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Topic: Bones - Spoiler (Read 48467 times)
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #15 on:
October 03, 2013, 10:55:49 PM »
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Ehm, wait. What did you just say now?! The stuff with Cam might be going on big parts of the season? wtf. I didnt like to hear that. But then ofc Pelante will get away, yet again. He will this time hurt Bones. And Booth will miss with his sniperrifle. gl hf. Dont pardon you language to me
i dont mind. But i'm not sure that is the reaction Hanson & co wants out of his fans. (And i read something in the midsummers or when it was) about a wedding maby trough the end of the season. But now it seems like it will happen much sooner. Intersting, wonder whats happend there? Will be a real interesting episode next Monday tho. They can make right on some things. But they can (pardon my language) fuck everything up. I'm not going to hope for anything, will just wait and see. And share my thougts when its finished. (I hope you will watch the whole episode aswell
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #16 on:
October 04, 2013, 03:48:33 AM »
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Maybe I'm remembering it wrong, but I'm fairly sure that Hanson or one of the producers or writers said that what is happening with Cam will be ongoing... if it is, then maybe Pelante isn't behind it...hmm..maybe she pissed someone else off at some point. I have no clue.
I don't think Hanson and the others higher up with the show are that in touch with fans..they claim they know what the fans want and how they will react.. Most of the time when they have claimed - especially Hanson - that the fans would get what they have been wanting, it has sucked...big time. And they think that fans will like what they do and keep watching..even if they get upset and ticked off. They are idiots. So I am still very...cautious about this upcoming wedding. Hanson has screwed us over too many times before all the while claiming he is giving fans what they want. The man is delusional. Well according to that article I found last night - and shared the link for - the wedding is going to air on the 21st of this month. So hopefully that means Pelante is going to get a lovely sniper bullet right between his eyes...and in the heart... And then have his head chopped off....flatten him in a car crusher...run him through a wood chipper...then set fire to what comes out of the wood chipper. Well...I guess that makes me sound very..umm..violent or disturbed. I'm really not. I just loath that character and don't want any sort of teeny tiny possibility that he could come back and screw with them again. Jail is not an option. He'd just escape and charm his way into early parole or whatever and then we're right back where we started.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #17 on:
October 05, 2013, 12:07:56 AM »
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Hehe, take a deep breath ma'm
But i have to say if that with Cam is true. Blergh, no good. Dont care for it. I just saw the picture from the wedding, and (Bones and dad) looked really happy tho. So thats a good thing. But i guess something might happen there aswell. IF they would do ALL of that to Pelante to make sure he's dead, are you 100% sure that he would be dead? Not coming back as a ghost or something? More i think about it, and more i read. (i hope i'm wrong) but i'm not 100% sure that Pelante will die. Maby something happens to him, and we dont actually see that he gets killed, but we would assume it. And in a later episode, kaboom hee's baack! And jail? hah, for him? thats a few days and he would be out. For sure, so i guess we'll just have to wait for Monday to see IF we get some more answers on the whole thing.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #18 on:
October 05, 2013, 01:37:14 AM »
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I did say that this character has gotten to me. I despise him...loath him... He is awful. Now why did you have to go and suggest he'd come back as a ghost?? Ack. He's just the type of type of twisted character that would do that...poltergeist their house or something. Geeze...and the sad thing is, after everything else that Hanson has done, I wouldn't be surprised if he he tried something like this...or possession. Crap. The character just needs to go away and never, ever come back. Jail wouldn't work at all... he'd be out in no time somehow...look at how he got away last year by creating a whole new identity.
I do think that Bones and her dad look really happy in that picture. That is probably about the happiest we have seen her. It is about time that they get to be happy. Stop having cases spill into their lives and screw stuff up.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #19 on:
October 06, 2013, 01:53:46 PM »
Hehe! I'm sorry Marie. I didnt mean it (well, i kinda ment it) Cant you picture it? He as a ghost? Hunting Bones and Booth?
Ah, nah. Dont think you have to worry about that. If he dies, i think he will be gone. I guess its only one day left, and we will find out what really happens. I guess i have more to say when i've watched the episode.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #20 on:
October 07, 2013, 12:35:40 AM »
I don't really think they would go that way either...but, like I said before, they have done other stuff I didn't think they would either. Granted nothing that would be stretching things as much as that..but... I wouldn't really be surprised. I don't think they can do anything to surprise me anymore.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #21 on:
October 07, 2013, 11:26:57 PM »
Will you be watching the episode tonight?
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #22 on:
October 08, 2013, 02:43:20 AM »
I'm watching right now...I did miss the first 15 to 20 minutes...I wasn't home - I can go back and watch them on the DVR....if I feel like and I'm not to ticked off. Which right now, I'm not feeling ....optimistic about that.
39 minutes into the show.....
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What the hell is the matter with Bones?
?? She's saying Pelante is more valuable alive than dead?? Argh. Someone slap some sense her in immediately. She's letting him get into her head. I think has a good point about maybe he's trying to distract her...or he's playing out one of his twisted little games, raising doubts...and now she is insisting that he wouldn't lie to her and there must be a clue.
Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh And she let him get in her head. Dumbass. Man. Did someone hit her upside the head with a stupid stick in the part I didn't see? What. The. Hell.
I may be back...that was just a ...thought while watching.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #23 on:
October 08, 2013, 03:05:22 AM »
Ok...I am back.
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I am not ticked off....he's dead he's dead he's dead. Wooooooohooooooooo. Though really, I think another bullet would have been a good idea. Just in case. He survived before. And what the heck is with them walking away and leaving the body there? How about staying there and calling in everyone to haul him in for Cam to do an autopsy immediately.
If they say later that his body disappeared or something I will be so pissed.
But...he's gone he's gone he's gone. Woohoooo. And the engagement is fixed...about damn time. So, for now anyway, I'm not ticked off. But that is subject to change if Hanson loses his mind again.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Heavy Poster
Posts: 2140
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #24 on:
October 08, 2013, 11:52:14 PM »
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So Marie, i think you will be mad at me now. And i will be the big partypooper. First off, this was one of the better episodes so far. And they did a good job with Pelante actually. He caught me by surprise. But why would they take the body to Cam for autopsy? No need for one? Since they know what killed him. Or "killed" him. Here's the kicker for me. I dont think he died. I think he survived the whole fucking thing! I mean this big big arc going on for several seasons. And this is it? I hope i'm wrong but i think he will be back somehow :\ But i enjoyed the epiosde and its good that Bones and Booth are on the same page now. Interesting to see now how they will play things out with Ange and Booth, or if that is forgotten. (Havent seen the promo for next weeks show yet) Have you? I tried to check out the promo for 'The Mentalist' but no such luck yet. Thats a show i really enjoy aswell. That and Castle are in top these days
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #25 on:
October 09, 2013, 02:09:43 AM »
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No worries...I'm not mad. I haven't watched the entire episode yet..I may do that later this week.
As for why to take the body to Cam...to make sure he is dead this time. He survived being shot in the face before..at least I think that is what happened..why he's all scared now. I can't remember.
Oh I have a ....concern that the jerk isn't really dead too..which is why it kind of irked me that they just walked away once he was down. Booth said he was dead, but they didn't check for a pulse. And I'm not doctor, but where he was shot..that isn't where the heart is..so it is possible that he survived. They should have checked for a pulse..and at the very least stayed there until transport arrived to get the body.
They could cremate him..that would work too. Just something to make sure he is really dead. But I really won't be surprised if he returns somehow. I'll be pissed, but I won't be surprised. But at least they stopped screwing with Bones and Booth. Though if they go and bring that ass back, they will probably screw with them more. Hmmm...that reminds me. Unless it was in the little bit I haven't seen yet, nothing ever came of the bug or whatever that Pelante planted in their house, back at the end of season...ummmm...7. When Bones was accused of killing that guy. He put at least one bug or something in the house..maybe 2. Hanson or one of the other producers or a writer said that would come into play this season. Crap. Why did I have to remember that?? The miserable shit probably isn't dead. grrrr. grumble grumble. Maybe that's why the issue with Cam continues..he needs money until he can launch his next crazy plan and he wants to steal from someone else at the Jeffersonian..just another way to prove he is smarter than them. Remember, he said that last night when he turned up in the lab and threatened to blow up Bones..claimed he was smarter than all of them.
I saw the preview after the end of the episode last night. There was nothing shown in that about any ..tension or issue or anything between Booth and Angela. Showed Bones and Booth discussing some wedding plans while working a crime scene..they had to sort of repel down the side of a mountain to get to the body..that was like embedded in the mountain. Or Cliff. Whatever. If the writers have any talent left, they will show Booth and Angela having a talk...or Bones telling Angela about how Booth called off the wedding because of Pelante threatening to kill people. Then Angela talking to Booth ..saying Bones told her and she's sorry for the way she was attacking him for the last few months..something like that. But I'm not holding my breath for anything from Hanson. I'm still wary about the wedding even though there are pictures and stuff. I could just see him going and pulling some shit at the last minute..doing that nonsense where one of them gets shot as they are walking back down the aisle or something. I hope that doesn't happen, believe me, but I wouldn't be surprised.
Oh one thing I forgot to mention last night. Bones seemed almost...too calm there are the end when she and Booth were talking and he explained why he backed out of the wedding. After how upset she was when that happened..and even how upset she seemed to be in the first episode - during the part I saw - I don't know..that just didn't seem right. She's always so outspoken about other stuff...and like once she was back home after being on the run, how she kept making such a big deal about how she could do everything by herself.. Just didn't seem right that she didn't say something about how he could have tried to find a way to tell her or something. She's jumped down his throat for a lot less in the past.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #26 on:
October 09, 2013, 07:47:07 AM »
I am back. I wasn't going to do this..however for some reason I was thinking about the episode..and this....thought hit me. Why did I do this to myself??
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This may take me a bit to get to my..thought. I'm going to share my reasoning here.
So I think I was thinking again of why did Booth just say Pelante was dead without getting closer to check? They didn't check for a pulse. And then it seems like - we didn't see everything, but it looks like they just walked off and left his body there. Also - minor side point here - with everyone watching and knowing that Bones was going into a trap, why didn't they send in back up after Booth went in? At least have it shown where the backup was outside that gate and then Booth figures out how to let them in so someone can collect the freaking body.
So...like I said, I got to thinking why didn't they check the body to make sure he was dead? He wasn't shot between his beady little eyes..the back of his head wasn't blown off from a big bullet from the sniper rifle...he wasn't hit in the heart. I'm not an expert or doctor or anything of course, but where he was shot doesn't look like it would necessarily be a kill shot. I don't think there are any organs there..the heart is off to the side...even the lungs I believe are on each side..he was shot kind of high up in the middle of the chest. That doesn't seem like an instant kill spot to me, though I guess Booth would know where to shoot. Now I haven't watched the episode again - and now that I am raising this ...doubt with myself, I don't know when I will - so I may not be remembering right, but, there wasn't much blood. I wasn't expecting it to gush out like in a cheesy horror movie or something, but there didn't seem to be much, if any blood. I don't even remember seeing any on the floor when they showed him laying on the ground. That got me to thinking more.
Pelante is some sort of freaking genius with everything evidently. He set up Bones in an elaborate way...he got in their house undetected and put some sort of bug or who knows what in the house...he created a new identity for himself in no time, getting himself off for that murder that Bones discovered when she was on the run. He got into the computers at the Jeffersonian more than once...he managed to get all of Hodgins's money. He got inside the Jeffersonian undetected to have his little chat with Bones in the bone room and went on about how he is smarter than everyone there. Once Bones went to where he was, he went on about how predictable they all were and how she walked right into his trap - which she did, like an idiot and she even had a gun. If she didn't want to kill him, why didn't she shoot him in the kneecap or something?? Argh. Anyway..back to my point. He even talked about knowing that Booth would show up, but he thought it would take him a little longer to get there. And now I'm thinking that Pelante even planned for Booth shooting him and he faked his own death. He could have had a vest on under his shirt. I don't remember his shirt being tight fitting, so it wouldn't be noticeable. There are newer vests that are thinner and with everything else he's done, he could have gotten his grubby hands on one someway. And he could have figured out how to do those fake blood things - squibs or whatever they are called. Then when Booth and Bones walked off and left the body, before anyone else was there to collect it, he could have gotten up and walked off. He could have been planning to do some other attack if Booth checked for a pulse and when that didn't happen, he waited and took off when they left. Yes this is a bit...far fetched, but Hanson has pulled far fetched before..and with the way he adores this complete waste of a character...I could see him trying to pull it off and think he's done a brilliant story. And I will be so pissed. It will be an epic level of pissed.
I think I have managed to convince myself now that that nasty, evil, twisted, piece of shit faked his death and will be back again. Dammit. Dammit. Dammit. And damn Hanson and the writers for leaving the door on this open, even though it is just a teeny crack...for Pelante that it is enough. If they hadn't done that, I wouldn't have come up with this idea. I could have happily looked forward to the wedding. But no..they had to leave a teeny, tiny bit of doubt because they adore this ass. I can't even enjoy that they are getting married now. I'm already kind of pissed now because they left this doubt in there. I'll be waiting for the miserable piece of shit to surface again. Even if he doesn't come back, because there is that tiny bit of doubt, some of my enjoyment in any future episode is already gone. It is like waiting for the other shoe to drop. And like you said, they have been building him up for several years and in the end it was kind of....well...nothing special I guess. Not a big enough of a moment like it seem like Hanson would have planned..like he did before with Gravedigger..Gormonagon and Zack..all that. And Bones was too calm, almost like she wasn't reacting at all. Though I did like how she asked him if I say yes, will we get married? Dammit. So now I think you are right and he didn't die. Well I thought of that possibility last night too, but now, I'm leaning more to that happening than him being dead. He either faked his death or he survived and was able to get away when they walked off and LEFT THE BODY ALONE. Idiots. And remember, I did mention before seeing the episode that I wanted something that would definitely show he was dead...like being beheaded...and then burned or I would be worried about him coming back. So I had considered that possibility before watching this last episode. And, like I mentioned before, nothing has come from whatever Pelante put in their house..bugs..cameras....a bomb..who knows. Hanson and the writers have talked about that building up to something for a while, and yet nothing so far. Now that I've thought about it more and gotten over my initial thought of the ass jerk is dead woo hoo, I feel like this isn't over.
I hope I am wrong. Oh how I hope I'm wrong. But at this point, after everything that has happened with this crappy character, I wouldn't be surprised if it happens. At this point, I'll probably be surprised if he doesn't return. Dammit. Now I'll just be waiting for him to turn up and screw with them again. Damn you Hanson. They just can't stop screwing with them. Hanson and the writers are the ones that decided to go down the road of Booth and Bones getting involved...and they keep throwing roadblocks up. If they didn't want them together, they never should have started that way back in whichever season it was that there were hints of the attraction and feelings beyond friendship. They don't know how to write a normal relationship...they need to watch Castle and get a freaking clue.
Sorry this was so long. Once I started down this path, I couldn't stop.
Ok..I think I am done now.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Posts: 2140
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #27 on:
October 09, 2013, 11:42:54 PM »
Hehe, i love reading your posts! Thanks
And i will have some answers for you tomorrow\later on. I've just got home from work, and have to go to bed. But i'm sorry if i said something that upset you! That wasnt my intention at all.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #28 on:
October 10, 2013, 01:16:14 AM »
Oh no...it wasn't you at all. It was the way something was handled that left...doubt. And as you can see, I took that doubt and ran a freaking marathon with it.
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But yes, I think the miserable shit is still alive. So now I'm just waiting for that to pop up in an episode so I can rightfully be pissed at Hanson again.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Posts: 2140
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #29 on:
October 10, 2013, 11:27:48 PM »
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Not really in the mood for writing. But here goes nothing, so we got 4 episodes so far. And for the 3 first episodes we have seen trouble between our beloved DD'S. Because of your best friend Mr.P
We have seen Cam losing her money (as did Hodge and Ange in the last season) Because of Mr.P. They havent said that about Cam, but we all know it. So so far the episodes has been involving Mr.P ALOT. And he's the biggest thing since Gormagon? (dont know how to spell that one) and the gravedigger. Wich one was Zack with again? And with those stories we got a real payoff. And we all now that they are dead now. And the Pelante story is building up to something much bigger than those. (Maby the biggest one yet on the show) And he was shot, just like that. No blood, no extra shooting etc. Something is off. For many reasons. One of the reasons i'm thinking about is that in the summer Hanson said in a interview that Hodings and Angela would get a chance to get all of their money back from Pelante. And IF (thats a big if!!) thats true, how are they going to do that with him dead? I'm sure they will figure a way. But i dunno. And now Bones and Booth is (again) engaged. And from what we've seen in pictures she looks happy at the wedding with her dad. Maby the fans get the dream wedding they've dreamt of? Or will something happen? I just think something is off, something doesnt feel right about the whole thing. I think we will see him again! We will never get rid of that motherfucker. I just think its that easy. I hope i'm wrong. I really do. Buuut. I "guess they got their reasons"
We'll Always Have Paris.
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