Author Topic: Hello Again  (Read 4910 times)

Offline Dragonfire

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Hello Again
« on: December 06, 2017, 02:48:59 AM »
Well I went and did it again...stayed away way longer than I intended.  Sorry about that.  But I found my way back again. 

The last few years have been busy and kind of crazy at times.  There were some issues at work with the new manager that was ..well not a manager and no one liked.  She would just up and leave when the office was full of clients and never come back.  Then one time she claimed she came in on her day off and had to do everyone else's work.  It wasn't pretty.  Five people quit because of her, which made last tax season crazy busy.  10 hour days most of tax season, but it was a way better season since the horrible manager was gone.  It is just too bad she drove off a few good preparers.  I will probably have to work a lot of hours again this season too.  I also had more sort of complicated returns to deal with last tax season.  I passed the exams with the IRS last year - I passed the final one a year ago today I think - so I'm an Enrolled Agent now.  I spent most of my time last year starting in June studying for those exams.  I have done a lot of classes again this year.  I may still try to finish a few online classes by the end of the year.  Or I may wait and do them at the beginning of January. 

My mom ended up in the hospital with pneumonia right after I posted here last..or at about the same time.  Her doctor wanted her to get stronger meds since it wasn't clearing up.  The hospital here has issues, so I wasn't happy about that.  She did seem to get better, but she only had nurse practitioners taking care of her.  The one was a dingbat and didn't know what she was doing - giving her stuff that made the asthma worse and not watching her blood pressure.  Well the ding bat was the one that released her after a week with her blood pressure too high.  The next morning she was back in the hospital because she'd had a mini stroke.  There were other issues with her care from that, but she is ok.  She never lost the ability to talk, she just had trouble with her right side for a while.  That leg still is weaker, but she is ok.  So all that, along with tax season that year, had me a bit stressed. 

My step dad had to get a new pacemaker because the battery was done last summer.  Well he had complications again too - there were complications when it first went in too.  It got done again last October because of infection.  The doc said it was fine after that.  Then this June when he had another check up, was told it is infected and has to come out.  Hospital here in town can't do that procedure - not that he was going back to that doc again after everything.  He went to hospital in Columbus and has a better heart doc there now.  The surgery went fine, but it did take a while for the infection to clear up because it was so bad and the doc couldn't get it all out in surgery.  So far he doesn't have a new one yet.  Doc wants everything to be fully healed for a while first.  Also, the prior doc had the pacemaker set too high, so it was shocking him all the time.  He had another checkup about a month ago and everything was good.  He goes back again in the spring.

I am still behind on stuff from my DVR, though I have caught up with some stuff.  I have new things I've started watching too that have been added.  I'll probably always be behind on it.  :)  I still go to movies, though I don't always see everything I want in the theaters.  There are a few playing now I want to see, and more coming.    I still get movies and watch them, though it has been a few weeks at least since I last watched something. 

My computer had been having some fits and just not running too well for a year or so.  Just running everything so slow, so when I tried to go online, it creeped, and I got annoyed and gave up without doing what I wanted to do, like come here.  I got a new computer recently that is so much better.

Hopefully I will be able to stop here more often again.  I have missed it here.   :D

Offline GSyren

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Re: Hello Again
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2017, 04:52:56 AM »
Well, Marie, what can one say? Life happens. Good to see you back again!  :thumbup:
Personally I have spent more time watching movies and TV shows, and less time writing, but I always keep an eye at these forums. Maybe your return can inspire me to become more active again.

Offline Dragonfire

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Re: Hello Again
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2017, 05:58:48 AM »
I haven't written anything for the blogs I started around the time Epinions ended.  I got away from that a few years ago - probably the long hours at work - and I haven't gone back to it.  I do miss that too.  I should try to start that again.

Good to see you again too. :)

Offline Piffi

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Re: Hello Again
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2017, 05:43:32 PM »
Hello Marie! :) great to have you back. Long time, no talk =)
Hope everything is good with you. Lets hope to seeya around again soon! ;)
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Offline Achim

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Re: Hello Again
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2017, 02:59:54 AM »
Hello Marie! We missed you too.

It may be slightly less busy around here than it used to be, but as you can see, some people still hang around (I read more than I post). The usual suspects still post reviews more than regularly.

Offline Dragonfire

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Re: Hello Again
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2017, 03:51:06 AM »
Hello Marie! :) great to have you back. Long time, no talk =)
Hope everything is good with you. Lets hope to seeya around again soon! ;)

Thank you.  :)  I know it has been.  I did think about you when Castle was in the death spiral - did intend to post some around then too but something kept coming up.

Everything is good.  Just been a little busy with work at times.  There is end of year stuff to get ready for. 

Hello Marie! We missed you too.

It may be slightly less busy around here than it used to be, but as you can see, some people still hang around (I read more than I post). The usual suspects still post reviews more than regularly.

I will try to post some stuff again too.  It has been a little while since I saw a new movie, though there are some out now I want to see.  Just haven't gone on the few days when I haven't had work stuff to do.

Offline Piffi

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Re: Hello Again
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2017, 03:37:17 PM »
Hehe, i've been thinking about you too, what a mess of a last season.. Maby we should open the Castle thread again?  :D
I was so disappointed with season 8.. But was actually happy with how Bones ended things tho. :P
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Re: Hello Again
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2017, 05:36:38 PM »
If you enjoyed Castle (which I did for a long time except the last seasons) you should try out Lucifer. Same formula but well made IMHO.

Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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Offline GSyren

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Re: Hello Again
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2017, 04:05:17 AM »
If you enjoyed Castle (which I did for a long time except the last seasons) you should try out Lucifer. Same formula but well made IMHO.
Ugh! I need a suggestion filter!  :bag:
I was just starting to feel that The Good Wife had jumped the shark at season 6, and now I find another show on Netflix to binge watch.  :slaphead:
Well, at least it's only 2 1/2 seasons (so far).

Offline Piffi

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Re: Hello Again
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2017, 12:24:29 AM »
Hehe, thanks DJ! :) i've heard about Lucifer, but never seen it tho. Is it any good? If i'm not mistaken, its Mr Jerry Bruckheimer who's behind it right?
He usually makes quality. You're lucky Gunnar, who got netflix, can check it out for free  :laugh:
I dont have netflix at all, spend to much money on movies and tv-shows as it is. ;)
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Offline GSyren

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Re: Hello Again
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2017, 05:01:43 AM »
If you're a fan of the comics (sorry, graphic novels) that Lucifer is based on, you probably should avoid it. The fans seem to hate the show. Most others seem to love it.

I have seen the first two episodes now, and it definitely has potential.

Re Netflix: it's SEK 109 a month, so it's not expensive if you find that they have stuff you want to watch. The downside compared to having the stuff on DVD/BD is that you don't get any special features, and it won’t be available for streaming forever. On the other hand it doesn’t take up any space on my bookshelves. It’s a trade-off...

Offline DJ Doena

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Re: Hello Again
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2017, 08:05:26 AM »
Is it any good?

As hinted at by Gunnar, the basic premise was lifted from the graphic novel series Lucifer. But I've read the first volume and Gunnar is correct, it is a different beast.

The basic premise of book and show is that Lucifer, the fallen angel, the lord of Hell, quit his job and relocated to Los Angeles (the city of angels ;)) and opened a night club called Lux (Latin for "light"). His barkeeper is a demon called Maze/Mazikeen.

In the show they simply made a cop drama out of it where - like in Castle - the pilot episode has Lucifer investigate a murder of a singer whom he helped once and naturally crosses paths with a female detective who invesigates the same murder.

Lucifer is played by British actor Tom Ellis who I only know from a guest appearance on Doctor Who. He played a doctor (not the Doctor ;)) in the apocalyptic world the Master had created in the season 3 finale The Sound of Drums / Last of the Time Lords.

Detective Chloe Decker is played by Lauren German who I know from the first season of Chicago Fire where she played the paramedic Shay.

Detective "Douche" is played by Kevin Alejandro who played Sebastion Blood in the second season of Arrow.

Maze is played by Lesley-Ann Brandt who played Naevia in Spartacus.

Dr. Linda Martin is played by Rachael Harris who I know as a recurring guest on Suits.

And another angel, Amenadiel, is played by D.B. Woodside who starred in 24, Buffy, ...

« Last Edit: December 10, 2017, 08:18:19 AM by DJ Doena »

Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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Offline Piffi

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Re: Hello Again
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2017, 05:08:12 PM »
Yeah, it cost something like that here in Norway aswell Gunnar.. I will have to think about it, i really like to own my copy's with both special features, better sound etc :D
And the tv-show looks ofc good! I hoped it wouldnt  ??? so i didnt have to check it out  ;D
But next week i'm leaving on a vacation for 3.5 weeks, wont be much movies and tv-shows while on vacation i belive! =)
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Offline Dragonfire

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Re: Hello Again
« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2017, 03:33:27 AM »
I actually did come close to posting in the Castle thread again, but then I stopped myself since it had been so long since someone posted.  I was so disappointed with the last season of Castle.  So disappointed.  I never rewatched any of the episodes - I don't have it on DVD either -  and I haven't even watched  my DVDs of the earlier seasons again either.   

I never went back to Bones. 

I thought about trying Lucifer, but I haven't yet.  I did think it looked interesting when it started.  I guess I was mostly wary of FOX getting me hooked on something a little different again and then cancelling it before it really had a chance.  Though I have gotten hooked on a few other shows on FOX since then.  And they are still going so far, so maybe someone there has a brain now.   ;)  I may try to watch Lucifer sometime.