I'll be bowing out of any marathons I believe. I just don't watch enough to really participate. 
Personally I'd like to see more single movie watching and discussing. That's something I could keep up with. (I know - so go start a thread about it
I don't mind choosing movies according to the month's theme. I generally can't keep up the pace all month long. I do find that the various themes cause me to watch things in my collection that I might otherwise forget about for too long. So as long as I can participate at a tortoise's pace, I don't mind running with the hares. 
These two exactly refer to what I was getting at. On the one hand the sheer amount of films we wanted to watch in the beginning (26 or more per month) is just not feasible for most of us (I can do it sometimes, but not every month).
On the other hand, it was also for me a good opportunity to limit, or better focus, the selection on certain films. Like James, I liked how it would "enable" me to watch films which I would otherwise not have picked from the unwatched pile. I do, of course, also understand that this concept still doesn't work for others, like Pete and Jimmy.
Rick correctly indicates, that the marathon often actually did not really trigger discussions about the films we watched. We'd often watch those films "parallel" (actually seldomly watching the same stuff) and rarely actually discuss it. (Yeah, maybe if I'd actually review what I watch it could trigger a discussion...

Well, let's try to get the "DVD Club" revived semetime soon, with everyone watching the same film and then discussing it a little.
Doh. I see Rick already started a