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Topic: Bones - Spoiler (Read 48475 times)
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #45 on:
October 15, 2013, 11:06:56 PM »
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Hehe, that wasnt nice said about the "new intern" i didnt like him either, but i guess he did play his part as a jerk good. But he wont be a regular. But i just watched the episode and meh.. Ordinary for me. Nothing special. The case was ordinary and the banter between Bones and Ange was ordinary. Disappointing really. I guess i have more to write about tomorrow. Good night so far. (havent seen the promo for next episode yet) but they need to step it up, to get the season up a bit. Nothing special yet after 4-5 episodes.
We'll Always Have Paris.
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #46 on:
October 16, 2013, 12:36:50 AM »
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Yes...welll. He provoked me...by acting like an arrogant, disrespectful know it all ass. The actor did the part well..I wanted to reach through the tv and slap him until he stopped - in Angela's words - being a douche.
I agree. Meh fits exactly...and blah. Where the heck is her excitement over getting married? Yes she has gone on and on before that marriage isn't needed..blah blah whatever. But she did decide she wanted to be married. Now it is like she is planning a visit to the dentist.
I did see the promo. All it was was building up the wedding and showing scenes tied to the wedding. Nothing about any sort of case or anything. The entire episode won't be the wedding I don't think...Which that could be a good thing if they did that...but they have always had some kind of case going on too. The day fans have waited for for 8 years - they are probably building it up too much..given how they have..followed through on other things we've been waiting for. Honestly, I think I'll be waiting for Pelante to pop up and try to shoot Booth or something when they walk back down the aisle. Not even the wedding is getting me that ..excited..and that is because of how things have been done in this show in the past. I guess I really don't care anymore.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #47 on:
October 17, 2013, 05:17:05 PM »
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So, first of all. Sorry for a late answer. But here's the deal, i was actually thinking "well, ok" after the last episode. (havent seen the promo yet) not going to. I'm leaving on Sunday, will be gone for a week. So wont be able to watch either Castle or Bones before i get home from my vacation! But anyways. I've read some interviews and stuff about the upcoming wedding episode. And what i've read so far is hinting that something might happen at the wedding. AND IF THAT HAPPENS! FUCK IT. As much as it hurts me to say. I might just be done. If they fuck up the wedding and make a mess out of things. I'm done! Here, i said it. If something happens you got my word. I'm done with Bones after 9 years!
I pray to god i'm wrong.. But these days i'm not sure
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #48 on:
October 18, 2013, 02:53:28 AM »
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I know exactly what you mean. I've read a few things about things happening to cause problems for the wedding too and I'm NOT into that...at all. They have jerked us around enough. Let them get married in peace. But, given Hanson's track record, that is highly unlikely. Which sucks. So...depending on how badly they screw stuff up...I may be done too. I already feel like I've given up on it anyway. If there is just some sort of minor nonsense going on...then maybe I'll deal. But if it is even slightly more than a minor thing, that will probably push me over the edge. And I know exactly what you mean about hoping not, but not being sure. Hanson seems to take delight in screwing with Booth and Bones...which results in screwing with us.
I know I may have sounded like I was joking before when I said I kind of expect Pelante to pop up at the wedding...but I'm sort of not. With everything else that has happened, I almost expect him to show up and start shooting. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if he was sitting in the back, in a disguise so he looked like someone's great aunt Ester or something..then he jumps up and tries to shoot someone.
The show is still moving to Fridays..where FOX sends shows to die. Over the summer I read a short interview thing where someone asked Hanson about the move and he said it wasn't set in stone yet..something like that..like the show would stay on Mondays. That isn't happening. Starting on November 4th, a new show is airing at 8. It seems like a lot of fans are already taking this move to Fridays as a sign that the end is near. And given what the show has been doing in the last few years, maybe it is a good thing.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #49 on:
October 19, 2013, 12:41:46 AM »
Uhm, i've been very negative in my last few posts regarding Bones. But i will be 100% honest. And here's goes nothing. I started to watch Bones when i bought season 1 and 2 on dvd. And i was hooked. The show was just real great. And when the episode was finished i was like "ah, great. Cant wait for the next one" like Castle is now! But the last few seasons i've been like "meh" after a episode. Its not like i'm looking forward to the next episode anymore, like i do with Castle. And it hurts me to say it. But they've lost the touch they once had. And i think they should say "enough is enough" after this season if this continue. Let people remember the Bones from what is was, and not let it go on too long and we end up with a real bad taste in our mouths. Its sad really.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #50 on:
October 19, 2013, 04:32:13 AM »
I know what you mean.
I started watching the show from the first episode when it originally aired. I use to look forward to the new episodes too. Now..not so much. Even with the next episode being the wedding...I'm still just...meh. I never would have thought this, but I'm not excited by the wedding. I just don't care anymore because of the crap that has been done and the horrible way the relationship has been handled. It isn't the same at all. And I notice it more now that Rick and Kate are together in Castle because that show is doing it so well.
It is getting sad. They will have to do a lot to fix the mess they have created.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Posts: 2140
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #51 on:
October 19, 2013, 09:52:02 PM »
Well, tomorrow i'm leaving on my vacation! Finally
so that means one week without Bones and other tv-shows. Wich will be great. Just relaxing, and not thinking about work or anything. The last month i've been working from 7 in the morning to 11 at night. Going to be good with a week off. Anyways, i hope with the week gone, that wonderful things happen. Maby i will get the "wow" feeling back. I'm not sure and i highly doubt it unfortunatly. But i will give it a week. Maby i'll check in here to see if you write something about this episode (if you are going to watch it)
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #52 on:
October 20, 2013, 01:45:18 AM »
I'll probably watch it. I can't say that I won't get annoyed in some way though.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #53 on:
October 20, 2013, 08:56:41 AM »
What do you know that i dont? Eh, i guess it dont matter since i'm not going to watch before a weeks time.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #54 on:
October 21, 2013, 02:30:24 AM »
It's not that I know anything for sure. I'm just basing that off of past experience with the show..and their promised great things.
Like the 100th episode
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Hanson, writers, and some of the cast went on about it being what fans have been waiting for. Ok...so Booth actually admits his feelings to her..she isn't ready at that moment..fine. Then he immediately turns around and says he is going to find someone else to marry and have a family with.
So I'll just say that I'm....wary of what Hanson and the writers promise anymore.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #55 on:
October 22, 2013, 04:35:53 AM »
Ok...I'm not annoyed. I liked the episode overall. Few little things - mostly what Bones said or did at some point - that slightly irritated me. But that has happened in just about every episode.
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Most important thing...they do get married...and Pelante didn't return from the grave to try to kill either or both of them. So...that's good. They are married. But, the episode ended with them walking back up the aisle..didn't even get to see anything of a reception. Which sucks.
The team gets a new case and try to keep Booth and Bones out of it because the wedding is the next day..Ok...seems normal enough. Things mostly going ok..Bones more interested in work than getting ready for the wedding..again, seems normal for her. Then there is an issue with the church and it looks like the wedding is going to be postponed. That was a bit...stupid. It wasn't needed. It was like ...fake tension or something. Especially since FOX has been pushing out information about the wedding for a few weeks now. So everyone knew there was an actual wedding. Heck, even people who don't watch the show know there was one. It was just pointless for them to put that in the episode...sort of a last minute fake out. Just stop it. They could have left that crap out, and given us some of the reception.
There was no preview for the next episode, so not even sure when the next new episode will air. The World Series is going on..might still be in playoffs..I don't know..don't really care, but it does screw with shows on FOX. So I think that is why no new episode next week. Sleepy Hollow said it would be back with a new episode in 2 weeks...and that might be when the new show moves into the Bones timeslot and Bones gets bumped to Fridays.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Posts: 2140
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #56 on:
October 22, 2013, 08:16:11 PM »
Well, then there is some hope! Thanks for the review. I will watch it next week when i come home. What i will do tho is to see if i find Bones on blu!
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #57 on:
October 22, 2013, 08:56:59 PM »
There is...though I guess I still feel like I'm waiting for something to happen to screw stuff up again. I can't help it after everything the writers have done over the years.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #58 on:
October 25, 2013, 04:30:17 AM »
I read a few things about upcoming episodes...I have a few thoughts. This is gonna get spoilery, so read at your own risk and all that.
I think the next new episode will be on November 5th from what I read, though I might be remembering that wrong.
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There is going to be a honeymoon in some form. Not sure if they will be on the honeymoon and get pulled into a case, or just have them coming home at the beginning of an episode or what. Angela is going to still throw a bachelorette party for Bones. And, I think it might be in that episode, that Angela and Booth are going to have it out about her being upset with him over back out of the wedding. It sounds like they are trying to build that up more than I think it needs to be. and some people posted on the article that mentioned that. Most of them think Angela is horrible and should basically have to beg Booth for forgiveness or something. Which I think is a bunch of crap. Granted, I didn't see all of the first few episodes, but I didn't see or hear about later anything from Angela that sounded that bad. She is Bones's best friend..probably still really her only friend even though Bones is a bit better at interacting with people. She still really doesn't have other friends though. Angela knows how Bones is..the two of them have been friends for longer than Booth has been around. Angela was trying to stand up for her friend, who she did not want to see be hurt. Yes she likes Booth too, but her loyalty is with Bones. She has always tried to look out for Bones and stand up for her. This was no different. Bones and even Booth should realize that and not make a big deal about it. They could have a little talk or something, but that should have been done in the episode before the wedding. Angela just saying something about how she was worried about Bones getting hurt or something like that should be enough. But it probably won't be..and evidently some other fans don't think it should be enough either.
One person that posted on that article even asked how bad was what Booth did? That person, and a few others, basically said it was no big deal. That I don't agree with. Bones has all kinds of issues tied to relationships. Booth knows that by this point. She has had relationships before, but they were never that serious..at least it didn't seem like they were. She has had issues about marriage and said there was no point for most of the relationship...then when she finally gets to the point where she wants to marry him and she even proposes, in no time he goes and backs out of getting married, giving bullshit reasons. Yes it was because of Pelante and he was trying to do the right thing, but it was still shitty and very hurtful to Bones. She basically looked shattered after she left the room in the last episode last season..after he backed out of getting married. So what he did was a big deal even though there were...other circumstances. It was just a screwed up situation all around that didn't need to happen.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #59 on:
October 27, 2013, 10:07:39 PM »
So i watched the episode allright. Aaand meh. Thats my reaction actually.
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So, the case wasnt a real case really. Boring. And they brought in the other squints to keep Bones away from the case, while focusing on the wedding. And ofc they had to put som "drama" in there with burning down the church or whatever. We all knew they would end up married in the end. And the speech from Bones and Booth i do actually remember the episodes where the stuff happened. (what they was talking about in the speech) So finally after 9 long years they got married. This should be the best episode to date. But it was (for me) rather disappointing. I guess it will be interesting to see how they will handle the whole married issue now that they actually are married. I'm worried about the show. Now they have a week break yes? And wasnt it in November they are changing timeslots to Fridays? Where FOX sends shows to die? Well, i'm disappointed in the episode. In the season so far. In the show with how they have handled stuff lately. I really really love the earlier parts of the show. Season 1-6 (for me) is up there with Friends (prolly my favorite show of all times!) and how i feel about Castle right now. But after season 6 ended something changed. For the worse. AND IF they somehow renew the show for a 10th season.. Im not sure if i will continue to follow it. Depends on what happens the rest of the season. Hopefully we will se Bones (Emily) in other stuff after Bones. I think she is a great actress and i do like her alot. So hope it wont be the last we've seen of her or Booth for that matter. I dont get this "wow" feeling anymore about the show. I've been like "is it finished soon" about a few episodes. And thats not a good sign is it? Where did it all go so terrible wrong? Where did they fuck it all up? Look at Friends. 10 great seasons! NCIS still going strong after 11 seasons! CSI are on their 14th! My point is - even tho you got a tv-show that have been on air for several seasons it doesnt need to be like this! Look at my examples. They are still finding ways to make it fresh and interesting.
I guess that sums up my thoughts about the show so far.
We'll Always Have Paris.
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Bones - Spoiler