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Topic: Bones - Spoiler (Read 51375 times)
DJ Doena
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Bones - Spoiler
September 27, 2013, 05:03:19 PM »
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #1 on:
September 28, 2013, 02:09:33 AM »
Thanks! I'll use this aswell
And again, sorry if i offended anyone with anything.
I'm going to be real short with this tonight, since i'm real tired and going to bed real soon after a long day at work. I'll have some more writing tomorrow.
But this Pelante deal (i'm going to watch some older episodes when he first got interduced) so i can have some more to say. But now they are playing him up as he was -the- Hannibal Lecter! Not there yet bro'. And i got a few chosen words for Cam aswell, but more tomorrow
I've never liked her. (as a actress) not a good actress imho. And her character starts of very wrong. Wanted to fire Bones. Great way to get friends! And remember she slept with Booth. And we know Ange always wanted that. But i read somewhere that Hodgins down the line this season might get an oportunity to get all of his money back. Interesting eh? And i'm curious to see how the episode 3 will be like. Because i think they are going somewere with all of this. Thats what i hope atleast.
But this is a great place to discuss the episodes tho. Even tho anyone dont agree with what's happening lately. (Me included!) But for now, i'm hanging in there!
We'll Always Have Paris.
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #2 on:
September 28, 2013, 03:40:51 AM »
I didn't like Cam when she first turned up either. She ...had too much attitude or something I guess, though I suppose she sort of had to do that to show her authority as the new boss. But thinking about firing Bones? That was stupid. I actually just saw some of that episode again a few weeks ago. I can't remember who Cam told that she was thinking of firing Bones, but they said flat out it was a bad idea, which sort of surprised Cam.
Pelante first turned up during season 7. I think it was before Christine was born.
I had no read that there could be a way for Hodgins to get the money back...interesting indeed.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #3 on:
September 28, 2013, 03:17:27 PM »
When Cam first turned up, she was this kind of a cocky "i'm better then you" character. And she butted head with Bones quite early. (And they dont see eye to eye on things) And the person Cam asked about firing Bones, was Booth! And he said "If she goes, i goes" and at the end of that episode, or the next one. Cam and Booth end up sleeping together. Interesting. Amazing writing again eh?
And for the Hodgins getting (or be able to getting his money back) It was in a interview with Hanson, where he said something about that. That in this season he might be able to get his money back. How's that even possible i dont know. (With how they are playing Pelante up) The Pelante arc is turning out to much bigger then the Gravedigger arc. I'm looking forward to see what the 3rd episode brings. Maby i will have some more things to say about it all then
We'll Always Have Paris.
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #4 on:
September 29, 2013, 07:09:21 AM »
I couldn't remember who she said something to about firing Bones. It makes sense it was Booth though. The two of them had been involved before she got that job. I don't know how they originally met - I can't remember if it was shared in the show or not - but they had been together previously. They they hooked up again, though it didn't last. Just like it didn't last when they had him jump back into bed with Parker's mom. Oh yes...they are showing off their stellar writing skills there. Bunch of idiots really. Originally Cam was only going to be there for like 6 episodes or so...when she got infected with that...well..whatever it was...wait...someone poisoned her I think. Anyway, when that happened, originally the plan was for her to die, but Hanson changed his mind. Cam has grown on me ..I really didn't like her when she first arrived.
Hmmm..ok. Really...they have Pelante unstoppable, so how is Hodgins going to manage that. It isn't like he can press charges either. Maybe that will be tied to however Pelante goes down - and he better being going down.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #5 on:
September 29, 2013, 01:06:48 PM »
Really? I didnt know that to be honest with you. She was originally set to only play 6 episodes huh? And why in the blue hell did he change his mind? I remember when she first came in to the series that i didnt like her. I like the character before her i rememberd. Ok, no offence to her at all. But i just dont like her. Dont think she is a good actress. I've seen her in some other stuff too, and not the biggest fan. I'm not going to say that she is the badguy in bones. But something in between. Her character has irked me. From the day she wanted to fire Bones. Bones is one of my favorite characters in the show. So smart, yet so clueless. And she is a good actress aswell. I'll be honest with you. (Even tho it pains me to say) I liked it a bit better when Bones and Booth was chasing each other. After they put the two leads together, something of that spark disappaired. Look at Castle, they've done a great job so far there. (And even tho i like them together, Bones and Booth) THEY CAN DO SO MUCH MORE THAN WHAT THEY ARE DOING RIGHT NOW!! COME ON DUDE! And for Pelante, i'll just have to see how they play this shit out. I dont know anymore. Just two days for a new episode. What i am interested in in this whole thing is Ange/Booth. Something will happen there. And wich side will Bones take? We know Bones and Ange have been best friends long before they even knew Booth. Would Hanson cross the line, and turn Ange and Bones against each other? All speculation from my part. "Quit while ahead" .
We'll Always Have Paris.
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #6 on:
September 30, 2013, 05:38:25 AM »
Yup. I can't remember where I first read or heard that..probably some sort of interview with Hanson..or maybe the cast. Heck maybe it is in the extras for that season of the show.
I think she was just supposed to be around for 6 episodes, but I can't remember for sure now. The episode when she gets poisoned was supposed to be the last, so however many it took to get there. I don't remember knowing why he changed his mind...he probably decided she was hot or something like that...which actually would be more justification than some of the other dumbass decisions he's made over the years. Like at the beginning of season 7 that Hannah woman that Booth was dating. That is another character that Hanson and the writers would go on and on and on about..how wonderful she was..blah blah. Even all the characters on the show were all but worshiping her. It was forced and she didn't work for the show. And that actress - can't even remember who she was now - didn't fit the part. She was not believable at all as a serious journalist or someone who was basically just as smart as Bones. That was such a mess. I was so glad when she left, though I'm still a little irked that Booth went so far as to propose to her. He was kidding himself, trying to convince himself there was more there. Not that he didn't care for her...but you know he didn't have the same depth of feeling for her that he did Bones. It wasn't right.
Cam isn't my favorite character either, but she doesn't bother as much now as she did before. I agree, the writers haven't handled putting Bones and Booth together properly...and that goes back to them being afraid of the so called Moonlighting curse....and just sucking at writing anything other than a murder scene.
Calling what is going on with Pelante shit is a perfect description. That's what it is. Shit. Huge, stinking, piles of shit. I would hope that Hanson wouldn't go and turn Bones and Angela against each other. They have been friends for so long, and Angela has stood by her through so much...Angela was the one that Bones stayed in contact with while she was on the run... Turning them against each other now would be assine. Which, considering everything Hanson has done and the high stupid factor there, may indicate it has a high probability of happening. Which will just tick me off even more. and he's already got me good and ticked off.
Someone needs to slap some sense into him.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #7 on:
September 30, 2013, 09:41:09 PM »
Well, let me be brutally honest here. I think they (he) should have killed her off. I dont like her, dont think she's a good actress. Her character has irked me. Ever since she wanted to fire Bones. (But maby thats the reaction they want out of me) If thats the case. Good job! And hot? Well, i like Bones better. But i guess he got his reasons for what he does. And think about it -Bones vs Ange- never been done on the show before. (Booth has had a fight with almost everyone) and Hanson said this would be a bit angsty and drama season. And that would be a twist alot wouldnt see coming? I dont know anymore. I know more after watching the episode tonight.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #8 on:
October 01, 2013, 01:54:10 AM »
I don't know either... Just from the little I have seen from this season, it is already more angsty than I care for. I don't like all that nonsense in any show...it always feels...artificial and forced to me..just an excuse to drag out something longer than needed.
If she had died at that point, I wouldn't have cared. Now....well....I wouldn't exactly be happy...but I wouldn't be that upset either I don't think.
Hanson's reasons for just about everything - especially in the last few years - are questionable and just flat out stupid.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #9 on:
October 01, 2013, 05:22:54 AM »
Ok...I have returned.
I only saw a little the episode tonight. Can't really even remember what was going on. But...
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Pelante is back next week and it looks like they are setting up a big confrontation thing. Though I don't think I like where Sweets was going...saying that Pelante wanted to be the man in Bones's life..replace Booth and that is why he has done what he has. Umm....not sure on that. But maybe they got a clue after the outrage back in May and changed their minds on dragging it out and it will end next week. If he someone worms his way out again, I'll will be sooo pissed. Booth had his sniper rifle, so he just needs to end him. And then shoot him a few more times just to make sure. and then maybe set him on fire. and run him over with one of those big roller machines they use when they put down new blacktop. As far as I'm concerned, there is no such thing as overkill where Pelante is concerned after everything he's done.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #10 on:
October 02, 2013, 12:01:56 AM »
I've just watched the episode, after 14 hours at work. I have a few comments and thougts about the whole thing. Will be short tho, since i'm going to bed soon.
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Ok, first off, whats up with the attitude Sweets is getting? He all of the sudden dont care anymore? And starting to get a attitude towards Booth? Mjeh.. A little too much talk of Pelante in this episode, does that mean they will kill him off soon? Or doesnt it mean anything? Could mean alot, or it could mean nothing. And for the episode, well. It was ok, with a interesting ending or killer. And last episode, all this fuzz about Cam losing all of her money etc. And in this episode NADA. Does it mean, that she got her money back? Or did they forget about the detail? Or will that come back in a bigger way? or "bigger" AND i want to say one thing tho about the show. I've been very down on it the last few times. There is one little "small" detail that i've loved about the show (that they still do) and have done since the start. They always end the episode with Bones and Booth alone, talking about something. Even before they got together. Thats a nice touch. Thats good that they still do that.
Thats it for me tonight. Cant say i'm looking forward to the next episode, but i will give it a shot.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #11 on:
October 02, 2013, 01:51:28 AM »
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I did notice that about Sweets...he's giving off major attitude...like a massive pity party or something. And he got rather snappy with Booth when Booth told him he needed to face and deal with what had happened...talk to someone. And Booth is right..if it had been anyone else in that position and they were now acting like Sweets - or not even that much attitude - Sweets would be pestering them morning noon and night to talk about it. This is making Sweets a bit of a hypocrite. Do as I say, not as I do type of thing going on there it seems. I didn't like Sweets when he first showed up either...he annoyed me more than Cam...still does at times..though last year it was cute when he was staying with Booth and Bones. Stuff with him and Daisy hasn't been handled well either, but that really isn't a surprise given the track record of the show.
It would seem like what is going on with Cam would be kind of a big, ongoing thing until it is resolved. But then again, these writers have not been the best at following through on threads that they start. Even with that Gormormagon - no clue how to spell that...the cannibal guy that turned Zack - there was like one episode and then nothing for a while..then all of the sudden, he's back and a big deal. Gravedigger was around in an episode or two, and then nothing for a while before that one is back too. Heck, they did the same freaking thing with Pelante. He was a suspect in that one murder - think it was the one when the spine was found in a museum - maybe the Jeffersonian - but nothing really came of that because they couldn't prove anything. Then they bring him back, orchestrating this huge plan to frame Bones for murder...after she had been meeting that guy - the one who was killed - to try to prove that Pelante was up to something..and she never told Booth what she was up to. And now he is the biggest bad guy they have ever gone after. So it really doesn't surprise me that they writers have dropped yet another thing that they tried to start. It should have been at least mentioned even if it isn't resolved yet...and if none of them suspect Pelante yet...which is just ridiculous.
Since I only saw a little of the show - still have had no motivation to watch the episodes I haven't fully watched - I don't know exactly how much Pelante was brought up, but I did hear one or two things about him...way more than I cared to hear. It may have been as a sort of build up to the next episode. Did you see a preview for it yet? Pelante is back in it...Sweets spouts off his theory that Pelante wants to replace Booth in Bones's life and that once Pelante realizes that Bones doesn't want him, he'll kill her. Looks like Pelante is going to lure Bones somewhere...then Booth shows up with his sniper rifle. If that arrogant ass manages to get away again.....well. I don't want to think about that right now, but if he does, I'll probably just delete the episodes from my dvr, and cancel the series recording. I reached my limit with that character a long time ago.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #12 on:
October 02, 2013, 05:32:14 PM »
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Hehe, i'm sorry you feel it that way. Sweets and Daisy i dont know what they wanted to with that whole thing. Will they be back together? Was it just a fling? Erhm. And i thought Sweets had an attitude not only when Booth asked about Pelante. But in general this episode, and towars Bones aswell. But now he goes on his leave. Maby he'll stop being grumpy when he comes back from his holydays. And for Sweets living with Bones and Booth. I didnt care for it at all. Why did they even do that? Glad he moved actually. And for Cam and the whole situation, it wasnt even mentioned or hinted to. So i will see what happens towards the whole saga. And i just watched the promo for next episode. IF they dont kill him, or something else happens. I dont know what i will do. This might be their chance! I didnt know it would come up this early. But when it did, lets just kill him off. Be finished with it. But somehow\someway i doubt that. I guess the next episode will be real interesting in many ways! Looking forward to see what they will do with the whol P-saga. And whatsup with Bones? Talking about being naiv?! Well. Somethings iffy here! I'm telling ya.
We'll Always Have Paris.
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #13 on:
October 03, 2013, 03:02:48 AM »
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The writers are not nearly as good as they think they are. Cam's situation didn't need to be the main focus, but it would have made sense if it would have at least been mentioned. I read something tied to Bones... I think it was last night, but I can't remember where. Anyway, it said that what is going on with Cam would be an issue all season, or at least most of the season. So I have no idea what to think. I just know that I will be beyond pissed if Pelante manages to get away again...especially with Booth going after him with his sniper rifle....Booth was a damn good sniper - a lot has been made of that in the series - so he can't screw up or it will make him look like an idiot. Though I guess he'd be fitting then since everyone else looks like an idiot too thanks to Pelante. Argh. He has to be the most irritating, worthless character ever.
I'll wait and see..nothing else we can do...but if that miserable piece of shit - pardon my language..he brings it out in me - gets away again..that may very well be the final straw for me. I don't like all this artifical drama nonsense...jerking the characters around, which jerks the audience around. If I wanted to watch that, I'd still be watching Days of our Lives...or I would have started watching Grey's Anatomy...I've read enough about that show to know it would have ticked me off numerous times.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Bones - Spoiler
Reply #14 on:
October 03, 2013, 05:31:53 AM »
I just read this story...thought I would share it.
The story could be considered spoilery..
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It is about the wedding..it is going to air October 21...that's at least a few weeks sooner than I had read it would air before...I'm really thinking that Hanson changed plans after he saw the fan reaction to the finale last season and a lot of people said there were fed up and stopping watching.
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