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Topic: Bones - Spoiler (Read 48501 times)
Mega Heavy Poster
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #90 on:
November 17, 2013, 04:01:06 AM »
I watched the episode today after I got home from some work training stuff. It wasn't as...bad as I had thought it might be..it was ok..but not great again.
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That bit of Bones saying she is better than everyone else does seem to be coming up more often now...they could be trying to set up something. Though who knows what...look at what they set up before and how that fell flat. I still say there is no way she should have been selected to serve for that case. And once it was known that that missing witness was the new murder victim at the Jeffersonian, that is all kinds of messed up. Yes the jury got sequestered, but they knew where Bones worked...once it was known that the new murder victim was at the Jeffersonian and that her HUSBAND was investigating it, she should have been removed from the jury. That is a potential conflict of interest there. And maybe even the body should have been taken from the Jeffersonian after that point too. Lawyers will use anything to try to get a conviction thrown out..the DA wouldn't have wanted to take the chance, especially on such a high profile case. At least they shouldn't if they have a brain in their head. That sort of stuff never would have flown with Caroline as the DA.
I was wrong about the identity theft too. I was convinced that Pelante was behind it some way too. So I'm wrong too.
Unless....oh here I go again.... that roommate is Pelante's long lost sister. Or girlfriend. So..I did it again. lol I about thought wft too. What's the point. And this has been going on for how long now? A few months at least..no leads ..no mention...then suddenly Angela looks into it and figures it out in like a day? What. The. Hell? Yes Angela is smart and good at tracking down stuff, but why wait this long for her to do it? And why in the hell didn't she think about looking for store surveillance before they found the footage of the killer's sister? They've had to access video footage before, yet they act like this was some new thing for Angela to access. What. The. Hell? The holes they are leaving in theses stories are getting big enough to drive a fleet a semis through them.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #91 on:
November 17, 2013, 05:56:04 PM »
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Ugh, now you have me beliving that its Pelantes sister that is behind it all. Thank you so much ma'm! Ehm.
But the last few weeks i've been thinking about maby taking a break from Bones, till the Christmas is over or something.. I've been very negative to the show lately and maby if i take a break and start watching again after Christmas maby i'll like it better again. Havent decided yet tho.
We'll Always Have Paris.
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #92 on:
November 17, 2013, 10:49:02 PM »
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Sorry....I couldn't help myself. Because really, it being Cam's former college roommate from out of nowhere - she's never said a word about this person before I don't think...and she was supposed to have visited the year before - is just ..stupid. It makes more sense for it to be tied to Pelante someway..and he's dead. We think.
But seriously though, that came out of nowhere and seems to be just a .... convenient way to deal with the situation they set up...after dragging it out to long..the part where they are clueless who is behind it I mean. I know it takes a really long time and is a nightmare for people who have had their identities stolen. With the resources of the Jeffersonian and Angela's abilities, this should have happened like the episode after the issue was introduced or something like that.
One thing I forgot to mention last night. I did like that Bones showed that she was...upset about that soccer player guy having gotten off for his wife's murder. She showed some emotion for once other than just going on about how she is smarter than everyone else.
Hmmm...I can't remember what the preview showed..again. It must not have looked that interesting since I've forgotten already.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #93 on:
November 18, 2013, 09:43:20 PM »
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Well, i dont know what to belive now. I just think the whole thing is crazy. I do agree with you actually with everything. Why havent we heard about it before now? Why didnt we know anything about a roommate? Something iffy is going on. But i'm not surprised to say the least. I'm still thinking about taking a break from Bones till Christmas is over. And use my "Bones time" on other shows and movies i have yet to watch. What ya think?
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #94 on:
November 19, 2013, 03:09:59 AM »
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I don't know what to think either. And now that they know who it is...how many episodes will they let pass before it comes up again?
I can understand wanting to do that. I guess I've basically done that before when I stopped watching at times when it ticked me off. Even with this season, I only saw bits and pieces of the first few episodes and was never motivated to watch all of them..I've deleted them all off the DVR too. The wedding episode is off there too. Meanwhile, every episode of Castle from this season is still on the DVR. And they will stay until next September when I get the DVD set.
Ohh...I watched a few more older episodes of Bones today while doing some stuff. One of them was The Episode...when they first get together. So. I paid closer attention to a few scenes this time. We get to see basically nothing, like I remembered. Not even a kiss. Just her being so upset, and him holding her. I did notice more in the talk with her and Angela this time..the look on Bones's face after Angela asked what happened next. I really don't remember noticing that smile on Bones's face before. So I guess we were supposed to just infer everything. Heck...they couldn't even have her say what happened. Sheesh. I'm ok with not seeing everything, but good grief. This went a bit far.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #95 on:
November 19, 2013, 09:01:00 PM »
Ok, i guess i have made up my mind.. I'm taking a break from Bones! Atleast i will try to, just to see if it helps any.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #96 on:
November 19, 2013, 10:58:33 PM »
Ok...I understand that.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #97 on:
November 20, 2013, 09:44:27 PM »
But please feel free to write about the episodes when you watch'em if you like. I dont even know when Bones are having the christmas break. You have any idea?
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #98 on:
November 21, 2013, 03:17:03 AM »
Not a clue.
I forgot to mention yesterday...I saw a few more episodes...it was in to the beginning of season 7 and she's several months pregnant. She is being oh so super practical about things at times..they shouldn't buy a place because of the housing market or whatever. Then in the next episode - which was icky anyway with that competitive eating and a freaking snake inside the body - she goes and has the ultrasound alone..doesn't tell him she has an appointment..and is telling people before Booth that they are having a daughter..and she claimed she wouldn't care if she were Booth. Argh. She is so freaking annoying when she is like that.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #99 on:
November 21, 2013, 04:17:38 AM »
I almost forgot. I read something at the Entertainment Weekly website tonight and Bones came up. They talked about the new serial killer...calling he/she ...whatever something Ghost. Said they are going to find connections between cold cases or something like that. Which goes back to what Pelante was taunting Bones with in that episode...and the one idiot producer said we aren't done seeing the effects of Pelante. Something like that.
Dammit dammit dammit dammit. I knew it. The idiots are going to do something else with Pelante. Dammit. Even if they leave him dead - and I have my doubts about that as you know - they are still going to screw with stuff in some dumbass trickle down thing that he set in motion before he died or something. Ack. Stop it already.
Ok..sorry. I got more...annoyed and aggravated while I was typing there. Pelante just does that to me.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Posts: 2140
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #100 on:
November 21, 2013, 07:34:43 PM »
Well, from season 1 and episode 1 Bones have been annyoing in that way. And when she did that ultrasound thing without Booth and said that she wouldnt mind and blah blah, those kind of things is getting old real fast. "And we know thats how she is" blah blah. But we ALSO KNOWS Bones have grown alot with the years with Booth, and she picks up on stuff like this. But personally i guess she will still stay like this as long as the show is on the air. And they will give us a new serial killer? Well, i dont know what to belive\say about that. How many serial killers do we have now? Pelante, Grave Digger? And Gormagon? (is that how i write it?)
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #101 on:
November 22, 2013, 05:41:31 AM »
I know she has always had kind of that...blunt way. But at times, in previous seasons, she seemed to get a little better...actually react to things and show some normal emotions. Then she backslides again and is all cold and detatched again...and she gets annoyed when people think she is cold. That was in one of the episodes I saw recently..can't remember which it was now..maybe with that teenage girl that deaf and mute and they learned that she had been abused since she was like 4 or something like that. Bones showed emotion at one point, I think it was an intern showed surprise at the reaction, and Bones kind of snaps that I'm not cold. Well excuse the audience for thinking so...try acting like you have feelings for a change then. Then she goes and ...backslides again I guess you could say after she and Booth get together. Claiming that she should make certain decisions all by herself because she has more money...finding out it is a girl by herself...all that nonsense. Today I saw the episode when Christine is born again. She goes and claims that she is being oh so rational and reasonable...shows the proper amount of caution, then she insists she will not give birth in a hospital and waltzes right into a high security prison. Booth shows some worry, and she completely dismisses him...she goes and charges right into the cafeteria full of prisoners yelling out who she is looking for, claiming that no prisoner will touch her because she is pregnant. And she hides that she is in labor until almost the last damn minute. Argh. What an idiot. She may be really smart, but she does some incredibly stupid things and most of the times she acts like she doesn't give a damn about Booth's feelings or concerns. It is just aggravating that the character has shown so little growth after this many years. She could still be rational without being so....abrasive and cold.
Yes they are cooking up a new serial killer. They absolutely should not do since they have shown that they can't do those types of stories right. I think you are right on the count. This new one will make 4. They need to stop trying..I just have a bad feeling about this.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #102 on:
December 09, 2013, 12:27:35 AM »
I finally watched the one episode that had been on my DVR for a few weeks.
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Angela does a bachelorette type party for Bones...things kind of go wrong and they end up in a brawl, complete with Caroline. Booth was kind of acting like an idiot at times. He didn't come right out and say it, but he was acting like he didn't want Bones to spend time with Angela anymore. If they wanted to have him....irked at Angela for what she said after he called off the wedding, then he should have been a man about it and said something to Angela to her face instead of that passive aggressive shit that made Bones feel like she had to choose between the two of them. When she said that, he was all oh no you don't have to do that...but she was distancing herself from Angela. Once Booth found out what happened at the party, I was just waiting for him to blame Angela - not because I thought it was her fault - it was Bones's fault for how she got drunk off her ass and then said insulting stuff to bikers. For such a smart person, she is a dumbass. Anyway, with how Booth was acting during the episode, I did expect him to blame Angela..maybe even go so far as to say something to Bones about how irresponsible Angela is and what a bad influence she is..something like that. Thank goodness he wasn't that much of an ass to do that. And there was all this...build up in that episode about tension between Angela and Booth that once again went nowhere. With how Booth has been established - prior to the last few seasons anyway - if he was that upset with Angela, he would have said something sooner...especially before they went on the honeymoon, leaving Angela and Hodgins to take care of Christine. If he was that upset with her, I don't seem him leaving his daughter wtih her. Also during the episode, at least one person, maybe two, made some remark about how there was tension between Angela and Booth lately. Yes there was back before everyone knew why he called off the wedding, but I haven't seen it since they got engaged again. So they go and have Angela go to Booth to apologize..... then he finally says that he knows she was just looking out for Bones. So why the hell didn't he open his big mouth about that sooner?? Ack. I swear the characters are becoming bigger dumbass idiots every week. And I'm getting more annoyed by them. I will say it wasn't as bad as I had expected before watching the episode...from how they have done other stuff, I guess I was just expecting the blame to Angela to be worse than it was.
Ohhh..the case for that episode. All that stupid "tension" and crap got me so aggravated that I forgot the case. And it was gross...though not as gross as that bug growing in Hodgins's neck. Anyway..the case was ok, but not that great.
I also went ahead and watched the newest episode too...mostly because I saw that there was going to be something tied to the identity theft again.
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So....Booth finally arrested the identity thief. Evidently he was able to act on what Angela found out a few episodes back - when she found the video footage. But once again, there was nothing about all this and then bam, she's being brought in in handcuffs. Can hauled off and slapped her - go Cam.
Then Cam and Booth got called to a scene where a body had been found. A little later, Cam was telling the guy she is dating - Aristoo or something like that. I have no idea how to spell his name - that Caroline talked about other charges that could be filed that would put the thief away for 3 more years. Cam wanted to pursue that - and I totally see why. Then he kind of gets all...judgy with her about it...in another scene he goes on about what he dealt with in Iran and how he forgave..stuff like that. Basically laying a guilt trip on Cam for wanting the identity thief punished. Like Cam said, even though she has been arrested, she is going to be dealing with the mess and fall out from it for a long time yet. She went and saw the woman at the jail to ask why...that woman was nasty and acted so entitled. Cam didn't give her a loan when she visited the year before...but Cam has a job and can afford it. She acted like it was no big deal..she was really nasty. Then after that, Cam decides to forgive and not pursue the extra charges. ARGH!!!!! No no no no no. they are probably trying to make Cam look like a better person...she didn't want to get bitter and all that. I don't know...it just didn't work for me. She could still tell Caroline to go after the extra charges without getting all bitter about it. It just seemed like a waste to have even brought up the extra charges for it to be dealt with this way. Yet again, something else they build up and up and then...it fizzled out.
The case..nothing special again. It was ok. I did think Booth was being a jerk toward the father of the victim. The guy was a brilliant mathematician who gets very wrapped up in his work ...and distracted....so he didn't remember some things, like when he had seen his daughter last. Also, his wife had died from cancer, and he had buried himself even more in work to deal with his grief. So Booth decides he killed her. And he was kind of...nasty about it..and he sort of jumped on Bones because she believed the dad...she relates to him getting lost in his work. Sometimes Booth needs someone to slap some sense and compassion into him.
Ok...I'm done now.
Well I was done...as soon as it posted I remembered one thing I was going to say..
No more new episodes until January 10th I believe it is. That's what the little preview said at the end of the last episode. And I don't care that there isn't a new episode for a month. I hadn't even realized there was a new one this week until I was looking at the DVR later and saw it there.
Last Edit: December 09, 2013, 12:29:16 AM by Dragonfire
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #103 on:
December 09, 2013, 07:25:13 AM »
I had another thought...which led to another...well...potential loose end or something I think. Or at least a matter of them totally forgetting stuff that they established back in early seasons.
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First Thought
This one sort of tied to the last episode. No wait..the episode before that had a person end up ground up in beef stew - nasty.
Anyway.... I have an idea on how Hodgins is going to get money again. I don't know if it was said that he would get his money back...or just get money again. If it is just getting money again, I'm thinking it could be tied to that sauce. I think it was in last season. The intern that Hodgins calls Opie had brought some sauce to work and Hodgins used it..turns out it was the very last of the sauce that his grandmother made before she died...something like that. Then Hodgins went and like reverse engineered it. Then they took it somewhere - I think a hotel maybe - and worked out a deal to sell it. During the last episode the know it all intern that I still can't stand - why oh why can't he go away and stay away - made some remark about liking the sauce and that he buys it. So now I'm thinking that something will develop tied to the sauce...it will go national or something and Hodgins and Opie will make a boat load of money.
Thinking about this got me to thinking about something else. Back in I think it was season 2, around the time that Hodgins and Bones were taken by the Gravedigger, it came out that this one group is responsible for a lot of the money that the Jeffersonian gets. And that the Hodgins family - at least I think he still has family alive - are the only members or the majority of the members. Something like that. Hmm...or maybe it was late in the first season when there was some fundraiser going on the one guy that left said something...crap...I can't remember when exactly. But in the first few seasons. So anyway. Basically Hodgins was responsible for a huge chunk of the money that the Jeffersonian got each year. Then last year, Shithead Pelante goes and sucks dry every single account that Hodgins has. So the single biggest contributor to the Jeffersonian is basically bankrupt. Yet nothing has been said about that and how him being broke now impacts the financial situation of the Jeffersonian. No talk of budget cuts or having to make due with whatever equipment instead of buying the absolute newest. Like that computer earlier in the season that was supposed to predict who the killer was...though Booth also had it at the FBI, so maybe that was more a bureau thing. Anyway, it seems like they just should have mentioned something about how the budget at the Jeffersonian is lower now...or there are budget cuts...something. Just another example of how they are ignoring something that was previously established.
Ok...I think I'm done now..again.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #104 on:
December 10, 2013, 10:23:12 PM »
Well, this is all your fault Marie!!
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I gave in. After all you wrote about 'Bad Guy\Boy Booth' and a drunk Bones on her party. I couldnt take it anymore, i had to watch it. I blame you!
But anyways, back to the episodes.. First episode first, I actually liked what Booth did and he had enough of Ange, and thats fair enough. I thought maby we would see somekind of blowup between the two, but it all ended in a hug?! Well, are they going soft on us? Not good. I hoped we would see a bit more. Not much, just a bit more. But i guess the issue between Booth and Ange is done no? They are all fixed and best buds again? And we all know that Bones had the fighthing skills but it was cool to see Caroline fight! It looked like she got some moves too.. Ehm, that came out wrong. Wont say too much about the episodes, avarge as usual. Seems like they only make Avrage this days. Nothing new there. But not the worst episode this season. And this latest episode was allright too, i'm not going to be too hard on Booth (like you was
) I think Booth acted in character. Just like Bones did and does when she is her usual self. I myself belived the dad had something to do with it. And the dad not remembering his last day with his daugther? I'm NOT a father myself. So i dont know, but i think i would remember the last time i saw my kids alive. Even if i've lost my wife the year before in Cancer. Something was of with the dad. I guess i think he was the male version of Bones. We saw how they connected in the end there. Still an avrage episode. And the whole "payoff" with Cam's ex girlfriend. Dont get that plot there. Why even waste money (on a stand in) and screentime, if that was it? Why not use the screentime on some of the other regulars? But if it turns out she is Pelante's sister i can totally see why! If not, waste of time and space. But i'll give her this she played the bitch very good. But we see Cam as this great person "ah, i forgive you blah blah blah" dont sit very well with me. Sorry to say that. But i've never liked Cam. Dont know why she is there still. But i wont use anytime on that, cause she will be there to the end of the show. So i'll just deal with her. That motherfucker. Anyways, happy holydays!
We'll Always Have Paris.
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