Author Topic: Kathy, you keeping warm?  (Read 5612 times)

Offline DJ Doena

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Kathy, you keeping warm?
« on: November 19, 2014, 01:17:01 PM »
I just saw this:

Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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Offline Kathy

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Re: Kathy, you keeping warm?
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2014, 03:21:20 PM »
I'm fine - thank you.

I do wish the reporters would stop saying "Buffalo" when they are discussing "Western New York". There are dozens of towns covering hundreds and hundreds of miles.

I live in the city of Buffalo and we got just a dusting of snow yesterday. But, just a few miles away there are areas that got hit with 6 feet of snow. This isn't drifting but actual snowfall. Some of the drifts are over 14 feet tall.

The sky was sunny and blue above me but I could see exactly where the snow was hitting - it was amazing. When I woke up this morning I have a foot or so of light fluffy snow.

The local news has aired nothing except "Snovember" coverage. Lake Erie is warm and the snow band has stalled directly above the lake. The result is an unlimited water source which has resulted in record levels of snow.

Tragically, we've already had 5 deaths in Western New York that were a direct result of this snowstorm. 3 people have died of heart attacks, 1 person got pinned between two cars and the last was found in his car buried under 12 feet of snow.

There are hundreds and hundreds of cars stuck throughout Western New York. Some are abandoned but many still have people stuck inside. Tow trucks and snow mobiles are finding it impossible to get to these areas. In fact many of those vehicles are even getting stuck.

Western New York is expected to get at least another 2 feet of snow in the next day or so. Then, the temperature is expected to raise into the 50s...then we'll make the national news with our flooding problems.

« Last Edit: November 19, 2014, 03:29:24 PM by Kathy »

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Re: Kathy, you keeping warm?
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2014, 03:27:13 PM »
If anyone is interested in checking out pictures, our local news stations has some great photos:

Offline DJ Doena

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Re: Kathy, you keeping warm?
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2014, 04:15:25 PM »
I do wish the reporters would stop saying "Buffalo" when they are discussing "Western New York".

Britain is only London ;)

Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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Offline Dragonfire

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Re: Kathy, you keeping warm?
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2014, 12:38:34 AM »
I'm glad the worst of the snow missed you. 
It has been horribly cold here, but not that much snow. 

This winter is not off to a good start. 

Offline Kathy

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Re: Kathy, you keeping warm?
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2014, 01:06:07 AM »
Western New York has officially been declared a disaster area. The National Guard has been called in and most counties are under driving bans.

The snow is so heavy plows are ineffective. So, special equipment is being brought in that can pick up and load the snow.

We have a Buffalo Bills home game this Sunday - I'm not sure that is going to happen.

Another person has died - this storm has taken a real toll on our community. And, the worse is yet to come.

Offline Danae Cassandra

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Re: Kathy, you keeping warm?
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2014, 05:26:41 AM »
Glad you are alright.  Hope things improve somehow for all those affected.  We had a dusting of snow here, but it didn't even stick to the roads. 
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Re: Kathy, you keeping warm?
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2014, 07:00:20 AM »
Western New York has officially been declared a disaster area. The National Guard has been called in and most counties are under driving bans.

The snow is so heavy plows are ineffective. So, special equipment is being brought in that can pick up and load the snow.

We have a Buffalo Bills home game this Sunday - I'm not sure that is going to happen.

Another person has died - this storm has taken a real toll on our community. And, the worse is yet to come.

:(  I hadn't heard that another had died because of this storm.  :(  I know I heard earlier tonight on the news that more snow was expected there over the next day or two.  Hopefully roofs don't start caving in under the weight of all that snow.  I know that has happened some other places before. 

I hope you and your critters stay safe in all this.

Offline Kathy

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Re: Kathy, you keeping warm?
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2014, 07:48:41 PM »
I've been so lucky, I'm surrounded by communities that are being pounded with snow yet I was able to clear my driveway and walks in under an hour.

This isn't the case though with the towns that surround me. Those communities have 8 and 9 feet of snow built up with another 2 or 3 feet expected throughout the day. I am literally boxed in on all sides.

Travel bans and states of emergency will hopefully stop people from trying to dig out nd it seems to be working because there hasn't been any more fatalities.

Homes and businesses I'm afraid haven't been so lucky. A whole bunch of people who live in a senior trailer park have lost their homes. Many homes have had their doors and windows forced in due to the volume of snow. A bunch of different business have had their roofs cave it. We've even had a police vehicle burst into flames. But, so far no one else has been hurt.

According to the weather and news reports we are about half way through this three part natural disaster.

I had just bought 220 pounds of dog food, 70 pounds of cat food, 60 pounds of litter and a couple of pounds of coffee - I'm ready for anything!

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Re: Kathy, you keeping warm?
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2014, 03:37:50 AM »
That is a lot of critter food and litter.  But at least are you stocked up. 

I hadn't heard that people living in a trailer park lost their homes. :(  That's horrible.  I hadn't heard about the doors and windows being forced in by the snow, but that makes sense really with how much there is.  Is it still supposed to get warmer there in a few days?  Of course that will lead to the new problem of flooding when all that melts. 

A police car burst into flames?  Oh my.  What caused that? 


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Re: Kathy, you keeping warm?
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2014, 11:55:59 AM »
A police car burst into flames?  Oh my.  What caused that? 
Spontaneous Combustion?

Offline Kathy

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Re: Kathy, you keeping warm?
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2014, 12:48:43 PM »
There's been no update on why that police car started on fire - the officer just said she heard a popping sound, got out of the car and it burst into flames.

The damage is incalculable at this time. 13 dead so far. 2 people had called AAA but help never arrived - they were literally buried alive. Thousands of houses damaged and hundreds of roofs have collapsed. One nursing home had to evacuate 150+ residents - one of them died during the move.

I'm afraid there might be more deaths as the streets get cleared and people try and dig out and clear their roofs...before the floods start. We are expected to get an increase in temperature from the 20s to the 60s over the next 2 days.

Western New York is resilient though - there are thousands of stories of people helping one another. I'm not the sentimental sort but Buffalo truly is the "City of good neighbors".

I was finally able to get out yesterday, after being housebound for 4 days. In the city and immediate ring of suburbs, the streets are clear. There are 12 foot plus snowbanks on the sides of some of the roads, these were being attacked by a convoy of removal equipment. It was really amazing to watch them and how they went about clearing these mountains of snow and ice.

I went to the biggest grocery store, close to the area that was hardest hit, and it was fully stocked and running as normal. The only thing difference was it was packed with other people at a normally slow time.

Here's a short video that sums up the spirit of my community. It's a parody from the movie Frozen:

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Re: Kathy, you keeping warm?
« Reply #12 on: November 23, 2014, 03:53:48 AM »
Thank goodness the police officer got out of the car before it burst into flames.

I guess this morning it was a level 3 here because of rained and then froze over night.  I had to go into work to get stuff done early because of Thanksgiving next week, and it was fine when I went out.  I hadn't even heard about the ice and everything.  Then this afternoon it was over 50.  Think it is supposed to be close to 60 tomorrow...mid 60s on Monday and close to 70 on Tuesday.  This weather is ridiculous.

My mom had heard about someone who was found in there under...under like 12 feet of snow who died.  :(