The first remote I can remember was called "Younger Brother", was switched on by a lite smack on the forehead and had voice-control already.

My first TV as a kid (the family tv) had no remote, 12 or 13 channels with UHF, but what I thought was so cool is each channel was an individual touch-sensitive button and they all ran in a single line. I would take my finger and rake it down and up the buttons as fast as I could and the channel would change instantly through all of them... like turning the dial of a radio really fast.
My Dad bought our next TV so my mother would have one in her "office" room of the house, and I used it to play the ATARI. It used a 13-channel dial like what you see today on a stove.
I don't remember which TV of ours was the first with a remote, but I remember when we owned it. My first crush broke my heart, and I later threw it out of frustration... and then freaked out because I thought I broke it