So I started to watch the first few episodes of
Batman: The Complete Television Series, and I reacted to two things.
In the very first scene of the first episode, what is the first thing I see?
A Swedish flag! Yay! What - Me a patriot?

But what was more striking was that the show just hit the ground running (or perhaps "hit the air" would be more appropriate). What I mean is that there was no introduction of any kind. No origin story. Presumably the producers felt that at the time the comic was so well established that he show didn't need explanations of the characters or their backstory.
It's been many, many years since I saw this show on TV. It's great fun to see it again. When you compare it to the recent Batman movies it is hard to believe that the same comic was the inspiration for them. As I remember the comics (of that time) they were never as camp as this TV show. And yet again, they were never anywhere near as dark as the
Dark Knight movies. But I guess the comics did get darker after the sixties, but by then I had stopped reading them.
I assume that most of the people who buy this set do it for nostalgic reasons. Would this show appeal to today's young audience? Well, preschoolers, perhaps. I'm guessing that today's teenagers would find it way too silly. But for us old fogies who saw it back in it's day it is still great fun.