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Topic: Bones - Spoiler (Read 48496 times)
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #165 on:
May 15, 2014, 06:00:56 PM »
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Should we worry about Booth and Brennan’s marriage after the Bones finale (airing Monday)? –Maria
Um, maybe? “There’s a huge thing that happens at the end… that we’re not going to tell you about, but it changes everything — not only between Booth and Brennan, but also with Booth’s job, possibly Brennan’s job – I mean, everything,” Emily Deschanel warns. Adds scene partner David Boreanaz: “There is a lot of destructive forces that could come upon us, and we find out that there’s more to it than what meets the eye…. It puts [Booth and Brennan] in a different place, for sure.”
I want your take on this answer Marie.. Please let me know what you think. For me it looks like there might be some trouble somewhere..
We'll Always Have Paris.
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #166 on:
May 15, 2014, 07:08:25 PM »
Ok. Let me think a minute here. I haven't seen the last episode - I was wrong at how far behind I was...I don't even remember watching some of it... shows that my interest is practically gone I think. Anyway. I haven't seen the last new episode and I haven't seen any sort of preview for the next episode..I think that is the finale.
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The one thing I do remember from the last few episodes I watched was that there was talk of Booth being looked at for some kind of promotion..possibly a position in Europe. I believe the one mentioned was at some base in Germany. Bones had a small hissy fit when Booth said he wouldn't take that position because of her and Christine. But Bones doesn't know as much about that particular base as Booth does. From what I remember being said, it was some kind of place where they train anti-terrorist units or something like that. Top secret, potentially dangerous is what I got out of it..and that perhaps, if Booth were to take that position, Bones and Christine would not be allowed to go with him.
So, with what they are saying in that bit there - about it changing jobs and such - I'm thinking Booth is promoted...maybe even it is a done deal and not a position they will let him turn down if he wants to stay with the FBI. The promotion could be to a position that would tie him to a desk...ship him out of the country...different state...something like that. Bones may not be allowed to go with him. Heck, maybe someone higher up at the FBI has a problem with Booth and Bones working together now that they are married. Heck...maybe Booth has been given an assignment that sends him to Afghanstan or something for like 6 months or a year and is top secret, so he can't tell Bones what it is and she certainly can't go. With his sniper background, maybe they are sending him to take out someone in the Taliban or something - kind of like what they did to Kensi on NCIS: LA. The assignment was a done deal and not something she could say no to. Course in that case, it was done to try to hide the actresses real life pregnancy. But I could see Hanson come up with something like this as a way to pull Bones and Booth apart again. How will being forced apart impact their marriage next year when he comes home? Will have PTSD or something? Will he be able to tell her anything about the mission? Stuff like that.
Or maybe, since there is a mention that could mess with her job too, maybe Booth is told he is up for a promotion but the only way he can get it is if he stops working with Bones...or if Bones stops working on/consulting..whatever on FBI investigations.
Or maybe it just Pelante back from the dead to screw with them again. Sorry...couldn't resist.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #167 on:
May 15, 2014, 09:07:04 PM »
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Well, i found a sneak peek of the season finale.. And
here it is.. Watch it at your own risk..
I'm not sure what to think.. We know there will be a season 10, so we kinda know the answer.. Or do we? I'm not even sure anymore with Hanson & Co.. But that clip was sure interesting i would say!
We'll Always Have Paris.
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #168 on:
May 16, 2014, 07:53:22 AM »
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Whoa. Seriously? Did I just see what I think I did? What the hell is Hanson doing?? What the hell. I certainly had no idea something like that would happen - as you probably figured from what I wrote before. Damn. What the hell..sorry..I'm just...dumbfounded that Hanson would go this route. Though I suppose I shouldn't be given all the other crap he's done.
Well...the show has been renewed. I thought both of them were signed for another season. I would hope they wouldn't go and do something so epically stupid as killing Booth. If that happens, I'm done. I won't keep watching next season to see Bones dealing with grief and everyone else tip toeing around her when she acts all unfeeling and buries herself in work...regresses even more than she already has when she pulled back from Booth before. She certainly wasn't being unfeeling in that clip. That is probably the most expressive she's been in ages, if not ever. If the episode ends with it looking like he's dead....well...I'll be annoyed again. And if he stays dead - not revivied within like the first 5 seconds of the first episodes next season, that annoyance will go to majorly pissed and no more Bones for me.
Oh no. I just had a really, really bad thought. How that little bit from the cast saying things were going to change and challenge the relationship...something like that. So just had the horrible thought that Hanson has completely lost his mind...Booth dies and Bones starts seeing his ghost...or he hovers around as a ghost to protect her and Christine. Ack. I know that is kind of out there, but really, with all the other crap Hanson has done, would this be that far out there? I just saw the one episode again today when Bones decides she wants a baby and asks him for his sperm...and he starts seeing Stewie from Family Guy...talking to him...a freaking animated character. So Booth being a ghost wouldn't be that far out.
Though....Bones has been known for .....manipulating things in the previews to make things look way differently than what they turn out to be. Geeze.
I swear, I am about to give up on season finales. This kind of crap - along with what happened in Castle - is why I am coming to hate them. Writes get wild hairs and do dumb shit, all trying to out do each other...kill off half the cast...endanger all the characters...crap like that. Because you know people who like a show won't keep watching when the new season starts if some stupid, dumbass cliffhanger isn't used. I am to the point where I hate them. And I have a history of getting ticked off by the finales of Bones. I think I have mentioned that before.
First few seasons didn't bother me too much. Then they got to the year when Zack was the apprentice to Gormagon. That didn't piss me off as much as it did some fans, but it was rather stupid. Then there is the one when Booth is recovering from brain surgery - after his lovely little chats with the animated character - and there is the thing that seems like a dream but is in fact a book that Bones was writing while sitting by his bedside...but when he wakes up he doesn't know who she is. Please. I still haven't watched the one when everyone basically left...Bones and the annoying intern that was with Sweets - can't remember her name - going off to some remote area to play in the dirt and dig up stuff...Booth reenlisting in the freaking Army and heading off to a damn war zone. Only good thing about the end of that season was that they finally fixed the mess with Angela and Hodgins. The next season is probably the only one I really liked...Booth and Bones undercover with the bowling league..then she says she's pregnant. The next year went straight to shit with Pelante framing Bones for murder and her taking off with Christine. Then last year...Pelante again, screwing with them...making Booth back out of the engagement once Bones finally realized she wanted to get married. Given the track record with this show and season finales, I should have been expecting some other dumbass move by Hanson. He's so good at doing sucking season ending episodes.
Sheesh... oh well...least know I have a better idea of what to expect. Though I would have once I finally watched the last episode..though I may have gone ahead and watched Monday before watching the last one. Wow. For some reason I still can't quite believe Hanson went this way.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #169 on:
May 17, 2014, 09:36:07 PM »
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Haha.. Well i dont know what to belive after seeing that promo. We finally see Bones react to something. Not the stonecold face as she "always" have. We see Booth being shot and is between life and death it looks like. That raise for me alot of questions. Why? Who did it? Will he survive? Will this be the cliffhanger Em was talkin about? That will change the whole shit? Usually i would say that we know he survive because we know there will be one more season (like with Castle) But in this case its actually a bit different. We know there will be a S10. But we also know that S10 is more than likely the last season of the show. So knowing this will be the last season would Hanson go so far to kill of Booth? I would say no 2 seasons ago. But now, i'm not sure anymore. It would be to take too far. But i'm not sure anymore. It would be one hell of a twist anyway, and we would see how Bones would react without him. But um.. Even a stretch for Hanson. So lets say he survive. But what will the aftermath be? (if thats even a word) Would he remember anything? How will he react to all of it? What will happen with the job opening in Germany? (was it Germany?) Will this change the relationship between the DD? And if yes, why? Will this efect his work in the field? Will have have some permanent damage? What i fear is that whoever shot Booth will be a new arc. A new serialkiller or something. Just to stirr up the pot. I will not speculate much yet. Going to watch the episode this Monday, and after that i prolly will have a bit more to say about it. What makes this so much more interesting is that the next season will be the last season of the show. So what will Hanson & Co do to make this last season the best season yet in his mind? And seeing what he's done before, i'm a bit nervous with what he can do with this last season. I'm not putting anything past him anymore. I hope we see Bones actually cry in the scene we saw there. We have only seen her cry once before in the 9 seasons. And if we dont see her cry now (with her husband almost dies etc) Lets hope for some emotion from her. Would be the time for it. I guess we'll have to wait and see. But i guess we wont have any answers before September anyways. Oh well. Lets hope Hanson doesnt fuck it up big time.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #170 on:
May 18, 2014, 06:33:46 AM »
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I still have the one episode on my DVR to watch. I just haven't felt the interest...maybe I will later tonight or tomorrow. I'll see.
But I don't know what to think about the finale after that preview either. Yes Bones is finally showing some emotion that didn't have to be pulled out of her by Angela...or that she was coached into showing. And you are right, with her husband shot, possibly close to death, it is about time for some kind of reaction other than her stone face.
I don't know if Hanson would go so far as to kill Booth, but really, I wouldn't be surprised. I don't know if Boreanez - not sure how to spell his name - is signed for the 10th season or not. I swear I remember reading at some point that he wanted to leave the show or thought that Booth should die. That wasn't recently..maybe a few years ago, but still, at least at some point, I think he thought his character should be killed. But who knows. and if it setting up a new serial killer, heaven help us after Pelante. Hanson can't do those types of longer, far reaching stories. Every one he has tried has sucked in some way or another. I would hope that he isn't dumb enough to go and kill one of his main characters, but again, who the hell knows. Really, after other stuff he has done, I doubt I'd be surprised if he went and killed pretty much everyone at the Jeffersonian...leaving only the interns in charge or something.
If he survives, then maybe the challenge to the marriage will be tied to his recovery. Maybe he needs a lot of physical therapy after...or doesn't deal well with being home on sick leave...or maybe he does. hell maybe he turns into Mr. Mom while Bones goes and works crimes with a new FBI agent. Or Bones has some sort of breakdown and doesn't want him to go back to work. Yes, hopefully Hanson doesn't screw it up too much. But I don't have much faith in him.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #171 on:
May 18, 2014, 03:37:49 PM »
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Well, i tried to see if there was any new sneak peeks out there and there wasnt. And i gotta be honest. I dont have a clue really on any anything. Just what we've seen in the promo. But i guess we will know come Monday.. But i will say this tho. I will not be surprised whatever happens. If he dies, if he survives. Dont know and dont care anymore really. But i have to check out S10 since its will be the last season of the series. Lets just hope he (they) dont fuck it up to bad. Because Bones was a really great show from S01 - S07. And then something happend.
We'll Always Have Paris.
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #172 on:
May 18, 2014, 08:18:55 PM »
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I don't have a clue what will happen either. I really don't care anymore either. And that is too bad because the show use to be one of my favorites and I did care about the characters. And maybe we'll know tomorrow night. They could end with another lovely Hanson cliffhanger...could be him flat lining on the table or something and they'll make us wait till next season to know if they get him back. Though if that is the case, we'd know sooner when they started shooting again...July maybe? I can't remember when they generally start up for the new season.
Not to be too negative here, but, if it can be screwed up, Hanson will find a way...least that is how it has seemed for a while now.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #173 on:
May 19, 2014, 10:52:07 PM »
Yeah, well.. Tonight we will know! I'm not even nervous or looking really forward to it anymore. But i'm looking forward to your comments on here after the show tho
Guess i will have more after watching the episode.
Last Edit: May 19, 2014, 10:56:56 PM by Piffi
We'll Always Have Paris.
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #174 on:
May 20, 2014, 08:40:03 PM »
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Soo, i watched it! And i have to be honest. That was a pleasent surprise tho! For me personally this was the best episode i've seen in a few seasons to be complete honest. Actually great moments here and there too. And i gotta say. The way that the season ended? Perfect for Bones! (the show) I'm actually looking forward to see what happens next season. I was going in to this episode expecting nothing. But i'll admit it. I liked it. And the ending? I didnt see that coming. Well, enjoy the episode when you watch it!
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #175 on:
May 21, 2014, 01:54:04 AM »
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I watched it last night as it aired. Well I missed the first few minutes..evidently that was when Booth was wheeled into the er.
I didn't expect all that. I was talking to a friend during some of it too, so I missed some stuff - maybe some of the lead up from the last episode too since I haven't watched that one yet.
Holy cow..he turned their house into a giant bobby trap. And if he thought the ..leak or dirty agents or whatever were so freaking dangerous, why in the hell did he confront that senator that way, putting a lovely, huge, glow in the dark target on his back? And Bones? Even Christine. It would have been smarter to get enough evidence to get them first.
Looks like Bones has a bad ass mode too..though perhaps slightly less impress than Kate in bad ass mode.
I did not expect that ending at all. When the doctor told her she couldn't see Booth yet, I started thinking coma or something went really long and he lost a leg or arm or something.
I'm thinking that one agent - sorry I have no clue what his name is - the one that was in the room and said that Booth killed FBI agents - the one that seemed to have been supporting Booth for the promotion - is the leak or bad agent or whatever. Promotion was just an attempt to distract Booth from the fact that he was figuring out there was a leak..mole...whatever.
Least that is my thought at the moment. I need to watch the episode again.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #176 on:
May 21, 2014, 10:14:09 PM »
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Well, no one got the 'bad ass mode' as Kate does. She's on top alone. But thats ok tho. Bones doesnt need to be Kate. But she showed us a bit more emotions in this episode (not enough) but more. And thats a start. And i liked the twist i gotta say. And i think its Strike (?) the boss of Booth. Who's been following him. I think its him who's behind it all. But Bones actually did a good job this time around IMHO. It will actually be interesting to see what happens next.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #177 on:
May 22, 2014, 02:03:28 AM »
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This is true. Kate in bad ass mode is a sight to behold. Though it was a bit nice to see Bones not be so...ummm....wooden and unfeeling. Or at least not act unfeeling.
I was surprised by the finale. Like I said before, some of it I wasn't that sure of what was going on since I missed the one episode - well actually, I missed one earlier too...when Wendell came back. I saw a bit at the end..was enough that I knew I wasn't in the mood for that. So. Didn't watch it either. Is that one guy Booth's boss? The one you called Strike? Is he the one that Booth had been talking about that recommended him for the new position? Gave him free reign to find the mole? Oh I am so confused right now.
Anyway, I was surprised. It is probably the best finale Bones has done in ...I don't even know how long. In some ways, it works better than what Castle did. And yes I realize I actually just said that...and no I did not get hit on the head ..am not suffering from lack of sleep.. Believe me, I never expected to think that.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #178 on:
May 22, 2014, 04:46:49 PM »
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wow! I will forgive you for saying something like that. Bones over Castle? I thought we were friends Marie! But ok, i wont be upset for more then a week
But yeah, i think 'Strike' is his name. Thats the black dude (is that even legal to say anymore?) sorry if i offended someone. Dont know how to explain him. Who's been with him now for a few episodes. He was his boss, was there with the ghostkiller case. And he was the one who wanted to Booth to get the job in Berlin etc. And he was the black dude who was at the hospital when they took Bones. And now i think HE is behind it all. And now it will be a witchhunt ofc. But Bones and Booth will find the bastard in the end. We all know they will be back to normal in a episode or two. Or atleast thats what they should do. But with Hanson & Co we never know. Even tho they did a allright job in the seasonfinale.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #179 on:
May 22, 2014, 09:27:04 PM »
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Believe me I know. I never, and I mean never expected to write that, let alone feel it. It pained me to write it - not that I think Bones is better overall. Oh no. I haven't completely lost my mind. But right now, just based on the finale episodes, the Bones finale worked better for me.
Yes the black guy is who I was thinking of and didn't know his name. You didn't offend me. I know some get bent out of shape, but that is the easiest way to specify who we mean. It isn't meant in a bad way. Anyway, I maybe remember seeing him briefly before..maybe one of the Ghostkiller episodes. Hmmm. Not sure. But that guy, the black agent, is Booth's boss now? I wasn't completely clear on that.
Yes I agree, they need to get stuff fixed in the first episode or two - meaning Bones and Booth not arrested and back to work like normal. But with Hanson...who knows..he may have gotten a wild hair that it will be fun to have them locked up in Levenworth or something for half the season. I would hope he has more brains than that, but really, it wouldn't surprise me. Very little will surprise me where he is concerned...except when there is an honest to goodness good episode that doesn't annoy me in some way or other.
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