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Topic: Bones - Spoiler (Read 48486 times)
Mega Heavy Poster
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #240 on:
October 09, 2014, 01:06:17 AM »
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That's ok.
No big deal. You just would got to read me flip out on Mr. Supreme Dumbass sooner.
I'm not exactly shocked that they think like that either...or at least they are claiming that is the reason...though I still wonder how they can be so freaking clueless about things after the backlash for their previous bonehead story decisions. But with Daly wanting to come back and then deciding this..well. It just makes me more ticked off. Things could have been handled so much better.
I'll be surprised if they get an 11th season too. I think I must have seen the same interview you did when Nathan talked like another season was basically a done deal..just not official yet. Which I don't get because I swear I read that the ratings were down. So who knows. Honestly, I still don't know how they got a 10th season. If the show gets renewed again, I think I will start to think that Nathan or Hanson has something on someone at FOX in charge of these decisions. (I'm only half kidding). It just doesn't make sense. I shared links to the stuff I wrote for my blog about the first two episodes, and a few people commented how they gave up on Bones long ago - one was because of the Pelant nonsense. I've seen people post other places - on articles about the show - that they gave up on a long time ago. So how is it still on? I don't really get it. At this point, I wouldn't care if it was cancelled.
Yes there is a new episode tomorrow. I have no idea about anything about the episode. The normal little teaser thing didn't show last week...they were saying something about Gracepoint starting next. So I have no clue. No idea if Grumpy Booth will appear again or not. I'm thinking he probably will, at least once . Maybe not to the levels he was last week during that fight with Bones, but Mr. Grumpy Pants Booth will probably show is grumpy face.
I can't remember his name either. I remember seeing it mentioned in an article, but don't have a clue. He's a Sweets fill in that I don't care about at all at this point. Maybe he will grow on me and I'll remember his name.. Until then - and maybe even after since I rather like it - he is Junior.
Just like that one guy who was in a few episodes of Castle last year....He's still Detective Slob.
Anyway, I remember reading something over the summer about a younger agent that Booth was going to have issues with. So I guess that would be Junior. I don't know if they are supposed to actually work together, or Junior is still like watching Booth to try to keep him in line or what. I could see him saying something that causes Grumpy Booth to appear. Booth and Sweets had their issues, especially at first, but I don't remember Booth being fully on grumpy with him. I can see that happening with Junior, especially with Booth feeling guilty about Sweets.
I would hope they don't go and have Bones get the hots for Junior. That would just be wrong on so many levels. Now many Bones gets along better with him and accepts him faster or something, which brings on Grumpy Booth cause to him it feels like betraying Sweets or something like that. I don't know if Booth will get jealous in some way. Maybe if he is stuck at his desk and Junior go to crime scenes...Bones is nice to Junior..anything like that could potentially make Booth jealous. Or he gets jealous because he's grumpy.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #241 on:
October 11, 2014, 03:31:42 PM »
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Hehe, i read a tweet by Mr.Nathan yesterday i think it was. Where he thanked the fans for still tuning in, and making great numbers etc. I dont know ofc if thats true or not. But its weird if they still deliver gold rartings, when "the experts" says its on its way down and the ratings are only ok. Are Mr.Nathan & Co saying its better than it is? To try save face or something? I personally think this is the last season. And its a real shame to say it, but it might just be time for it.
I watched the last episode last night. The episode was 'ok' it was better than the two first episodes anyways. But Booth is still being grumpy Booth. And he's given Junior a real hard time. Booth is just being a dick basicly towards Junior. But Junior is starting to grow on me a bit. I like him more now then the 2 first episodes. And from the look of things in this episode, i think he will replace Sweets. And i think they might make it work aswell.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #242 on:
October 12, 2014, 02:52:23 AM »
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I watched it, but I was distracted by other stuff, so I missed much of what happened. Couldn't even say what was going on in the case. It is on the DVR, but I haven't bothered to watch again yet. However, I did see Grumpy Booth in all his grumpiness. The only bit I remember was when Junior kind of stood up to him later in the episode. He was sick of the grumpy Booth shit even considering what Booth had gone through. He did acknowledge it and all. It may not have been a good idea for him to bring up Sweets the way he did at that particular point...that just made grumpy Booth even more pissed. And from the little I remember, it does seem like Bones is accepting Junior quicker like I thought could be the case. Not sure why I thought that given how much at a distance she kept all the interns after Zack. Guess she has grown a little or something.
I get Booth having issues...even having a grumpy moment here and there after all the shit that has happened. However, constantly grumpy Booth is not pleasant to watch. He needs an attitude adjustment. Bones just needs to find Gordan Gordan and persuade him to make a house call even if he is a chef now. He was still able to help Booth before..think in season 5, after he became a chef.
I haven't seen the actual ratings numbers, but I've read they are down. I tend to believe that, but then I've felt that the show was on the way down before and have major, major doubts about it making it to season 11. But then again, I felt the same way last year, and here we are in season 10. So who knows. Though I do think that Nathan is delusional about a few things connected to the show.
I'll get around to watching the episode again fully at some point. Probably. Maybe.
I just don't care that much anymore. And while Junior may be really nice and all, it still bugs me they are using him as a replacement for Sweets.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #243 on:
October 12, 2014, 08:48:43 PM »
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Uhm, i'm still pretty sure that this will be the last season. For a number of reasons. But i guess we'll see what happens trough out the season. And we will know for sure in the summertime i guess. But who knows, maby Emily and David thinks enough is enough? And doesnt renew their contracts?
You really dont like Mr.Nathan eh? Hehe..
Maby this stuff going on with Booth right now is the "PSTD" Hanson & Co is talking about? Maby this is Booth's way to react on what happened?
Its a shame that they decided to kill of Sweets. But Junior is starting to grow on me. Its better they do it this way. I'm glad they didnt make another serialkiller that would have Booth going apeshit etc.. So i'm starting to like Junior. And Bones is clearly a fan of him. And Caroline (?) is a fan aswell. I think Booth will like Junior aswell. Junior stood up to Booth in the end of the episode, wich i think Booth liked. And he came over to their house aswell. Will be a interesting partnership.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #244 on:
October 13, 2014, 09:33:32 PM »
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I'm thinking it will be the last season too...but that is what we both thought a year ago too and here we still are. So. Who knows. And Nathan is talking in interviews like a season 11 is a done deal already. I thought I remembered from a few years back that David didn't want to sign up for several more seasons... maybe he will feel differently now.
Anyway.... Yes I really strongly dislike Nathan. He's an idiot.
All the grumpy Booth stuff may be what Hanson and Nathan think of as PTSD. I get that he's been through some horrible crap with being framed..sent to prision...then Sweets all but dying in his arms. So yeah...I get that Booth has issues and stuff needs to be dealt with since they decided to go that route with the story. The way stuff is being dealt with doesn't seem to....well...fit that well or seem believable with where the characters are now. How stuff is starting to be dealt with on Castle seems more...realistic I guess...Rick and Kate are both adjusting and dealing with the situation differently than they would have even just a a few years ago in season 5. And everything isn't getting magically fixed by the end of the episode. There are still some lingering things going on that will pop up again. Maybe not every episode, but they have at least established that Rick and Kate are still dealing with the aftermath of what happened.
Yes it was good that Junior stood up to Booth...and things seem better there by the end. However, given what the writers tried to set up here, especially with Booth having all his trust issues and everything, it isn't realistic that he would turn around so fast like he did in this episode. One talk from Bones telling him that he has to trust more than just her...can't shut everyone out...etc...which was good for her to say. But I don't know. Seems like it was just too.....quick and easy for him to seem all better by the end of that episode. Though there is still the possibility that he'll get all grumpy again any time. I guess I just think it would have worked a little better if they hadn't tried to make everything all perfect and happy again by the end of the episode.
As for them not doing another serial killer. Just wait...they still have time. Nathan and Hanson seem to think they do that sort of long, involved story so well - look at how much they loved Pelant - so just give them time and they will cook up something else equally as stupid. And if the show does go into an 11th season, then they definitely will come up with some other long, complicated serial killer nonsense.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #245 on:
October 13, 2014, 11:40:03 PM »
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I guess you are correct ma'm. We have said it before. "This is the last season etc." but here we are, in the 10th season. And still going strong (?) I'm not sure how strong the show is anymore. But i think we will know alot more when it comes April\May.. If Dave and Ems wants to renew their contracts etc. I guess we'll find out when it goes towards summertime maby. Nothing surprises me more really when it comes to Bones. But i said it before season 10 that this will be their last season. And i'm sticking to that story damnit!
God only knows what Hanson and Nathan is thinking these days.
When it comes to Booth so far this season (3 eps) he's been the grumpy Booth. And the only one he trust is Bones. And the whole universe is against him. Blah blah.
And now we got Junior as a replacement for Sweets. Wich is meh i guess. But i think if we give Junior some time he will fit right in. Booth kinda changed his mind about Junior after Bones talked to Booth. I guess we havent seen the last of grumpy Booth.
The whole FBI story was solved way to quickly IMHO. So i guess we havent seen the last of that case.
But again, what do i know?
Have there been a season yet WITHOUT a serial killer? Just wondering.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #246 on:
October 14, 2014, 08:13:13 PM »
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Yes we have. We were even thinking last year, before we knew for sure there would be a wedding, that they better get to that since it looked like it would be the last season. So who knows. We may know sometime in the spring...depending on when FOX starts announcing renewals. Not sure if they would try to get some contract stuff nailed down first...think that usually waits till after the network picks the show up again.
I have never understood the reasoning behind a lot of what Hanson and Nathan have decided over the years. Stuff started going to shit when they made Zack an apprentice to a cannibal serial killer. When there was backlash over that, they blamed the writer's strike, saying that since that made the season shorter, they hadn't been able to tell the story as fully as they had wanted. Something like that. But they blamed outside stuff when fans indicated they were unhappy. Well....maybe. But what was their excuse for every other story that went to shit? I just don't have any faith in them at all any more.
Yup...we've seen varying degrees of grumpy Booth in every episode so far...including him lashing out at Temperance. And of course it makes sense he has trust issues after what he went through...and guilt over Sweets. But Booth kind of isn't doing diddly squat to deal with those issues. He's just not sleeping much, brushing off Temperance's concern, patting Junior on the head and sending him back to his desk, and being a big ol sour puss grump. Yes I get that it has been established that he doesn't like therapists and all that. However, he was helped by them in the past..First Gordon Gordon helped him after he shot the clown on the ice cream truck...and Sweets helped different times over the years. So, since Sweets is gone and Booth is having all these trust issues, he needs to act like an adult and get himself some help. He has a connection with Gordon Gordon and even went to see him again in season 5 when Gordon was working as a chef and left therapy behind. So Booth can track him down again and have a few visits in the kitchen. At this point, since I'm sure Hanson and Nathan would have some excuse why they couldn't have Gordon actually in an episode again - schedule conflicts...not in the budget..whatever - just have Booth say to Temperance that he would like to go talk to Gordon or something like that. It can happen off screen. But that would at least be an indication that they are trying to properly deal with the mess. As it is now, even though Booth seemed to change his attitude toward Junior by the end, the underlying issues haven't really been addressed or dealt with.
While I did kind of feel bad for Junior with how Booth kept dismissing him and stuff, it still doesn't sit right with me that he is replacing Sweets. The character seems nice enough so far....though I still can't remember his name. lol I seem to have forever branded him Junior in my mind and I'm not sure that will change.
I think the conspiracy crap was solved way to easy too. All that build up that amounted to...well...not much of anything frankly. Except we have grumpy Booth. I still have my doubts about Booth's boss.
I haven't watched either of the first 2 episodes again - I already deleted them off my DVR too - but I don't remember them ever finding a current FBI agent implicated in the mess. The guy that killed Sweets was former FBI..It seems like there had to be at least 1, if not more, current FBI people involved - being blackmailed into crap by that jerk - for everything that happened to have happened. And there was no mention of anything else tied to that in this last episode really...other than Junior bringing up that what happened was shitty and saying stuff about Sweets.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #247 on:
October 18, 2014, 04:17:31 PM »
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Every single year huh, there is a new serial killer? I read somewhere that Hanson & Co was talking about adding a criminal mastermind to this season. They didnt say anything about a serial killer or not. So it can be anything.
I have alot on mind, but i havent seen the new episode yet. So i will wait till have seen the new episode before i babble away.
Have you seen the new episode? And if yes, what ya think about it?
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #248 on:
October 18, 2014, 08:44:22 PM »
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A new mastermind hmmm? Well they can't do that right either...look at Pelant. They just need to knock that off and go back to just the cases of the week.
I did watch. It was ok. Ummm...well. I can't remember much of anything other than Booth and Junior beating up a guy in a motion capture suit. And Temperance is obsessing about picking the best, perfect school for Christine and wants nothing to do with a public school for her daughter.
That's really all I remember. No grumpy Booth that I remember...so if it did show up, bit was just briefly. Junior seems to be fitting in better. There was an intern that I don't know who the hell she is. And that's about it. Maybe I'll try to watch it again...haven't decided yet
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #249 on:
October 20, 2014, 01:13:08 PM »
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Yep, i'm pretty sure i read that somewhere that they are thinking about getting a new criminal mastermind.
I just watched the episode. And the episode was ok. Bones is being bones, and Booth being Booth i guess? He's not grumpy Booth anymore. And i have to say that Junior is growing on me. I actually like him. He and Booth is starting to get on the same page aswell. I can see the two being friends in the end. But i guess there is a way to go yet. He's not Sweets. Not yet
And for the "new" intern as you mentioned. She's not new at all. She's been in a few episodes allready. Last season i think it was. She's ok. She's brilliant in her on way, like Bones..
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #250 on:
October 21, 2014, 05:58:05 AM »
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They should give up on the criminal mastermind or serial killer type idea. They suck at those stories. Just give it up all ready.
Booth seemed more like normal to me too. I think grumpy Booth will still pop up during the season though. Junior was ok. Was funny when Booth and Junior kind of beat up the guy that Booth called Mr. Lite Brite - or something like that.
She was in some episodes last year? Really? Huh. I don't remember her at all. I remember that newer guy that is from Cuba I think it is...and he sort of hit on Bones when he first showed up. He's the only newer one from last season I remember. Hmmm.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #251 on:
October 21, 2014, 09:58:20 PM »
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Hehe, i agree about the nonsense about a new mastermind arc.. Drop it. They have tried it with no luck really.
But again, who knows what Hanson & Co are thinking these days?
Yep, i've seen the intern before. In atleast two episodes i think it was. I actually like her
And Junior aswell, i think he can be a good castmember. Guess we'll see how things will be troughout the season.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #252 on:
October 21, 2014, 11:54:32 PM »
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Yup...they have failed numerous times on trying to do a mastermind type story before...or any on going story. They just can't do it.
Hanson and the dumbass brigade are thinking that they do awesome stories about masterminds - like Pelant that they all went on and on and on about for ages and how great he was and how great that story is.
Hmm..ok. I don't remember her. Junior seems to be fitting in. He is growing on me..not that I disliked him really. Just don't like that he is added because Sweets is gone.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #253 on:
October 22, 2014, 10:10:39 PM »
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This isnt a new spoiler really. But i'll put it in a spoiler in case someone is deciding to check out Castle from season one. (Yes Castle)
Speaking for Pelante, did you know he was in a' episode of Castle aswell? In Season 3.. Just rewatched season 3, and there he was! Totally forgot about that
Do you remember that?
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #254 on:
October 23, 2014, 02:19:17 AM »
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I'm thinking I saw someone who looked like him the last time I watched my DVD sets...or at least I thought it might have been him, but I didn't look it up to be sure.
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Bones - Spoiler