.05 Die Bergtour228
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl1.02 Das verkaufte Bett228
Due South4.02 Easy Money228
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl2.06 Die Blechbüchsen228
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl2.07 Die Schatzsucher31
Weißblaue Geschichten1.01 Der Kurpfuscher / Der Seemann / Der Kraftprotz31
The Vampire Diaries1.01 Pilot32
Weißblaue Geschichten1.02 Der Schlaumeier / Der Tandler / Das Gspusi32
Firefly1.07 Jaynestown32
The Vampire Diaries1.02 The Night of the Comet32
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl2.08 Das Gespenst im Gartenhäuschen33
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl2.10 Pumuckl und die Katze33
The Vampire Diaries1.03 Friday Night Bites33
Weißblaue Geschichten1.03 Der Freund / Der Vater / Der Heilige / Der Retter34
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl2.09 Die geheimnisvolle Schaukel34
The Vampire Diaries1.04 Family Ties35
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl2.11 Pumuckl und der Schnupfen35
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl2.12 Eders Weihnachtsgeschenk35
Due South4.03 A Likely Story35
The Vampire Diaries1.05 You're Undead to Me35
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl2.13 Pumuckl ist an gar nichts schuld36
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl2.14 Ein schwieriger Kunde36
The Vampire Diaries1.06 Lost Girls36
Weißblaue Geschichten1.04 Die Goldene Hochzeit / Der Glückspilz / Der Klangkörper / Der Landarzt36
The Vampire Diaries1.07 Haunted36
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl2.15 Der blutige Daumer37
The Vampire Diaries1.08 162 Candles37
Weißblaue Geschichten1.05 Der Amerikaner / Der Erlkönig / Der Gondoliere37
The Golden Girls1.01 Pilot (aka "The Engagement")38
The Vampire Diaries1.09 History Repeating38
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl2.16 Pumuckl und die Kopfwehtabletten38
ALF1.01 ALF Pilot39
Weißblaue Geschichten1.06 Der Kohlhas / Der Gendarm / Der Schutzheilige39
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl2.17 Ein Knüller für die Zeitung310
The Larry Sanders Show1.01 What Have You Done For Me Lately? (AKA Garden Weasel)310
The Vampire Diaries1.10 The Turning Point310
Weißblaue Geschichten1.07 Der Bazi / Der Schwan / Der Hacker / Der Dickschädel310
The Golden Girls1.02 Guess Who's Coming to the Wedding310
The Larry Sanders Show1.02 The Promise310
The Vampire Diaries1.11 Bloodlines311
Due South4.04 Odds311
Weißblaue Geschichten1.08 Der König / Der Sauhund / Die Fremde / Der Star311
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl2.18 Pumuckl geht ans Telefon311
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl2.19 Pumuckl will Schreiner werden311
The Larry Sanders Show1.03 The Spiders Episodes311
The Vampire Diaries1.12 Unpleasantville311
The Golden Girls1.03 Rose the Prude311
The Larry Sanders Show1.04 Guest Host312
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl2.20 Der silberne Kegel312
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl2.21 Das Spiel mit dem Feuer312
The Vampire Diaries1.13 Children of the Damned313
The Larry Sanders Show1.05 The New Producer Episode313
Batman1.21 The Penguin Goes Straight313
The Larry Sanders Show1.06 The Flirt Episode313
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl2.22 Pumuckl will eine Uhr haben313
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl2.23 Die Plastikente313
The Vampire Diaries1.14 Fool Me Once314
The Larry Sanders Show1.07 Hank's Contract314
Weißblaue Geschichten1.09 Das Wunder / Der Casanova / Der Bub / Der Geschäftsmann314
ALF1.04 Strangers in the Night314
The Larry Sanders Show1.08 Out of the Loop314
The Larry Sanders Show1.09 The Talk Show Episode314
The Larry Sanders Show1.10 Party315
Weißblaue Geschichten1.10 Der Fremde / Das Schlitzohr / Der Lausbub / Der Künstler315
The Larry Sanders Show1.11 The Warmth Episode315
The Vampire Diaries1.15 A Few Good Men315
The Larry Sanders Show1.12 A Brush with (the Elbow of) Greatness315
The Vampire Diaries1.16 There Goes the Neighborhood315
The Vampire Diaries1.17 Let the Right One In315
The Larry Sanders Show1.13 The Hey Now Episode315
Due South4.05 The Ladies Man315
Full Metal Panic!1.09 abunai sefu hausu315
Full Metal Panic!1.10 ran ranningu ran315
Weißblaue Geschichten1.11 Der Rosenkavalier / Die Schraube / Die Tuba315
The Vampire Diaries1.18 Under Control315
Buffy the Vampire Slayer7.01 Lessons315
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl2.24 Pumuckl auf Hexenjagd316
The Vampire Diaries1.19 Miss Mystic Falls316
Weißblaue Geschichten1.12 Bua oder Madl / Der Briefwechsel / Der Gasableser / Der Dorfbrunnen316
ALF1.06 Looking for Lucky316
The Vampire Diaries1.20 Blood Brothers316
The Vampire Diaries1.21 Isobel317
The Vampire Diaries1.22 Founder's Day317
Highlander1.01 The Gathering317
Batman1.22 Not Yet, He Ain't317
Weißblaue Geschichten1.13 Klappern gehört zum Handwerk / Lüngerl und Hax'n / Ein paar Blumen hat jeder verdient317
Buffy the Vampire Slayer7.02 Beneath You317
The Larry Sanders Show2.01 The Breakdown318
Highlander1.02 Family Tree318
ALF1.03 Pennsylvania 6-5000318
ALF1.08 Keepin' the Faith319
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl2.25 Hilfe, eine Aushilfe!319
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl2.26 Pumuckl und die Musik319
Weißblaue Geschichten1.14 Der Stadthahn/Der Tag mit dem Schlagerstar/Das Testament der Xantippe319
Buffy the Vampire Slayer7.03 Same Time, Same Place320
Weißblaue Geschichten1.15 Ein Bus nach Alicante / Herta / Bergvagabunden / Penner-Party320
Buffy the Vampire Slayer7.04 Help320
The Larry Sanders Show2.02 The List320
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl1.20 Pumuckl und Puwackl320
Buffy the Vampire Slayer7.05 Selfless320
Highlander1.03 The Road Not Taken320
ALF1.05 For Your Eyes Only321
The Larry Sanders Show2.03 The Stalker321
Buffy the Vampire Slayer7.06 Him321
Weißblaue Geschichten1.16 Datapac 206 / Die Sterne lügen nicht / Der Madonnenschnitzer / Der Kakadu321
Due South4.06 Mojo Rising321
Due South4.07 Mountie Sings the Blues322
Highlander1.04 Innocent Man322
Weißblaue Geschichten1.17 Der Landvermesser / Ein Wink von oben / Die Wolpertingerjagd / Meer bleibt Meer322
The Larry Sanders Show2.04 Larry's Agent322
Buffy the Vampire Slayer7.07 Conversations With Dead People323
Weißblaue Geschichten1.18 Der Löwe / Der unsichtbare Zweite / Wahre Schönheit kommt von innen323
Due South4.08 Good for the Soul323
The Larry Sanders Show2.05 The Hankerciser 200323
ALF1.10 Help Me Rhonda324
Weißblaue Geschichten1.19 Die Radltour / Das Schlafmittel / Hochwürden Josef324
Due South4.09 Dead Men Don't Throw Rice324
Buffy the Vampire Slayer7.08 Sleeper324
Weißblaue Geschichten1.20 Die Hauspost / Das Echo vom Karfunkelsee324
Highlander1.05 Free Fall324
The Larry Sanders Show2.06 Life Behind Larry324
Weißblaue Geschichten1.21 Die Doppelgänger / Ferien325
Weißblaue Geschichten1.22 Der Kapitän / Graffiti325
Due South4.10 Say Amen325
Buffy the Vampire Slayer7.09 Never Leave Me325
Due South4.11 Hunting Season327
The Larry Sanders Show2.07 Artie's Gone327
Due South4.12 Call of the Wild - Part 1328
Due South4.13 Call of the Wild - Part 2328
The Larry Sanders Show2.08 Larry Loses Interest329
Weißblaue Geschichten1.23 Freitag, der 13. / Der Hochzeitslader329
ALF1.11 Don't It Make Your Brown Eyes Blue330
The Larry Sanders Show2.09 Larry's Partner330
The Larry Sanders Show2.10 Broadcast Nudes331
Highlander1.06 Bad Day in Building A331
Weißblaue Geschichten1.24 Das Herrgottsbebräu / Der Lottogewinn331
ALF1.09 Jump41
Buffy the Vampire Slayer7.10 Bring On The Night41
The Larry Sanders Show2.11 Larry's Birthday41
Weißblaue Geschichten1.25 Der Himmelmann / Die Geige aus Amerika41
The Larry Sanders Show2.12 Being There42
ALF1.13 Baby, You Can Drive My Car42
Buffy the Vampire Slayer7.11 Showtime42
Weißblaue Geschichten1.26 Die Heimatorgel / Das schwarze Schaf / Zu Gast bei Onkel Franz / Der letzte Wille43
Weißblaue Geschichten1.27 Bienenstich / Der Lockvogel44
The Larry Sanders Show2.13 The Performance Artist44
ALF1.02 On the Road Again45
Firefly1.08 Out of Gas45
Weißblaue Geschichten1.28 Die Falle / Der Einfallspinsel45
Weißblaue Geschichten1.29 Wechselschritt / Scheues Reh sucht mutigem Jäger46
The Larry Sanders Show2.14 Hank's Wedding46
ALF1.12 Oh Tannerbaum47
The Larry Sanders Show2.15 Off Camera47
The Larry Sanders Show2.16 The Grand Opening47
The Larry Sanders Show2.17 New York Or L.A.47
Buffy the Vampire Slayer7.12 Potential48
Weißblaue Geschichten1.30 Drei Männer für Susu / Liebe macht nicht blind48
ALF1.14 Mother And Child Reunion49
Weißblaue Geschichten1.31 Alles wie früher / Ein unbeschriebenes Blatt49
The Larry Sanders Show3.01 Montana49
Buffy the Vampire Slayer7.13 The Killer In Me410
Weißblaue Geschichten1.32 Die Rechnung bitte / Die Rückkehr410
ALF1.15 Little Bit of Soap410
ALF1.17 I've Got a New Attitude411
Buffy the Vampire Slayer7.14 First Date411
Weißblaue Geschichten1.33 Schwein gehabt / Eine harte Prüfung412
Buffy the Vampire Slayer7.15 Get It Done412
Weißblaue Geschichten1.34 Die Autopanne / Nette Nachbarn412
Buffy the Vampire Slayer7.16 Storyteller413
Weißblaue Geschichten1.35 Ein schwerer Akt / Der Intrigantenstadl413
Buffy the Vampire Slayer7.17 Lies My Parents Told Me414
ALF1.23 Try to Remember414
Buffy the Vampire Slayer7.18 Dirty Girls414
The Larry Sanders Show3.02 You're Having My Baby415
Buffy the Vampire Slayer7.19 Empty Places415
Weißblaue Geschichten1.36 Ein falscher Hund / Die Abrechnung415
Buffy the Vampire Slayer7.20 Touched416
Buffy the Vampire Slayer7.21 End Of Days416
Buffy the Vampire Slayer7.22 Chosen416
Doctor Who11.01 The Woman Who Fell to Earth416
Weißblaue Geschichten1.37 Die oder keine / Der Beckenschläger416
Doctor Who11.02 The Ghost Monument417
Weißblaue Geschichten1.38 Ein Mann für alle Notfälle / Schwindelanfälle417
The Vampire Diaries2.01 The Return417
Doctor Who11.03 Rosa418
ALF1.16 Border Song419
Doctor Who11.04 Arachnids in the UK419
Weißblaue Geschichten1.39 Kein Kraut für die Liebe / Die Vier vom Revier420
Doctor Who11.05 The Tsuranga Conundrum420
Doctor Who11.06 Demons of the Punjab421
Doctor Who11.07 Kerblam!422
Weißblaue Geschichten1.40 Ein Date mit Folgen423
Doctor Who11.08 The Witchfinders423
Weißblaue Geschichten1.41 Schwiegersohn gesucht423
ALF1.18 Wild Thing423
Weißblaue Geschichten1.42 Ein Haus zum Verlieben / Einladung mit Hindernissen424
Doctor Who11.09 It Takes You Away424
The Larry Sanders Show3.03 Would You Do Me a Favor?424
ALF1.19 Going Out of My Head Over You424
Doctor Who11.10 The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos425
The Larry Sanders Show3.04 The Gift426
Doctor Who11.11 Resolution426
Batman1.23 The Ring of Wax427
Doctor Who12.01 Spyfall, Part 1427
Doctor Who12.02 Spyfall, Part 2427
Doctor Who12.03 Orphan 55428
Doctor Who12.04 Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror429
Doctor Who12.05 Fugitive of the Judoon429
Doctor Who12.06 Praxeus430
Doctor Who12.07 Can You Hear Me?430
ALF1.21 Lookin' Through the Windows430
Doctor Who12.08 The Haunting of Villa Diodati430
Doctor Who12.09 Ascension of the Cybermen430
Doctor Who12.10 The Timeless Children51
Doctor Who12.11 Revolution of the Daleks51
Doctor Who1.01 Rose52
The Larry Sanders Show3.05 People's Choice52
Doctor Who1.02 The End of the World52
Doctor Who1.03 The Unquiet Dead53
Doctor Who1.04 Aliens of London53
Doctor Who1.05 World War Three53
Doctor Who1.06 Dalek54
Doctor Who1.07 The Long Game54
Doctor Who1.08 Father's Day55
Doctor Who1.09 The Empty Child55
Doctor Who1.10 The Doctor Dances55
Doctor Who1.11 Boom Town56
Doctor Who1.12 Bad Wolf56
Doctor Who1.13 The Parting of the Ways56
ALF1.07 It's Not Easy Being Green56
Doctor Who2.00 The Christmas Invasion57
Doctor Who2.01 New Earth58
Doctor Who2.02 Tooth and Claw58
Doctor Who2.03 School Reunion58
Doctor Who2.04 The Girl in the Fireplace59
Red Dwarf1.01 The End59
Doctor Who2.05 Rise of the Cybermen510
Red Dwarf1.02 Future Echoes510
Doctor Who2.06 The Age of Steel511
Red Dwarf1.03 Balance of Power511
ALF1.22 The Gambler511
Doctor Who2.07 The Idiot's Lantern512
Red Dwarf1.04 Waiting for God512
Doctor Who2.08 The Impossible Planet513
Red Dwarf1.05 Confidence and Paranoia513
ALF1.20 Weird Science514
Doctor Who2.09 The Satan Pit514
Red Dwarf1.06 Me²514
ALF1.25 La Cucaracha514
ALF1.24 Come Fly With Me515
Doctor Who2.10 Love & Monsters515
Doctor Who2.11 Fear Her516
Doctor Who2.12 Army of Ghosts516
Doctor Who2.13 Doomsday517
Red Dwarf2.01 Kryten518
Doctor Who3.00 The Runaway Bride519
Doctor Who3.01 Smith and Jones519
Doctor Who3.02 The Shakespeare Code521
Doctor Who3.03 Gridlock522
Red Dwarf2.02 Better Than Life524
Doctor Who3.04 Daleks in Manhattan524
Doctor Who3.05 Evolution of the Daleks525
Doctor Who3.06 The Lazarus Experiment525
Red Dwarf2.03 Thanks for the Memory526
Doctor Who3.07 42526
Doctor Who3.08 Human Nature528
Doctor Who3.09 The Family of Blood528
Doctor Who3.10 Blink528
The Vampire Diaries2.02 Brave New World528
Doctor Who3.11 Utopia529
Doctor Who3.12 The Sound of Drums529
Doctor Who3.13 Last of the Time Lords530
Doctor Who4.00 Voyage of the Damned530
Doctor Who4.01 Partners in Crime530
Doctor Who4.02 The Fires of Pompeii531
Doctor Who4.03 Planet of the Ood531
Doctor Who4.04 The Sontaran Stratagem531
Doctor Who4.05 The Poison Sky61
Doctor Who4.06 The Doctor's Daughter61
Red Dwarf2.04 Stasis Leak61
The Larry Sanders Show3.06 Hank's Night in the Sun61
Doctor Who4.07 The Unicorn and the Wasp62
Doctor Who4.08 Silence in the Library62
Doctor Who4.09 Forest of the Dead62
Doctor Who4.10 Midnight64
Doctor Who4.11 Turn Left65
Doctor Who4.12 The Stolen Earth66
Doctor Who4.13 Journey's End66
Red Dwarf2.05 Queeg68
Red Dwarf2.06 Parallel Universe69
Doctor Who4.14 The Next Doctor611
Red Dwarf3.01 Backwards611
The Good Place1.01 Everything Is Fine612
The Good Place1.02 Flying612
Doctor Who4.15 Planet of the Dead612
The Good Place1.03 Tahani613
The Good Place1.04 Jason Mendoza613
The Good Place1.05 Category 55 Emergency Doomsday Crisis613
The Good Place1.06 What We Owe to Each Other613
The Good Place1.07 The Eternal Shriek614
Doctor Who4.16 The Waters of Mars614
The Good Place1.08 Most Improved Player614
The Good Place1.09 ...Someone Like Me as a Member614
The Good Place1.10 Chidi's Choice614
The Good Place1.11 What's My Motivation614
The Good Place1.12 Mindy St. Claire615
The Good Place1.13 Michael's Gambit615
Doctor Who4.17 The End of Time Part One615
Doctor Who4.18 The End of Time Part Two616
Doctor Who5.01 The Eleventh Hour617
Red Dwarf3.02 Marooned617
Doctor Who5.02 The Beast Below618
Red Dwarf3.03 Polymorph619
Doctor Who5.03 Victory of the Daleks619
The Larry Sanders Show3.07 Office Romance620
The Larry Sanders Show3.08 Sharon Stone Show620
Smallville1.01 Pilot620
Red Dwarf3.04 Bodyswap620
The Vampire Diaries2.03 Bad Moon Rising621
Red Dwarf3.05 Timeslides621
Batman1.24 Give 'Em the Axe622
Doctor Who5.04 The Time of Angels622
The Larry Sanders Show3.09 Headwriter (AKA Headwriter Phil)622
Red Dwarf3.06 The Last Day622
The Larry Sanders Show3.10 Like No Business I Know623
Red Dwarf4.01 Camille624
The Larry Sanders Show3.11 Larry Loses a Friend625
The Larry Sanders Show3.12 Doubt of the Benefit627
Red Dwarf4.02 DNA627
Doctor Who5.05 Flesh and Stone628
Red Dwarf4.03 Justice628
The Larry Sanders Show3.13 Hank's Divorce629
The Larry Sanders Show3.14 The Fourteenth Floor629
Batman1.25 The Joker Trumps an Ace630
The Larry Sanders Show3.15 Next Stop... Bottom630
Doctor Who5.06 The Vampires of Venice630
The Larry Sanders Show3.16 Arthur's Crises630
The Larry Sanders Show3.17 End of the Season71
Red Dwarf4.04 White Hole73
Superman & Lois1.01 Pilot74
Red Dwarf4.05 Dimension Jump74
Superman & Lois1.02 Heritage75
Red Dwarf4.06 Meltdown75
Superman & Lois1.03 The Perks of Not Being a Wallflower76
Superman & Lois1.04 Haywire77
Batman1.26 Batman Sets the Pace78
Superman & Lois1.05 The Best of Smallville78
The Larry Sanders Show4.01 Roseanne's Return78
Red Dwarf5.01 Holoship79
Superman: The Animated Series1.09 The Main Man (Part I)79
Superman & Lois1.06 Broken Trust710
Superman & Lois1.07 Man of Steel710
Superman & Lois1.08 Holding the Wrench710
Red Dwarf5.02 The Inquisitor710
Batman1.27 The Curse of Tut711
Superman & Lois1.09 Loyal Subjekts711
Red Dwarf5.03 Terrorform711
Batman1.28 The Pharaoh's in a Rut712
Superman & Lois1.10 O Mother, Where Art Thou?712
Superman & Lois1.11 A Brief Reminiscence In-Between Cataclysmic Events712
Red Dwarf5.04 Quarantine712
The Flash3.08 Invasion!713
Superman & Lois1.12 Through the Valley of Death713
Red Dwarf5.05 Demons & Angels713
Doctor Who5.07 Amy's Choice714
Batman1.29 The Bookworm Turns714
Justice League1.37 A Better World Part 1714
Red Dwarf5.06 Back To Reality714
Arrow5.08 Invasion!714
Superman: The Animated Series1.10 The Main Man (Part I)715
Legends of Tomorrow2.07 Invasion!715
Superman & Lois1.13 Fail Safe715
Red Dwarf6.01 Psirens715
Smallville1.02 Metamorphosis716
Superman & Lois1.14 The Eradicator716
Superman & Lois1.15 Last Sons of Krypton716
Supergirl3.08 Crisis on Earth-X, Part 1717
Arrow6.08 Crisis on Earth-X, Part 2717
Justice League1.38 A Better World Part 2717
The Flash4.08 Crisis on Earth-X, Part 3718
Legends of Tomorrow3.08 Crisis on Earth-X, Part 4718
Batman1.30 While Gotham City Burns719
The Flash5.09 Elseworlds, Part 1719
Red Dwarf6.02 Legion720
Arrow7.09 Elseworlds, Part 2720
Supergirl4.09 Elseworlds, Part 3720
Supergirl5.09 Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part One720
Batwoman1.09 Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Two720
The Flash6.09 Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Three721
Red Dwarf6.03 Gunmen of the Apocalypse721
Arrow8.08 Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Four721
Legends of Tomorrow5.01 Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Five721
Red Dwarf6.04 Polymorph II722
Doctor Who5.08 The Hungry Earth723
Red Dwarf6.05 Rimmerworld723
Smallville1.03 Hothead723
Red Dwarf6.06 Out of Time723
The Larry Sanders Show4.02 Hank's New Assistant724
The Larry Sanders Show4.03 Arthur After Hours724
The Larry Sanders Show4.04 The Bump724
Pippi Långstrump1.01 Pippi zieht in die Villa Kunterbunt724
The Larry Sanders Show4.05 Jeannie's Visit724
Doctor Who5.09 Cold Blood724
The Larry Sanders Show4.06 The P.A.725
The Larry Sanders Show4.07 Hank's Sex Tape725
Doctor Who5.10 Vincent and The Doctor725
Batman1.31 Death in Slow Motion726
Red Dwarf7.01 Tikka to Ride726
The Larry Sanders Show4.08 Nothing Personal726
Red Dwarf7.02 Stoke me a Clipper727
Doctor Who5.11 The Lodger727
Red Dwarf7.03 Ouroboros728
Doctor Who5.12 The Pandorica Opens728
Red Dwarf7.04 Duct Soup729
Doctor Who5.13 The Big Bang729
Red Dwarf7.05 Blue730
Red Dwarf7.06 Beyond a Joke730
Red Dwarf7.07 Epideme730
Red Dwarf7.08 Nanarchy731
Smallville1.04 X-Ray81
Doctor Who13.01 Chapter One: The Halloween Apocalypse82
Red Dwarf8.01 Back in the Red - Part 182
Red Dwarf8.02 Back in the Red - Part 282
Red Dwarf8.03 Back in the Red - Part 382
Red Dwarf8.04 Cassandra83
The Larry Sanders Show4.09 Brother, Can You Spare 1.2 Million?83
The Larry Sanders Show4.10 Conflict of Interest83
Red Dwarf8.05 Krytie TV84
Smallville1.05 Cool84
Red Dwarf8.06 Pete - Part 185
Red Dwarf8.07 Pete - Part 285
Red Dwarf8.08 Only the Good...85
The Twilight Zone1.01 Where Is Everybody?85
Red Dwarf9.01 Back to Earth: Episode 186
Red Dwarf9.02 Back to Earth: Episode 286
Red Dwarf9.03 Back to Earth: Episode 386
The Twilight Zone1.02 One For the Angels86
The Larry Sanders Show4.11 I Was a Teenage Lesbian86
The Twilight Zone1.03 Mr. Denton on Doomsday86
The Larry Sanders Show4.12 Larry's Sitcom87
The Twilight Zone1.04 The Sixteen-Millimeter Shrine87
The Larry Sanders Show4.13 Larry's Big Idea88
The Larry Sanders Show4.14 Beverly and the Prop Job88
The Larry Sanders Show4.15 0.40988
The Twilight Zone1.05 Walking Distance88
The Twilight Zone1.06 Escape Clause89
The Larry Sanders Show4.16 Eight89
The Larry Sanders Show4.17 Larry's on Vacation810
Batman1.32 The Riddler's False Notion810
The Larry Sanders Show5.01 Everybody Loves Larry810
The Twilight Zone1.07 The Lonely810
The Twilight Zone1.08 Time Enough at Last810
Red Dwarf10.01 Trojan811
The Twilight Zone1.09 Perchance to Dream811
Red Dwarf10.02 Fathers & Suns811
Red Dwarf10.03 Lemons812
The Larry Sanders Show5.02 My Name Is Asher Kingsley812
Red Dwarf10.04 Entangled812
The Twilight Zone1.10 Judgement Night812
Red Dwarf10.05 Dear Dave813
Red Dwarf10.06 The Beginning813
Red Dwarf11.01 Twentica813
The Larry Sanders Show5.03 Where Is the Love?813
Red Dwarf11.02 Samsara814
The Larry Sanders Show5.04 Ellen, or Isn't She814
Red Dwarf11.03 Give & Take814
Red Dwarf11.04 Officer Rimmer815
Red Dwarf11.05 Krysis815
Red Dwarf11.06 Can of Worms815
The Larry Sanders Show5.05 The New Writer815
Red Dwarf12.01 Cured816
The Twilight Zone1.11 And When the Sky Was Opened817
Red Dwarf12.02 Siliconia817
Red Dwarf12.03 Timewave817
Red Dwarf12.04 Mechocracy818
Red Dwarf12.05 M-Corp819
Smallville1.06 Hourglass819
Red Dwarf12.06 Skipper819
The Larry Sanders Show5.06 Matchmaker819
Smallville1.07 Craving821
The Larry Sanders Show5.07 Make a Wish821
The Larry Sanders Show5.08 Artie, Angie, Hank and Hercules821
Red Dwarf13.01 The Promised Land822
The Twilight Zone1.12 What You Need822
The Larry Sanders Show5.09 The Prank823
The Vampire Diaries2.04 Memory Lane823
Doctor Who13.02 Chapter Two: War of the Sontarans824
The Larry Sanders Show5.10 The Book824
The Larry Sanders Show5.11 Pain Equals Funny824
The Larry Sanders Show5.12 The Roast824
The Larry Sanders Show5.13 Larry's New Love824
The Twilight Zone1.13 The Four of Us Are Dying825
The Larry Sanders Show6.01 Another List827
Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.00 Nikolaus ist ein guter Mann/Kling Glöckchen klingeling/Ihr Kinderlein kommet/Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht828
The Larry Sanders Show6.02 The Beginning of the End828
Smallville1.08 Jitters828
IT Crowd1.01 Yesterday's Jam829
The Larry Sanders Show6.03 As My Career Lay Dying830
IT Crowd1.02 Calamity Jen830
The Larry Sanders Show6.04 Pilots and Pens Lost830
The Larry Sanders Show6.05 The Interview831
The Larry Sanders Show6.06 Adolf Hankler831
IT Crowd1.03 Fifty-Fifty91
The Larry Sanders Show6.07 Beverly's Secret91
The Larry Sanders Show6.08 I Buried Sid92
The Larry Sanders Show6.09 Just the Perfect Blendship94
The Larry Sanders Show6.10 Putting the "Gay" Back in Litigation94
The Larry Sanders Show6.11 Flip95
IT Crowd1.04 The Red Door96
Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.01 Ein schlitten voller Glück/Wahre Freunde/Die zweite Chance96
Smallville1.09 Rogue96
IT Crowd1.05 The Haunting of Bill Crouse97
IT Crowd1.06 Aunt Irma Visits97
The Twilight Zone1.14 Third From the Sun97
The Sarah Silverman Program.1.01 Officer Jay99
IT Crowd2.01 The Work Outing910
IT Crowd2.02 Return of the Golden Child911
IT Crowd2.03 Moss and the German911
The Sarah Silverman Program.1.02 Humanitarian of the Year911
The Sarah Silverman Program.1.03 Positively Negative911
IT Crowd2.04 The Dinner Party911
IT Crowd2.05 Smoke and Mirrors911
IT Crowd2.06 Men Without Women911
IT Crowd3.01 From Hell912
The Sarah Silverman Program.1.04 Not Without My Daughter912
The Twilight Zone1.13 The Four of Us Are Dying913
The Sarah Silverman Program.1.05 Muffin' Man913
IT Crowd3.02 Are We Not Men?913
The Sarah Silverman Program.1.06 Batteries914
IT Crowd3.03 Tramps Like Us914
IT Crowd3.04 The Speech914
IT Crowd3.05 Friendface914
IT Crowd3.06 Calendar Geeks915
IT Crowd4.01 Jen the Fredo916
IT Crowd4.02 The Final Countdown916
Smallville1.10 Shimmer916
The Sarah Silverman Program.2.01 Bored of the Rings916
IT Crowd4.03 Something Happened917
IT Crowd4.04 Italian for Beginners917
IT Crowd4.05 Bad Boys917
IT Crowd4.06 Reynholm vs Reynholm918
IT Crowd5.01 The Internet Is Coming918
The Sarah Silverman Program.2.02 Joan of Arf918
The Sarah Silverman Program.2.03 Face Wars919
Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.02 Rache ist süß/Glücklich geschieden919
The Twilight Zone1.16 The Hitch-Hiker919
ALF2.03 Working My Way Back to You919
Pippi Långstrump1.02 Pippis neue Freunde919
The Sarah Silverman Program.2.04 Doody921
ALF2.04 The Ballad of Gilligan's Island921
The Sarah Silverman Program.2.05 Ah, Men922
The Sarah Silverman Program.2.06 Maid to Border922
The Sarah Silverman Program.2.07 High, It's Sarah923
The Sarah Silverman Program.2.08 Mongolian Beef924
The Sarah Silverman Program.2.09 Making New Friends925
Smallville1.11 Hug925
Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.03 Ein schöner Zug/Ein fast anständiger Kerl925
The Twilight Zone1.17 The Fever926
Smallville1.12 Leech926
The Twilight Zone1.18 The Last Flight927
The Sarah Silverman Program.2.10 Patriot Tact927
Angel3.03 That Old Gang of Mine928
The Sarah Silverman Program.2.11 Pee928
The Sarah Silverman Program.2.12 There Is No Place Like Homeless929
The Sarah Silverman Program.2.13 Fetus Don't Fail Me Now930
The Sarah Silverman Program.2.14 I Thought My Dad Was Dead, But It Turns Out He's Not930
The Twilight Zone1.19 The Purple Testament930
Smallville1.13 Kinetic930
The Sarah Silverman Program.2.15 Kangamangus101
The Sarah Silverman Program.2.16 Vow Wow102
The Twilight Zone1.20 Elegy103
The Twilight Zone1.21 Mirror Image103
Firefly1.09 Ariel104
The Twilight Zone1.22 The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street104
Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.04 Klassentreffen/Seitensprünge105
Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.05 Ein bisschen Hoffnung/Spuren im Schnee105
Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.06 Die Zwickmühle/Ein echter Knaller106
Batman1.33 Fine Finny Fiends107
The Sarah Silverman Program.3.01 The Proof Is in the Penis107
Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.07 Das Rennen/Das Collier107
Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.08 Bruderherzen/Die Härte des Gesetzes109
Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.09 Der Butler/Der eiserne Besen109
Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.10 Viel Lärm um nichts/Eine unmögliche Hochzeit109
Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.11 Alles wegen Max/Ein ungehobelter Bursche109
Batman1.34 Batman Makes the Scenes109
Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.12 Kleine Rache/Einmal zu viel1010
Smallville1.14 Zero1011
Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.13 Das Glück vom Dach/Schneetreiben1011
Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.14 Kindsköpfe/Stern der Begierde1011
Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.15 Der Sonntagsjäger/Kokosbusserl1012
Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.16 Der Vater meiner Braut/Erste Liebe1012
Weißblaue Wintergeschichten1.17 Der Silvesterkracher/Der falsche Hochzeitsgast1013
The Twilight Zone1.23 A World of Difference1013
Türkisch für Anfänger1.01 Die, in der ich meine Freiheit verliere1014
Türkisch für Anfänger1.02 Die, in der ich keine Schwester will1015
The Twilight Zone1.24 Long Live Walter Jameson1016
Türkisch für Anfänger1.03 Die, in der ich abstürze1016
Türkisch für Anfänger1.04 Die, in der ich keine Freunde finde1016
Türkisch für Anfänger1.05 Die, in der sich Axel in meine Familie verliebt1016
Türkisch für Anfänger1.06 Die, mit den Geheimnissen1016
Türkisch für Anfänger1.07 Die, in der ich leider erwachsen werde1016
Türkisch für Anfänger1.08 Die, in der ich keine Gefühle habe1017
Türkisch für Anfänger1.09 Die, in der Axel ständig grün ist1017
Türkisch für Anfänger1.10 Die, in der ich echt voll okay bin1017
Türkisch für Anfänger1.11 Die, in der mich der Wolf kriegt1017
Türkisch für Anfänger1.12 Die, in der es nur einen geben kann1018
Smallville1.15 Nicodemus1018
The Sarah Silverman Program.3.03 A Slip Slope1018
The Sarah Silverman Program.3.04 Nightmayor1019
ALF2.06 Take a Look at Me Now1019
The Sarah Silverman Program.3.05 Smellin' of Troy1020
The Twilight Zone1.25 People Are Alike All Over1020
Smallville1.16 Stray1021
Türkisch für Anfänger2.01 Die, in der Frauen schwach werden1021
Death Note1.01 1022
Türkisch für Anfänger2.02 Die, mit dem Abschiedskuss1022
Death Note1.02 1023
Death Note1.03 1023
Death Note1.04 1023
Türkisch für Anfänger2.03 Die, mit dem Perpetuum Mobile1023
Death Note1.05 1024
Türkisch für Anfänger2.04 Die, mit Sex und Pistols1024
Türkisch für Anfänger2.05 Die, in der Cem keine Wurst sein will1024
Death Note1.06 1025
Türkisch für Anfänger2.06 Die, in der ich Kitschi-Gänsehaut kriege1025
Türkisch für Anfänger2.07 Die, in der Yagmur ihren ersten Kuss kriegt1025
Death Note1.07 1026
Death Note1.08 1026
Türkisch für Anfänger2.08 Die, in der ich Mama wahnsinnig mache1026
Death Note1.09 1027
Death Note1.10 1027
Death Note1.11 1027
Türkisch für Anfänger2.09 Die, in der Cem Rotlicht sieht1028
House, M.D.1.01 Pilot1028
The Sarah Silverman Program.3.06 A Fairly Attractive Mind1028
Türkisch für Anfänger2.10 Die, in der ich ein Kranich bin1028
Türkisch für Anfänger2.11 Die, in der Metin fremdgeht1029
The Sarah Silverman Program.2.07 High, It's Sarah1029
Türkisch für Anfänger2.12 Die, in der der Osterhase böse war1030
House, M.D.1.02 Paternity1030
Türkisch für Anfänger2.13 Die, in der alle hysterisch sind1031
The Sarah Silverman Program.3.08 Just Breve1031
Smallville1.17 Reaper1031
House, M.D.1.03 Occam's Razor111
Türkisch für Anfänger2.14 Die, mit When a Metin loves a Woman112
The Vampire Diaries2.05 Kill or Be Killed112
Türkisch für Anfänger2.15 Die, in der alle K..K..Komplexe haben112
Türkisch für Anfänger2.16 Die, in der Ulla kommt112
Türkisch für Anfänger2.17 Die, in der ich mich für meine Familie schäme113
Türkisch für Anfänger2.18 Die, mit dem Ex in der City113
Türkisch für Anfänger2.19 Die, mit Grillen in Honig113
Türkisch für Anfänger2.20 Die, in der Costa den Lukas haut113
Türkisch für Anfänger2.21 Die, in der es La Boumt!113
Türkisch für Anfänger2.22 Die, in der die Fete nicht weiter geht113
Türkisch für Anfänger2.23 Die, in der Metin die Schnauze voll hat113
Türkisch für Anfänger2.24 Die, nach der schon alles vorbei sein soll?113
The Sarah Silverman Program.3.09 A Good Van Is Hard to Find114
The Sarah Silverman Program.3.10 Wowschwitz114
House, M.D.1.04 Maternity114
Doctor Who13.03 Chapter Three: Once, Upon Time114
The Vampire Diaries2.06 Plan B115
ALF2.10 Wedding Bell Blues115
House, M.D.1.05 Damned If You Do116
Smallville1.18 Drone116
ALF2.09 Prime Time116
ALF2.05 Some Enchanted Evening116
Community1.01 Pilot Episode117
Türkisch für Anfänger3.01 Die, in der es total beschissen weitergeht117
ALF2.01 Oh, Pretty Woman117
ALF2.11 Something's Wrong With Me117
Community1.02 Spanish 101117
Türkisch für Anfänger3.02 Die, in der ich die Motorhaube nicht aufkriege118
Community1.03 Introduction to Film118
Superman: The Animated Series2.23 Heavy Metal118
ALF2.13 Night Train118
ALF2.08 Isn't It Romantic?118
Türkisch für Anfänger3.03 Die, in der ich nicht Anne will, sondern Jette118
ALF2.14 Hail to the Chief118
Community1.04 Social Psychology118
Türkisch für Anfänger3.04 Die, in der Schläge auch nichts bringen119
ALF2.25 ALF's Special Christmas119
ALF2.15 The Boy Next Door119
Community1.05 Advanced Criminal Law119
Türkisch für Anfänger3.05 Die, in der ich Boris Becker bin1110
Community1.06 Football, Feminism and You1110
The Twilight Zone1.26 Execution1110
ALF2.07 Can I Get a Witness?1110
Türkisch für Anfänger3.06 Die, in der ich wieder 17 bin1110
ALF2.16 We're So Sorry, Uncle Albert1110
Community1.07 Introduction to Statistics1111
Türkisch für Anfänger3.07 Die, in der Oma ohnmächtig wird1111
ALF2.19 Someone to Watch Over Me (1)1111
ALF2.20 Someone to Watch Over Me (2)1111
Türkisch für Anfänger3.08 Die, in der ich kein Bonobo sein will1112
Community1.08 Home Economics1112
Smallville1.19 Crush1112
ALF2.18 We Gotta Get Out of This Place1112
ALF2.02 You Ain't Nothin' but a Hound Dog1112
House, M.D.1.06 The Socratic Method1113
Türkisch für Anfänger3.10 Die, in der Opa sich verknallt1113
Community1.09 Debate 1091113
ALF2.21 Hit Me With Your Best Shot1113
Community1.10 Environmental Science1113
Community1.10 Environmental Science1114
Türkisch für Anfänger3.11 Die mit dem Ghetto-Spezial1114
ALF2.22 Movin' Out1114
ALF2.12 I'm Your Puppet1114
ALF2.23 Tequila1114
Türkisch für Anfänger3.12 Die, in der die Toten auferstehen1115
Community1.12 Comparative Religion1115
ALF2.24 We Are Family1115
ALF2.17 Varsity Drag1115
The Golden Girls1.04 Transplant1115
Türkisch für Anfänger3.13 Die, in der der Papagei kommt1116
Türkisch für Anfänger3.14 Die mit der guten alten D-Mark1116
Türkisch für Anfänger3.15 Die, in der Cem Hausmann werden will1116
Türkisch für Anfänger3.16 Die, nach der Menopause ist1116
Community1.13 Investigative Journalism1117
Community1.14 Interpretive Dance1117
Smallville1.20 Obscura1117
Community1.15 Romantic Expressionism1117
The Golden Girls1.05 The Triangle1117
Community1.16 Communication Studies1118
Community1.17 Physical Education1118
The Orville1.01 Old Wounds1118
Community1.18 Basic Genealogy1119
Community1.19 Beginner Pottery1119
The Orville1.02 Command Performance1119
Community1.20 The Science of Illusion1119
Community1.21 Contemporary American Poultry1119
The Golden Girls1.06 On Golden Girls1119
The Orville1.03 About a Girl1120
Community1.22 The Art of Discourse1120
Community1.23 Modern Warfare1120
Community1.24 English as a Second Language1120
Community1.25 Pascal's Triangle Revisited1120
The Orville1.04 If the Stars Should Appear1121
House, M.D.1.07 Fidelity1121
The Orville1.05 Pria1121
The Golden Girls1.07 The Competition1121
The Orville1.06 Krill1122
Glee1.01 Pilot1122
Glee1.02 Showmance1122
The Orville1.07 Majority Rule1123
Glee1.03 Acafellas1123
The Orville1.08 Into the Fold1123
Smallville1.21 Tempest1124
The Orville1.09 Cupid's Dagger1124
The Golden Girls1.08 Break-In1124
The Orville1.10 Firestorm1125
The Orville1.11 New Dimensions1126
The Orville1.12 Mad Idolatry1126
The Vampire Diaries2.07 Masquerade1126
The Twilight Zone1.27 The Big Tall Wish1126
House, M.D.1.08 Poison1128
Glee1.04 Preggers1128
Superman & Lois2.01 What Lies Beneath1128
Community2.01 Anthropology 1011129
Community2.02 Accounting for Lawyers1129
Superman & Lois2.02 The Ties That Bind1129
The Golden Girls1.09 Blanche and the Younger Man1129
Superman & Lois2.03 The Thing in the Mines1129
Community2.03 The Psychology of Letting Go1130
Superman & Lois2.04 The Inverse Method1130
Community2.04 Basic Rocket Science1130
Community2.05 Messianic Myths and Ancient Peoples1130
The Golden Girls1.10 The Heart Attack1130
Community2.06 Epidemiology121
Superman & Lois2.05 Girl... You'll Be a Woman, Soon121
Community2.07 Aerodynamics of Gender121
Superman & Lois2.06 Tried and True121
The Golden Girls1.11 Stan's Return121
Community2.08 Cooperative Calligraphy121
Superman & Lois2.07 Anti-Hero122
Superman & Lois2.08 Into Oblivion122
Community2.09 Conspiracy Theories and Interior Design122
The Golden Girls1.12 The Custody Battle122
Superman & Lois2.09 30 Days and 30 Nights122
Superman & Lois2.10 Bizarros in a Bizarro World123
Superman & Lois2.11 Truth and Consequences123
Superman & Lois2.12 Lies That Bind123
Community2.10 Mixology Certification124
Superman & Lois2.13 All Is Lost124
Superman & Lois2.14 Worlds War Bizarre124
Superman & Lois2.15 Waiting for Superman124
The Flash8.01 Armageddon (Part 1)125
The Orville2.01 Ja'loja125
The Flash8.02 Armageddon (Part 2)126
Community2.11 Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas126
The Orville2.02 Primal Urges126
Community2.12 Asian Population Studies126
The Flash8.03 Armageddon (Part 3)127
Glee1.05 The Rodes Not Taken127
The Orville2.03 Home127
The Golden Girls1.13 A Little Romance127
Smallville2.01 Vortex128
The Orville2.04 Nothing Left on Earth Excepting Fishes128
The Golden Girls1.14 That Was No Lady...128
The Flash8.04 Armageddon (Part 4)129
Community2.13 Celebrity Pharmacology 212129
The Golden Girls1.15 In a Bed of Rose's129
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine2.09 Second Sight1210
The Orville2.05 All the World Is Birthday Cake1210
Community2.14 Advanced Dungeons and Dragons1210
The Flash8.05 Armageddon (Part 5)1210
Community2.15 Early 21st Century Romanticism1210
Community2.16 Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking1211
The Orville2.06 A Happy Refrain1211
The Twilight Zone1.28 A Nice Place to Visit1211
Community2.17 Intro to Political Science1211
The Orville2.07 Deflectors1212
Community2.18 Custody Law and Eastern European Diplomacy1212
The Orville2.08 Identity1212
Community2.19 Critical Film Studies1213
The Orville2.09 Identity, Part II1213
Community2.20 Competitive Wine Tasting1213
Glee1.06 Vitamin D1213
The Orville2.10 Blood of Patriots1214
Community2.21 Paradigms of Human Memory1214
The Orville2.11 Lasting Impressions1214
Community1.22 The Art of Discourse1214
Community2.23 A Fistful of Paintballs1216
The Orville2.12 Sanctuary1217
Community2.24 For a Few Paintballs More1217
The Orville2.13 Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow1217
The Orville2.14 The Road Not Taken1217
The Golden Girls1.16 The Truth Will Out1217
Community3.01 Biology 1011218
Community3.02 Geography of Global Conflict1218
Community3.03 Remedial Chaos Theory1218
Community3.04 Competitive Ecology1218
House, M.D.1.09 DNR1218
The Golden Girls1.17 Nice & Easy1218
Timeless1.01 Pilot1219
Community3.05 Horror Fiction in Seven Spooky Steps1219
The Golden Girls1.18 The Operation1219
Full Metal Panic!1.11 behemosu kakusei1220
Timeless1.02 The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln1220
Glee1.07 Throwdown1220
Community3.06 Advanced Gay1220
Community3.07 Studies in Modern Movement1221
Timeless1.03 Atomic City1221
Community3.08 Documentary Filmmaking: Redux1221
The Golden Girls1.19 Second Motherhood1221
Community3.09 Foosball and Nocturnal Vigilantism1222
Community3.10 Regional Holiday Music1222
Community3.11 Contemporary Impressionists1223
Timeless1.04 Party at the Castle Varlar1223
Community3.12 Urban Matrimony and the Sandwich Arts1224
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine2.10 Sanctuary1224
Community3.13 Digital Exploration of Interior Design1224
The Golden Girls1.20 Adult Education1224
Timeless1.05 The Alamo1225
Community3.14 Pillows and Blankets1225
Timeless1.06 The Watergate Tape1225
Community3.15 Origins of Vampire Mythology1225
The Golden Girls1.21 The Flu1225
Timeless1.07 Stranded1226
Community3.16 Virtual Systems Analysis1226
Community3.17 Basic Lupine Urology1226
Community3.18 Course Listing Unavailable1226
Timeless1.08 Space Race1227
Community3.19 Curriculim Unavailable1227
Community3.22 Introduction to Finality1227
Community3.21 The First Chang Dynasty1227
Community3.20 Digital Estate Planning1227
Timeless1.09 Last Ride of Bonnie and Clyde1228
Doctor Who13.04 Chapter Four: Village of the Angels1228
The Golden Girls1.22 Job Hunting1228
Timeless1.10 The

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Re: TV Shows/Episodes Watched in 2022
« Reply #74 on: January 09, 2023, 07:19:50 PM »
Dec 12
Total: 0m

Dec 13
Total: 0m

Dec 14
#beisenherz Dec 12, 2022 #eu_korruptionsskandal, #reichsbürger_terror, #demokratie_in_gefahr, #frührentner_problem, #1jahr_opposition
Smallville 6x16 Promise
Total: 1h 24m

Dec 15
Total: 0m

Dec 16
Total: 0m

Dec 17
Total: 0m

Dec 18
Stargate SG-1 4x09 Scorched Earth
Star Trek: The Original Series 1x00 The Cage
Star Trek: The Original Series 1x03 Where No Man Has Gone Before
Star Trek: The Original Series 1x10 The Corbomite Maneuver
Star Trek: The Original Series 1x06 Mudd's Women
Total: 4h 18m

Dec 19
JAG 4x11 Jaggle Bells
JAG 4x12 Dungaree Justice
Star Trek: The Original Series 1x05 The Enemy Within
Star Trek: The Original Series 1x01 The Man Trap
Star Trek: The Original Series 1x04 The Naked Time
Star Trek: The Original Series 1x02 Charlie X
Total: 4h 53m

Dec 20
Star Trek: The Original Series 1x14 Balance of Terror
Star Trek: The Original Series 1x07 What Are Little Girls Made Of?
#beisenherz Dec 19, 2022 #zukunft_mit_katar?, #lng_im_deutschlandtempo, #neue_willkommenskultur, #schutz_vor_reichsbürgern, #3200_panzer_für_ukraine
Total: 2h 22m

Dec 21
Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan 3x01 Falcon
Smallville 5x04 Aqua
Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan 3x02 Old Haunts
Die Anstalt Dec 20, 2022 Inklusion
Total: 3h 28m

Dec 22
Star Trek: The Original Series 1x09 Dagger of the Mind
Star Trek: The Original Series 1x08 Miri
Total: 3h 20m

Dec 23
Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan 3x03 Running With Wolves
Star Trek: The Original Series 1x13 The Conscience of the King
Star Trek: The Original Series 1x16 The Galileo Seven
Star Trek: The Original Series 1x20 Court Martial
Star Trek: The Original Series 1x11 The Menagerie: Part I
Total: 4h 7m

Dec 24
Gysi & Schmidt: Der ntv Jahresrückblick 2022
Star Trek: The Original Series 1x12 The Menagerie: Part II
Star Trek: The Original Series 1x15 Shore Leave
Star Trek: The Original Series 1x17 The Squire of Gothos
Total: 3h 11m

Dec 25
Murder, She Wrote A Story to Die For
Knives Out
Knives Out: Glass Onion
Total: 6h 7m

Dec 26
Star Trek: The Original Series 1x18 Arena
Star Trek: The Original Series 1x27 The Alternative Factor
Total: 1h 41m

Dec 27
Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman 1x01 Pilot
Total: 1h 30m

Dec 28
Ice Road Rescue 7x06 Triple Jeopardy
Ice Road Rescue 7x07 Winter's Payback
Star Trek: The Original Series 1x19 Tomorrow Is Yesterday
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 4x08 Little Green Men
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 4x10 Our Man Bashir
Total: 3h 50m

Dec 29
Psych 1x01 Pilot
Psych 1x02 The Spelling Bee
Battlestar Galactica (1978) 1x23 Take the Celestra
Star Trek: The Original Series 1x21 The Return of the Archons
Star Trek: The Original Series 1x23 A Taste of Armageddon
Ice Road Rescue 7x04 Absolute Destruction
Miss-verstehen sie mich richtig Spezial: Der Rückblick 2022
Total: 7h 4m

Dec 30
Total: 0m

Dec 31
Star Trek: The Original Series 1x22 Space Seed
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Star Trek: The Original Series 1x24 This Side of Paradise
Star Trek: The Original Series 1x25 The Devil in the Dark
Star Trek: The Original Series 1x26 Errand of Mercy
Total: 5h 15m

Total: 2d 18h 36m
Average: 2h 9m per day

Total: 27d 1h 3m
Average: 1h 47m per day

Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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