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Topic: Castle - Spoiler (Read 62164 times)
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #60 on:
October 20, 2013, 01:57:13 AM »
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Maybe at first, Gates was there to ...watch the guys and Kate. If there were any sort of...suspicions about Montgomery in Internal Affairs, they could have had concerns that Kate and the guys were dirty too. Gates did say at one point that she wasn't there to smear the memory of Montgomery..but that doesn't mean she wouldn't have taken down the guys or Kate if she found proof that they were dirty. When she said that about Montgomery, it seemed like she was sort of hinting that she knew he's done something at some point that wasn't good. Maybe IA had been keeping an eye on him...
I didn't see Detective Slob anywhere either. So hopefully he has taken his piles of crap far, far away from Kate's desk. I think I read somewhere that the actor playing him was only supposed to be in 2 episodes. So, we've seen him in 2 episodes..so he should be gone. It could be kind of funny if Kate goes to open a drawer in her desk and finds something in there...candy bar wrappers or something..just nothing too gross.
She did say something about staying at her old place...she called it her old place...so...does that mean she had moved in with Rick when she came back to DC? Things will be better at the loft once Alexis and Pi the dingbat move out. For the most part, Martha was good about giving Rick and Kate space last season. I have seen some pictures from the episode when they move out..Rick and Martha going to see the new place. Kate is nowhere to be seen in that bit. So, given all the stuff we've heard lately about Alexis having issues with the engagement and all, it makes me wonder if Alexis specifically left Kate out of an invitation..or if Kate told Rick and Martha to go without her or something. I think Kate is trying not to..push about things...which is probably why she hasn't told Rick to kick Pi out..she doesn't want to be pushy and tick off Alexis.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #61 on:
October 20, 2013, 09:08:39 AM »
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Gates first. If she was there to "take down" people, she wouldnt have said it i think. BUT if that was the case i think she only would be there for one season. Since she's been there for a while now i think they needed a "badguy" since the rest of the crew is likeble etc. And yeah i too read something about that Det Slob was signed for 2 episodes only. Lets hope. I dont want Kate to find anything from him, even tho it would be funny
I think Kate said something along those lines "I think i'm going to sleep in my old place tonight" and Rick answered with "I'm there with you" or something like that. I might be wrong ofc. It was in the bedroom scene when everyone was there and Gates called Rick. (Poor Kate!) hehe. And Pi and Alexis moving out huh? Its really happening? So he will a returning character? Blergh! But Kate might be there even tho she wasnt in pictures. BUT if she isnt. It might be many reasons. And all the reasons you said. Good reasons. Remember last season when Alexis was seeming a bit angry about something? And Kate and Rick had a talk about it and he said "let me handle it" maby it is something like this now? and it turned out that Alexis was only thinking about the move to college. I'll check in here on Tuesday or something to see if you write anything about it
Oh. While i'm on vacation i will look for both Castle and Bones. See if i can find any good offers on the seasons i dont have on dvd\blu yet. Have a great week!
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #62 on:
October 21, 2013, 02:42:38 AM »
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Possibly Gates would have said something..but it might have been like an undercover thing. They weren't sure there was an issue, but she was going to watch them. And maybe it wasn't even official. She got the position and just thought on her own to keep a closer eye just in case because there had been rumors about Montgomery or something like that. Just a thought I had.
I think I like the idea of Gates and Kate being friendlier now. And I'm thinking that if Gates somehow found out about Bracken - Kate or the guys told her or something else tipped her off - I'm thinking she would back Kate and try to help get justice for Kate's mom. Getting justice for the murdered seems to be important to Gates too.
I am almost positive that I read somewhere that Detective Slob would only be around for 2 episodes. Which is fine for me. I just didn't like him. It wasn't that he was unlikable exactly..he just didn't fit with the team. He was trying way to hard to fit in the last episode. While it would be funny for Kate to find something, it would also be gross...so probably better that it doesn't happen.
Yes Pi and Alexis are moving out. The episode that airs on the 28th. Get a Clue I think it is supposed to be called. I've seen pictures from one scene..it looks like Rick and Martha are going to see the place for the first time. In one or two of them, it looks like Martha is telling him not to ..flip out or put his foot down and push Alexis away..or make her latch onto Pi more - like Martha said early in Need to Know. It also looks like Rick is less than happy about the situation in a few of the pictures. And it could be that Rick says something that he thinks it would be best if just he and Martha go at first..maybe Alexis will act out more in the next episode or something to set that up. Or it could be something I said before. With Pi and Alexis moving out, Pi would be popping up in the loft anymore...no early morning strolls through looking for a razor. So that's good. And maybe he will become like Max once they move...heard about but not seen. Or not seen often. I don't see them setting too many scenes at their apartment. I still want to know what is up with his passport situation. And I keep thinking about Alexis calling him a genius or brilliant..something like that. If they would show that, it would help the character not to be obnoxious. Heck, we still don't know if Alexis is back at college, let alone if he is a student too. Is he older than her? Hmmm...maybe we'll get some more answers soon.
I'm sure I'll write something after the next episode...maybe a few somethings. I'll just talk to myself.
Enjoy your vacation.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #63 on:
October 22, 2013, 05:17:55 AM »
Another fun, entertaining episode.
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Rick and Kate still seem comfortable with their relationship, which is good. We didn't get a sweet moment between them at the beginning of the episode last the last couple, though they did make a few mentions of things..like Rick saying something about putting it in their vows about following each other into spooky places.
Pi does play a part in the beginning again...but this time Rick speaks up..he tries to put his food down about Pi being there long enough...he wants his couch back etc. Then Alexis drops the bomb that they are moving in together, making Rick freak. He is of course thinking it is too soon for her to move in with Pi, which I get. He tries to share his concern with her, but she shuts him down again..though she isn't as bratty about it as she has been in the past. Kate tries to help him a bit...and she mentions again how her dad objecting to her moving in with a guy when she was younger making her even more determined to do it. They are at least starting to deal with the stuff. So that's something. The preview for next week doesn't show anything with Pi and Alexis, but that is when Rick and Martha go see the apartment.
The case was interesting with just enough what the heck is going on moments in there. Of course Kate is looking for a logical explanation while Rick loves the idea of a guy from the future. The time traveler guy even tosses out a few things that he claims to know about them in the future that I thought was fun.
One thing does seem kind of off..the timing of things. Rick mentions that Pi has been there for a month..Alexis says college is starting up again in a week. Two episodes ago, the date was October 7th...fall semesters or quarters or whatever had already started by then. It almost seems like this was supposed to air sooner, but that wouldn't have worked with Kate being in DC. And going by the time frame before...Rick proposed in May..then it jumped forward 8 weeks. Which would have been in July..maybe very beginning of August. And Alexis and Pi arrived at that point. So a month later would be late August to early September I think..yet Need to Know took place on October 7th. So who knows what is going on with all that. Oh well. Still like the show.
The next episode looks fun too.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
DJ Doena
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #64 on:
October 22, 2013, 08:23:16 AM »
His dream has come true!
Abraham Lincoln once said
The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #65 on:
October 22, 2013, 08:18:36 PM »
I read alot about this one. Going to be great
and with this one aswell i hope to find it on blu while in Germany.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #66 on:
October 23, 2013, 05:25:51 AM »
It was a good episode.
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I a bit disappointed that Gates wasn't around. It would have been interesting to see her reaction to the guy claiming he was from the future.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Heavy Poster
Posts: 2140
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #67 on:
October 27, 2013, 02:46:14 AM »
Weell, i just watched the episode and.. Not the best episode i've seen.
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Not a lot of the Caskett moments, but a few sweet moments when Kate tried to comfort Rick etc. And what the fuck is going on with Alexis? Thats so out of character and more and more bratty. Something is off. Not a big fan of whats happening to Alexis right now. But i guess he (Andy) got his reasons as he usually does. And the case was a typical Castle case, a weird one. And we see how Rick enjoy to tease Kate. Thats nice to see again. I saw the promo for the next episode, look like a National Treasure themed episode. (Wich will be great, since i like the movies!) But they have to fix the attitude of Alexis soon! Fuck it. I dont like what they're doing with her right now. Well, i think thats all i got right now. I guess i will watch Bones tomorrow and see how the "big wedding" plans out. I will keep my eye out for Pelante and his twin sister.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #68 on:
October 28, 2013, 02:13:57 AM »
Ok...this got a lot longer than I intended at first. Sorry. I can't seem to stop myself when it comes to Castle.
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I did miss more of the Caskett moments that we've gotten so far this season, but I still enjoyed it. And there are small things. Like when Kate tries to comfort Rick after Alexis hunt up on him. And when she was leaving at the end, they did sort of hug. I think they are just taking the being professional at work thing seriously. And I liked how Rick said maybe they should put something in their vows about following each other into creepy places.
Alexis and Pi...Well. I still don't know or get what is going on there exactly. I do like that Rick tried to put his foot down about Pi having been there long enough. Unfortunately, it kind of back fired on him. The one good thing though...no more Pi messing up the loft or walking through Rick's room without knocking. It is safe for Kate again.
She has been a little bratty at times. She's always had some of those moments, and I have always thought that Rick should have put her in her place when she pulled that crap at times. Yes she has been a very good daughter and yes she is smart. But Rick isn't an idiot even though he talks about believing in Big Foot, mummy curses, haunted buildings, and spirits trapped in a DVD. And he is her father. She has not just questioned him when he's done something a few times to make sure she was safe, she has told him off about it and he just took it. That was wrong. I think the first time was over the violin teacher...the young, handsome guy from Julliard. All Rick did was double check that he really did go to Julliard, and Alexis flipped out like Rick had had the guy arrested or something. Frankly, double checking someone that going to be spending time with your child is the right thing to do. Alexis went off about how dare he do that..embarrass her..blah blah...I think she brought up trusting her at that point too. That wasn't about trusting her, it was about doing the responsible thing where his daughter was concerned. Rick should have just sat there and let her tell him off over that. He should have stopped her and said something along the lines of how he was still her father and he has every right to double check the credentials of someone spending time with his child. She flipped out over tracking on her cell phone..Kate kind of agreed with that too when Rick mentioned it. Yes Alexis has been a good kid, but that sort of tracking thing could also be handy if she was in trouble. Yes that time was a little more...iffy, but still. Him being the father and her still just being in high school, he had the right to do that.
She completely brushed off his concerns over her video bog..again using the don't you trust me line on him. She talked about how it was her life and she had to figure that stuff out....she wasn't like the girls in those videos taking their clothes off. What she was doing was harmless..stuff like that. She also said how she can't control everything because of how social media is now and friends would tag her in pictures and stuff like that. I can't remember exactly, but she was going to share stuff herself because others would..something like that maybe. She claimed she was smart and careful, but she really wasn't. In the last video she did before she and her friend were taken, she talked about how they were going to that talk...where it was exactly...mentioned her friend by name I think. Yes those goons after her would have eventually gotten her since they were tied to Rick's dad, but that video made it a hell of a lot easier for them. They knew exactly where she would be, along with her friend. It isn't smart for anyone, especially a young attractive woman, to share that sort of information online in this day in age. She is also the daughter of a well known wealthy person. I won't say that she is a constant target just because of that or anything, but there have been wackos that have gone after family members of wealthy people. It doesn't mean she has to live her life in fear, but she can be more careful about certain things...like not posting on the freaking internet where she is going to be.
It seems like Alexis thinks what she is doing by moving in with Pi is logical and all thought out. It gets him out of the loft so he won't be bugging Rick anymore. She mentioned he can't afford his own place..she'll be able to cover half the rent with work study - which that can't be the financial aide type of work study. There is no way she would qualify for that because of Rick. Even if he wasn't paying her bills, his income would still come into play for that. The financial aid forms require income information about the parents - both if divorced - until the student is 24 or 25 even if they are living on their own and working their way through college. After that point, it is based just off the student's income. So no way Alexis would get in an actual work study..that is for students that are lower income. It is just a minor goof with the wording really, but I still noticed. Anyway. When I watched the episode again, it seemed more like Alexis really thought she was being logical about everything..that she presented it to her dad in a way that made perfect sense. It seemed more like she was surprised that Rick didn't agree with her logic when I watched it again. The first time, I thought she was just being...defiant..I'm an adult type of thing. Now, I think she was more surprised that Rick wasn't all gung ho with her plan. Maybe some of this is her proving that she is an adult by doing what she thinks an adult does..move in with a boyfriend. By the way, I have seen people claiming that she and Pi aren't boyfriend/girlfriend over at that castle site, but I think they are. I just watched some of the first episode again - watched the parts with Rick/Kate and fast forwarded through the rest
- and at the beginning, right after Pi makes his first appearance. Rick is talking to Martha while Pi and Alexis are looking for matches in the kitchen. Rick looks over, and Alexis and Pi are kissing. That is the only time we have seen that, but they were kissing.
Anyway...back to what I was saying. In the past, Alexis has kind of done things that she thinks people are supposed to do at times. Having a party when Rick is gone when she really doesn't want to do that, but her friends kind of pressure her in to it. Getting drunk after graduation...stuff like that. She does tend to be logical, and maybe in her mind, she sees this as what people her age do to show that they are an adult. She has thrown that out a lot more recently..she's an adult. Maybe technically, but she's still very young..and naive about a lot of things I think. She is smart, so she thinks she has thought this all out and fully knows what she is doing, but I don't know...I kind of have a feeling something is maybe getting set up here. The last time Rick tried to object to something she was doing - well really just raise some concern that was fully justified - was with the video blog..which she brushed off completely and wouldn't even talk to him about it. Which by the way, kind of goes against her claims of being an adult. She all but put her fingers in her ears and sang La la la I'm not listening when she cut him off about that video blog. Being stubborn and refusing to listen doesn't equal adult. Which is something she needs to learn. Maybe all this with Pi is going to do that. But back to my point..Rick's last objection was followed a few episodes later by her being kidnapped. Now he has logical objections to her moving in with Pi..I tend to agree with him. It is too soon and moving in with someone she met at a banana plantation not that long agi is not her smartest move. She has brushed those objections and concerns away and is doing what she wants anyway. I just kind of have a bad feeling that something not to good is going to happen. Hopefully it is just that the relationship ends and she isn't in danger again. And the way the episode ended... It was like Alexis was trying to leave before Rick got home for whatever reason. And how she just walked out the door..didn't try to hug him or say I love you dad or anything...that wasn't good. Maybe it will end up not being that much of a ..thing. I don't know. But I do think Alexis is not acting like she was established in the first several seasons. Though that could be because of PTSD tied to her kidnapping. I read one suggestion that maybe something happened in Costa Rica and Pi helped her... Maybe she was struggling with the PTSD there and he was able to help her in some way. Who knows. And maybe I'm over thinking...again.
I did see some tweets from Terri..Andrew's wife. She said something about basically not going after Alexis..she's going through something. Also, someone had asked her before - think it was during Number One Fan - if she had ever dealt with a Pi...and she said she had. So maybe this Alexis thing is at least partially based on something one of her kids went through or something - I have no idea how old her kids are, though I thought I read somewhere that she had at least one child already when she and Andrew got married.
One more thing. I still think there is something at least somewhat shady with Pi. What is up with his passport? How did he lose it? Where did he lose it? Maybe there is another reason why he can't get home...and maybe that reason will show up someway and that puts Alexis and Pi or just Alexis in danger. Or maybe he is just absent minded and loses things easily. I don't know. I don't out and out hate Pi like a lot of of the fans seem to. But he isn't making sense right now. We don't know enough about him I think. Alexis told Rick Pi was brilliant. It is time we find out how..and see some of the brilliance. Not that I want a whole episode devoted to them or anything. But show something other than him making a mess at the loft and strolling cluelessly through Rick's bedroom. Maybe we will find out a little more in the next episode.
Oh...that reminds me. I saw some stills from the episode after the next one..Alexis is working on something and pulls Rick into it..Kate is supposed to be too I think.
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The pictures show Rick and Alexis working on her project..no Kate around again.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Heavy Poster
Posts: 2140
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #69 on:
October 28, 2013, 11:12:11 PM »
So here's the deal. I just watched the new episode and what the fuck is going on here?! I mean seriously! This a bit spoilery.. So read it at your own risk!
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Well, it started of in a way thought (based on some pics etc) And in this episode we get some answers too about the whole Alexis situation and whe she got a attitude and why she's mad at her dad. The case itself was actually real awesome IMHO. A great mix between National Treasure meets The Davinci Code! And we got a bit of that good ol' Kate\Rick bickering? (is that how i write it?) He with his crazy ideas and she back to "please grow up etc" good to see that back once in a while. Even after they got together. (You watching this Bones?) One thing i've missed this season tho (dont remember if they did it much last season either) WHERE'S THE COFFEES?! He ALWAYS brings her coffee. But not yet this season so far. And we all know what the coffee ment to them. No Caskett moments in this one either. I wish in a crazy case like this a few Caskett moments would fit perfect. But i guess we'll get them soon enough. And by the looks of things i think the writers are building up something between Alexis and Rick. They wasnt at the same page at all this episode. But we get to know whats bugging her tho. But the last scene between them.. Excuse my language here but someone needs to slap some sense in to that kid. I mean, seriously Alexis? What's gotten in to you? I officialy dont like the Alexis character anymore. They have messed her up in a big way. Something really needs to change. But i wont forget how she's acting now. Fucking brat with a fucked up attitude. Pardon my language here. I wont be surprised if its Kate that "slaps" the sense in to her with how things are going right now. Because of the whole Rick\Alexis thing tonight.. I have a bit of bad taste in my mouth about this episode. Something is up, and something is going to explode. And Kate is seeing whats going on and what it is doing to Rick. Its her time now to be there for him. Look away from the Alexis\Pi\Rick issue.. Great\fun episode! From last year experience when we had a few episodes without Caskett we usually got a few episodes with alot of Caskett.. I guess in Castleverse everything happens for a reason. Will be interesting to see how it all will be played out. And yes i too saw the pictures. And with how things ended between them in this episode. I am not sure if i'm agreeing with what i'm seeing. I hope Kate will be there anyways (even tho she wasnt in the pics) She's a part of the family too. But i both hope\think that we will see her in this aswell. By her man blah blah. Its a new episode next week yes? No break yet?
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #70 on:
October 29, 2013, 05:34:20 AM »
Ok...I'm starting this withing a minute of the episode ending..so I may ramble a bit.
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Ok...first..for easy stuff I guess you could say.. The case was cool. I liked that it was like DaVinci Code with all the clues and everything. And they even acknowledged it was like DaVinci code. Rick in that sword fight was awesome..too bad Kate didn't see it. Few sweet little moments between them would have been good, but overall I'm ok with it. Rick did make that remark about that not being how he wanted to go to a chapel with Kate. I like little things like that. I liked the episode overall.
Now to the..well what is ticking me off a bit.
So we see the apartment. It doesn't look too bad. Pi seemed to be trying really hard..as was Martha. Rick was not happy. Yes he was slightly...snippy at times, but he's still in shock over all this that Alexis has dumped on him. And really. He's an overprotective father..other things have taken him a little while to work through, and those previous things weren't as big as her moving in with a somewhat questionable guy. At least we know he has a job now. I think Rick was trying..he's just very worried about her. He did offer them a couch, only to have Alexis snap at him over it. Then later Martha tears into him about how she and Alexis are both mad at him over how he acted at the dinner. He did make a few cracks, but he wasn't as bad as Martha made him out to be.
Now...to what is really ticking me off.
Alexis is on very, very, very thin ice with me at this point. Paper thin, and it is starting to crack. She has turned into an arrogant, smug, nasty little brat. Yes Rick messed up - and I will get that to in a minute - but there at the end of the episode, how she wouldn't even let him in the apartment and then shut the door in his face when he was trying to start to make things right..she was deliberately hurting him. She has claimed that she is an adult in other talks with Rick, like when she was moving out. Well she sure as hell isn't acting like one. She is acting like a spoiled brat having a temper tantrum. She needs to grow up and deal with stuff like an adult, and not be petty. She was mean and petty to Rick tonight. They have talked out other problems with ice cream in the past...I don't think the ice cream was supposed to magically make things better, but they would have ice and talk out other things. I see him saying that about ice cream as another olive branch from him to get things back to normal between them. That he is willing - like he said - to make things better. She just threw that back in his face...she is trying to make him suffer and punish him since she thinks he did her wrong first. ARghhhhh. I am really annoyed with her right now.
If she has been so upset and hurt because Rick didn't tell her about the engagement himself - and that is a completely dumbass move on the part of the writers there...The Rick they have established over the first five seasons would not have done that..it is just bullshit to add drama since things are settled with Rick and Kate - then she should have said something sooner, instead of letting it fester and build up like she has done. Again, the grown up thing to do. She hasn't been shy about telling him when he's upset her in the past..like when she showed up at the police station and ripped his head off for daring to check out the violin teacher. Yes it sucks that she found out from Martha during a call...but sheesh. She needs to get over it by now. She has to realize that Rick wasn't trying to hurt her - we still don't know exactly when she left for Costa Rica..at least I don't think we do..maybe she was on her way there when they got engaged. Maybe Martha spilled the news too soon before Rick had the chance. There is still too much we don't know because of skipping those 2 months. Alexis knows her dad and knows that he can be clueless about some things at times, or that he doesn't always pick up on things..she should have been the adult she keeps insisting she is and talk to him sooner about what upset her. And Martha plays some part in this mess too. She's the one that told Alexis..she seems oblivious to how Alexis is hurting Rick but she is quick to point out what Rick is doing wrong in the situation. He is the parent and he is older, but the way Alexis has been acting is not right or acceptable. She was raised better than this. She is being disrespectful to her dad..who is paying for her to go to college.
I was trying to keep an open mind with everything tied to Pi. Yes he has annoyed me, but he has seemed harmless enough overall. I tried to have an open mind about the relationship that maybe she truly does care for him and is just rushing into things. Well...after her little snit there at the end, it really seems like she is just using him as a pawn to hurt and tick off Rick. Even if she has some kind of feelings for him, she is still using him to hurt her dad instead of dealing with her issue with him head on. I'm feeling bad for Pi because of how Alexis is using him. It doesn't seem like she really cares about his feelings with what she is doing, though she is quick to jump down Rick's throat if he even looks at Pi wrong. She said that Pi didn't deserve how Rick was acting..Pi doesn't deserve what Alexis is doing either. Unless he fully knows what Alexis is doing..in which case he is getting what he signed up for.
I'm just really not liking Alexis right now. For someone that is so smart, she is acting like a complete stupid idiot. This needs to be fixed and fast. He said he was sorry, but that isn't good enough for her. She's in for a rude awakening with life..other people will do things on purpose to hurt her in some way and they won't make any effort to fix things. Rick didn't set out to hurt Alexis..she is trying to hurt him..and she's succeeding. I know I saw where Terri posted some tweet about not attacking Alexis or whatever, but this is a seriously screwed up situation that they didn't need to do. Let the drama come from the cases. I'm tired of pouty Alexis. We've had some form of this nonsense in all 6 episodes so far...and with how things ended tonight, it is going to spill into at least one more episode more than likely. Make it stop already.
And now...for the What the hell moment of the evenings entertainment..
What the hell is with Alexis questioning if Kate is even the right person for Rick, let alone the engagement?
Seriously, someone smack some sense into before I try to reach through my tv and shake her. She hasn't had a problem with Kate before and even looked to her as a role model at times. Now she's going to pull this shit? And excuse me..making those nasty little digs - about not knowing if the engagement or even Kate were right - to Rick, while lecturing him on how to accept her relationship, is not accepting the relationship. That was just catty and mean. And what the hell is with her trying to put her relationship with Pi on the same level as Rick and Kate?
Did she hit her head in Costa Rica? Pick some some tropical brain eating disease? What the hell? Rick and Kate have known each other for like five and a half years now, and they have been together as a couple for over a year now. They were together romantically a year before they got engaged. A year. They still don't fully live together. Alexis met Pi, evidently on a banana plantation, and decided to bring him home with her in a matter of just a few weeks. They have known each other maybe a few months - depending on what is really going on with the time line this season..it seems a bit screwy, but whatever - and they jump into living together. There is no way that relationship is in any way at the same level as Rick and Kate. She has rushed into things and she's refusing to even hear that her dad has legitimate concerns because she's basically having a temper tantrum. Such an adult thing to do.
Someone really needs to sit Alexis down and point some stuff out to her...like how her behavior, beyond just moving in with Pi, is really hurting Rick. Kate was trying to offer him some advice and support this episode. Kate could be the one to say something to Alexis.. something along the lines of adult to adult/woman to woman..something like that... but with how Alexis is acting now, she may not want to hear anything from Kate at this point. We haven't seen them really have any interaction this season yet. Alexis might listen to Martha..if Martha would notice Rick's side of the situation. Heck...maybe in the next episode if she ends up at the station, Ryan or Lanie could make some passing remark that gets her to thinking and realizing that she's being a brat. I think there does need to be a talk between Alexis and Kate at some point. I don't see Kate wanting to butt in...she respects Rick's relationship with Alexis..but it could get to a point where she says something because of how upset Rick is. If there had been any long term friends of Alexis that we'd seen who was still around, the the friend could have been the one to talk some sense in to her. Hmm...ohhhh...I just had an idea. In the preview for the next episode, Alexis says that the person she is trying to get off death row is a friend - how the hell does she know someone well enough for them to be a friend in that situation?? - anyway, she called him a friend. Maybe he'll notice things between Alexis and Rick while they are trying to help him and he'll say something to Alexis that will get her thinking. She's lucky to have him for a dad or something like that.
Though it looks like her being mad at Rick isn't going to stop her from running to him for help next episode. I first heard a little about that one a while ago, so I knew it was coming..I just didn't know this mess with Alexis and Rick was coming. It sort of seems like she wants everything on her terms only. Course I don't know exactly how she gets Rick involved..if things are a little better between them first or what. But with how she ended things tonight, I don't know. So she's going to treat him horribly, deliberately hurt him, and then still go running to him when she needs help. Which of course he will give her..she's his daughter. And we already know that he's had an issue with telling people no who aren't as important to him as Alexis. I did briefly see Kate in the preview..though she wasn't with Rick and Alexis..she was on the phone with Rick.
If Alexis doesn't get an attitude adjustment and soon, then she can follow Pi back to Costa Rica or Amsterdam or where ever. I'm almost to the point where I don't want to see her turn up at all. So...not sure how the next episode will go. But there could be the potential for them to ..work things out. I hope. They better. Or Alexis is going to end up being the Pelatne of Castle.
I think I said after last week's episode that I had a feeling that something bad was going to happen tied to Alexis. Not that I wanted that to happen..just that it seemed like things were being set up for that. I still think things with Pi could blow up in her face. If he doesn't fully know about the little...war she is waging against her dad using him, then if Pi somehow finds out, he could get pissed and leave or something. Which, at this point, she would deserve. After he makes a few points about how she was so focused on getting back at her dad for him hurting her by accident, that she didn't give a thought to who she was hurting.
Ok...I think I'm done now. The more I thought about...something, the more I had to say. I couldn't seem to stop myself there for a while. Sorry...didn't mean to ramble on this much.
Oh...Yes, the next new episode is next week.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #71 on:
October 29, 2013, 11:09:45 PM »
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First of another great read! Thanks. You should consider writing at the other forum aswell. I'll take the next episode first. I saw the promo. And what i saw i have to say that i actually HATED IT! So the next episode will feature (?) is that the correct word? Alexis and Rick. And from the pictures and promo it looks like nothing ever happend eh? So he agree to help her to prove her friends innocense? Like you said aswell i didnt know she had that kind of friends. But maby its Pi friend? And she's lying because she know he would say no? But what the fuck is going on? I mean "Hello, my name is Rick "Doormat" Castle nice to meet you" stand up to your fucking daugther. Pardon my language in this post. But enough is enough. They had "a huge fight" last episode. I wont call it a fight even. I would say it was Alexis acting out again "buhu, look at me i'm a spoiled rich daddysgirl who gets everything i want" and for once in her life she isnt the only real thing in Rick's life. DEAL WITH IT BITCH! Kate (i belive) and maby Kyra was Rick's only true love. She know (Alexis that is) how much Kate means for Rick and that they was best friends (R&K) for 3-4 years before they finally hooked up. She should be happy for him. She should see how happy he is and how happy Kate is. This is a messed up situation really. Look i havent ared much for the Alexis character. She's always been there now and again, and she's Rick's daugther. Never had a problem with it. But now she's turned in to this ungreatful son of a. Its weird and with Terri defending Alexis's behavior on twitter etc. It really makes me belive that they have a plan for it all. Its not like them to this without a reason. So i still think they have a reason for what they do. God i hope so! If its Rick that have to say "i'm sorry" i wont like it a bit. Its always been him. And if she not sees that she's acting like a dickhead, well.. Fuck off! It has to be her this time. Its so out of character for her to act like this. So they gotta have good reason for what they do. I still think it has to do with Paris. And Martha? What should we do with her? "I'm mad at you too Richard" Ah shut up grams. Wake up! Look what your granddaugther is doing to her dad. And how she's acting. Something is off with the whole thing. And i just dont belive that Andy & co makes a mistake like this. They are not Hanson & co! Before (as i said) i didnt mind Alexis on screen.. I kinda do now. But why? Why are they writing her like this? And when will we get the answers? Soon i hope. I dont think it will happen as fast as next episode. But i dont like (from what we've seen) that in next episode he's helping her with get her friend out of jail like nothing ever happend. That right there tells me something is up. And from the promo it looks like something might happend to her. (Alexis) we havent seen much of Kate in the promo\pics. I think it is a reason for that. I both hope and think we will see her more in the episode. Maby she will just be there for Rick this time? Give him advice etc? We know she's been great to him about Alexis. Giving him good advices etc. And she's always been the one that he's confided in when it comes to her. And with good reason i would say. And we all know that Kate is seeing whats going on between them. I hope she talks to Rick (she's been better in that lately) and Rick should smack some sense in to Alexis. And set his foot down! At this moment i dont know what has to happen for her to see what she's doing. I dont think it will happen at the precinct. Dont think Lanie or anyone else will notice. There is only one person at the 12th that really knows whats going on. Thats Kate and we know she wont say anything. Say anything to Lanie & co that is. Only "mind your own buisness" But i guess they have a reason for what they are doing with her. And something has to give soon. I guess assholes has that impact on me. But enough Alexis for now. Over to the episode that we just watched. Its good to see that they are going back to the roots of the show. Where it all begun. With the fun\wild\crazy cases. Rick with his wild theories. And Kate being Kate.. And now that they are together they dont need to hold back on anything. We know that in season 3-4 there was a few interesting moments
now they can do something about it. Thats what i love about this show. Stana and Nathans chemistry on screen. And the real fun and cool cases. Different then the dark cases in CSI. And more focus on the love story and the fun of things. Not the dark side. I think this will be the best season so far. It sure looks like it. Off to a great start! If we forget about Alexis for a while it's a really great season so far. And i think we got a lot of great things coming. We have yet to explore more about the Rick and Kate relationship. And i've heard things about that. So i think that will be great. But i just want to say a few words about Martha. She was a fun sidekick. But she's starting to get a bit annyoing this season. Its time for her to move out. And how she's blindly defends Alexis, while even a blind man can see whats going on. Its time for Rick to step up and show who's the man here. She is his mom. I got that. But she lives in HIS APARTMENT FOR FREE! AND HIS DAUGTHER IS ACTING LIKE A FUCKING ASSHOLE (pardon my language) Maby something should happen to Rick and both Alexis and Martha will see how it feels when something happens to him. (i know we had a scene when he got poisoned earlier this season) But i guess everything happens for a reason in the castleverse huh? Well, thats it for me right now. Good night! I've rambled on for too long anyways. But that was my two cents on Alexis right now. She's gotta learn to deal with it. We all know Rick and Kate are in it to win it.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #72 on:
October 30, 2013, 05:58:57 AM »
Ok..I rambled again.
Surprise surprise.
I typed this up after getting home from a work related class..and have a few other things on my mind too..so...hopefully it all makes sense. Sorry if it doesn't. Some of my thoughts about this stuff seem a little more scattered tonight.
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Yes it looks like Alexis goes to Rick for help like nothing happens..though of course the preview just shows a tiny bit, so we don't know what else might have happened. If there was any other talk or anything. Even if there wasn't, I don't see Rick saying no to her..she's his daughter and he's always tried to do everything he could for her. The next one could potentially be the third one dealing more directly with Alexis and her shitty attitude..the first three were the DC stuff..then we had Number One Fan as sort of a in between thing you could say..then with Time Will Tell, it started this part of the Alexis arc..her moving out and being shitty to Rick. Trying to leave before he got home and all that....then her fit in this episode. They have sort of followed a pattern of 3 episodes for these different arcs in the past..so maybe we'll get some conclusion in the next one. Maybe Rick being willing to help Alexis will knock some sense into her or something. Or Kate will feel like she can't stay quiet anymore and will say something.. though I'm still not sure if Kate will. She seems to want to stay out of the middle of this stuff..which could be a good thing right now.
I didn't really mean that I think Kate or Rick would have told Lanie or the guys everything that is going on - though Ryan at least was told that Alexis is moving in with a boy and Rick is not happy. I was thinking more of like Rick and Alexis are there for some reason tied to what they are doing...Maybe Rick tries to make some overture to Alexis again only to have her shut him down again..and Ryan or Lanie or Esposito sees that and just says something. Could even be kind of a smart ass remark like Esposito would do....I don't know. Or even say to Alexis wow who ticked you off or something like that. I just want this miss straightened out. Lanie does seem to have the attitude that she would say something to someone if she noticed something...and she kind of has a relationship with Alexis from when Alexis worked with her. She's done that before with both Rick and Kate in earlier seasons. But Lanie probably won't be around next episode to do that.
I don't want even the hint that Kate and Rick would back off of stuff because of Alexis not being happy or something. As she keeps saying, Alexis is an adult. If she doesn't like her dad getting married - which at this point is selfish - then she can suck it up and deal with it like the adult she claims she is. She thinks she can move on and change the dynamics of their relationship - which was kind of one of her ..requirements to Rick before she said she was going to Columbia. Stuff had to be on her terms as to when she saw him and whatever. She wanted distance. She's the one that first started to change things between them..but now that things are changing for Rick, he isn't allowed the same thing? She is acting like she wants it both ways. When it comes to her, she is an adult who deserves her space and blah blah blah..but for Rick, he has to tell her everything immediately or face her wrath? Um no. And she's kept stuff from him in the past - on purpose mind you - and that was ok. Like she deliberately let Rick think that Ashley was a girl and then she got mad at him when he kind of freaked when it got home and they were kissing on the couch. Frankly, he was entitled to freak. For whatever reason she found out about the engagement from Martha - I still say that is bullshit given how Rick has been set up till now..unless it was just an accident on Martha's part. Anyway, I don't think Rick was trying to keep it from her, like she kept stuff from him...but she now thinks she gets to punish her father for it?? And she can decree that his honest apology and promise to do better isn't good enough? What. The. Hell. Her royal highness has been too pampered ...and yes that is Rick's fault. Like I've said before, he should have put his foot down with her in the past over a few things..then maybe this snit wouldn't be reaching these levels.
Rick wasn't at his best during the dinner, but it was understandable I think, given how Alexis just brought Pi home and had him living in the loft for a month..making a mess everywhere...disturbing him in the mornings..all that. Then how she sprung moving in with Pi on Rick. She handled all that badly even though she doesn't want to admit it. And what she said there at the end really makes it seem like she is with Pi just to piss Rick off and punish him over the engagement. Which I why I think it would serve her right if that blows up in her face with Pi figuring out that she just wants to hurt..annoy Rick whatever and Pi kicking her out or something. She claimed that Pi didn't deserve how Rick was acting toward him...well part of that is her fault for how she introduced him and everything...and frankly, she may not be treating him much better if she is using him to get back at Rick. Pi, even if he is a goofy idiot, doesn't deserve that either. She has this I'm so superior to you attitude where Rick is concerned..that she has handled Rick's relationship with Kate better. Umm..no...not really. She hasn't seemed to be nice to Kate at all since the engagement - though again, we haven't seen a lot of stuff. She just seems a little ....catty at times. And she got those little digs in about not knowing if Kate is right for Rick. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. For someone who is supposed to be so smart, she's acting like a dumbass. A massive dumbass. She has to have seen how much happier Rick is with Kate..and she was pretty much fine with the relationship last year. She's just having a massive hissy fit temper tantrum.
I've liked Alexis before. Now...I feel the growing urge to slap the shit out of her. And then slap her some more for good measure.
She's just irritating me so much right now...and I don't know that I want to see her scenes from this episode again. I kind of want to watch the episode again for the treasure hunt/case stuff..but just fast forward through the Alexis stuff.
The case itself was great...classic Castle type case. Loved how Kate started to spout off some off the wall theory there at one point and kind of freaked Rick out - That's my job. Unfortunately, the case and the treasure hunt stuff has been overshadowed by the Alexis mess. Maybe once all this has been resolved - and it better be soon. Hell even let Alexis have some sort of break down tied to Paris so it can be properly dealt with. We don't even know if she talked to a therapist or anything after that...and her and Rick haven't talked about it. Not just that she was taken and all that..but finding out about her grandfather too. I really would have liked to have seen what Rick told Martha at the end of Hunt..after he got that copy of Casino Royale from his dad. There is just a lot of things like that that don't get as much attention as they probably should. But that would require less time on cases, which would tick off other people. So who knows. I do like the kind of...goofy and bizarre cases they get in this show. It is a nice change from the more serious shows. And I love the odd things that make Rick really come up with the crazy theories. I would love if for one case, Rick tosses out some off the wall theory - like team of ninja assassins - and it actually ends up being exactly that. Yes his odd ball theories have helped in the past, but I would like to see one that is full on correct.
OHhhhh...by the way. Another thing I didn't think of last night. Think I first saw someone on the Castle forum mention this, but it is a good point.
Martha went and jumped on Rick for how he acted during the dinner... basically shame on him type of thing. Last season, I can't remember the episode title at the moment, Rick and Kate had that dinner for her and Kate's dad...and Martha was kind of horrible to her dad. Frankly, given the situations, I think she was worse than Rick was with this new dinner. And Rick never attacked her about that. Now yes, Martha wasn't being nasty to Kate, but still, she wasn't good. And Kate's dad had his moments there too...Rick should have reminded Martha about that...disaster. yes Martha and Kate's dad - I can't think of his name now - got past it and it is different than the current situation, but still..it wasn't good behavior. And Rick didn't get mad at her.
I do think they are building to something with how Alexis is acting..and Pi too for that matter. I just don't know what at this point. I just know I want something settled...or at least more settled than now. I would like to see Alexis realize and admit that she has screwed up too. Heck..maybe what she is doing in the next episode is going to cause her to have a break down of some sort..maybe PTSD flashback or something. So Andrew and Terri have a reason for this freaking mess - which is what it is at this point. I just don't think I feel like it is needed. There could have been a way to deal with Alexis wanting to be more independent or whatever..or some lingering issues from Paris.. that went down differently...where she isn't hurting Rick like she is.
Ok..that's enough for now. I'm sure I'll have something else to add tomorrow sometime.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Heavy Poster
Posts: 2140
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #73 on:
October 30, 2013, 10:41:20 PM »
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Ok, first thing first. Do you honestly belive that Rick and Kate might end up on a break? Or break up? Is it something you are afraid will happen? If you dont mind me asking ofc. I'll just assure you here and now that it wont ever ever happen. Breakup = No more Castle. The show would end. And that wont happen. Because if they would break up, Rick would stop coming to the precinct. What real reason would he have? Follow his ex? Not happening. And we are promised by Andy & Terry that once they got'em together they wont go the Ross\Rachel route. (Friends) And if they would go on a break he wouldnt be there aswell. Not working. They would lose fans and the faith of the fans. Thats one of the things with our DD, when they first put them together they cant break'em. (And thats great) I just read a interview with Molly about the next episode and the future of Alexis and Rick's future. And something about her and Kate. Will post the link to the interview in the bottom here. You SHOULD READ IT! Real interesting actually. Interested to hear your opinion on it. I got so many questions about the next episode next Monday. Will this episode be a turning point for someone? Is this the episode where Rick finally put his foot down? Or will Alexis step on him again? Rick "Doormat" Castle as we have seen so many times before. Both with her and Kate. He got some issues there that need to be fixed. And from what i've been reading Alexis knows this dude from some kind of law project at school. So thats interesting that she knows him THAT WELL. But i have a thought and that is that i HOPE this "friend" of her is actually guilty. Since she seems so sure of herself. That she get her ego bruced. And get her feet back on the grown. But i guess that wont happen eh? I dont know if you have noticed trough the series that with the serious issues Rick has confided (when it comes to the boys. NOT KATE) more in Ryan than in Espo. Wonder why? Have they done that for a reason? Same for Kate, when it comes to Ryan and Espo (And NOT Rick ofc) she confides in Espo the most. You got 4 teams really. The number 1 team - Rick\Kate. Espo\Ryan, but you also got Ryan\Rick and Espo\Kate sometimes too. Interesting dynamic. But it works tho. So no complaints here. Thats whats great with this show. The details. When something is done on the show its always for a reason. Like with Alexis now, i'm 100% its for a reason. And i wont forget how she's acted towards her dad. Even if she breaks down, and apoligze etc. And everything is fine between them. I wont forget how bitchy she is. But think the reward when this issue is done will be great. Look all the crap they put us trough in season 4. But look at the reward in the end? Worth it IMHO! So next episode is going to be real interesting.. But i wont write much more before you read the interview
Please read it, and let me know what you think of things.
Well, i was going to keep it short. But again i rambled away. I'm so sorry
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #74 on:
October 31, 2013, 03:36:14 AM »
No need to be sorry...you haven't rambled as much as I have.
I am making no promises here..I will try not to ramble as much, but. well. Look what happened last time.
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For the most part, I don't think Rick and Kate would break up. And I know I've seen stuff Andrew has said about not doing that. I guess at times, I get just a tad...ummm...worried, thanks to what so many other shows have done. And they could have some nasty fight that drags into a second episode or something before they fix stuff...I wouldn't want that either. Or how things were in some of the last episodes of last season..Squab and the Quail or whatever that one was called..all that angsty crap hinting that there are problems there type of thing..ooo..will they stay together or break up. they didn't break up of course, but they still went and tried to ...build that..tension or whatever. I don't want to see anymore of that, especially because of Alexis acting like a spoiled brat.
What I've read before about the next episode is that Alexis is working with one of her professors to try to and get someone off death row. So just from that, it didn't seem to me like Alexis knew the person in question before. But maybe she did. While it would be hard for her to deal with maybe, it could be good for her development if they find proof that he is guilty or something. Kind of like when she didn't get into Standford early and she had trouble grasping how she wasn't picked since she'd decided on that. It did look like Alexis was crying in the preview..just a quick thing shown, so it seems like something is going to happen. Hopefully whatever happens will knock some sense back into Alexis. She needs to admit that the problem with her and Rick is at least partially her fault too.
Ryan has been the one of the guys that seems more willing to believe Rick's wild theories. Ryan and Rick go off on that while Espo and Kate roll their eyes. Remember the one time - I think it was in season 4 when Rick and Kate end up handcuffed together...and there was the tiger later in the episode..I think in that one when Ryan came up with some kind of theory about why Rick and Kate were missing, Espo called him Castle Jr. Though I do think that Espo may believe a little more than he admits at time. Last season, when there was that DVD that Rick believed was cursed...Ryan refuse to watch it..used the excuse of the trying for a baby and not taking chances..Espo then refused, saying it would make Ryan look like a wimp or something like that...so it was sort of like Espo was kind of freaked about the DVD too, but looking for an excuse. Ryan and Rick may have a little more in common...especially now that Ryan is married and Jenny is pregnant. I do think that there is more of a reason for what is going on with Alexis than we've been shown so far. I just hope it starts toward resolving that and her snotty attitude sooner rather than later.
I read the article. Overall it is interesting. Less of the ....ummm...nonsense I guess I'll call it that she has said before - about Alexis trying to break them up or whatever it was. I have a few more...specific thoughts here.
First - Alexis isn't going to continue to be abused? ABUSED?? Are you freaking kidding me? What. The. Hell. Abused. I...I don't even know fully how to react to that...other than what the hell?
Rick has been a loving and devoted father, all but bending over backwards to give her everything he can and she calls it abuse??? What. The. Hell. Nothing he has done has been abusive by any stretch of the imagination. Yes he has been over protective at times, which is at least somewhat understandable given that she is his only child and he pretty much raised her alone. He hasn't been that nice to Pi yet, but again, I think that is understandable given the situation and how Alexis introduced Pi by just showing up with him and proceeding to let him turn the loft into a trash pit...invading Rick's privacy etc. Rick didn't handle the dinner well, but again, I don't think he was that bad. And he isn't the first person to do that..He is human after all and humans make mistakes. Something miss perfect isn't remembering right now. What Rick has done, even with being a bit snotty toward Pi at the dinner, wasn't abuse. To me, it did seem like she was being a bit mean there in that last scene with how she was acting..and not as willing to work things out with her dad. Ok, maybe she was thinking about Pi's feelings, but she wasn't thinking about Rick. Abused...man. That is just wrong on every level.
Her saying that Alexis has found love like her dad..or what she thinks love is.. That could be indicating that while she does care for him, she doesn't really love him. So maybe stuff there will end up ending. I still say that even if she does have feelings for Pi, Alexis is with him at least partially to hurt or get at Rick.
Thank goodness she said that Kate and Rick belong together and that Alexis just said that to be mean. That's what I was thinking before anyway, but it is nice to see some other..sort of confirmation. It would suck if they went and made Alexis actually feel that way. Hopefully, once this nonsense between her and Rick is settled...or at least on the way to being settled, she'll be enough of an adult to tell Rick that she didn't mean that.
I would be ok with Alexis being around the precinct again somehow..working with Lanie again or something else.
Sounds like something is coming between Alexis and Kate in the next episode...that fans have wanted to see. So that could be interesting....maybe help to get things between them friendlier again...maybe get their new relationship as stepmother/stepdaughter straight or something. Or Kate talks to her about maybe having some kind of PTSD thing going on and trying to help her cause Alexis has some sort of flashback or something.
Her saying Alexis might move back in....that could point toward things not lasting with her and Pi for whatever reason and she is back at the loft because she didn't get a dorm.. Which could be fine...as long as stuff is more settled between her and Rick first. If that happens, maybe the normal Alexis will return...no more of the snotty brat. Please, no more of the snotty brat.
I just read a few other stories tied to Castle..specifically Alexis. In the comments of one, someone shared their theory of Pi. That he was actually hired by Rick's dad to keep on eye on Alexis during the trip, but he ended up getting closer than he should have..she noticed him..stuff like that. Now that would tick Alexis off a bit too...but I would rather that be it - him hired by her grandfather to watch over her - than him to be hired by Bracken to potentially go after Rick and Kate or something like that. Or hired by goons tied to the one her grandfather killed in Paris and he's just waiting to make a move.. ooooo...he could be a secret ninja bodyguard.
Ok..I think I'm getting silly now. I've had a long day after almost no sleep. Or I'm just channeling Rick and his goofy theories.
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