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Topic: Bones - Spoiler (Read 48489 times)
Mega Heavy Poster
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #210 on:
September 18, 2014, 02:29:45 AM »
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I guess I got going last time. lol
Sweets is around at least a little in every episode. And at some point last season, he was kind of having his little break down...can't remember what else was happening in that episode, but he was dressing in just jeans and stuff...think Booth and Bones had to go find him to get his input on something...and that got him back to working normally again...or something. Was it in season 8 when he and Daisy broke up and he ended up living with Bones and Booth for a while? Wait.....I just remembered...I saw some of those episodes again in the last month or so in the reruns on TNT and they are only going through season 8 right now. So it had to be in season 8. Or maybe it was late in 7. It was after Christine was born anyway. Hmm.
Anyway. It would have been over a year then since Lance left Daisy....they talked once a few months later when she was back...I don't remember them interacting any in the wedding episode. Hmmm. So for the most part, from what we can remember, they haven't even been talking to each other...yet now she's pregnant with his baby. Unhuh. Ok. I think she is more than 4 months along...unless it is twins or triplets - heaven help us if it is. I don't know how much Daisy is supposed to be around this season. I haven't seen anything on that. I don't know that she has ever been considered a main character really. She has always just been around a few episodes here and there. I think she turned up slightly more while she and Lance were still involved, but I am not completely sure on that. I have never thought of her as a main character. Really...none of the interns since Zack have been around enough consistently for me to think of them that way. Maybe Clark since he has another position at the Jeffersonian now and turns up a little more..but even at that, he would barely, and I do mean barely be a main character. I don't get why Hanson and his idiots would talk up a new pregnancy for it to end up being Daisy....unless their whole point was to screw with the audience yet again. In which case, as you said, they can go fuck off. It really seems like sometimes Hanson and the idiots get some sort of perverse thrill out of jerking the audience around. 100th episode will be what people have been waiting for....um no. Not at all. Before that one episode, when Booth had his brain surgery and there was the weird story/dream thing with them married and all, Hanson or someone talked about how the characters would be in bed that episode...but never mind that it was in a freaking made up story/dream whatever.
I was thinking when I first read the story about Daisy being pregnant because the actress is pregnant - and that was evidently just announced in the last month or so - that Hanson and the idiots wouldn't have known back in the spring when they first started dropping hints about a potential new pregnancy. Then I saw how far along she looks to be...I don't know...it might be close on if they knew about her when they first started dropping those hints. I know it was in the spring sometime the first time I read anything about that..can't remember exactly when though. Hmmmm. But if they didn't know then and were thinking of it being one of the others - Cam, Angela, Bones...even Michelle would have made more sense to me. Even though Michelle isn't around a lot, Cam would be freaking out...and Hodgins would be teasing her about being a grandma...that could have been interesting. Anyway...back to my point. If Hanson and the idiots were originally thinking of one of the others and then scrapped that to make Daisy pregnant. Well. That will piss me off - if we ever find out that is what happened. Possible Pelante level of pissed off. I am finding that tolerance of Hanson's dumbass decisions is shrinking more and more all the time. I'm just fed up with that crap and he needs to knock it the hell off. Immediately if not sooner.
I don't really expect anything from Bones anymore...other than Hanson screwing stuff up in some way. If there is a way to do it, he will find it.
The time jumps have gotten ridiculous. The first time, while it was annoying that we didn't get to see more of Booth and Bones early in their relationship, it was mostly ok. I get that they changed stuff around to accommodate Emily's pregnancy with the different shooting schedule and all that. But after that...too many more time jumps. There have been too many of them. And this time, it really would have been better to see how everyone deals with the immediate aftermath of the last episode instead of immediately jumping 4 months. Hell...Hanson and the writer's probably wrote themselves into a corner and weren't sure exactly what to do next...so they skip 4 months and stick Booth in jail. Problem solved.
Yup. I agree with the trust issue stuff. Absolutely he will have issues with that. But I don't see that as PTSD. Though I don't know that much about it.. An online friend - she use to write for Epinions too - posted yesterday that she was just diagnosed with it. She has been through hell for the last year..well...longer than that I think. I don't know everything. Her mom had a long battle with cancer before dying early in 2013. Then last summer, her daughter killed herself. So I guess other things can cause it..but I don't know. Of course, I think what she has been dealing with is different from not being able to trust a boss. I don't know... I don't think I want to see that going on for very long either..though with Hanson, it wouldn't surprise me. Look at the nonsense he drags out, thinking it will be great. Blah.
A lot of stuff is back or starting next week. I think Gracepoint is starting next Thrusday too. I plan to watch that. I loved Broadchurch - the British show it is based on. Hopefully FOX hasn't screwed it up. But it is FOX. /spoiler]
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #211 on:
September 18, 2014, 05:19:52 PM »
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wow, my hat off to you Marie. I had alot of clever i was going to say. But then you say all this. Well, what can i reply to this? Nothing else but. I kinda agree with you.
I guess when it comes to Sweets and Daisy, i will just wait and see how Hanson & Co go with it. They showed us last season (2 episodes out 20+) that they actually can make some good episodes still. But i'm not holding my breath on anything. They have been pretty good on screwing with us tho. But this is by all counts the last season of the series. So lets just hope they make it a season to remember. (all in a good way ofc)
Something else i'm interested to find out come this season is if this issue with Booth will have any efects on Booth and Bones's relationship at all. I could see Hanson & Co just do that, mess with them. Just for the drama. They are known for do pretty shitty things, just for the drama.
NCIS, NCIS LA. Criminal Minds, CSI, CASTLE!!! Bones, and all the other shows is getting back on. Cant wait. Will be great fall. I'm looking forward to 'The Mentalist' aswell. But no info yet on when they are getting back on the screen tho
Oh, i started watching a new show called 'The Blacklist' great show so far. Have you watched any of that btw? If not, you should check it out.
We'll Always Have Paris.
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #212 on:
September 19, 2014, 01:04:47 AM »
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I guess I did ramble on a bit.
But the more I think about this stuff, the more irked I get. Hanson and his idiots just need to stop it already - stop screwing with the characters....stop cramming horrible characters into the show and claim in every interview how absolutely wonderful they are - Hannah, Pelante... - stop jerking the audience around - like saying something we have been waiting for will happen, only to give us the absolute disaster of the 100th episode...hint that a pregnancy is coming for a main type character, and then have it turn out to be someone who has been in...maybe 3 or 4 episodes last season..if that much. Just stop it.
Oh...I remembered something else. I swear back when Hanson and show runner or writer or whoever - one of the idiot squad - first dropped hints about another pregnancy in the show, whoever it was did basically hint strongly that it would be one of the main women - Bones, Angela, or Cam. And the more I think about this the more I think they first started all that stuff not to long after the honeymoon episode when Angela and Hodgins took care of Christine...and decided by the end that they wanted another baby. I swear we both even pointed that out after we heard about the pregnancy hints... So that would put it before Daisy actress was pregnant. Though pretty much nothing that Hanson and the idiots do makes sense anymore so I probably shouldn't bother.
Yup....I know.
I may try the new show that is starting in Castle's time spot here next week...haven't decided yet. I think I want to try Gotham too. And Big Bang will be back too... need to add more stuff to the DVR I think. lol
I haven't seen Blacklist. I heard it was good, but it is on same time as Castle...so. I haven't watched it. This year, NCIS LA is going to that spot here..not sure how much I will try to keep up with it.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #213 on:
September 19, 2014, 10:29:53 PM »
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Hehe, its ok to be irked about stuff. I'm a bit 'irked' too. They have screwed us fans too much the last few years. BUT they have showed us that they actually can if they just put their mind to it. I mean, the seasonfinale last season. That was a great episode. And (for me) S01-06 was great. And then they just decided to mess with the fans with the Bones and Booth situation. So lets just hope they will continue that road come S10. The great road that is. But with all the shit going on right now i'm not sure. I mean they could use the crooked FBI guy story to just be great arc. Like they do over at Castle. So its still possible! I havent seen any trailers for the new season yet. So i've decided to go trailer free. Its under a week till Bones is back on. So lets hope.. Lets just hope.. But right now there is too much going on. Daisy getting pregnant and stuff. How will they fix that mess? Well, i guess its under a week till we find out.
I have so many questions i want answered.. So lets hope we get some answers soon.
So, you havent forgot the 100th episode yet?
hehe.. This is prolly a stupid question. But i'll ask anyway.. Is there a chance you will watch the 100th episode again or?
I actually dont remember that episode. Maby i'll have to check it out again. Or maby not?
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #214 on:
September 20, 2014, 05:19:25 AM »
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I know they actually can do better....and that is part of why it is so irritating when they do this crap. They can do better, but more often than not, they take some kind of short cut, slop together who knows what, call it great over and over and over in interviews and generally bury their heads in the sand.
No I haven't forgotten the 100th episode yet. I was annoyed when they screwed with Angela and Hodgins for no good reason...and then had Angela be with a woman for a while. But what was done in the 100th was just a slap in the face to the fans. I have no plans to willingly watch that episode again. Unfortunately, I did see it again a few months ago...rerun on TNT. I had blocked out just about everything - except what pissed me off - so I didn't realize until it was too late. I will not make that mistake again. Booth and Bones talking to Sweets about the first case they worked together...which was before the series started. The case ended with them basically hating each other, after they almost had a one night stand. So no...that wasn't good. I wouldn't despise the episode so much if it ended there...but oh no. Hanson had to keep going... Booth says he wants a relationship, she isn't ready..then in less than a minute, he's saying he's moving on. That stinking pile of shit was what fans had been waiting for? No. I don't think so. Hell no.
I won't watch it again. I still have DVD seasons to watch...but I haven't because once they broke up Angela and Hodgins, there was always something happening that ticked me off. Last season when Pelante made Booth call off the engagement was the final straw for...I don't have that season or this past season and really, I have no desire to get them.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #215 on:
September 21, 2014, 05:19:09 PM »
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Hehe, well.. I have the Bones dvd's myself, but havent watched much really. Watched the first 5 seasons. Havent started on the S6 yet. And i dont think i will either. Not when the new season starts in just a few days (!!!) I wonder what they will do for the 200th episode. I've read alot about the upcoming 200th episode. So it will be interesting to see how they pull that off. Or if they do the same as the 100th episode? Who knows? I know i dont know anymore. Anyways, Thursday next week in about 4 days time the new season will start. And i actually look forward to the new season. Interesting to see how they will do stuff. I just hope they will give us the best season yet of the series. We know they can do it if they want to! Lets hope the coming week goes real fast!
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #216 on:
September 21, 2014, 08:37:34 PM »
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I have up to season 7 I think on DVD....think I have only watched the first 2 or 3 from the DVD sets. I've seen a lot of those episodes again from the reruns on TNT over the last several years...but I tend to skip certain episodes again.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #217 on:
September 24, 2014, 10:32:20 PM »
Well, its Wednesday evening here. So that means that in 1 day, BONES IS BACK! And even tho i'm looking forward to see what mess Hanson has done with the show. I'm pretty sure after a real good episode in the seasonfinale last season, they will have to do something to screw it up!
But looking forward to see it again. To see how they will deal with stuff. Prolly i will complain about something here in the hours or so after
What about you Marie? Do you care at all that Bones is back tomorrow?
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #218 on:
September 25, 2014, 05:11:26 AM »
Well....maybe. I'm not dreading it or planning to avoid it...but not really looking forward to it either. I'm still just feeling kind of....blah about it I guess. I'm not sure if I'll watch it live or from the DVR later yet either. It is still set to record. I'll see.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #219 on:
September 26, 2014, 02:13:02 AM »
Well I am watching it. So far it seems ok. Though Booth is basically having a temper tantrum at the moment.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #220 on:
September 26, 2014, 02:58:40 AM »
What the HELL?? Seriously, what the HELL is this??
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #221 on:
September 26, 2014, 11:37:04 AM »
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What the fuck just happened there?! I was going to write "so far, its actually a decent episode" good job from the last season. But then this happened?! I mean, i havent read anywhere that he was going to quit the show. And in the interviews Hanson & Co said that there would be a new family member. But NEVER ONCE said or even hinted to that they could lose a family memeber. Or someone gets in danger. They usually gives us hints like that.
Wow, i mean. What the fuck was that?! I guess i didnt see that coming at all!! wow. I guess.. Nope, i'm speechless. I mean, why?! What?! Is he (the actor) going on to bigger things? Movies etc? Is there a reason for him to be killed off? Wow.. Well, typical Hanson & Co! They always find a way to mess with us huh? And when he's gone. The Daisy storyline DOESNT EVEN MAKE A LITTLE SENSE TO ME! Why couldnt she just be preggers, and not written in the show at all? wow. Yep, i'm actually speechless.
Holy shit. Thats about it. The next episode(s) should be real great. And they should a fucking good reason to do what they just did. Or else nothing of this makes sense.
I was on the social media and read the comments. And on the FOX'S offical page. Oh, there are maaaany pissed of fans right now!! Me included. And the fans are thinking the same as me."Wtf is wrong with you guys?! Why bring Daisy back, and kill him off?! And as many said. Sweets was the best sidekick to Bones and Booth. And now this? They have a lot to fix now, to make it right! This was a first class fuck up IMHO!
Last Edit: September 26, 2014, 11:52:17 AM by Piffi
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #222 on:
September 27, 2014, 05:37:08 AM »
Ok, I kind of rambled on this time. Sorry in advance.
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The show wasn't over when I made my last post...bet you know what happened to cause that particular post.
I almost came back later last night to post more about this but I didn't.
I was not expecting anything like that at all. I was thinking that something was going to tick me off by the end of the episode in some way...some little thing. I wasn't even annoyed by Daisy. So. Ok. I should have known. This Hanson, the King of finding ways to screw up his show. Like I have mentioned before over the summer, I figured at some point this season, something would go to shit again...I just didn't expect it this soon or in this way.
But...yes. What the holy hell was that and what the hell are they smoking to think up this shit? There was absolutely no hint at all anytime over the summer that anyone would be in danger, let alone end up dead. So WHAT THE HELL??
I have never fully disliked Lance. When he first turned up, I didn't fully like him, but I really didn't dislike him. But that has changed and I think he because much more likable. Even some of the stuff with his relationship with Daisy in the past was cute - when they weren't broken up or having issues over something.
While I don't agree with doing it, I think I get why Hanson and his dumbasses - they have graduated from idiots to dumbasses for this - wrote in Daisy's pregnancy even with Lance being killed. To add more drama and crap. Lance and Daisy got back together someway...going to have a baby..things looked good with them really overall. Now that is shattered, and Daisy has to deal with raising their child alone. And the fact that Lance's child is now going to be fatherless will add on to Booth's guilt in a massive way. They want to use the situation to screw around with Booth more. It sucks and damn sure shouldn't be happening, but we are dealing with Hanson and his dumbass brigade, who thought that Pelant was the best character ever created. I don't like it one bit and I'm ticked again. This is approaching Pelant level of pissed off here. The longer I have thought about all this, the more ticked off I have gotten. I did write up something last night after the episode aired for my tv blog. There are spoilers in it - I put in a warning - and I explain why I'm ticked again. I'm actually thinking another post is coming - I've thought of more since I posted that. I've shared the link to the post after the spoiler tag part here.
An interview with one of the dumbass producers was up online within minutes of the episode ending last night. I think it was the same producer who kept saying in interviews last year how wonderful Pelant was and all that bullshit. The actor playing Sweets - I can't remember his name now - does have other projects going on. He's a screenwriter - he was one of the writers for Horrible Bosses - and he is going to be directing a movie starting ..well..now pretty much. So there would have been conflict there. Once they realized that he couldn't stay on the show and direct the movie, they decided to kill him off. It worked so well with the story going on or something like that. The producer said they might have written in Daisy's pregnancy if they hadn't killed off Sweets, but the decision was made to include it once they decided to kill him because of the story opportunity or something like that. I believe he said it would be fun for the story going forward. Something like that. The guy is a jerk - I knew that already after the interviews last year gushing about Pelant, but this was worse. He was laughing in some of his answers. Laughing. He was asked about Wendell - the intern they gave cancer last year. Sort of like will Wendell have a better fate now? That would be really rough to kill off 2 in one season. Jerk producer laughs, "Yes Wendell's fate is probably better now". Jack Ass. I knew they were planning to kill off Wendell when they made him sick last year. Frankly, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they still do despite the laughing jackass's answer. Oh....the jerk also said that we would probably see Daisy more this season, and the episode when she gives birth is being written now. So they are going to milk that for everything they can.
Ok. So. Back to the disastrous pile of shit we were left with last night. The episode was fairly decent for the majority of it. I do think Booth had a point that it wasn't smart for Bones to show their hand to that prosecutor guy - who was dirty - to get him out of prison even though it didn't seem like he was overly safe there. And that's another thing...they mentioned that the trial was still months off, so I don't get why he was in that type of prison, and in general population. Former law enforcement, even when they turn dirty, are kept segregated because they would be dead in no time. But I'm sure the writers and Hanson will just point to the "CONSPIRACY" and the dirty FBI agents, prosecutor etc. But it is still screwed up. I also get why Bones wanted to do anything to get Booth out of there immediately. I didn't expect that Booth would be out within like the first 10 minutes though.
Booth sure was moody and bitchy. I know he was dealing with a massive level of frustration over everything that had happened..I get that. But it was still...odd to see Booth that pissed for basically the entire episode. I'm not fond of grumpy Booth.
The new house seems ok, though it looked like one wall of their bedroom was just glass...or maybe there wasn't even a wall there and it was open with just a few beams or something. That was odd. Who wants everyone who stops by to see in the bedroom like that? Never mind if Christine wakes up in the middle of the night for some reason and goes to get a drink of water or something... But whatever. that is minor stuff.
I haven't decided what I think about the new FBI guy yet. No freaking clue what his name is at the moment, and I don't particularly care either.
I'm just going to call him Junior.
I know there is supposed to be a younger agent around for at least a while - not sure if the entire season or what. Oh hell. I just had a thought..didn't think of this last night for some reason. They may be trying to replace Lance with Junior - even though he isn't a psychiatrist like Lance. If that is what they are planning, I do not like that one bit. Not. One. Bit. But I wouldn't put it past Hanson and the dumbass brigade.
Anyway...back to Junior. I don't trust him right now. He was almost too eager to help Booth, even once he was told not to follow up and look for someone - maybe that former FBI agent. He never knew Booth before, so why was he going so far within like a day of meeting Booth? I don't know...something just seems a tad fishy there to me. Was Junior the one that called Booth about Lance? When Booth and Bones were talking to that former agent and Booth got a call and then said they had to leave. I think Junior was there when Booth and Bones got to Lance. At least I think it was Junior, but once they got to Lance and I saw what was going on there..well, an elephant could have strolled past and I wouldn't have noticed. Who exactly found Lance after the confrontation? And how did they find him? Why in the hell were Bones and Booth able to get there before the freaking ambulance?? That is just messed up. It didn't sound like the fight lasted that long from the little Lance said once they were there. So, how could he have been hurt that bad that fast? Was it the Incredible Hulk? Chuck Norris? A really pissed off Steven Segal? I don't think that many people knew what they were all doing at that point..so that should limit the suspects for who is dirty. Which makes me wonder about Junior..he was in on everything... I just don't know what to think about him.
I don't even know now exactly what Lance was going to do..something with the new search warrant that Caroline got, but I don't know what exactly. But that raises another question. Why the hell was Lance the one doing whatever it was he was doing? Why was he alone? He is not a field agent, he's a psychiatrist. He did qualify to carry a gun, but he still wasn't a freaking field agent. So, I ask again...What the hell?? With the situation they are dealing with concerning this huge conspiracy and all, none of them should have gone anywhere at that point alone, let alone someone who is NOT a freaking field agent. It's just stupid bullshit. And I am ever so pissed.
I think seeing Lance die right in front of him if what is going to cause Booth to have PTSD. We already know that he is blaming himself for it because Lance was trying to help him. The fact that he got killed in the process would be bad enough..but for Booth to be right there when it happened. This is gonna screw Booth up for a long time.
I know that they were trying to build up something there at the end...when they were all there when his body arrived at the Jeffersonian. Like they are going to use this as their motivation to find the one behind everything and all that. Frankly there was enough motivation before. And it was meant to make the audience oh so sad. Which it did...but it also pissed me off.
Last night, even while I was typing up what I posted on my blog, I was still a bit...shocked. I was ticked, but more shocked at that point I think. Now I'm in full on ticked off and pissed off mode with Hanson and the dumbass brigade. I could happily slap the shit out of each and every one of them right now. And hit them up side the head with a two by four to try and knock some sense back into their clearly empty heads.
Here is what I posted on my tv show blog about the premiere of Bones. There are spoilers, so reader beware.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #223 on:
September 27, 2014, 06:54:49 AM »
I remembered something else.
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When Bones picks up Booth, they go straight home. Once there, he doesn't ask about Christine or Parker. Granted, Parker has kind of gotten the shaft in recent years....think his mom went and moved away or something... But for him not to even mention him..or say I need to call Parker..something. Or did they try to keep it from Parker for some reason? But he's older now...hmm....like maybe around 15 or so. anyway, I just thought it was odd that Booth wouldn't mention either Christine or Parker once he was home..not even when will Christine be home from daycare or something. heck for that matter, why the hell didn't Bones stop and get her once she had Booth? That would have kept him calm better than Bones just telling him to wait before he tried to go talk to someone.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #224 on:
September 28, 2014, 12:05:00 AM »
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I have a bit on my mind right now when it comes to Bones.. So sorry if i ramble on! I'll try to be short. First of i have to agree with you about his kids. I have to admit that i actually forgot all about Parker.. He hasnt been around for ages, and i totally forgot all about him. (Sorry) Booth hasnt mentioned him in a few seasons? Or is it me that have a real bad memory right now? Maby we will see him some in this season? Since this prolly is the last season of the series. It would be nice if they talked about him anyways. Booth and Bones.. But who knows what Hanson & Co is thinking. I sure the hell dont know. They've done so many crazy things the last few seasons.
I too read somewhere that the actor who playes Sweets is going to work with a few movies now. And thats great for him i mean. BUT why the hell kill him of? They could write him out for a periode. And then when he's finished with some other projects and the movies. He could come back if he wanted to. Have him quit for a while, because he wanted to raise the baby with Daisy etc.. But naah, they decided to kill him off. Wow, i'm still pissed off. I think that was a big mistake. But thats me. Anyways, they got some potential to work with now. They got some extra drama now (wich they love) I guess they will have Booth going down the rabbit hole or something. Like Kate in Castle is known to do. And yes, it would make sense if Booth got somekind of PSTD because of Sweets and blame himself.
I'm actually real interested to see how they will do shit between Bones and Booth now. They wasnt at the same page a lot in the first episode. Will they be arguing alot this season? Will they fix their problems as soon this dirty FBI is found? Will this whole FBI dirty cop thing end in divorce for our DD? Who knows what Hanson wants to do for his last season? Will they ever find out what actually happened? Will Bones be as understanding as she tried to be in the first episode?
And whatsup with Junior yes? I like that name. (thats what i always call my little brother too so) I read somewhere that he will be around for a while. And he will be a good cop. But i agree with you, i dont trust him quite yet. But he might just be one of the good guys, who is trying to prove himself to his bosses? But he might be in on it. With what happened in the first episode with Sweets and all, i'm not sure about anything anymore. But i could see something like Booth and Junior dislike each other in the beginning. And Bones liking Junior. But in the end both Booth and Junior ending up like best buds, and Bones dislikes Junior. Wouldnt shock me.
It wouldnt be weird if they wanted someone to replace Sweets. I wonder at all now, if we will see much of Wendall this season at all?
I guess i'm still pissed of because of what happened this Thursday..
We'll Always Have Paris.
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