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Topic: Bones - Spoiler (Read 48506 times)
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #60 on:
October 28, 2013, 12:29:48 AM »
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I get what you mean about the episode being just...meh. I kind of feel the same way. I haven't watched it again yet either..something I never would have thought a few years ago about a wedding between them. Heck even before the disaster of the last episode last season, I would have been happier about a wedding. Now it is just like Hanson and the writers have created too much artificial tension and unneeded...well...shit to much up stuff that it has messed up things.
Hanson and the writers really and truly don't know how to properly write about a happy, committed couple. If they wanted to stay focused on the cases..that would have been fine..then they never should have started down the road of Booth and Bones being interested in each other that way. Hanson and the writers are the ones that started that..and then proceeded to jerk the audience around for years before anything happened, and then, it was only because Emily Deschanel got pregnant. The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced now that if she hadn't gotten pregnant when she did, they would have continued to drag out will they/won't they. Heck, they would probably still be doing it. A good writer can write interesting episodes featuring a happy couple without having to inject artificial tension or create obviously stupid situations to keep pulling the couples apart in some way - Bones going on the run for ..what was it..4 months with Christine...Booth calling off the engagement because of Pelante and all the problems that caused. The writers of Castle can do it...heck, they even did it to some degree with Ryan and Jenny first. And, they didn't jerk them around and have them break up for a stupid ass reason either. Unlike the writers of Bones.
They put Angela and Hodgins together in season 2 I believe it was. And they were good together. They when they are ready to get married - married mind you - they find out that Angela was still technically married to some guy from an island or something. They spend a freaking year trying to discover who he is - because she has no clue..not even his name. They finally find him and he signs the divorce papers..then Angela and Hodgins have a stupid fight about trust and they break up an episode later. In no time, Angela has taken back up with Roxy, a woman she was involved with in college or something...someone never mentioned before. she's kind of ...shitty to Hodgins for a while. She screws around the with one intern guy - I can't remember his name..thinks she's pregnant and Hodgins goes and says that he will stand by her and help her with that. Which shows that he's a great guy...then they are still kind of...snippy with each other..they end up locked up in some dinky town and then bam..they get married at the end of that episode. I was fine with them getting back together...but again, they screwed it up. But they screwed them up to begin with it, so it was too much to hope that they would have at least done them getting back together decently. Then there are all the screw ups with Booth and Bones. All the little hints and nonsense..then that 100th episode. That really did just about make me quit watching. I came so close then. As it was, I barely watched the rest of the episodes that season...there were some I didn't watch and that I still haven't seen. So..I say that Hanson and the writers of Bones can't write about happy couples. Good writers could do it..they are not good enough. It is probably just a matter of time before there is some big disaster with Cam and Aristoo - no clue how to spell his name..and her daughter and the intern she is dating.
I agree that Bones could be doing better at this point..being on a long time doesn't automatically mean a decline in enjoyment or good shows. But these writers and Hanson seem incapable of doing it properly.
I do think the show is getting moved to Fridays in November... I'm just not sure exactly when. And Fridays has been where FOX sends shows to die for years. It is probably a miracle that Fringe lasted as long as it did..and that they were given time to wrap things up decently. In the past when Bones got moved around the schedule, I got annoyed. Now..even with the move to Friday...I don't really care. It does seem to be going downhill..and of course, some blame it on Booth and Bones being together and having Christine. It is just bad writing. The other shows you mentioned have better writing overall - though CSI has irritated me a few times. But not to the degree that Bones has.
ohhh..almost forgot.
As to where it started going wrong...for me, I would say that was back when they ripped Angela and Hodgins apart. It was stupid and pointless..the characters really didn't grow while they were apart. That was a hint of things to come too I think given how the writers jerked us around concerning Booth and Bones for so long...up to the episode when Pelante was killed - supposedly. I still think something isn't right about that situation either...
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Posts: 2140
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #61 on:
October 28, 2013, 10:55:48 PM »
Is it no Bones tonight? If not, i got alot to talk about tomorrow. Got a few things about the earlier seasons. But if remember correctly the have some kinda break tonight?
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #62 on:
October 28, 2013, 11:58:29 PM »
That's right..no new Bones tonight. It is The World Series tonight. Normally I get annoyed when a show is preempted by some sports thing like this. I don't even care that Bones isn't on because of it tonight.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #63 on:
October 29, 2013, 10:17:11 PM »
Well, sport is my passion. I just really love sports. So a real good game on tv or something else sport related i watch that over the tv-show. (The tv-shows i can record) but sport its best to watch live IMHO! But anyways in the early seasons i was annoyed when Bones was on a break. Or in the hollyday seasons when there were off for a long time. But now i'm not. I dont care much really. I will continue to follow what happens i guess, but i feel if they would go off air now it would be kinda ok. Sad but true :S Maby i should start to watch the old seasons again. To get the feeling back!
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #64 on:
October 30, 2013, 03:59:47 AM »
I understand what you are saying..I don't really care about it not being on for a while either. I've just gotten to the point where enough is enough I guess.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Posts: 2140
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #65 on:
October 30, 2013, 10:18:43 PM »
I'm sorry for what i'm about to say right now. But i've said it all along i think this is the last season of Bones.. And i actually do hope it is the last one. It hurts me to say it. The early seasons of Bones was great. Then it was one of my top shows. But now they have ruined the great that once was Bones.. I hope they end it after season 9
Bones and Booth is married. They have a child. End it before they ruin it more!
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #66 on:
October 31, 2013, 02:05:35 AM »
I understand what you are saying. Honestly, if I read tomorrow - later tonight..whatever - that Bones had been cancelled, I really don't think I'd even care anymore. I wasn't even excited about the wedding..something I wouldn't have thought would have happened even a year ago. Hanson has just....let the show go way downhill. And frankly, with the show being moved to Fridays, FOX may be thinking this should be it too.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #67 on:
November 04, 2013, 02:42:45 AM »
There is a new episode tomorrow night - Monday. I saw a preview tonight... They are on their honeymoon and Bones goes and gets involved in investigating some bones or something.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #68 on:
November 05, 2013, 03:49:47 AM »
I saw some of the new episode..I was late getting home..so I missed some. I don't know why or how certain things happened... episode seemed..ok I guess.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Posts: 2140
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #69 on:
November 06, 2013, 08:48:12 PM »
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Well, i just watched the episode. And i actually think it was ok. We knew that Bones and Booth wouldnt go on the honeymoon without catching a murder or something. If they continue this path, it will be better. Still not good or great, they still have alot of work to do. But it was ok. And whatsup with Ange and Hodge? Are they going to get another baby?! And i have to ask. We saw both Michael and Christine together, one with long hair. And one with short hair. Who's who? I couldnt see who was him and her
I havent seen any promo's yet, so i dont know what the next episode looks like, but i will have to give it a shot still.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #70 on:
November 07, 2013, 02:55:31 AM »
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I watched it last night. Like you said, it was ok..not great, but ok. I wasn't annoyed anyway.
I did like Angela and Hodgins taking care of both kids. Seemed like by the end, they decided they wanted another kid.
I think Christine has blonde hair that has some curls. Thinking her hair was a little longer than Michael Vincent's...but I could be wrong. They weren't show up close that often.
There was ..sort of a promo for next week. But it really didn't show squat about what would be happening. It was mostly about how there are 2 new episodes next week..Monday and Friday..the show is moving to its new time slot next Friday.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Heavy Poster
Posts: 2140
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #71 on:
November 07, 2013, 10:18:50 PM »
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I just watched the promo aswell.. And as you said it isnt showing much. So is this FOX sending Bones to its end station? Is this it? Fridays = The Death at FOX?
And i read some snippets about the next episode(s) i think it was. Something about Bones and Booth will have their first big fight and stuff as a married couple. WHY GO DOWN THAT ROUTE AGAIN HUH!?! Now that they just had an ok epiosde, they will pull this crap? Whats with the stupid drama? Find the drama other places. Feel that it makes me annoyed if its true. Guess we'll just have to see. But with them i guess nothing would surprise me.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #72 on:
November 08, 2013, 03:32:24 AM »
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I know what you mean.
I saw some little interview with Borenaz - not sure spelled that right. He mentioned that they would have to figure out how to be married..how that changes things at home...something like that. What the heck? they have been living together for like 2 years..heck, maybe a little longer given how some time was skipped in some episodes. Anyway, they have lived together long enough that they don't need to go suddenly having problems because they are married. What a crock of crap. Knock off that nonsense and get the drama from the cases. But they can't seem to do that either...they come up with horrid characters like Pelante that they then shove down our throats over and over and claim he is so wonderful. The writers seem to have run out of ideas.
I ended up turning on an old rerun of Bones on tv while I was doing some cleaning this afternoon. I sort of remembered seeing it before, but not everything.
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Once it get to the end, I knew why I didn't remember a lot of it. I had blocked it out.
It was the damn 100th episode..Booth goes and lays it out there that he wants them to try a relationship..she says she can't do that...can't take the risk or whatever. Then in less than a minute he's going on about finding someone else. Those last few minutes ruined the episode - which had been ok before that - and the rest of that season for me.. and now I'm irritated all over again. Idiots. Stupid assine shit. And that was supposed to be what the fans had been waiting for? I don't think so. I'm even more irritated just thinking about it.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Posts: 2140
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #73 on:
November 09, 2013, 11:47:44 AM »
Hehe, i will be honest with you. I've seen you said some things about the 100th episode. But i dont remember what happens in that episode, or in what season etc it was. But the episode have my interest since you hate it so much. Hehe. You dont remember what season and episode in that season it was? I remember some of the things you said about the episode. But not the whole episode. And for Booth and Bones to find their way as a married couple.. Weell, i can get that in one way. But since they have been living together for so long i dont get it. But to find their ways doesnt need to be a bad thing if they do it correct. Look at Rick and Kate they are still finding their ways. And they are still making good tv! Well, i'll guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #74 on:
November 10, 2013, 12:18:53 AM »
Let me think a minute here....
I think the 100th episode was late in season 5.
I just looked up something...the title is The Parts in the Sum of the Whole.
Sweets has finished writing a book about Booth and Bones..they each have a problem with the book and go to talk to Sweets..end up talking about the first case they worked on together. That was ok - though Cam was around, which is just wrong. So they made it like Cam and Bones knew each other, slightly, before Cam took her job at Jeffersonian. Wrong. Anyway.
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Bones is acting...well...I don't know exactly..more flirty I guess with Booth. They get to a point, after they get drunk, where they kiss and evidently they almost spend the night together, but Bones was the one to put the stop to that - big surprise there. They work together a bit more on that case, but things start falling apart - she even hits him at one point and tells him off. They tell Sweets it was over a year before they worked together again after that. Then they end up somewhere and Booth starts talking about them...he wants them to try. she says how she is unsure..basically afraid..she starts crying...asks if they can still work again. he says yes..and then is right into saying he is moving on and finding someone else....within like a minute or 2 of telling her he wants to be with her and wants them to try. And he knows she has issues tied to everything that happened with her parents disappearing when she was ...what...15 or so.
So. That's what pissed me off so much about that one. I had forgotten that they kissed earlier in the episode..again something fans were going nuts for. So they throw a bone to the fans with that...and then go and make things horrible in the current time with them by having her refuse to try a relationship and him saying well I'm moving on..see ya. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. It is so freaking aggravating. And for the rest of that season - what I even bothered to watch - Bones got even more distant and detached with people. Then at the end of the season, everyone went off somewhere..including Booth joining the freaking army again. I still haven't seen that episode. I just know enough about it to know it would piss me off.
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Bones - Spoiler