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Topic: Bones - Spoiler (Read 48466 times)
Mega Heavy Poster
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #30 on:
October 11, 2013, 03:15:28 AM »
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I know what you mean...I hope not...but. And the but gets bigger the more I think about it. Like you said, there are too many things that don't add up with this. And Hanson said before that Pelante wasn't going to be resolved soon..it would take a while. I don't think 4 episodes qualifies as a while. So...I think the stupid ass will be back. Something isn't right about what is going on. Not right at all. I just know I'm beyond fed up with Pelante causing problems. Ohh..and remember..there is the bug or camera or whatever in the alarm clock in Booth and Bones's house. Hanson and the producers have said there would be pay off for that this season too.... so. They are setting us up again. Big time this time.
Zack was with Gormonagon - no clue how to spell it either.
Oh, I read something last night I think it was that said the writers are creating a new serial killer. Please no. They have no freaking clue what they are doing...stop it. Just stop it. Stick to the killers being found out in one episode and don't go trying to do some convoluted story. They can't do it.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #31 on:
October 11, 2013, 10:48:18 PM »
Ugh, i dont know what to say really. I i i. I'm empty.I havent watched the promo yet. Dont know if i will. Maby i'll just have to wait for the Monday.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #32 on:
October 12, 2013, 03:55:45 AM »
I found another story tied to the episode for the 21st.
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Another wedding picture, this time with Booth and Bones. They do look happy.
Unfortunately, since I feel like there are...doubts about what happened with Pelante, I can't get as happy.
Maybe something will be said about that in the next episode.l
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #33 on:
October 12, 2013, 01:15:31 PM »
Hehe, i saw the pictures too. They actually do look happy. Lets hope that will last this time around. But i'm still not sold. Think something is still up. Got this icky feeling. But i'll guess we just have to wait and see.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #34 on:
October 12, 2013, 10:12:27 PM »
I know what you mean...got the same feeling. Something is off.
Oh man..I just had another thought. Crap.
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About this new serial killer they are planning...and how when Pelante turned up at the lab, he was going on about there being a serial killer they didn't know about..and he thought she was a woman. What if, and I really hope I am not anywhere near right, what if it is his twin sister? Or just a sister. whatever. He could have buried the records that he had a sister with all his computer ability. And that would be why he really knew those different killings were linked. He was just ..toying with Bones again and has decided, for whatever reason, to bring the sister in for his torment of the people at the Jeffersonian.
Why do I do this to myself? Ack.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #35 on:
October 12, 2013, 11:42:18 PM »
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Erhm, Marie! Why did you put that in to my head?
now there will be this serialkiller chick. And it will be his sister and she will ofc look like him. His long lost twin eh? And he was planting the seeds when he was talking about this female serial killer. Thanks for that one Marie!
Ugh. Now its going to happen too! Hehe
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #36 on:
October 13, 2013, 02:09:39 AM »
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I didn't do it on purpose really. That thought just popped into my head. And since it was stuck in my head, I figured I should share the joy.
Or something.
But really...that wouldn't be any more out there than some of the other nonsense Hanson has done.
Oh earlier, I was talking to a friend..got on Bones - was saying how I still had episodes of it on my DVR that I haven't watched yet and don't really care about. I ended up sharing the crap that has been going on..though I did have to back track when I mentioned their daughter - my friend hadn't realized they had a daughter. Once I explained what happened in the last episode last season - Bones proposing then Pelante making Booth call it off..he was all like no he can't say that to her. She already has issues with relationships..that was wrong..stuff like that. Even someone who has never watched the show things that was way wrong. He also said that it sounds like when crap comes up in that show, Bones and Booth end up going down the toilet with it..unlike Castle where they are dealing with things.
I got him to finally watched Castle in August and now he's fully hooked.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #37 on:
October 13, 2013, 12:33:12 PM »
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Hehe, yes you did! But its ok.
But we can share the "joy" i guess! So Pelante got a evil twin sister huh? Why didnt we see that coming before now?! I'm getting slow. Anyways, if your friend didnt know about Christine or that they were together its time to start watching again. Its a long time since they've watched it then i guess. There have been some reruns on tv here from Bones. Really early Bones, from season 1-3. And i've watched a few of those episodes. And i really enjoyed those episodes alot better than what i do now. And the "chase" between Bones and Booth was alot better aswell. More fun, more lighthearted etc. Wish they could bring back more of the good ol' Bones from earlier seasons. Just with them being together.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #38 on:
October 13, 2013, 09:10:06 PM »
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Well it is a theory. I guess I really am expecting them to do anything now. And like we've agreed, we don't think stuff is done with Pelante. Something is off there. And the way he was going on about this other killer...knowing stuff. I don't know. That seemed off too. Though I guess he is just the smartest person to ever live - at least that is how the writers have made him.
My friend has never seen the show. They have just heard a few things about the show over the years to know the basics. He was never that interested in watching it. Course he wasn't interested in Castle before either, but I fixed that.
I've never suggested that he try Bones. I know how much it has ticked me off at various times over the years...I don't want to inflict that on someone else.
Things did work better in the earlier episodes for the most part. I'm still annoyed that they broke up Hodgins and Angela for really no reason. They were fine, then bam they broke up...and then they turn Angela bisexual..or at least decide to share that she was in the past ..whatever. There are still episodes from around that time that I didn't watch. And Angela sleeping with that intern ...that was messed up too. They kind of turned Angela slutty for a while, and I didn't like that. I'm just glad they finally fixed that mess and got them married. But that was kind of...sudden too. They weren't even dating again and then wham, we're getting married.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #39 on:
October 13, 2013, 11:03:18 PM »
Why are we using spoilertags really? We are only discussing general stuff now, not the exact episode or anything. We dont need spoilertags then do we?
Anyways, your friend should check out Bones. Specially the early Bones.. In the early years of bones, it was one of my top shows i had to watch. But then something changed. Even tho i'm still watching it weekly. When they broke up Ange and Hodge i too didnt know much about how\why etc. But they put them together again and they even got a kid together. I guess we can say that Hanson & co has done alot of different stuff to our cast trough these 9 years. But i'm not sure that when Bones first started that Hanson wanted Bones and Booth together like Andrew knew with Castle. But hey. They have survived 9 years and thats better than most. And WHEN they goes off the air, i will miss them. Even tho they havent done great things lately. And for Bones (Emily Deschanel) i'm a fan of her. I think she's a good actress. I hope to see her in other things when the show goes off the air. And for Booth and Bones sticking together trough out the series or not. Good question really, but i think they will actually. Simple as that. They have made too much fuzz about everything to break them up. But then again with what happening, never say never. Maby Booth gets in love with Pelantes' evil twin?
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #40 on:
October 14, 2013, 05:12:15 AM »
Geeze...now you are the one going there. Don't give Hanson any ideas.
I would hope they stay together now...after everything they have been put through. But unfortunately, I wouldn't be surprised if they do something else. I just hope not.
I don't think Hanson set out to get them together. I read something several years ago, when it got more obvious that they had feelings for each other yet were doing nothing, that it was said that Hanson wouldn't put them together ...because of the Moonlighting curse..it would only happen during the very last episode..and that was a maybe. I also heard that Boreanez - not sure I spelled his name right - was against the characters being together. Said it would ruin the show. So..no, they didn't go into it planning to get to them being together like Marlowe did with Castle. I really do wonder if they would have gotten together when they did if Emily Deschanel hadn't gotten pregnant in real life and they had to deal with that in the series. I kind of think, if that hadn't happened, we'd still be dealing with all that will they or won't they nonsense. It was sort of like Hanson was forced into because he didn't see any other way to deal with the pregnancy. And let's be realistic here...if they made Bones pregnant by some other man, the fans would still be going off about it...there would have been an epic level of outrage and probably a huge chunk of the audience would have been gone right then. I barely dealt with Booth dating that journalist woman earlier in that season. The oh so perfect, smart woman that everyone, even Bones, loved. Gag. Bones getting involved with someone else...or just going the artificial insemination route with a random donor..would have probably done it for me.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Posts: 2140
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #41 on:
October 14, 2013, 11:08:31 PM »
Hehe, well. I'm not going there, you are! Dont blame it on me. I have a lot to say, but i guess i'll wait for the episode and maby i got more to say. Are you going to watch the whole episode tonight?
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #42 on:
October 14, 2013, 11:55:57 PM »
I said nothing - not one thing - about Booth going and falling for the twin...if there is one. I just suggested that they could be a twin. There is a difference. You went there with Booth and the potential twin. That was all you.
I don't know...maybe. I guess I haven't decided yet. I'm still just...eh about the series anymore. The few minutes here and there that I've seen have been enough so far. And last week when I tried to watch more of it - I would have tried from the start, but I was later getting home than I anticipated - I got annoyed again. So. I'll see.
Last Edit: October 15, 2013, 02:12:52 AM by Dragonfire
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #43 on:
October 15, 2013, 02:15:05 AM »
I'm watching now. So far not bad. Except for one thing.
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This intern guy is a complete and utter jerk. Someone needed to beat him upside his head with that freaking book. Disrespectful ass. He needs to go away. Unless they are planning to kill off or target yet another person at the Jeffersonian..then he can be the victim.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #44 on:
October 15, 2013, 05:24:45 AM »
I made it through the entire episode. It was...ok. I do have ..issues. Big surprise
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First of all, I can't stand that intern, Dr. Know it All as Angela called him. Someone should have let Pelante get to him before. What a rude, arrogant, annoying ass. Just go away. Forever.
They didn't start off saying anything about Pelante's body disappearing or anything...so who knows what the hell is going on there. But something still feel unfinished there. The only mention of Pelante was when Bones got kind of...snippy with Angela for being upset with Booth. Sheesh. Angela was being a good friend being upset by what was going on...now Bones is going to throw that in her face and say Angela should have known better? Why does Angela even bother? Man. When all that crap was going on, if Angela hadn't been upset, then later Bones probably would have been ticked off over that too. Ack.
So...we get a little bit of wedding planning...and..well. It didn't amount to squat really. Once again, after making us wait so freaking long - and after jerking us around with Pelante screwing with them - Hanson and company blow it again. Bones was too.....detached or something when talking about the wedding with people. Yes, that is kind of how she is as a character...but, this is her wedding. Like she said herself at the end of the episode, it doesn't happen every day. After this long, why can't she show that she is happy?? At times, like when she told Cam they weren't going to change the date to accommodate anyone, Cam would have to do that if she wanted to attend..she might as well have been talking about a dentist appointment or something. And yes I get that she is professional and a lot of those things came up while working..but still. It just seemed too....cold and detached for the most part. The best thing was when she went to Angela about the dress. And we've seen pictures from the next episode now..we know she can look happy. Just why not some of that in talking about the wedding? I guess Bones's quirks are ...getting to me and annoying me more and more.
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Bones - Spoiler