Author Topic: TV Shows/Episodes Watched in 2021  (Read 15483 times)

Offline DJ Doena

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Re: TV Shows/Episodes Watched in 2021
« Reply #45 on: November 07, 2021, 11:31:47 PM »
Nov 01
The Mentalist 2x23 Red Sky in the Morning
The Mentalist 3x01 Red Sky at Night
The Mentalist 3x02 Cackle-Bladder Blood
The Mentalist 3x03 The Blood on His Hands
The Mentalist 3x04 Red Carpet Treatment
The Mentalist 3x05 The Red Ponies
The Mentalist 3x06 Pink Chanel Suit
The Mentalist 3x07 Red Hot
Total: 5h 27m

Nov 02
The Mentalist 3x08 Ball of Fire
The Mentalist 3x09 Red Moon
Total: 1h 21m

Nov 03
The Mentalist 3x10 Jolly Red Elf
Doctor Who (2005) 11x01 The Time Warrior (Part 1)
Friends 1x12 The One with the Dozen Lasagnas
The Big Bang Theory 3x10 The Gorilla Experiment
Community 1x11 Politics of Human Sexuality
Melissa & Joey 1x28 The Mel Word
The Neighborhood 4x06 Welcome to the Haunting
Bob Hearts Abishola 3x06 The Devil's Throuple
Castle 4x22 Undead Again
Angel 4x02 Ground State
Angel 4x03 The House Always Wins
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Oct 31, 2021 Homelessness in the United States
Die Anstalt Nov 02, 2021 Abholzung des Regenwaldes, Artensterben
Total: 6h 33m

Nov 04
Smallville 4x02 Gone
The Rookie 4x05 A.C.H.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 1x03 Past Prologue
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 2x22 The Wire
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 3x09 Defiant
The Mentalist 3x11 Bloodsport
The Mentalist 3x12 Bloodhounds
The Mentalist 3x13 Red Alert
The Mentalist 3x14 Blood for Blood
The Mentalist 3x15 Red Gold
Total: 7h 6m

Nov 05
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 2x08 Necessary Evil
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 3x20 Improbable Cause
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 3x21 The Die Is Cast
Total: 2h 16m

Nov 06
Chicago Fire 1x24 A Hell of a Ride
Real Time with Bill Maher Nov 05, 2021 Amy Klobuchar, Michael Eric Dyson, Glenn Loury
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 5x14 In Purgatory's Shadow
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 5x15 By Inferno's Light
Total: 3h 9m

Nov 07
The Mentalist 3x16 Red Queen
The Mentalist 3x17 Bloodstream
The Mentalist 3x18 The Red Mile
The Mentalist 3x19 Every Rose Has Its Thorn
The Mentalist 3x20 Redacted
The Mentalist 3x21 Like a Redheaded Stepchild
The Mentalist 3x22 Rhapsody in Red
The Mentalist 3x23 Strawberries and Cream: Part 1
The Mentalist 3x24 Strawberries and Cream: Part 2
The Mentalist 4x01 Scarlet Ribbons
The Mentalist 4x02 Little Red Book
The Mentalist 4x03 Pretty Red Balloon
Total: 8h 11m


Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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Offline DJ Doena

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Re: TV Shows/Episodes Watched in 2021
« Reply #46 on: November 16, 2021, 11:15:59 PM »
Nov 08
Community 1x12 Comparative Religion
Castle 4x23 Always
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Nov 07, 2021 The U.S. Power Grid
Total: 1h 32m

Nov 09
Total: 0m

Nov 10
Friends 1x13 The One with the Boobies
Smallville 4x03 Façade
White Collar 2x02 Need to Know
Total: 1h 47m

Nov 11
Heroes 1x04 Chapter Four 'Collision'
Heroes 1x05 Chapter Five 'Hiros'
Heroes 1x06 Chapter Six 'Better Halves'
Heroes 1x07 Chapter Seven 'Nothing to Hide'
Total: 2h 54m

Nov 12
The Neighborhood 4x07 Welcome to the Ex-Files
Bob Hearts Abishola 3x07 Fumble in the Dark
FBI 4x05 Charlotte's Web
FBI 4x06 Allegiance
FBI: Most Wanted 3x05 Unhinged
FBI: Most Wanted 3x06 Lovesick
FBI: International 1x05 The Soul of Chess
FBI: International 1x06 The Secrets She Knows
Total: 4h 54m

Nov 13
The Problem with Jon Stewart Nov 11, 2021 Guns
Real Time with Bill Maher Nov 12, 2021 Kevin O'Leary, Adam Schiff, Tavis Smiley
The Mentalist 4x04 Ring Around the Rosie
The Mentalist 4x05 Blood and Sand
The Rookie 4x06 Poetic Justice
The Mentalist 4x06 Where in the World is Carmine O'Brien?
The Mentalist 4x07 Blinking Red Light
The Mentalist 4x08 Pink Tops
Total: 5h 43m

Nov 14
The Mentalist 4x09 The Redshirt
The Mentalist 4x10 Fugue in Red
The Mentalist 4x11 Always Bet on Red
The Mentalist 4x12 My Bloody Valentine
The Mentalist 4x13 Red is the New Black
Brooklyn Nine-Nine 2x03 The Jimmy Jab Games
Chicago Fire 2x01 A Problem House
The Mentalist 4x14 At First Blush
Total: 5h 6m

Nov 15
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Nov 14, 2021 Union busting
The Mentalist 4x15 War of the Roses
The Mentalist 4x16 His Thoughts Were Red Thoughts
Total: 2h 1m

« Last Edit: November 16, 2021, 11:31:14 PM by DJ Doena »

Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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Offline DJ Doena

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Re: TV Shows/Episodes Watched in 2021
« Reply #47 on: November 22, 2021, 03:02:43 PM »
Nov 16
Community 1x22 The Art of Discourse
Community 1x23 Modern Warfare
Community 1x13 Investigative Journalism
Castle 5x01 After the Storm
Smallville 4x04 Devoted
#Beisenherz Nov 01, 2021 #CDUerneuerung, #quote_in_der_CDU, #G20klima, #lockdown_ausgeschlossen, #MauernundZäune
#Beisenherz Nov 08, 2021 #SPDvorsitz, #JUSOSvsAMPEL, #coronaschock, #impfpflicht, #klimafrust
#Beisenherz Nov 15, 2021 #impfpflicht, #lockdown_für_ungeimpfte, #weihnachten_im_lockdown
Total: 4h 30m

Nov 17
The Mentalist 4x17 Cheap Burgundy
Total: 41m

Nov 18
The Big Bang Theory 3x11 The Maternal Congruence
The Rookie 4x07 Fire Fight
The Flash 1x08 Flash vs. Arrow
Supergirl 1x17 Manhunter
Total: 2h 29m

Nov 19
Friends 1x14 The One with the Candy Hearts
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 7x04 Help
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 7x05 Selfless
Angel 4x04 Slouching Toward Bethlehem
The Mentalist 4x18 Ruddy Cheeks
The Mentalist 4x19 Pink Champagne on Ice
The Mentalist 4x20 Something Rotten in Redmund
The Mentalist 4x21 Ruby Slippers
The Mentalist 4x22 So Long, and Thanks for All the Red Snapper
The Mentalist 4x23 Red Rover, Red Rover
The Mentalist 4x24 The Crimson Hat
Total: 7h 17m

Nov 20
FBI: Most Wanted 3x07 Gladiator
Real Time with Bill Maher Nov 19, 2021 Fareed Zakaria, Chris Christie, Eric Adams
FBI 4x07 Gone Baby Gone
FBI: International 1x07 Trying to Grab Smoke
Total: 3h 4m

Nov 21
Lucifer 6x01 Nothing Ever Changes Around Here
Lucifer 6x02 Buckets of Baggage
Lucifer 6x03 Yabba Dabba Do Me
Lucifer 6x04 Pin the Tail on the Daddy
Lucifer 6x05 The Murder of Lucifer Morningstar
Lucifer 6x06 A Lot Dirtier Than That
Lucifer 6x07 My Best Fiend's Wedding
Lucifer 6x08 Save the Devil, Save the World
Lucifer 6x09 Goodbye, Lucifer
Lucifer 6x10 Partners ‘Til the End
Total: 8h 49m

« Last Edit: November 28, 2021, 02:19:02 AM by DJ Doena »

Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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Offline DJ Doena

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Re: TV Shows/Episodes Watched in 2021
« Reply #48 on: November 29, 2021, 07:01:51 AM »
Nov 22
Brooklyn Nine-Nine 2x04 Halloween II
The Flash 2x08a Legends of Today (Part 1)
Arrow 4x08b Legends of Yesterday (Part 2)
The Flash 2x03 Family of Rogues
Brooklyn Nine-Nine 8x01 The Good Ones
Brooklyn Nine-Nine 8x02 The Lake House
Brooklyn Nine-Nine 8x03 Blue Flu
Brooklyn Nine-Nine 8x04 Balancing
Brooklyn Nine-Nine 8x05 PB & J
Brooklyn Nine-Nine 8x06 The Set Up
Brooklyn Nine-Nine 8x07 Game of Boyles
Brooklyn Nine-Nine 8x08 Renewal
Brooklyn Nine-Nine 8x09 The Last Day (1)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine 8x10 The Last Day (2)
Total: 6h 13m

Nov 23
Leverage: Redemption 1x01 The Too Many Rembrandts Job
#Beisenherz Nov 23, 2021 #minister_lauterbach #coronalage #wasjetzthilft #boosterchaos #impfpflicht
Total: 1h 35m

Nov 24
Smallville 4x05 Run
Castle 5x02 Cloudy With a Chance of Murder
Resident Alien 1x01 Pilot
Total: 2h 9m

Nov 25
Resident Alien 1x02 Homesick
Yellowstone 4x01 Half the Money
Yellowstone 4x02 Phantom Pain
Total: 2h 31m

Nov 26
Friends 1x15 The One with the Stoned Guy
Community 1x14 Interpretive Dance
The O.C. 4x01 The Avengers
Resident Alien 1x03 Secrets
Resident Alien 1x04 Birds of a Feather
Total: 2h 56m

Nov 27
Resident Alien 1x05 Love Language
Resident Alien 1x06 Sexy Beast
Resident Alien 1x07 The Green Glow
Total: 2h 18m

Nov 28
Community 1x24 English as a Second Language
Community 1x25 Pascal's Triangle Revisited
Smallville 10x16 Scion
Smallville 9x12 Warrior
Resident Alien 1x08 End of the World As We Know It
Resident Alien 1x09 Welcome Aliens
Resident Alien 1x10 Heroes of Patience
Total: 4h 23m

« Last Edit: November 29, 2021, 07:03:30 AM by DJ Doena »

Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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Offline Tom

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Re: TV Shows/Episodes Watched in 2021
« Reply #49 on: December 01, 2021, 09:49:08 AM »
Episodes watched on DVD in November:

DateTV SeriesEpisodeRating
1Columbo3.07 Swan Song
1Mein Leben & Ich6.01 Ein einfacher Plan
1Wings2.17 Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places
1Mein Leben & Ich6.02 Niko & Nina
1Wings2.18 Love Means Never Having To Say Geronimo
2Mein Leben & Ich6.03 Wenn Frauen hassen
2Columbo3.08 A Friend in Deed
2Mrs Columbo1.02 Murder is a Parlor Game
2Wings2.19 All In The Family
3Wings2.20 Mother Wore Stripes
3Wings2.21 Murder, She Roast
3Wings2.22 Duet For Cello And Plane
3Mein Leben & Ich6.04 Kindheitstrauma
4Mein Leben & Ich6.05 Tante Tesi
4Mein Leben & Ich6.06 Zimmer frei
4Mein Leben & Ich6.07 Lebe Dein Leben!
4Wings3.01 The Naked Truth
4Mein Leben & Ich6.08 Stille Nacht
5Wings3.02 Is That a Subpoena in Your Pocket?
5Mein Leben & Ich6.09 Kiffen, bis der Arzt kommt
5Mein Leben & Ich6.10 Sag niemals Nein!
5Wings3.03 The Taming of the Shrew
5Mein Leben & Ich6.11 Gipfelstürmer
5Columbo4.01 An Exercise in Fatality
5Mein Leben & Ich6.12 Auf Leben und Tod - Teil 1
5Mein Leben & Ich6.13 Auf Leben und Tod - Teil 2
6Wings3.04 I Ain't Got No Bunny
6Wings3.05 If Elected, I Will Not Live
7Polizeiinspektion 11.01 Und keine Kopeke weniger
7Polizeiinspektion 11.02 Polizeistunde
7Wings3.06 My Brother's Keeper
8Polizeiinspektion 11.03 Chloroform für Zwei
8Columbo4.02 Negative Reaction
8Wings3.07 Crate Expectations
8Wings3.08 Ladies Who Lunch
8Polizeiinspektion 11.04 Verfolgungswahn
9Polizeiinspektion 11.05 Die Reportage
9Columbo4.03 By Dawn's Early Light
9Wings3.09 Try to Remember the Night He Dismembered
10Polizeiinspektion 11.06 Einstein Junior
10Columbo4.04 Troubled Waters
10Wings3.10 The Late Mrs. Biggins
10Polizeiinspektion 11.07 Der Vermißte
10Wings3.11 The Bogey Men
11Wings3.12 Marriage, Italian Style
11Wings3.13 Divorce, American Style
11Columbo4.05 Playback
11Polizeiinspektion 11.08 Die Frau des Polizisten
11Wings3.14 Stew in a Stew
12Columbo4.06 A Deadly State of Mind
12Buffy the Vampire Slayer6.18 Entropy
12Polizeiinspektion 11.09 Die Nacht im Lasseck
13Polizeiinspektion 11.10 Weiberleut
13Mrs Columbo1.03 A Riddle for Puppets
13Polizeiinspektion 11.11 Der Zamperlfänger
13Wings3.15 This Old House
14Wings3.16 Planes, Trains and Visiting Cranes
14Polizeiinspektion 11.12 Keine besonderen Vorkommnisse
14Polizeiinspektion 11.13 Der Föhn
15Wings3.17 Das Plane
15Wings3.18 Take My Life, Please
15Wings3.19 Four Dates That Will Live in Infamy
15Wings3.20 The Bank Dick
16Wings3.21 Say It Ain't So, Joe
16Wings3.22 As Fate Would Have It
17The Office2.02 episode 2
17The Office2.03 episode 3
18Batman1.08 Batman auf Eis (Teil 2)
18The Office2.04 episode 4
18Firefly1.03 Bushwhacked
18The Office2.05 episode 5
19Polizeiinspektion 12.01 Der Neue
19Wings4.01 Lifeboat
19Polizeiinspektion 12.02 Die große Oper
19Wings4.02 The Fortune Cookie
20Polizeiinspektion 12.03 Bitte ein Autogramm
20Polizeiinspektion 12.04 Sylvester ist jeden Tag
20Columbo5.01 Forgotten Lady
21Wings4.03 Noses Off
21Columbo5.02 A Case of Immunity
21Polizeiinspektion 12.05 Die Zeitungsrosl
21Polizeiinspektion 12.06 Glückspiele
21Wings4.04 Blackout Buggins
22Columbo5.03 Identity Crisis
22Polizeiinspektion 12.07 Die Ausreisserin
22Wings4.05 Mathers of the Heart
23Wings4.06 Two Jerks and a Jill
23Wings4.07 It's So Nice to Have a Mather Around the House
23Columbo5.04 A Matter of Honor
23Polizeiinspektion 12.08 Die Referendarinnen
24Columbo5.05 Now You See Him
24Polizeiinspektion 12.09 Wie der Haubel Theo seine Flügel verlor
25Wings4.08 Just Say No
26Polizeiinspektion 12.10 Aus wissenschaftlichen Gründen
26Columbo5.06 Last Salute to the Commodore
26Polizeiinspektion 12.11 Auf den Hund gekommen
27Polizeiinspektion 12.12 Ein Sack voll Brillanten
27Mrs Columbo1.04 Caviar with Everything
27Polizeiinspektion 12.13 Der Skiausflug
27Wings4.09 It May Have Happened One NIght
28Wings4.10 The Customer's Usually Right
28The Office2.06 episode 6
28Wings4.11 Exit Laughing
29Wings4.12 What the Cabbie Saw
29Columbo6.01 Fade in to Murder
29Polizeiinspektion 13.01 Sorgenkinder
30Columbo6.02 Old Fashioned Murder
30Polizeiinspektion 13.02 Die große Sommerfreiheit
30Columbo6.03 The Bye-Bye Sky High I.Q. Murder Case

Offline DJ Doena

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Re: TV Shows/Episodes Watched in 2021
« Reply #50 on: December 01, 2021, 07:37:10 PM »
Nov 29
The Big Bang Theory 3x12 The Psychic Vortex
Seinfeld 1x01 Seinfeld
Party Down 1x01 Willow Canyon Homeowners Annual Party
Party Down 1x02 California College Conservative Union Caucus
Party Down 1x03 Pepper McMasters Singles Seminar
Party Down 1x04 Investors Dinner
Party Down 1x05 Sin Say Shun Awards Afterparty
Total: 3h 1m

Nov 30
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 7x06 Him
Total: 43m

Total: 4d 14h 42m
Average: 3h 41m per day

Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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Offline DJ Doena

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Re: TV Shows/Episodes Watched in 2021
« Reply #51 on: December 15, 2021, 11:19:09 PM »
Dec 01
Smallville 4x06 Transference
#Beisenherz Nov 29, 2021 #omikron_lockdown, #impfpflicht, #grüner_machtkampf
Total: 1h 26m

Dec 02
Yellowstone 4x03 All I See Is You
Yellowstone 4x04 Winning or Learning
Total: 1h 37m

Dec 03
Seinfeld 1x02 The Stake Out
Seinfeld 1x03 The Robbery
Total: 46m

Dec 04
The Mentalist 5x01 The Crimson Ticket
The Mentalist 5x02 Devil's Cherry
The Mentalist 5x03 Not One Red Cent
The Mentalist 5x04 Blood Feud
Total: 2h 42m

Dec 05
The Mentalist 5x05 Red Dawn
The Mentalist 5x06 Cherry Picked
The Mentalist 5x07 If It Bleeds, It Leads
The Mentalist 5x08 Red Sails in the Sunset
The Mentalist 5x09 Black Cherry
The Mentalist 5x10 Panama Red
The Mentalist 5x11 Days of Wine and Roses
The Mentalist 5x12 Little Red Corvette
Total: 5h 26m

Dec 06
Total: 0m

Dec 07
#Beisenherz Dec 06, 2021 #lauterbach_hammer, #SPDminister, #grüne_urabstimmung
Total: 42m

Dec 08
Brooklyn Nine-Nine 2x05 The Mole
Community 1x15 Romantic Expressionism
Smallville 4x07 Jinx
Total: 1h 25m

Dec 09
The Big Bang Theory 3x13 The Bozeman Reaction
Castle 5x03 Secret's Safe with Me
The Rookie 4x08 Hit and Run
Total: 1h 44m

Dec 10
The Mentalist 5x13 The Red Barn
The Mentalist 5x14 Red in Tooth and Claw
The Mentalist 5x15 Red Lacquer Nail Polish
The Mentalist 5x16 There Will Be Blood
The Mentalist 5x17 Red, White and Blue
The Mentalist 5x18 Behind the Red Curtain
The Mentalist 5x19 Red Letter Day
The Mentalist 5x20 Red Velvet Cupcakes
The Mentalist 5x21 Red and Itchy
The Mentalist 5x22 Red John's Rules
Die Anstalt Dec 07, 2021 Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung der Corona-Pandemie in Deutschland
Total: 7h 35m

Dec 11
The Mentalist 6x01 The Desert Rose
The Mentalist 6x02 Black-Winged Redbird
The Mentalist 6x03 Wedding in Red
The Mentalist 6x04 Red Listed
The Mentalist 6x05 The Red Tattoo
The Mentalist 6x06 Fire and Brimstone
The Mentalist 6x07 The Great Red Dragon
The Mentalist 6x08 Red John
The Mentalist 6x09 My Blue Heaven
The Mentalist 6x10 Green Thumb
Smallville 1x05 Cool
Smallville 2x05 Nocturne
Smallville 2x08 Ryan
Total: 8h 56m

Dec 12
Community 2x01 Anthropology 101
Total: 21m

Dec 13
Resident Alien 1x01 Pilot
Resident Alien 1x02 Homesick
Batman: The Animated Series 2x26 Zatanna
Total: 1h 53m

Dec 14
Castle 5x04 Murder, He Wrote
Friends 1x16x17 The One with Two Parts
Resident Alien 1x03 Secrets
Resident Alien 1x04 Birds of a Feather
Superman: The Animated Series 1x12 Tools of the Trade
Superman: The Animated Series 2x15 Father's Day
Superman: The Animated Series 2x25 Apokolips...Now! (1)
Superman: The Animated Series 2x26 Apokolips...Now! (2)
Superman: The Animated Series 2x27 Little Girl Lost (1)
Superman: The Animated Series 2x28 Little Girl Lost (2)
Superman: The Animated Series 4x02 Legacy (1)
Superman: The Animated Series 4x03 Legacy (2)
Total: 5h 47m

Dec 15
Yellowstone 4x05 Under a Blanket of Red
Yellowstone 4x06 I Want to Be Him
Resident Alien 1x05 Love Language
Resident Alien 1x06 Sexy Beast
Resident Alien 1x07 The Green Glow
Resident Alien 1x08 End of the World As We Know It
Resident Alien 1x09 Welcome Aliens
Resident Alien 1x10 Heroes of Patience
#Beisenherz Dec 13, 2021 #coronaspaltung, #impfregister, #pandemie_zickzack
Total: 6h 51m

« Last Edit: December 15, 2021, 11:29:31 PM by DJ Doena »

Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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Offline Tom

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Re: TV Shows/Episodes Watched in 2021
« Reply #52 on: January 03, 2022, 09:13:11 AM »
DVD episodes watched in December:

DateTV SeriesEpisodeRating
1Wings4.13 Labor Pains
1Columbo7.01 Try and Catch Me
1Polizeiinspektion 13.03 Die Nachtigall
1Polizeiinspektion 13.04 Der Huchen
2Wings4.14 I've Got a Secret
2Wings4.15 The Gift (Part 1)
2Wings4.16 The Gift (Part 2)
2Wings4.17 I Love Brian
2Wings4.18 The Key to Alex
2Wings4.19 The Houseguest
2Wings4.20 Goodbye Old Friend
2Columbo7.02 How to Dial a Murder
2Polizeiinspektion 13.05 Die Urlaubsreise
3Polizeiinspektion 13.06 Sylvester
3The OfficeThe Christmas Special.01 part 1
3Wings4.21 Another Wedding
3Wings4.22 Date Package Number Seven
3The OfficeThe Christmas Special.02 part 2
3Polizeiinspektion 13.07 Nippa Johan
3Columbo7.03 Murder Under Glass
3Polizeiinspektion 13.08 Feueralarm
3Polizeiinspektion 13.09 Katzen und Kassetten
3Polizeiinspektion 13.10 Eine Art Freund
4Polizeiinspektion 13.11 Die Abwerbung
4Columbo7.04 The Conspirators
4Polizeiinspektion 13.12 Das Denkrohr
4Polizeiinspektion 13.13 Die unangenehme Sache mit Berndi
5Columbo7.05 Make Me a Perfect Murder
6Freaks and Geeks1.01 Pilot
6Wings5.01 Stop in the Name of Love
6Freaks and Geeks1.02 Beers and Weirs
7Wings5.02 Terminal Jealousy
7Wings5.03 Bye-Bye, Bunny
8Wings5.04 Business or Pleasure
8Columbo8.01 Columbo Goes to the Guillotine
8Polizeiinspektion 14.01 Der Fuchs und die Trauben
9Polizeiinspektion 14.02 Große Scheine
9Columbo8.02 Murder, Smoke and Shadows
9Polizeiinspektion 14.03 Der weiße Cadillac
10Wings5.05 An Affair to Forget
10Wings5.06 Black Eye Affair
10Polizeiinspektion 14.04 Ernste Absichten
10Columbo8.03 Sex and the Married Detective
10Freaks and Geeks1.03 Tricks and Treats
10Polizeiinspektion 14.05 Der Mord
11Polizeiinspektion 14.06 Fluchtversuch
12Freaks and Geeks1.04 Kim Kelly Is My Friend
12Columbo8.04 Grand Deceptions
12Polizeiinspektion 14.07 Die Trickdiebin
12Columbo8.05 Murder, a Self Portrait
13Wings5.07 Joe Blows (Part 1)
13Wings5.08 Joe Blows (Part 2)
13Wings5.09 2 Good 2 B 4 Gotten
13Wings5.10 Come Fly With Me
13Wings5.11 Happy Holidays
13Polizeiinspektion 14.08 Der Spieler
13Wings5.12 Ready, Teddy, Go
13Wings5.13 Oh, Give Me a Home Where the Mathers Don't Roam
13Columbo9.01 Columbo Cries Wolf
13Freaks and Geeks1.05 Tests and Breasts
14Freaks and Geeks1.06 I'm With the Band
14Polizeiinspektion 14.09 Die Grille und die Ameise
15Batman1.09 Zelda die Grosse (Teil 1)
15Columbo9.02 Agenda for Murder
15Freaks and Geeks1.07 Carded and Discarded
15Polizeiinspektion 14.10 Der nächtliche Gast
15Polizeiinspektion 14.11 Rosenmontag
16Polizeiinspektion 14.12 Einrichtungshaus Franke
17Columbo9.03 Rest in Peace, Mrs. Columbo
17Polizeiinspektion 14.13 Urlaubsfreuden
17Wings5.14 The Faygitive
18Freaks and Geeks1.08 Girlfriends and Boyfriends
20Columbo9.04 Uneasy Lies the Crown
20Wings5.15 Say Uncle, Carlton
20Polizeiinspektion 15.01 Nette Menschen
20Buffy the Vampire Slayer6.19 Seeing Red
20Polizeiinspektion 15.02 Die Herrenkommode
21Columbo9.05 Murder in Malibu
21Columbo9.06 Columbo Goes to College
21Polizeiinspektion 15.03 Der Betriebsausflug
22Columbo10.01 Caution: Murder Can Be Hazardous ...
22Freaks and Geeks1.09 We've Got Spirit
22Wings5.16 Hey, Nineteen
22Columbo10.02 Columbo and the Murder of a Rock Star
22Wings5.17 Exclusively Yours
22Polizeiinspektion 15.04 Krisen
23Freaks and Geeks1.10 The Diary
23Columbo10.03 Death Hits the Jackpot
23Wings5.18 Moonlighting
23Freaks and Geeks1.11 Looks and Books
24Wings5.19 Sleepless in Nantucket
24Columbo10.04 No Time to Die
24Wings5.20 Boys Will Be Girls
25Polizeiinspektion 15.05 Der Querulant
25Freaks and Geeks1.12 The Garage Door
25Wings5.21 Roy Crazy
25Columbo10.05 A Bird in the Hand
26Wings5.22 Long Distance Lament
26Freaks and Geeks1.13 Chokin' and Tokin'
26Wings5.23 Call of the Wild
27Wings5.24 A Decent Proposal
27Columbo10.06 It's All in the Game
28Freaks and Geeks1.14 Dead Dogs and Gym Teachers
28Freaks and Geeks1.15 Noshing and Moshing
28Polizeiinspektion 15.06 Das Vorbild
29Freaks and Geeks1.16 Smooching and Mooching
29Columbo11.01 Butterfly in Shades of Grey
30Freaks and Geeks1.17 The Little Things
30Freaks and Geeks1.18 Discos and Dragons
30Polizeiinspektion 15.07 Urlaubszeit
30Columbo11.02 Undercover
30Wings6.01 Whose Wife Is It Anyway?
30Wings6.02 Twisted Sister
30Polizeiinspektion 15.08 Der Parasit
31Columbo11.03 Strange Bedfellows

Offline Tom

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Re: TV Shows/Episodes Watched in 2021
« Reply #53 on: January 04, 2022, 01:34:44 PM »
Episodes watched in 2021 on DVD.
Episodes watched dates and ratings are only correct from October 8th onward. This is when I started to keep track again. Previous watched dates are derived from season set watched dates.

TV SeriesEpisodeMonthDayRating
Cheers1.01 Give Me a Ring Sometime (Pilot)11
Cheers1.02 Coach's Daughter11
Cheers1.03 Sam's Women11
Cheers1.04 The Tortelli Tort11
Cheers1.05 Sam at Eleven11
Cheers1.06 Any Friend of Diane's11
Cheers1.07 Friends, Romans and Accountants11
Cheers1.08 Truce or Consequences11
Cheers1.09 Coach Returns to Action11
Cheers1.10 Endless Slumper11
Cheers1.11 One for the Book11
Cheers1.12 The Spy Who Came in for a Cold One11
Cheers1.13 Now Pitching, Sam Malone11
Cheers1.14 Let Me Count the Ways11
Cheers1.15 Father Knows Last11
Cheers1.16 16.The Boys in the Bar11
Cheers1.17 Diane's Perfect Date11
Cheers1.18 No Contest11
Cheers1.19 Pick a Con...Any Con11
Cheers1.20 Someone Single, Someone Blue11
Cheers1.21 Show Down (Part 1)11
Cheers1.22 Show Down (Part 2)11
Buffy the Vampire Slayer4.01 The Freshman16
Buffy the Vampire Slayer4.02 Living Conditions16
Buffy the Vampire Slayer4.03 The Harsh Light of Day16
Buffy the Vampire Slayer4.04 Fear Itself16
Buffy the Vampire Slayer4.05 Beer Bad16
Buffy the Vampire Slayer4.06 Wild at Heart16
Buffy the Vampire Slayer4.07 The Initiative16
Buffy the Vampire Slayer4.08 Pangs16
Buffy the Vampire Slayer4.09 Something Blue16
Buffy the Vampire Slayer4.10 Hush16
Buffy the Vampire Slayer4.11 Doomed16
Buffy the Vampire Slayer4.12 A New Man16
Buffy the Vampire Slayer4.13 The I in Team16
Buffy the Vampire Slayer4.14 Goodbye Iowa16
Buffy the Vampire Slayer4.15 This Year's Girl16
Buffy the Vampire Slayer4.16 Who Are You?16
Buffy the Vampire Slayer4.17 Superstar16
Buffy the Vampire Slayer4.18 Where the Wild Things Are16
Buffy the Vampire Slayer4.19 New Moon Rising16
Buffy the Vampire Slayer4.20 The Yoko Factor16
Buffy the Vampire Slayer4.21 Primeval16
Buffy the Vampire Slayer4.22 Restless16
Cheers2.01 Power Play113
Cheers2.02 Li'l Sister Don't Cha113
Cheers2.03 Personal Business113
Cheers2.04 Homicidal Ham113
Cheers2.05 Sumner's Return113
Cheers2.06 Affairs of the Heart113
Cheers2.07 Old Flames113
Cheers2.08 Manager Coach113
Cheers2.09 They Called Me Mayday113
Cheers2.10 How Do I Love Thee,113
Cheers2.11 Let Me Call You Back113
Cheers2.12 Just Three Friends113
Cheers2.13 Where There's a Will113
Cheers2.14 Battle of the Exes113
Cheers2.15 No Help Wanted113
Cheers2.16 And Coachie Makes Three113
Cheers2.17 Cliff's Rocky Moment113
Cheers2.18 Fortune and Men's Weight113
Cheers2.19 Snow Job113
Cheers2.20 Coach Buries a Grudge113
Cheers2.21 Norman's Conquest113
Cheers2.22 I'll Be Seeing You (Part 1)113
Cheers2.23 I'll Be Seeing You (Part 2)113
Angel1.01 City of Angels123
Angel1.02 Lonely Hearts123
Angel1.03 In The Dark123
Angel1.04 I Fall To Pieces123
Angel1.05 Rm w/a Vu123
Angel1.06 Sense & Sensitivity123
Angel1.07 The Bachelor Party123
Angel1.08 I Will Remember You123
Angel1.09 Hero123
Angel1.10 Parting Gifts123
Angel1.11 Somnambulist123
Angel1.12 Expecting123
Angel1.13 She123
Angel1.14 I've Got You Under My Skin123
Angel1.15 The Prodigal123
Angel1.16 The Ring123
Angel1.17 Eternity123
Angel1.18 Five by Five123
Angel1.19 Sanctuary123
Angel1.20 War Zone123
Angel1.21 Blind Date123
Angel1.22 To Shanshu in LA123
Cheers3.01 Rebound (Part 1)124
Cheers3.02 Rebound (Part 2)124
Cheers3.03 I Call Your Name124
Cheers3.04 Fairy Tales Can Come True124
Cheers3.05 Sam Turns the Other Cheek124
Cheers3.06 Coach in Love (Part 1)124
Cheers3.07 Coach in Love (Part 2)124
Cheers3.08 Diane Meets Mom124
Cheers3.09 An American Family124
Cheers3.10 Diane's Allergy124
Cheers3.11 Peterson Crusoe124
Cheers3.12 A Ditch in Time124
Cheers3.13 Whodunit?124
Cheers3.14 The Heart is a Lonely Snipehunter124
Cheers3.15 King of the Hill124
Cheers3.16 Teacher's Pet124
Cheers3.17 The Mail Goes to Jail124
Cheers3.18 Bar Bet124
Cheers3.19 Behind Every Great Man124
Cheers3.20 If Ever I Would Leave You124
Cheers3.21 The Executive's Executioner124
Cheers3.22 Cheerio, Cheers124
Cheers3.23 The Bartender's Tale124
Cheers3.24 The Belles of St. Clete's124
Cheers3.25 Rescue Me124
Buffy the Vampire Slayer5.01 Buffy Vs. Dracula23
Buffy the Vampire Slayer5.02 Real Me23
Buffy the Vampire Slayer5.03 The Replacement23
Buffy the Vampire Slayer5.04 Out Of My Mind23
Buffy the Vampire Slayer5.05 No Place Like Home23
Buffy the Vampire Slayer5.06 Family23
Buffy the Vampire Slayer5.07 Fool For Love23
Buffy the Vampire Slayer5.08 Shadow23
Buffy the Vampire Slayer5.09 Listening To Fear23
Buffy the Vampire Slayer5.10 Into the Woods23
Buffy the Vampire Slayer5.11 Triangle23
Buffy the Vampire Slayer5.12 Checkpoint23
Buffy the Vampire Slayer5.13 Blood Ties23
Buffy the Vampire Slayer5.14 Crush23
Buffy the Vampire Slayer5.15 I Was Made To Love You23
Buffy the Vampire Slayer5.16 The Body23
Buffy the Vampire Slayer5.17 Forever23
Buffy the Vampire Slayer5.18 Intervention23
Buffy the Vampire Slayer5.19 Tough Love23
Buffy the Vampire Slayer5.20 Spiral23
Buffy the Vampire Slayer5.21 The Weight of the World23
Buffy the Vampire Slayer5.22 The Gift23
Cheers4.01 Birth, Death, Loveand Rice26
Cheers4.02 Woody Goes Belly Up26
Cheers4.03 Someday My Prince Will Come26
Cheers4.04 The Groom Wore Clearasil26
Cheers4.05 Diane's Nightmare26
Cheers4.06 I Will Gladly Pay You Tuesday26
Cheers4.07 2 Good to Be 4 Real26
Cheers4.08 Love Thy Neighbor26
Cheers4.09 From Beer to Eternity26
Cheers4.10 The Barstoolie26
Cheers4.11 Don Juan is Hell26
Cheers4.12 Fools and Their Money26
Cheers4.13 Take My Shirt, Please26
Cheers4.14 Suspicion26
Cheers4.15 The Triangle26
Cheers4.16 Cliffie's Big Score26
Cheers4.17 Second Time Around26
Cheers4.18 The Peterson Principle26
Cheers4.19 Dark Imaginings26
Cheers4.20 Save the Last Dance for Me26
Cheers4.21 Fear is My Co-Pilot26
Cheers4.22 Diane Chambers Day26
Cheers4.23 Relief Bartender26
Cheers4.24 Strange Bedfellows (Part 1)26
Cheers4.25 Strange Bedfellows (Part 2)26
Cheers4.26 Strange Bedfellows (Part 3)26
Cheers5.01 224
Cheers5.02 224
Cheers5.03 224
Cheers5.04 224
Cheers5.05 224
Cheers5.06 224
Cheers5.07 224
Cheers5.08 224
Cheers5.09 224
Cheers5.10 224
Cheers5.11 224
Cheers5.12 224
Cheers5.13 224
Cheers5.14 224
Cheers5.15 224
Cheers5.16 224
Cheers5.17 224
Cheers5.18 224
Cheers5.19 224
Cheers5.20 224
Cheers5.21 224
Cheers5.22 224
Cheers5.23 224
Cheers5.24 224
Cheers5.25 224
Cheers5.26 224
Cheers6.01 Home Is the Sailor39
Cheers6.02 "I" on Sports39
Cheers6.03 Little Carla, Happy at Last (Part 1)39
Cheers6.04 Little Carla, Happy at Last (Part 2)39
Cheers6.05 The Crane Mutiny39
Cheers6.06 Paint Your Office39
Cheers6.07 The Last Angry Mailman39
Cheers6.08 Bidding on the Boys39
Cheers6.09 Pudd'n Head Boyd39
Cheers6.10 A Kiss Is Still a Kiss39
Cheers6.11 My Fair Clavin39
Cheers6.12 Christmas Cheers39
Cheers6.13 Woody for Hire Meets Norman of the A39
Cheers6.14 And God Created Woodman39
Cheers6.15 Tale of Two Cuties39
Cheers6.16 Yacht of Fools39
Cheers6.17 To All the Girls I've Loved Before39
Cheers6.18 Let Sleeping Drakes Lie39
Cheers6.19 Airport V39
Cheers6.20 The Sam In The Gray Flannel Suit39
Cheers6.21 Our Hourly Bread39
Cheers6.22 Slumber Party Massacred39
Cheers6.23 Bar Wars39
Cheers6.24 The Big Kiss-Off39
Cheers6.25 Backseat Becky, Upfront39
Gokusen1.01 Rookie Teacher With a Secret Is Born!317
Gokusen1.02 Duel! Shin vs. Ojou?317
Gokusen1.03 Kuma's First Time?317
Gokusen1.04 Ojou Goes Blond! Whodunnit?317
Gokusen1.05 Ooedo Clan in Crisis!317
Gokusen1.06 Kyo-San's Knockout Performance?317
Gokusen1.07 Shirokin Boys' Choir? Say What!?317
Gokusen1.08 The Class Trip Into Hell Begins!317
Gokusen1.09 Schoolground Battle Without Honor or Humanity!?317
Gokusen1.10 School in the Crosshairs!317
Gokusen1.11 Shin Drops Out Of School?!317
Gokusen1.12 Shirokin High Closing...!?317
Gokusen1.13 Yankumi's Final Act of Honor!317
Cheers7.01 How to Recede in Business323
Cheers7.02 Swear to God323
Cheers7.03 Executive Sweet323
Cheers7.04 One Happy Chappy in a Snappy Serape323
Cheers7.05 Those Lips, Those Ice323
Cheers7.06 Norm, Is That You?323
Cheers7.07 How to Win Friends and Electrocute Pe323
Cheers7.08 Jumping Jerks323
Cheers7.09 Send in the Crane323
Cheers7.10 Bar Wars II: The Woodman Strikes Bac323
Cheers7.11 Adventures in Housesitting323
Cheers7.12 Please Mr. Postman323
Cheers7.13 Golden Boyd323
Cheers7.14 I Kid You Not323
Cheers7.15 Don't Paint Your Chickens323
Cheers7.16 The Cranemakers323
Cheers7.17 Hot Rocks323
Cheers7.18 What's Up Doc?323
Cheers7.19 The Gift of the Woodi323
Cheers7.20 Call Me Irresponsible323
Cheers7.21 Sisterly Love323
Cheers7.22 The Visiting Lecher323
Cheers8.01 The Improbable Dream (Part 1)43
Cheers8.02 The Improbable Dream (Part 2)43
Cheers8.03 A Bar Is Born43
Cheers8.04 How To Marry A Mailman43
Cheers8.05 The Two Faces Of Norm43
Cheers8.06 The Stork Brings A Crane43
Cheers8.07 Death Takes A Holiday On Ice43
Cheers8.09 For Real Men Only43
Cheers8.10 Two Girls For Every Boyd43
Cheers8.11 The Art Of The Steal43
Cheers8.12 Feeble Attraction43
Cheers8.13 Sam Ahoy43
Cheers8.14 Sammy And The Professor43
Cheers8.15 What Is...Cliff Clavin?43
Cheers8.16 Finally! (Part 1)43
Cheers8.17 Finally! (Part 2)43
Cheers8.18 Woody Or Won't He43
Cheers8.19 Severe Crane Damage43
Cheers8.20 Indoor Fun With Sammy And Robby43
Cheers8.21 50-50 Carla43
Cheers8.22 Bar Wars III: The Return Of Tecumseh43
Cheers8.23 Loverboyd43
Cheers8.24 The Ghost And Mrs. Lebec43
Cheers8.25 Mr. Otis Regrets43
Cheers8.26 Cry Hard43
Cheers8.27 Cry Harder43
Outsourced1.01 Pilot411
Outsourced1.02 The Measure of a Manmeet411
Outsourced1.03 Party of Five411
Outsourced1.04 Jolly Vindaloo Day411
Outsourced1.05 Touched By An Anglo411
Outsourced1.06 Bolloween411
Outsourced1.07 Truly, Madly, Pradeeply411
Outsourced1.08 Home for the Diwalidays411
Outsourced1.09 Temporary Monsanity411
Outsourced1.10 Homesick to My Stomach411
Outsourced1.11 A Sitar Is Born411
Outsourced1.12 Sari Charlie411
Outsourced1.13 Training Day411
Outsourced1.14 The Todd Couple411
Outsourced1.15 Guess Who's Coming to Delhi411
Outsourced1.16 Take This Punjab and Shove It411
Outsourced1.17 Todd's Holi War411
Outsourced1.18 Gupta's Hits and Manmeet's Missus411
Outsourced1.19 Charlie Curries a Favor From Todd411
Outsourced1.20 Mama Sutra411
Outsourced1.21 Rajiv Ties the Baraat411
Outsourced1.22 Rajiv Ties the Baraat, Part 2411
Cheers9.01 Love Is a Really, Really Perfectly Okay Thing418
Cheers9.02 Cheers Fouls Out418
Cheers9.03 Rebecca Redux418
Cheers9.04 Where Nobody Knows Your Name418
Cheers9.05 Ma Always Liked You Best418
Cheers9.06 Grease418
Cheers9.07 Breaking In Is Hard To Do418
Cheers9.08 200th Celebration: One Hour Special418
Cheers9.09 Bad Neighbor Sam418
Cheers9.10 Veggie Boyd418
Cheers9.11 Norm and Cliff's Excellent Adventure418
Cheers9.12 Woody Interruptus418
Cheers9.13 Honor Thy Mother418
Cheers9.14 Achilles Hill418
Cheers9.15 Days of Wine and Neuroses418
Cheers9.16 Wedding Bell Blues418
Cheers9.17 I'm Getting My Act Together And Sticking It In Your Face418
Cheers9.18 Sam Time Next Year418
Cheers9.19 Crash of the Titans418
Cheers9.20 It's a Wonderful Wife418
Cheers9.21 Cheers Has Chili418
Cheers9.22 Carla Loves Clavin418
Cheers9.23 Pitch It Again, Sam418
Cheers9.24 Rat Girl418
Cheers9.25 Home Malone418
Cheers9.26 Uncle Sam Wants You418
Cheers10.01 Baby Balk426
Cheers10.02 Get Your Kicks On Route 666426
Cheers10.03 Madame LaCarla426
Cheers10.04 The Norm Who Came To Dinner426
Cheers10.05 Ma's Little Maggie426
Cheers10.06 Unplanned Parenthood426
Cheers10.07 Bar Wars V: The Final Judgment426
Cheers10.08 Where Have All The Floorboards Gone?426
Cheers10.09 Head Over Hill426
Cheers10.10 A Fine French Whine426
Cheers10.11 I'm OK, You're Defective426
Cheers10.12 Go Make426
Cheers10.13 Don't Shoot...I'm Only The Psychiatrist426
Cheers10.14 No Rest For The Woody426
Cheers10.15 My Son, The Father426
Cheers10.16 One Hugs, The Other Doesn't426
Cheers10.17 A Diminshed Rebecca With A Suspended Cliff426
Cheers10.18 License To Hill426
Cheers10.19 Rich Man, Wood Man426
Cheers10.20 Smotherly Love426
Cheers10.21 Take Me Out Of The Ball Game426
Cheers10.22 Rebecca's Lover...Not426
Cheers10.23 Bar Wars VI: This Time It's For Real426
Cheers10.24 Heeeeeere's Cliffy!426
Cheers10.25 An Old Fashioned Wedding (Parts 1&2)426
Cheers11.01 The Little Match Girl54
Cheers11.02 The Beer Is Always Greener54
Cheers11.03 King Of Beers54
Cheers11.04 The Magnificent Six54
Cheers11.05 Do Not Forsake Me, 'O My Postman54
Cheers11.06 Teaching With The Enemy54
Cheers11.07 The Girl In The Plastic Bubble54
Cheers11.08 Ill-Gotten Gaines54
Cheers11.09 Feelings... Whoa, Whoa, Whoa54
Cheers11.10 Daddy's Little Middle Aged Girl54
Cheers11.11 Love Me, Love My Car54
Cheers11.12 Sunday Dinner54
Cheers11.13 Norm's Big Audit54
Cheers11.14 It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Bar54
Cheers11.15 Loathe And Marriage54
Cheers11.16 Is There A Doctor In The Howe?54
Cheers11.17 The Bar Manager, The Shrink, His Wife & Her Lover54
Cheers11.18 The Last Picture Show54
Cheers11.19 Bar Wars VII: The Naked Prey54
Cheers11.20 Look Before You Sleep54
Cheers11.21 Woody Gets An Election54
Cheers11.22 It's Lonely On The Top54
Cheers11.23 Rebecca Gaines, Rebecca Loses (Parts 1 & 2)54
Cheers11.24 The Guy Can't Help It54
Cheers11.25 One For The Road (Parts 1, 2 & 3)54
Seinfeld2.01 The Ex-Girlfriend510
Seinfeld1.01 The Seinfeld Chronicles (Pilot)510
Seinfeld2.02 The Pony Remark510
Seinfeld1.02 Male Unbonding510
Seinfeld2.03 The Busboy510
Seinfeld1.03 The Stake Out510
Seinfeld1.04 The Robbery510
Seinfeld2.04 The Baby Shower510
Seinfeld2.05 The Jacket510
Seinfeld1.05 The Stock Tip510
Seinfeld2.06 The Chinese Restaurant510
Seinfeld2.07 The Phone Message510
Seinfeld2.08 The Apartment510
Seinfeld2.09 The Stranded510
Seinfeld2.10 The Statue510
Seinfeld2.11 The Heart Attack510
Seinfeld2.12 The Revenge510
Seinfeld2.13 The Deal510
Mein Leben & Ich2.01 Alles wird anders (Teil 1)511
Mein Leben & Ich2.02 Alles wird anders (Teil 2)511
Mein Leben & Ich2.03 Seelenverwandte511
Mein Leben & Ich2.04 Der große Wurf511
Mein Leben & Ich2.05 Bleib', wie du bist!511
Mein Leben & Ich2.06 Sterben in Köln511
Mein Leben & Ich2.07 Der perfekte Mann511
Mein Leben & Ich2.08 Glückskekse511
Mein Leben & Ich2.09 Freunde & Lover511
Mein Leben & Ich2.10 Der Besuch der alten Dame511
Mein Leben & Ich2.11 Das Experiment511
Mein Leben & Ich2.12 Die Parkplatz-Pleite511
Mein Leben & Ich2.13 Oberstufenblues511
Seinfeld3.01 The Note516
Seinfeld3.02 The Truth516
Seinfeld3.03 The Dog516
Seinfeld3.04 The Library516
Seinfeld3.05 The Pen516
Seinfeld3.06 The Parking Garage516
Seinfeld3.07 The Café516
Seinfeld3.08 The Tape516
Seinfeld3.09 The Nose Job516
Seinfeld3.10 The Alternate Side516
Seinfeld3.11 The Red Dot516
Seinfeld3.12 The Suicide516
Seinfeld3.13 The Subway516
Seinfeld3.14 The Pez Dispenser516
Seinfeld3.15 The Boyfriend (Part 1 & 2)516
Seinfeld3.16 The Fix-Up516
Seinfeld3.17 The Limo516
Seinfeld3.18 The Good Samaritan516
Seinfeld3.19 The Letter516
Seinfeld3.20 The Parking Space516
Seinfeld3.21 The Keys516
Seinfeld4.01 The Trip Part 1523
Seinfeld4.02 The Trip Part 2523
Seinfeld4.03 The Pitch/The Ticket523
Seinfeld4.04 The Wallet523
Seinfeld4.05 The Watch523
Seinfeld4.06 The Bubble Boy523
Seinfeld4.07 The Cheever Letters523
Seinfeld4.08 The Opera523
Seinfeld4.09 The Virgin523
Seinfeld4.10 The Contest523
Seinfeld4.11 The Airport523
Seinfeld4.12 The Pick523
Seinfeld4.13 The Visa523
Seinfeld4.14 The Movie523
Seinfeld4.15 The Outing523
Seinfeld4.16 The Shoes523
Seinfeld4.17 The Old Man523
Seinfeld4.18 The Implant523
Seinfeld4.19 The Handicap Spot523
Seinfeld4.20 The Junior Mint523
Seinfeld4.21 The Smelly Car523
Seinfeld4.22 The Pilot (Parts 1 & 2)523
Seinfeld5.01 The Mango61
Seinfeld5.02 The Glasses61
Seinfeld5.03 The Puffy Shirt61
Seinfeld5.04 The Sniffing Accountant61
Seinfeld5.05 The Bris61
Seinfeld5.06 The Lip Reader61
Seinfeld5.07 The Non-Fat Yogurt61
Seinfeld5.08 The Barber61
Seinfeld5.09 The Masseuse61
Seinfeld5.10 The Cigar Store Indian61
Seinfeld5.11 The Conversion61
Seinfeld5.12 The Stall61
Seinfeld5.13 The Marine Biologist61
Seinfeld5.14 The Dinner Party61
Seinfeld5.15 The Pie61
Seinfeld5.16 The Stand-In61
Seinfeld5.17 The Wife61
Seinfeld5.18 The Fire61
Seinfeld5.19 The Raincoats (Part 1 & 2)61
Seinfeld5.20 The Hamptons61
Seinfeld5.21 The Opposite61
Great Teacher Onizuka1.01 Great 1612
Great Teacher Onizuka1.02 Great 2612
Great Teacher Onizuka1.03 Great 3612
Great Teacher Onizuka1.04 Great 4612
Great Teacher Onizuka1.05 Great 5612
Great Teacher Onizuka1.06 Great 6612
Great Teacher Onizuka1.07 Great 7612
Great Teacher Onizuka1.08 Great 8612
Great Teacher Onizuka1.09 Great 9612
Great Teacher Onizuka1.10 Great 10612
Great Teacher Onizuka1.11 Great 11612
Great Teacher Onizuka1.12 Final Great612
Seinfeld6.01 The Chaperone615
Seinfeld6.02 The Big Salad615
Seinfeld6.03 The Pledge Drive615
Seinfeld6.04 The Chinese Woman615
Seinfeld6.05 The Couch615
Seinfeld6.06 The Gymnast615
Seinfeld6.07 The Mom & Pop Store615
Seinfeld6.08 The Soup615
Seinfeld6.09 The Secretary615
Seinfeld6.10 The Switch615
Seinfeld6.11 The Race615
Seinfeld6.12 The Label Maker615
Seinfeld6.13 The Scofflaw615
Seinfeld6.14 The Highlights of 100615
Seinfeld6.15 The Beard615
Seinfeld6.16 The Kiss Hello615
Seinfeld6.17 The Doorman615
Seinfeld6.18 The Jimmy615
Seinfeld6.19 The Doodle615
Seinfeld6.20 The Fusilli Jerry615
Seinfeld6.21 The Diplomat's Club615
Seinfeld6.22 The Face Painter615
Seinfeld6.23 The Understudy615
Psych1.01 Pilot629
Psych1.02 Spellingg Bee629
Psych1.03 Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Piece629
Psych1.04 Woman Seeking Dead Husband, Smokers Okay, No Pets629
Psych1.05 9 Lives629
Psych1.06 Weekend Warriors629
Psych1.07 Who Ya Gonna Call?629
Psych1.08 Shawn vs. The Red Phantom629
Psych1.09 Forget Me Not629
Psych1.10 From the Earth to the Starbucks629
Psych1.11 He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not, He Loves Me, Oops, He's Dead!629
Psych1.12 Cloudy... Chance of Murder629
Psych1.13 Game, Set... Muuurder?629
Psych1.14 Poker? I Barely Know Her629
Psych1.15 Scary Sherry: Bianca's Toast629
Seinfeld7.01 The Engagement630
Seinfeld7.02 The Postponement630
Seinfeld7.03 The Maestro630
Seinfeld7.04 The Wink630
Seinfeld7.05 The Hot Tub630
Seinfeld7.06 The Soup Nazi630
Seinfeld7.07 The Secret Code630
Seinfeld7.08 The Pool Guy630
Seinfeld7.09 The Sponge630
Seinfeld7.10 The Gum630
Seinfeld7.11 The Rye630
Seinfeld7.12 The Caddy630
Seinfeld7.13 The Seven630
Seinfeld7.14 The Cadillac630
Seinfeld7.15 The Shower Head630
Seinfeld7.16 The Doll630
Seinfeld7.17 The Wig Master630
Seinfeld7.18 The Calzone630
Seinfeld7.19 The Bottle Deposit630
Seinfeld7.20 The Wait Out630
Seinfeld7.21 The Invitations630
Seinfeld8.01 The Foundation79
Seinfeld8.02 The Soul Mate79
Seinfeld8.03 The Bizarro Jerry79
Seinfeld8.04 The Little Kicks79
Seinfeld8.05 The Package79
Seinfeld8.06 The Fatigues79
Seinfeld8.07 The Checks79
Seinfeld8.08 The Chicken Roaster79
Seinfeld8.09 The Abstinence79
Seinfeld8.10 The Andrea Doria79
Seinfeld8.11 The Little Jerry79
Seinfeld8.12 The Comeback79
Seinfeld8.13 The Money79
Seinfeld8.14 The Van Buren Boys79
Seinfeld8.15 The Susie79
Seinfeld8.16 The Pothole79
Seinfeld8.17 The English Patient79
Seinfeld8.18 The Nap79
Seinfeld8.19 The Yada Yada79
Seinfeld8.20 The Millennium79
Seinfeld8.21 The Muffin Tops79
Seinfeld8.22 The Summer of George79
Psych2.01 American Duos710
Psych2.02 65 Million Years Off710
Psych2.03 Psy vs. Psy710
Psych2.04 Zero to Murder in Sixty Seconds710
Psych2.05 And Down the Stretch Comes Murder710
Psych2.06 Meat Is Murder, But Murder Is Also Murder710
Psych2.07 If You're So Smart, Then Why Are You Dead?710
Psych2.08 Rob-a-Bye Baby710
Psych2.09 Bounty Hunters!710
Psych2.10 Gus's Dad May Have Killed an Old Guy710
Psych2.11 There's Something About Mira710
Psych2.12 The Old and the Restless710
Psych2.13 Lights, Camera... Homicidio710
Psych2.14 Dis-Lodged710
Psych2.15 Black and Tan: A Crime of Fashion710
Psych2.16 Shawn (and Gus) of the Dead710
Angel2.01 Judgment715
Angel2.02 Are You Now or Have You Ever Been715
Angel2.03 First Impressions715
Angel2.04 Untouched715
Angel2.05 Dear Boy715
Angel2.06 Guise Will Be Guise715
Angel2.07 Darla715
Angel2.08 The Shroud of Rahmon715
Angel2.09 The Trial715
Angel2.10 Reunion715
Angel2.11 Redefinition715
Angel2.12 Blood Money715
Angel2.13 Happy Anniversary715
Angel2.14 The Thin Dead Line715
Angel2.15 Reprise715
Angel2.16 Epiphany715
Angel2.17 Disharmony715
Angel2.18 Dead End715
Angel2.19 Belonging715
Angel2.20 Over the Rainbow715
Angel2.21 Through the Looking Glass715
Angel2.22 There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb715
Buffy the Vampire Slayer6.01 Bargaining: Part 1716
Buffy the Vampire Slayer6.02 Bargaining: Part 2716
Mein Leben & Ich3.01 Herzensbrecher720
Mein Leben & Ich3.02 Wieder allein720
Mein Leben & Ich3.03 Neue Nachbarn720
Mein Leben & Ich3.04 Das Coming-Out720
Mein Leben & Ich3.05 Rebellen720
Mein Leben & Ich3.06 Tortur d'Amour720
Mein Leben & Ich3.07 Nicht von schlechten Eltern720
Mein Leben & Ich3.08 Modeopfer720
Mein Leben & Ich3.09 Die Avocadokrise720
Mein Leben & Ich3.10 Blinde Flecken720
Mein Leben & Ich3.11 Die Landpartie720
Mein Leben & Ich3.12 Familiengeheimnisse720
Mein Leben & Ich3.13 Nacht in Flammen720
Seinfeld9.01 The Butter Shave722
Seinfeld9.02 The Voice722
Seinfeld9.03 The Serenity Now722
Seinfeld9.04 The Blood722
Seinfeld9.05 The Junk Mail722
Seinfeld9.06 The Merv Griffin Show722
Seinfeld9.07 The Slicer722
Seinfeld9.08 The Betrayal722
Seinfeld9.09 The Apology722
Seinfeld9.10 The Strike722
Seinfeld9.11 The Dealership722
Seinfeld9.12 The Reverse Peephole722
Seinfeld9.13 The Cartoon722
Seinfeld9.14 The Strongbox722
Seinfeld9.15 The Wizard722
Seinfeld9.16 The Burning722
Seinfeld9.17 The Bookstore722
Seinfeld9.18 The Frogger722
Seinfeld9.19 The Maid722
Seinfeld9.20 The Puerto Rican Day722
Seinfeld9.21 The Chronicle722
Seinfeld9.22 The Finale722
Psych3.01 Ghosts731
Psych3.02 Murder?... Anyone?... Anyone?... Buel731
Psych3.03 Daredevils!731
Psych3.04 The Greatest Adventure in the History731
Psych3.05 Disco Didn't Die. It Was Murdered!731
Psych3.06 There Might Be Blood731
Psych3.07 Talk Derby to Me731
Psych3.08 Gus Walks into a Bank731
Psych3.09 Christmas Joy731
Psych3.10 Six Feet Under the Sea731
Psych3.11 Lassie Did a Bad, Bad Thing731
Psych3.12 Earth, Wind and... Wait for It731
Psych3.13 Any Given Friday Night at 10pm, 9pm731
Psych3.14 Truer Lies731
Psych3.15 Tuesday the 17th731
Psych3.16 An Evening with Mr. Yang731
30 Rock1.01 Pilot82
30 Rock1.02 The Aftermath82
30 Rock1.03 Blind Date82
30 Rock1.04 Jack the Writer82
30 Rock1.05 Jack-Tor82
30 Rock1.06 Jack Meets Dennis82
30 Rock1.07 Tracy Does Conan82
30 Rock1.08 The Break-Up82
30 Rock1.09 The Baby Show82
30 Rock1.10 The Rural Juror82
30 Rock1.11 The Head and the Hair82
30 Rock1.12 Black Tie82
30 Rock1.13 Up All Night82
30 Rock1.14 The "C" Word82
30 Rock1.15 Hard Ball82
30 Rock1.16 The Source Awards82
30 Rock1.17 The Fighting Irish82
30 Rock1.18 Fireworks82
30 Rock1.19 Corporate Crush82
30 Rock1.20 Cleveland82
30 Rock1.21 Hiatus82
Firefly1.01 Serenity811
30 Rock2.01 Seinfeldvision813
30 Rock2.02 Jack Gets in the Game813
30 Rock2.03 The Collection813
30 Rock2.04 Rosemary's Baby813
30 Rock2.05 Greenzo813
30 Rock2.06 Somebody to Love813
30 Rock2.07 Cougars813
30 Rock2.08 Secrets and Lies813
30 Rock2.09 Ludachristmas813
30 Rock2.10 Episode 210813
30 Rock2.11 MILF Island813
30 Rock2.12 Subway Hero813
30 Rock2.13 Succession813
30 Rock2.14 Sandwich Day813
30 Rock2.15 Cooter813
Psych4.01 Extradition: British Columbia815
Psych4.02 He Dead815
Psych4.03 High Noon-ish815
Psych4.04 The Devil's in the Details...and in the Upstairs Bedroom815
Psych4.05 Shawn Gets the Yips815
Psych4.06 Bollywood Homicide815
Psych4.07 High Top Fade-Out815
Psych4.08 Let's Get Hairy815
Psych4.09 Shawn Takes a Shot in the Dark815
Psych4.10 You Can't Handle This Episode815
Psych4.11 Thrill Seekers and Hell-Raisers815
Psych4.12 A Very Juliet Episode815
Psych4.13 Death Is in the Air815
Psych4.14 Think Tank815
Psych4.15 The Head, the Tail, the Whole Damn Episode815
Psych4.16 Mr. Yin Presents...815
30 Rock3.01 Do-Over826
30 Rock3.02 Believe in the Stars826
30 Rock3.03 The One with the Cast of Night Court826
30 Rock3.04 Gavin Volure826
30 Rock3.05 Reunion826
30 Rock3.06 Christmas Special826
30 Rock3.07 Senor Macho Solo826
30 Rock3.08 Flu Shot826
30 Rock3.09 Retreat to Move Forward826
30 Rock3.10 Generalissimo826
30 Rock3.11 St. Valentine's Day826
30 Rock3.12 Larry King826
30 Rock3.13 Goodbye, My Friend826
30 Rock3.14 The Funcooker826
30 Rock3.15 The Bubble826
30 Rock3.16 Apollo, Apollo826
30 Rock3.17 Cutbacks826
30 Rock3.18 Jackie Jormp-Jomp826
30 Rock3.19 The Ones826
30 Rock3.20 The Natural Order826
30 Rock3.21 Mamma Mia826
30 Rock3.22 Kidney Now!826
Psych5.01 Romeo & Juliet & Juliet831
Psych5.02 Feet Don't Kill Me Now831
Psych5.03 Not Even Close... Encounters831
Psych5.04 Chivalry Is Not Dead... But Someone Is831
Psych5.05 Shawn and Gus in Drag (Racing)831
Psych5.06 Viagra Falls831
Psych5.07 Ferry Tale831
Psych5.08 Shawn 2.0831
Psych5.09 One, Maybe Two, Ways Out831
Psych5.10 Extradiction II: The Actual Extradiction Part831
Psych5.11 In Plain Fright831
Psych5.12 Dual Spires831
Psych5.13 We'd Like to Thank the Academy831
Psych5.14 The Polarizing Express831
Psych5.15 Dead Bear Walking831
Psych5.16 Yang 3 in 2D831
Buffy the Vampire Slayer6.03 After Life92
Columbo1.01 Prescription: Murder97
30 Rock4.01 Season 497
30 Rock4.02 Into the Crevasse97
30 Rock4.03 Stone Mountain97
30 Rock4.04 Audition Day97
30 Rock4.05 The Problem Solvers97
30 Rock4.06 Sun Tea97
30 Rock4.07 Dealbreakers Talk Show #000197
30 Rock4.08 Secret Santa97
30 Rock4.09 Klaus and Greta97
30 Rock4.10 Black Light Attack!97
30 Rock4.11 Winter Madness97
30 Rock4.12 Verna97
30 Rock4.13 Anna Howard Shaw Day97
30 Rock4.14 Future Husband97
30 Rock4.15 Don Geiss, America and Hope97
30 Rock4.16 Floyd97
30 Rock4.17 Lee Marvin vs. Derek Jeter97
30 Rock4.18 Khonani97
30 Rock4.19 Argus97
30 Rock4.20 The Moms97
30 Rock4.21 Emmanuelle Goes to Dinosaur Land97
30 Rock4.22 I Do Do97
Psych6.01 Shawn Rescues Darth Vader914
Psych6.02 Last Night Gus914
Psych6.03 This Episode Sucks914
Psych6.04 The Amazing Psych-Man & Tap Man, Issue #2914
Psych6.05 Dead Man's Curveball914
Psych6.06 Shawn Interrupted914
Psych6.07 In for a Penny...914
Psych6.08 The Tao of Gus914
Psych6.09 Neil Simon's Lover's Retreat914
Psych6.10 Indiana Shawn and the Temple of the Kinda Crappy, Rusty Old Dagger914
Psych6.11 Heeeeeere's Lassie914
Psych6.12 Shawn and the Real Girl914
Psych6.13 Let's Doo-Wop It Again914
Psych6.14 Autopsy Turvy914
Psych6.15 True Grits914
Psych6.16 Santabarbaratown914
Columbo1.02 Ransom for a Dead Man915
30 Rock5.01 The Fabian Strategy916
30 Rock5.02 When it Rains, it Pours916
30 Rock5.03 Let's Stay Together916
30 Rock5.04 Live Show916
30 Rock5.05 Reaganing916
30 Rock5.06 Gentleman's Intermission916
30 Rock5.07 Brooklyn Without Limits916
30 Rock5.08 College916
30 Rock5.09 Chain Reaction of Mental Anguish916
30 Rock5.10 Christmas Attack Zone916
30 Rock5.11 Mrs. Donaghy916
30 Rock5.12 Operation Righteous Cowboy Lightning916
30 Rock5.13 ¡Que Sorpresa!916
30 Rock5.14 Double Edged Sword916
30 Rock5.15 It's Never Too Late For Now916
30 Rock5.16 TGS Hates Women916
30 Rock5.17 Queen of Jordan916
30 Rock5.18 Plan B916
30 Rock5.19 I Heart Connecticut916
30 Rock5.20 100916
30 Rock5.21 Everything Sunny All the Time Always916
30 Rock5.22 Respawn916
Columbo1.03 Murder by the Book921
Columbo1.04 Death Lends a Hand923
Psych7.01 Santabarbaratown 2924
Psych7.02 Juliet Takes a Luvvah924
Psych7.03 Lassie Jerky924
Psych7.04 No Country For Two Old Men924
Psych7.05 100 Clues924
Psych7.06 Cirque Du Soul924
Psych7.07 Deez Nups924
Psych7.08 Right Turn or Left For Dead924
Psych7.09 Juliet Wears the Pantsuit924
Psych7.10 The Santabarbarian Candidate924
Psych7.11 Office Space924
Psych7.12 Dead Air924
Psych7.13 Nip and Suck It!924
Psych7.14 No Trout About It924
30 Rock7.01 The Beginning of the End926
30 Rock6.01 Dance Like Nobody's Watching926
30 Rock6.02 Idiots Are People Two!926
30 Rock6.03 Idiots Are People Three!926
30 Rock6.04 The Ballad of Kenneth Parcell926
30 Rock6.05 Today You Are a Man926
30 Rock6.06 Hey, Baby, What's Wrong?926
30 Rock6.07 The Tuxedo Begins926
30 Rock6.08 Leap Day926
30 Rock6.09 Alexis Goodlooking and the Case of the Missing Whisky926
30 Rock6.10 Standards and Practices926
30 Rock6.11 St. Patrick's Day926
30 Rock6.12 Grandmentor926
30 Rock6.13 Kidnapped by Danger926
30 Rock6.14 The Shower Principle926
30 Rock6.15 Nothing Left to Lose926
30 Rock6.16 Meet the Woggels!926
30 Rock6.17 Murphy Brown Lied to Us926
30 Rock6.18 Live from Studio 6H926
30 Rock6.19 Queen of Jordan 2: The Mystery of the Phantom Pooper926
30 Rock6.20 The Return of Avery Jessup926
30 Rock6.21 What Will Happen to the Gang Next Year?926
30 Rock7.02 Governor Dunston927
30 Rock7.03 Stride of Pride927
30 Rock7.04 Unwindulax928
30 Rock7.05 There's No I In America928
30 Rock7.06 Aunt Phatso vs. Jack Donaghy929
30 Rock7.07 Mazel Tov, Dummies!929
30 Rock7.08 My Whole Life is Thunder929
30 Rock7.09 Game Over930
30 Rock7.10 Florida930
Psych8.01 101
Batman1.01 Hi Diddle Riddle101
Psych8.02 101
30 Rock7.11 A Goon's Deed in a Weary World101
30 Rock7.12 Hogcock! / Last Lunch101
Batman1.02 Smack in the Middle102
Psych8.03 102
Batman1.03 Fine Feathered Finks103
Psych8.04 103
Batman1.04 The Penguin's a Jinx104
Psych8.05 104
Psych8.06 104
Psych8.07 105
Psych8.08 105
Psych8.09 105
Buffy the Vampire Slayer6.04 Flooded106
The Office1.04 Training106
Batman1.05 The Joker Is Wild106
Psych8.10 106
Full Metal Panic!1.01 ki ni naru aitsu ha gunsou107
Full Metal Panic!1.02 mamotte age tai107
Full Metal Panic!1.03 ranjerii panikku107
Full Metal Panic!1.04 kiddo nappu107
Full Metal Panic!1.05 sasayaka re shi sha (wisupado)107
Full Metal Panic!1.06 STILL ALIVE107
Mein Leben & Ich5.01 Dick im Geschäft108
Mein Leben & Ich5.02 Ich will nicht wissen, was du vor fünf Jahren getan hast108
Columbo1.07 Lady in Waiting108
Buffy the Vampire Slayer6.05 Life Serial108
Columbo1.08 Short Fuse109
Buffy the Vampire Slayer6.06 All the Way1010
Buffy the Vampire Slayer6.07 Once More, with Feeling1010
Columbo1.09 Blueprint for Murder1010
Buffy the Vampire Slayer6.08 Tabula Rasa1011
Buffy the Vampire Slayer6.09 Smashed1011
The Office1.05 New Girl1011
Buffy the Vampire Slayer6.10 Wrecked1011
Buffy the Vampire Slayer6.11 Gone1012
Buffy the Vampire Slayer6.12 Doublemeat Palace1012
The Office1.06 Judgement1012
Mein Leben & Ich5.03 Nachtwache1012
Firefly1.02 The Train Job1012
Buffy the Vampire Slayer6.13 Dead Things1013
Wings1.01 Legacy1015
Wings1.02 Around The World In Eighty Years1015
Wings1.03 Return To Nantucket Part 11015
Wings1.04 Return To Nantucket Part 21015
Batman1.06 Batman Is Riled1016
Columbo2.01 Étude in Black1016
Wings1.05 There Once Was A Girl From Nantucket1016
Wings1.06 All For One And Two For Helen1016
Columbo2.02 The Greenhouse Jungle1016
Buffy the Vampire Slayer6.14 Older and Far Away1016
Columbo2.03 The Most Crucial Game1017
Columbo2.04 Dagger of the Mind1017
Columbo2.05 Requiem for a Falling Star1017
Mein Leben & Ich5.04 Sex, Lügen & DVD1018
Columbo2.06 A Stitch in Crime1018
Buffy the Vampire Slayer6.15 As You Were1018
Columbo2.07 The Most Dangerous Match1019
The Office2.01 episode 11019
Mein Leben & Ich5.05 Familienbande1019
Batman1.07 Instant Freeze1019
Columbo2.08 Double Shock1020
Buffy the Vampire Slayer6.16 Hell's Bells1020
Mein Leben & Ich5.06 Das Dream Team1020
Buffy the Vampire Slayer6.17 Normal Again1021
Wings2.01 The Puppetmaster1022
Wings2.02 The Story Of Joe1022
Columbo3.01 Lovely But Lethal1023
Wings2.03 A Little Nightmare Music1024
Columbo3.02 Any Old Port in a Storm1024
Wings2.04 Sports And Leisure1024
Wings2.05 A Stand Up Kind Of Guy1024
Wings2.06 It's Not The Thought, It's The Gift1025
Wings2.07 Hell Hath No Fury Like A Policewoman Scorned1025
Mein Leben & Ich5.07 Claudia & Basti1025
Wings2.08 High Anxiety1026
Mein Leben & Ich5.08 Der Date-Doktor1026
Columbo1.05 Dead Weight1027
Columbo3.03 Candidate for Crime1027
Wings2.09 Friends Or Lovers1027
Wings2.10 There's Always Room For Cello1028
Wings2.11 A Terminal Christmas1028
Columbo3.04 Double Exposure1028
Wings2.12 Airport 901028
Mein Leben & Ich5.09 Niko, der Lügner1029
Wings2.13 Love Is Like Pulling Teeth1029
Columbo3.05 Publish or Perish1029
Wings2.14 The Tennis Bum1029
Mein Leben & Ich5.10 Der Hochzeitstag1029
Columbo1.06 Suitable for Framing1030
Columbo3.06 Mind Over Mayhem1030
Mein Leben & Ich5.11 Haus über Kopf1031
Wings2.15 My Brother's Back - And There's Going To Be Trouble1031
Mein Leben & Ich5.12 Die Reifeprüfung1031
Mein Leben & Ich5.13 Abicalypse now1031
Wings2.16 Plane Nine From Nantucket1031
Columbo3.07 Swan Song111
Mein Leben & Ich6.01 Ein einfacher Plan111
Wings2.17 Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places111
Mein Leben & Ich6.02 Niko & Nina111
Wings2.18 Love Means Never Having To Say Geronimo111
Mein Leben & Ich6.03 Wenn Frauen hassen112
Columbo3.08 A Friend in Deed112
Mrs Columbo1.02 Murder is a Parlor Game112
Wings2.19 All In The Family112
Wings2.20 Mother Wore Stripes113
Wings2.21 Murder, She Roast113
Wings2.22 Duet For Cello And Plane113
Mein Leben & Ich6.04 Kindheitstrauma113
Mein Leben & Ich6.05 Tante Tesi114
Mein Leben & Ich6.06 Zimmer frei114
Mein Leben & Ich6.07 Lebe Dein Leben!114
Wings3.01 The Naked Truth114
Mein Leben & Ich6.08 Stille Nacht114
Wings3.02 Is That a Subpoena in Your Pocket?115
Mein Leben & Ich6.09 Kiffen, bis der Arzt kommt115
Mein Leben & Ich6.10 Sag niemals Nein!115
Wings3.03 The Taming of the Shrew115
Mein Leben & Ich6.11 Gipfelstürmer115
Columbo4.01 An Exercise in Fatality115
Mein Leben & Ich6.12 Auf Leben und Tod - Teil 1115
Mein Leben & Ich6.13 Auf Leben und Tod - Teil 2115
Wings3.04 I Ain't Got No Bunny116
Wings3.05 If Elected, I Will Not Live116
Polizeiinspektion 11.01 Und keine Kopeke weniger117
Polizeiinspektion 11.02 Polizeistunde117
Wings3.06 My Brother's Keeper117
Polizeiinspektion 11.03 Chloroform für Zwei118
Columbo4.02 Negative Reaction118
Wings3.07 Crate Expectations118
Wings3.08 Ladies Who Lunch118
Polizeiinspektion 11.04 Verfolgungswahn118
Polizeiinspektion 11.05 Die Reportage119
Columbo4.03 By Dawn's Early Light119
Wings3.09 Try to Remember the Night He Dismembered119
Polizeiinspektion 11.06 Einstein Junior1110
Columbo4.04 Troubled Waters1110
Wings3.10 The Late Mrs. Biggins1110
Polizeiinspektion 11.07 Der Vermißte1110
Wings3.11 The Bogey Men1110
Wings3.12 Marriage, Italian Style1111
Wings3.13 Divorce, American Style1111
Columbo4.05 Playback1111
Polizeiinspektion 11.08 Die Frau des Polizisten1111
Wings3.14 Stew in a Stew1111
Columbo4.06 A Deadly State of Mind1112
Buffy the Vampire Slayer6.18 Entropy1112
Polizeiinspektion 11.09 Die Nacht im Lasseck1112
Polizeiinspektion 11.10 Weiberleut1113
Mrs Columbo1.03 A Riddle for Puppets1113
Polizeiinspektion 11.11 Der Zamperlfänger1113
Wings3.15 This Old House1113
Wings3.16 Planes, Trains and Visiting Cranes1114
Polizeiinspektion 11.12 Keine besonderen Vorkommnisse1114
Polizeiinspektion 11.13 Der Föhn1114
Wings3.17 Das Plane1115
Wings3.18 Take My Life, Please1115
Wings3.19 Four Dates That Will Live in Infamy1115
Wings3.20 The Bank Dick1115
Wings3.21 Say It Ain't So, Joe1116
Wings3.22 As Fate Would Have It1116
The Office2.02 episode 21117
The Office2.03 episode 31117
Batman1.08 Rats Like Cheese1118
The Office2.04 episode 41118
Firefly1.03 Bushwhacked1118
The Office2.05 episode 51118
Polizeiinspektion 12.01 Der Neue1119
Wings4.01 Lifeboat1119
Polizeiinspektion 12.02 Die große Oper1119
Wings4.02 The Fortune Cookie1119
Polizeiinspektion 12.03 Bitte ein Autogramm1120
Polizeiinspektion 12.04 Sylvester ist jeden Tag1120
Columbo5.01 Forgotten Lady1120
Wings4.03 Noses Off1121
Columbo5.02 A Case of Immunity1121
Polizeiinspektion 12.05 Die Zeitungsrosl1121
Polizeiinspektion 12.06 Glückspiele1121
Wings4.04 Blackout Buggins1121
Columbo5.03 Identity Crisis1122
Polizeiinspektion 12.07 Die Ausreisserin1122
Wings4.05 Mathers of the Heart1122
Wings4.06 Two Jerks and a Jill1123
Wings4.07 It's So Nice to Have a Mather Around the House1123
Columbo5.04 A Matter of Honor1123
Polizeiinspektion 12.08 Die Referendarinnen1123
Columbo5.05 Now You See Him1124
Polizeiinspektion 12.09 Wie der Haubel Theo seine Flügel verlor1124
Wings4.08 Just Say No1125
Polizeiinspektion 12.10 Aus wissenschaftlichen Gründen1126
Columbo5.06 Last Salute to the Commodore1126
Polizeiinspektion 12.11 Auf den Hund gekommen1126
Polizeiinspektion 12.12 Ein Sack voll Brillanten1127
Mrs Columbo1.04 Caviar with Everything1127
Polizeiinspektion 12.13 Der Skiausflug1127
Wings4.09 It May Have Happened One NIght1127
Wings4.10 The Customer's Usually Right1128
The Office2.06 episode 61128
Wings4.11 Exit Laughing1128
Wings4.12 What the Cabbie Saw1129
Columbo6.01 Fade in to Murder1129
Polizeiinspektion 13.01 Sorgenkinder1129
Columbo6.02 Old Fashioned Murder1130
Polizeiinspektion 13.02 Die große Sommerfreiheit1130
Columbo6.03 The Bye-Bye Sky High I.Q. Murder Case1130
Wings4.13 Labor Pains121
Columbo7.01 Try and Catch Me121
Polizeiinspektion 13.03 Die Nachtigall121
Polizeiinspektion 13.04 Der Huchen121
Wings4.14 I've Got a Secret122
Wings4.15 The Gift (Part 1)122
Wings4.16 The Gift (Part 2)122
Wings4.17 I Love Brian122
Wings4.18 The Key to Alex122
Wings4.19 The Houseguest122
Wings4.20 Goodbye Old Friend122
Columbo7.02 How to Dial a Murder122
Polizeiinspektion 13.05 Die Urlaubsreise122
Polizeiinspektion 13.06 Sylvester123
The OfficeThe Christmas Special.01 part 1123
Wings4.21 Another Wedding123
Wings4.22 Date Package Number Seven123
The OfficeThe Christmas Special.02 part 2123
Polizeiinspektion 13.07 Nippa Johan123
Columbo7.03 Murder Under Glass123
Polizeiinspektion 13.08 Feueralarm123
Polizeiinspektion 13.09 Katzen und Kassetten123
Polizeiinspektion 13.10 Eine Art Freund123
Polizeiinspektion 13.11 Die Abwerbung124
Columbo7.04 The Conspirators124
Polizeiinspektion 13.12 Das Denkrohr124
Polizeiinspektion 13.13 Die unangenehme Sache mit Berndi124
Columbo7.05 Make Me a Perfect Murder125
Freaks and Geeks1.01 Pilot126
Wings5.01 Stop in the Name of Love126
Freaks and Geeks1.02 Beers and Weirs126
Wings5.02 Terminal Jealousy127
Wings5.03 Bye-Bye, Bunny127
Wings5.04 Business or Pleasure128
Columbo8.01 Columbo Goes to the Guillotine128
Polizeiinspektion 14.01 Der Fuchs und die Trauben128
Polizeiinspektion 14.02 Große Scheine129
Columbo8.02 Murder, Smoke and Shadows129
Polizeiinspektion 14.03 Der weiße Cadillac129
Wings5.05 An Affair to Forget1210
Wings5.06 Black Eye Affair1210
Polizeiinspektion 14.04 Ernste Absichten1210
Columbo8.03 Sex and the Married Detective1210
Freaks and Geeks1.03 Tricks and Treats1210
Polizeiinspektion 14.05 Der Mord1210
Polizeiinspektion 14.06 Fluchtversuch1211
Freaks and Geeks1.04 Kim Kelly Is My Friend1212
Columbo8.04 Grand Deceptions1212
Polizeiinspektion 14.07 Die Trickdiebin1212
Columbo8.05 Murder, a Self Portrait1212
Wings5.07 Joe Blows (Part 1)1213
Wings5.08 Joe Blows (Part 2)1213
Wings5.09 2 Good 2 B 4 Gotten1213
Wings5.10 Come Fly With Me1213
Wings5.11 Happy Holidays1213
Polizeiinspektion 14.08 Der Spieler1213
Wings5.12 Ready, Teddy, Go1213
Wings5.13 Oh, Give Me a Home Where the Mathers Don't Roam1213
Columbo9.01 Columbo Cries Wolf1213
Freaks and Geeks1.05 Tests and Breasts1213
Freaks and Geeks1.06 I'm With the Band1214
Polizeiinspektion 14.09 Die Grille und die Ameise1214
Batman1.09 Zelda the Great1215
Columbo9.02 Agenda for Murder1215
Freaks and Geeks1.07 Carded and Discarded1215
Polizeiinspektion 14.10 Der nächtliche Gast1215
Polizeiinspektion 14.11 Rosenmontag1215
Polizeiinspektion 14.12 Einrichtungshaus Franke1216
Columbo9.03 Rest in Peace, Mrs. Columbo1217
Polizeiinspektion 14.13 Urlaubsfreuden1217
Wings5.14 The Faygitive1217
Freaks and Geeks1.08 Girlfriends and Boyfriends1218
Columbo9.04 Uneasy Lies the Crown1220
Wings5.15 Say Uncle, Carlton1220
Polizeiinspektion 15.01 Nette Menschen1220
Buffy the Vampire Slayer6.19 Seeing Red1220
Polizeiinspektion 15.02 Die Herrenkommode1220
Columbo9.05 Murder in Malibu1221
Columbo9.06 Columbo Goes to College1221
Polizeiinspektion 15.03 Der Betriebsausflug1221
Columbo10.01 Caution: Murder Can Be Hazardous ...1222
Freaks and Geeks1.09 We've Got Spirit1222
Wings5.16 Hey, Nineteen1222
Columbo10.02 Columbo and the Murder of a Rock Star1222
Wings5.17 Exclusively Yours1222
Polizeiinspektion 15.04 Krisen1222
Freaks and Geeks1.10 The Diary1223
Columbo10.03 Death Hits the Jackpot1223
Wings5.18 Moonlighting1223
Freaks and Geeks1.11 Looks and Books1223
Wings5.19 Sleepless in Nantucket1224
Columbo10.04 No Time to Die1224
Wings5.20 Boys Will Be Girls1224
Polizeiinspektion 15.05 Der Querulant1225
Freaks and Geeks1.12 The Garage Door1225
Wings5.21 Roy Crazy1225
Columbo10.05 A Bird in the Hand1225
Wings5.22 Long Distance Lament1226
Freaks and Geeks1.13 Chokin' and Tokin'1226
Wings5.23 Call of the Wild1226
Wings5.24 A Decent Proposal1227
Columbo10.06 It's All in the Game1227
Freaks and Geeks1.14 Dead Dogs and Gym Teachers1228
Freaks and Geeks1.15 Noshing and Moshing1228
Polizeiinspektion 15.06 Das Vorbild1228
Freaks and Geeks1.16 Smooching and Mooching1229
Columbo11.01 Butterfly in Shades of Grey1229
Freaks and Geeks1.17 The Little Things1230
Freaks and Geeks1.18 Discos and Dragons1230
Polizeiinspektion 15.07 Urlaubszeit1230
Columbo11.02 Undercover1230
Wings6.01 Whose Wife Is It Anyway?1230
Wings6.02 Twisted Sister1230
Polizeiinspektion 15.08 Der Parasit1230
Columbo11.03 Strange Bedfellows1231

Offline DJ Doena

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Re: TV Shows/Episodes Watched in 2021
« Reply #54 on: January 13, 2022, 08:40:44 PM »
Dec 16
Total: 0m

Dec 17
Ice Road Rescue 6x01 Mega Trouble
Total: 44m

Dec 18
CSI 12x12 Willows in the Wind
Total: 42m

Dec 19
Friday Night Lights 1x01 Pilot
Friday Night Lights 1x02 Eyes Wide Open
Total: 1h 27m

Dec 20
All Rise 1x13 What the Bailiff Saw
All Rise 1x14 Bye Bye Bernie
Total: 1h 26m

Dec 21
#Beisenherz Dec 20, 2021 #omikron_wand, #lockdown_druck, #corona_radikalisiert
Total: 42m

Dec 22
Friends 1x18 The One with all the Poker
Castle 5x05 Probable Cause
Ice Road Rescue 6x02 Rivals on the Rocks
Total: 1h 50m

Dec 23
Chicago Fire 2x02 Prove It
Große Mythen aufgedeckt - Das Rätsel um König Artus
Superhelden (1/3): Odysseus
Decisive Weapons 2x03 Lock, Stock and Barrel: The Springfield Rifle
Chicago Fire 2x03 Defcon 1
Total: 3h 18m

Dec 24
Chicago Fire 2x04 A Nuisance Call
Gysi & Schmidt: Der ntv Jahresrückblick 2021
Total: 1h 21m

Dec 25
Resident Alien 1x05 Love Language
Resident Alien 1x06 Sexy Beast
Resident Alien 1x07 The Green Glow
Resident Alien 1x08 End of the World As We Know It
Total: 3h 3m

Dec 26
Resident Alien 1x09 Welcome Aliens
Resident Alien 1x10 Heroes of Patience
Nuhr 2021: Der Jahresrückblick
Total: 2h 31m

Dec 27
Total: 0m

Dec 28
Total: 0m

Dec 29
Total: 0m

Dec 30
Ice Road Rescue 6x03 Deadline Danger
Total: 44m

Dec 31
Total: 0m

Total: 2d 16h 58m
Average: 2h 6m per day

Total: 36d 7h 41m
Average: 2h 23m per day
« Last Edit: January 13, 2022, 09:04:23 PM by DJ Doena »

Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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