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Topic: Rizzoli & Isles - Spoilers (Read 14829 times)
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Rizzoli & Isles - Spoilers
June 29, 2014, 12:32:42 AM »
I'm starting this so we can have a thread dedicated to talking about Rizzoli & Isles - instead of just putting the posts in the Castle thread.
So, there could be spoilers here. When the episodes are still new, we'll use spoiler tags - like we have been doing in the threads for Castle and Bones.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Mega Heavy Poster
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Re: Rizzoli & Isles - Spoilers
Reply #1 on:
June 29, 2014, 01:01:32 AM »
So far I think the new season - I can't remember what season they are up to now. Maybe 5 or 6... Anyway, things are going good so far I think.
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It is sad that the actor killed himself. I remember hearing about it when it happened last year. I think some of the cast briefly said things..it seemed like everyone was surprised. Though it seems like that is the case when someone does that. I really do think that a lot of what Jane said at the funeral - especially when she said something along the lines of how the way he died didn't take away from who he had been...something like that..I can't remember exactly now - anyway, it really seems like at least that part was definitely about the actor. When Jane got home and saw the postcard he'd sent her before heading home... that was so heartbreaking.
The previews and stuff for the episode are saying that the search for a killer may threaten Jane's secret. Shows Jane talking to Moira about how she isn't ready to tell anyone else yet - it looks like Jane is at a doctor's appointment. Then Jane and the one cop - the older guy...can't remember his name - are out somewhere chasing someone..maybe the woods. Jane does this flying leap to the side and lands on the ground. Something incredibly stupid for her to do in her condition. Then she is shown laying on the ground looking like she is in pain or something. Her brother is there too..either him or the older cop check on her. So, right now, I'm guessing that fall is going to cause her to lose the baby.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Rizzoli & Isles - Spoilers
Reply #2 on:
June 30, 2014, 09:38:23 PM »
Thank you Marie! Now its order again
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Well, when i read that he decided that enough was enough. I was shocked really. He didnt have any drugproblems (that we know of) nothing that media have talked about anyways. But i wont speculate in why. Just sad when people decide to do that. And we are in S05 so far. And if they continue this path i think we will have a few more season, atleast i hope so! 1, Castle, 2, Rizzo & Isles 3, The Mentalist (thats my top 3 favorite shows on tv right now)
And yeah, me too thinks that Jane (or Angie in this case) talked to the actor. And not the character. Wich make it much more touching.
I havent seen any promos yet. So thats real interesting! But i dont think (as said before) Jane will have the baby. Something will happen. Will it happen allready now? With the spot you was talking about. I just checked out the promo for E03! And it looks awesome! And Jane told Maura she was the only one she trusted with this. And Maura should never said anything to Jane's mom! Thats just not right. She is someone Jane confided in. And thats not right. But if she loses the baby in this episode. Will she tell them? like "i had a baby, and now its gone" or will she never talk about it again? But again, i'm thinking 'will it be too soon for her to lose the baby' ? If they do it for the drama, will they keep the drama troughout the season or what will happen? Luckly its Tuesday soon! But Maura shouldnt have said anything to Janes mom! That kinda pisses me of actually.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Rizzoli & Isles - Spoilers
Reply #3 on:
July 01, 2014, 05:37:03 AM »
No problem.
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I do think something is going to happen as far as the baby is concerned. The promo for the next episode does make it seem like it is happening now, which does seem a bit soon. Though...maybe it would be better to get it that done now and not be hanging over the whole season. Though, if she does lose the baby, that will probably hang over her. I could see her trying to brush it off and bottle up her feelings - like she does with just about everything - before it sort of....hmmm...explodes or she implodes in a meltdown or something. Maybe even more bad dreams and stuff like that. It seems to be how Jane processes stuff. The crap with that one killer - I can't remember his name - haunted her for a long time...still pops up once in a while - least it did last season briefly. So if she loses the baby - or more than likely when she loses it - I can see the same sort of thing happening. And I could see her not telling anyone else...unless something happens when she is rushed into surgery or something and everyone is waiting when the doc comes out and says she will be ok but we couldn't save the baby. Hmm...I hadn't thought of that before, but I can honestly see that happening. If it isn't that way, I could see her telling Maura, since she knows about the pregnancy.
As to the Maura telling Jane's mom.. I guess I didn't see it so much as her telling... Jane's mom had pretty much figured it out herself because of how Jane was acting..not drinking coffee...smells or the site of food making her sick..stuff like that. I guess I saw it more like Maura didn't deny it when Jane's mom cornered her about it. At least from what I remember of that conversation.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Rizzoli & Isles - Spoilers
Reply #4 on:
July 02, 2014, 01:38:29 PM »
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Meh, now everyone knows.
Well, i think i might had my expactations up waaay too high on this episode. Is it ok to say that the episode was dissapointing? I mean. WTF was that? The case was ordinary (bones level) And now everyone knows about the baby. Great! So what will happen now? Will she be able to keep it? Will the fall she took when she killed the scumbag come back to bite her in the ass in a later episode? I still think that she will lose it somehow. Maby in the seasonfinale? I really looked forward to the episode and neh. Didnt do it for me really. And i just watched the promo for next episode and that looked interesting aswell. Things are blowing up and did i hear correctly that the old guy is retaring? or how i write that.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Rizzoli & Isles - Spoilers
Reply #5 on:
July 03, 2014, 03:24:06 AM »
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I know. Her mom should have just taken out a full page ad in the newspaper, it would have saved her some time and effort. I know you said before you were upset with Maura for telling...that didn't bother me since she was kind of backed into a corner so to speak and forced to confirm it. I was ok with that really. Her mom blabbing all over town - she even told complete strangers - irritates me. Though I guess it does fit for her character.
The episode was ok...they sure built it up with the previews thought...making it seem like the baby would be in danger and then...basically nothing. I did get to thinking before the episode started that maybe it would end up being that the secret would come out...that was what they meant by it being endangered. I thought it looked like there was an explosion in the next one too..and that Jane was there. If they keep teasing crap like that - her in a somewhat dangerous situation, make it seem like she could lose the baby every freaking week, and then nothing really happens, I will get ticked. Not that I want her to lose the baby. I just don't see how her being a single mom will work for the show. And if she is going to lose it, I don't want it to be dragged out all season..keep teasing various accidents and crap ..everything's fine, then in teh final episode of the season, something goes wrong. And everyone is at the hospital boo hooing since everyone knows now. Argh. I don't know. I like the show. Last week's episode was amazing..and so touching. I just don't like the way they seem to be handing Jane being pregnant.
Oh, I thought I heard someone say the older guy was retiring too. Least I thought they meant him. I can't think of his character's name at the moment - I'll have to look it up.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Rizzoli & Isles - Spoilers
Reply #6 on:
July 03, 2014, 03:16:24 PM »
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Well, i didnt like that Maura "said" something to Janes mom. Its a pretty big secret. If Maura didnt say anything to her mom, this would never happen. But her mom (Janes' mom) went on to tell everybody aswell. Even tho she promised not to. Thats not cool! Its Jane's job to tell people. Its her baby. Not her moms. Thats it. Just shut up ok? Let Jane deal with it. Not everyone else! I was actually dissapointed with the episode. But i guess they cant have perfect episodes all the time. I watched the promo too (as i said) and it looks like Jane is in the apartment when it blows up. And if they keep on doing stuff like that to her, and nothing will happen to the baby i think it might happen in the seasonfinale. Or maby the summerfinale? I dont think a baby would work with how the show is made. Unless this is the last season of the series. And with all the great numbers they are producing. Bot the viewers and ratings i dont think they will end it yet. So i guess we'll just have wait and see how they will deal with it. IF they decide to actually keep the baby, i would be real surprised. Than i'll take that when it comes.
And the older guy retiring. His name was Vince Korsak! Hah, i rememberd it now. Personally i dont think he will retire from the squad. When they lost Lee. T Young (Frost was his character name) i think they need the actors and the crew they have now. But i guess they have to do some stuff to make it interesting enough for us. Guess we'll find it out soon enoug
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Rizzoli & Isles - Spoilers
Reply #7 on:
July 04, 2014, 07:21:19 AM »
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They may be planning to drag this danger to the baby thing out to the finale...while Jane's mother gets more and more reason to harp about Jane getting a desk job instead. I am not looking forward to a season of that..and everyone trying to keep Jane wrapped in bubble wrap and then something happens. Heck, sometimes there really isn't a reason for a miscarriage like a fall or something. It can just happen...so they could go on and have her get through all these ...dangerous things - jumping while shooting and falling to the ground...being in a room when something explodes, etc - and nothing only to have her lose the baby someday for no apparent reason. Which would be a sucky way to deal with it. and really, if Jane has too many close calls without anything happening to the baby, then any sort of believability will be out the window. I will be...irked if they have some sort of danger for her every week.
Just in the last episode that guy - Korsak - was talking about how he had to start interviewing new detectives - something like that. Jane was ticked about it, but he had been told to do it because they had a spot in their unit to fill. Something like that. So it seems odd that he would retire the next week. Though we don't hear him say he is retiring in the preview...it was Jane or Maura saying it I think. So maybe there is just a rumor..someone heard him talking about his vacation plans or something like that and embellished the story...or something. I hadn't heard anything about anyone leaving the show...Hmmm.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Rizzoli & Isles - Spoilers
Reply #8 on:
July 05, 2014, 12:53:06 PM »
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Oh well, for me when they make something so real obvious about something. Its just more obvious that it WONT happen. Like the whole weddingstuff with Castle. And now the pregnantscares for Jane. I still think she will lose the baby somehow. But i'm starting to think that it might be a cliffhanger either in the summerbreak or in the seasonfinale. For me anyways they are trowing hints right and left. Maby she will lose the baby because of stress? And not in the dangerous situations we see her in? Would make sense to me actually. Lets just hope they have a plan with it all. And not play it on the go, like Hanson & Co seems to be doing. And for the cast & Crew, i dont think we will lose anyone. Maby add a new actor maby. But not ever sure about that. The character who plays Janes brother is getting more screentime and he's doing allright. So why not use him? I think that would work allright. I guess we will know more trough out the summer? Anyways, they got what they wanted yes? We are talking about the show!
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Rizzoli & Isles - Spoilers
Reply #9 on:
July 05, 2014, 08:51:24 PM »
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Well I suppose that is true...at least with some shows. And when that sort of thing happens - hints that whatever is coming and then nothing - it does tend to....irritate me a bit. Too much like a bait and switch type of game being played by the writers I guess. At least that is how it seems to me at times when they do that stuff. Once, ok fine. But over and over through a whole season? No..that is annoying. She could end up losing the baby because of stress. Or it could just happen without there being a reason like that. Unfortunately that does happen sometimes. No accidents...the woman follows doc orders exactly...not stressed and it still happens sometimes. With everyone knowing - I think her mom told everyone in Boston - it doesn't seem like the higher ups at the station won't find out or hear about it. Guess we will see. Jane even told Casey. Considering the state of their relationship now, I don't mind that we didn't see that talk. Though I do wonder...she did kind of brush off the question when Maura asked how that talk went. Hmmm. Maybe something will end up happening there. Maybe Casey will come back stateside to see the baby...heck..maybe he'll sue for joint custody or something like that. Look at all the complications with Lydia and Jane's other brother - least I think her name is Lydia. The woman who had also been with their dad. ICK.
Tommy does seem to be around a bit more now. He was in Robbery...he was working with that jerk guy that Jane had been involved with previously. But he has been in homicide more lately. Don't know if he is just helping out there or if he got transferred after that one investigation the jerk was in charge of kind of fell apart.
That is true. We are talking about it.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Rizzoli & Isles - Spoilers
Reply #10 on:
July 05, 2014, 09:35:24 PM »
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Heyheyhey Honey. "Even told Casey?" Isnt Casey the one who knocked Jane up? Doesnt he deserve to know it before even Maura? Even tho Maura is her bestfriend and all. He's the father of the child etc. And he is maby the one person who deserve to know it first. It takes two to tango?
Anyways over to the show. And i dont care about how the relationship is between Casey and Jane NOW. The two of them had sex. She got pregnant. Deal with it, both of them. Thats what happen when they dont protect themself. I'm glad she kinda told him. And i'm much happier that we DIDNT see the talk. I read a interview not long ago with actor who play Casey, he said something about he's playing in a tv-show on the otherside of the world. So it would be difficult for him to be at R&I right now. But if he got the time, why not? And for me since they focusing so much on the pregnancy its more clear to me that she WONT have the baby. Its sad to say. It would be way too obvious that she will keep it, since that is what they are trying to make us belive. Hey look, we are talking about the baby for the most part now. Maby thats what they want? So far anyways i would give R&I S05 a 5/6. Looking forward to the rest, just to see how they will fix this "mess"
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Rizzoli & Isles - Spoilers
Reply #11 on:
July 06, 2014, 12:03:19 AM »
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I didn't say that Jane shouldn't tell Casey...just that it wasn't clear at first if she was going to tell him. She said nothing about even talking to him during the first few episodes, so at that point, who knew if she was going to tell him. Some women don't in that sort of situation - find out pregnant after relationship ends. Though.....I can't remember for sure...had she broken up with him when she found out she was pregnant? I know she was having doubts about the relationship in that one episode...she told Maura that she wasn't marrying him...when did she tell him she wasn't marrying him? Hmmmmm.
I did not want to see that talk at all. Seeing their talks when they were still together was ok..but not that. There is a lot of attention on the baby right now. With how things are on the show, it doesn't seem like she would be a single mom. It would be a bit hard for her to hunt done killers with a new born. Though real women cops have kids and keep working so who knows. She does at least have a fairly strong support system with her mom and Tommy. her other brother is more of a flake it seems. I can't think of his name. Heck, her mom could take care of the baby in that snack shop thing she runs at the station...then Jane could go visit during breaks.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Rizzoli & Isles - Spoilers
Reply #12 on:
July 06, 2014, 01:46:54 PM »
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Hehe, well. Its actually only Janes and Casey's business. But since Jane (or her mom is in the business of telling anyone) Casey should know first. Since he is the father (?) it hasnt been anyone else that we know of? But we know Maura have been there for Jane all the time. Both for advice, support etc. So that she was telling her first. Thats allright. But anyways, the whole Boston town knows now because of her mom. So we are finished with that. Now it will be interesting to see how they deal with it. Will she actually keep it? I dont see that happening. Not that kind of a show. Not for me anyways. But maby they will use it as a cliffhanger? I'm starting to belive that. Either the summerbreak cliffhanger or as a seasonfinale?
And when it comes to a new cast member, i'm not sure what to think yet. We have seen Tommy get more screentime, maby they will use him as a replacement for Frost? And get in a supportcast member? IF they decide to get a new cast member i think it will be in this season, not the next one.
Only a few days left now before the next episode. Ah, the time fly!
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Rizzoli & Isles - Spoilers
Reply #13 on:
July 06, 2014, 10:09:48 PM »
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Yup...it is just Jane and Casey's business. I don't think she had been with anyone else. I do understand Jane telling Maura because of their friendship. They could be setting it up to be some sort of cliffhanger at the end of the summer or the season.
Tommy has gotten more to do recently. He could move more into the spot left by Frost since he has some experience. They could have a new person that is sort of like part time or something for a while. Or float between the divisions...sort of like Tommy was doing before..working with robbery and homicide.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Rizzoli & Isles - Spoilers
Reply #14 on:
July 09, 2014, 11:20:01 PM »
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Uhm, so we got this heatwave in our town. So i havent been able to do much today, just been out in the sun since i have my vacation right now! Got some problems with the sleep tho because of the heat. But anyways, finally got around to see the episode. Aaaand
I'm not sure what to think. Interesting case. No baby was hurt. So i will try not to focus on what will happen with the baby yet. I'm still sure something will happen. But now i'm thinking it will be more of a cliffhanger to pull us along trough the summer or something. But Jane's mom is starting to get on my nerves. I think she was just plain rude in this episode. Is it a reason for that? ("I told you so?") And Korsak is thinking about retirment huh? I personally dont think he will leave the show. The actors have great pay, great scheduals. Why say no thanks to that? And i just watched the promo for next episode. And it looked boring. Maby thats a good thing?
Usually something happens when you get a boring promo. Something you didnt see coming. So lets just hope.
We'll Always Have Paris.
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