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Topic: Castle - Spoiler (Read 62159 times)
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #45 on:
October 13, 2013, 05:33:05 PM »
Hehe! I'm sorry
I'll be better to do that.
We'll Always Have Paris.
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #46 on:
October 13, 2013, 09:47:56 PM »
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Yes...Castle handled it so much better. We didn't see everything, but that is ok. They showed enough for us to know that they got together. And I loved how they started the next season, showing them the next morning..both a little shy about it..Kate bringing him coffee. Their little talk that it wasn't just a one time thing for either of them. That was great. And then of course, they added in the humor with Martha and Alexis returning home early and freaking Rick out.
It was funny how he was acting in the kitchen too, trying to keep Martha and Alexis from seeing Kate at that point...telling Alexis to ...basically embrace the hangover and fully experience it. Something like that.
Anyway, I think it was handled very well. It dealt with the needed issues at the time while also still adding in some light hearted Castle type moments too. I do think the show can keep going for a while, especially if they keep dealing with the relationship like they have so far this season. I do feel more...confident in them lasting than I do Booth and Bones. I just would prefer that they don't do an episode that tries to raise the question of them breaking up. Add tension and suspense from other things in the show. I think it will be fun to see the wedding preparations. It doesn't have to be right away, but they could start to talk about a few things and stuff like that. I think Martha has maybe had a few concerns before, just because she knew how much Rick loved Kate and she didn't want to see him hurt - like at the end of last season - I do think Martha likes Kate and is ok with the relationship.
With Bones, the intern is killed by the sniper guy - least I think it was the sniper. It has been a while since I watched some of those episodes. I can't even remember now if Booth was with Bones just because she was so upset, or because he thought she was in danger. She's all upset...crying...he holds her...and that's it. From what I remember when Bones said something to Angela about getting into bed with Booth, I don't remember it being clear that anything other then him holding her while she cried and then slept happened. I don't remember her actually saying that they had sex. Course maybe I sort of zoned out for some of it..I don't know. It was just badly done. Then the last episode was fun for that season..then being undercover with her dad's bowling league. Acting like a couple..which I guess now, it was more than just acting if they were technically together at that point. The best thing about when she told him she was pregnant, was the look that came on his face..just complete happiness. I still don't like that the beginning of the next season jumped forward so many months..immediately. They could have at least shown a little bit after that...talking about the baby some..telling the others ..stuff like that. We got squat. Once the show was back, she was like what..6 months along or something and it was just known by everyone that they were together and having a baby. There were a few nice moments between them, but they are no where near the level of what Castle has done. Booth and Bones were more often shown disagreeing about something for a while..like getting a new place..and Bones thinking she should get to make the majority of the decisions because she makes more money..stuff like that. Which yes, they needed to deal with, but they didn't include enough other just ...sweet stuff. Even when there weren't Kate/Rick moments in an episode last season, they still had a few little talks and stuff that were cute. Like discussing the movie night and how Rick said Kate picked a really bad movie, so she lost her next turn..getting Esposito in on it and him declaring that the movie was so bad Kate should lose 2 turns.
Alexis does seem to be changing a bit. Which could be ok...but, I don't want to see her turn into a brat. Like you said, she has been rather spoiled by Rick, but it hadn't made her a brat. She didn't ask Rick for much really. There could be some more lingering from when she was kidnapped that she hasn't fully dealt with..some post traumatic stress type of something. If that is the case, talking to Kate, like she did back in the earlier seasons, might help some since Kate went through that after the sniper case. I hope it is more along that causing her issues and not her being mad that her dad is happy and getting married. She has to see and realize how happy Rick is with Kate. Though that may threaten Alexis a bit since he's never been like that with anyone else before. She needs to realize that Kate is good for Rick..and Rick is good for Kate. They balance each other out. I do think Rick needs to...well put his foot down too. He should have done that once or twice in the past when she sort of flipped out and yelled at him..how dare he do this or question her or whatever..blah blah. Excuse me. he is the father and she is the daughter. Yes they have had a good relationship, and Rick has gone out of his way to do things for her. Maybe it is just a ...little bit of a bratty period and she'll get back to herself soon. I hope.
The next episode does look to be good. About 30 hours for me here before it airs. I'm not getting anxious... :lol I have enjoyed this season, but I'm glad the DC stuff is done. No more Agent Mentor..and whoever those other agents were. I'm not liking Detective Slob either. Why did Gates not rip his head off over that mess on the desk? He'll lose something or splatter food on a piece of evidence or something the way he is. I don't know if he is in the next episode or not...he can just be transferred to robbery and work with Demming or something.
Sure..though I did do a little bit the Castle/Bones thing in this post..but continue.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #47 on:
October 13, 2013, 11:28:11 PM »
Well, since we are discussing here aswell in general and not the specific episode from last week i wont use spoilertags. We didnt see everything with Rick and Kate. Thats true, BUT we did see almost everything. We saw about everything expect the sexscene itself. Wich is totally fine with me. We saw two people that's been in love for a long time and didnt speak up about it. But now (then) finally everything boils over. And it ended in a good way for both
i think the wait was worth it. And whats Castle without its humor? And the kitchen scene was great too, Alexis with the hangover and Kate sneeking out and realizes she forgot her bra. So i have to go back. But we know now that Martha saw Kate. And she knew, but didnt say anything.. When it comes to the wedding, we dont know how Kate is when it comes to weddings. I guess for some it would be fun to see. But i dont care really. Its great that they are going to get married, but all the stuff leading up. Well yeah. And when they are getting married? the seriefinale?
that would be the perfect ending on the whole thing. And i dont think we will be teased with break ups between them just to create drama. They are good to make drama otherwise. We have seen them fight, we have seen them in all sorth of situations. But never "near a break up" i never thought they would break up in the season finale last season. So IMHO thats out of the window. And what Molly says, i'm taking that with a grain of salt from now on. Since she's known to add to the truth. But i guess she's still young etc.. And for bones (since we are on that subject aswell) yes it was the sniperdude that Booth knew that killed him. And yeah Bones spent the night because Booth was afraid he was still out there and was coming for her. And then she wakes up in the middle of the night all upset and stuff. And thats it after 6 fucking years. Great, just great Sir! Well played. Gold star for you on that Hanson. And when she was talking to Ange the day after she only said that she crawled in to bed with Booth. And anyone can take that as they want. She never said they had sex, but it was kinda in the air i think. We didnt know for sure before she said to Booth that he knocked her up. Protection anyone? And with the whole Bones and Booth buying the house and who's deciding what.. Well when it comes to both of them Hanson did a good job there IMHO. He wanted to do this, but she wanted to do this. And she wanted to decide what to do etc, since she got the most money. Thats in character for both of them actually. Wich is good! But thats about it. And dont get me wrong, i too like Booth and Bones together. And they too get their moments BUT its been more fighting between them now. Lets hope that changes! And over to Alexis and her behavior. I dont mind her changing, she's growing up. And thats fine. I dont even mind that she was spoiled. But when she is starting to be a real brat, and ungreatful. That doesnt sit well with me. I read somewhere that Alexis got some issues with what happened in Paris, in we will deal with that in a episode. And something will boils over, and she cant take it anymore. (Dont remember where i read that now) was in the summertime. And i read somewhere that she wont talk to her dad, but someone else. They didnt say who however. Thats a perfect oportunity for Kate!
And for Martha to like Kate? Sure she does! She's even calling her for Katherine. I think Martha only wants to see her son be happy, and he is with Kate around. I think thats his and hers first real love. Not long left before Castle and The Mentalist now. Another great show i really enjoy. (I think Patrick Jane and Tersa Lisbon is going to get together there aswell, that was 'The Mentalist') And for Agent Mentor (take care in DC) And for you Det Slob.. You can be transferd back to uniform. I dont care as along as he isnt with Kate & Co. I guess thats it for me so far. Goodnight!
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #48 on:
October 14, 2013, 06:04:19 AM »
Right...we saw enough to know for sure what happened without any...doubts left about it. And they didn't immediately jump forward months and not show them dealing with being in a relationship. Like them saying right away it is serious for them - which Kate seemed to be forgetting by the end of the season..but that's ok..now.
All that stuff that morning was great. Rick and Kate both kind of freaking when Martha got home and Kate hiding ...then trying to leave without them seeing her. And how they decided to not tell anyone else just for a little while. That reminds me..I love how Ryan figured it out during Murder He Wrote...kind of dug a bit at Rick during that phone call, but then he managed to get Esposito to back off of trying to figure out who Kate's boyfriend was. How they dealt with Christmas...Valentine's day...all that. Castle does holiday episodes well. Halloween would be fun again...Rick could try to talk Kate into some sort of matching costume..like Han Solo and Princess Leia or something.
I don't think that the wedding planning has to take up a lot of time in different episodes. Just them talking about something every so often. Like Rick suggesting they have some kind of theme wedding...and even the guests come in costumes or something. Or talk about if they want big wedding..something smaller with just family - and I include the guys and Lanie in family...but not Detective Slob. I could see Martha making suggestions. I've noticed that Martha always calls Kate Katherine...just like she always calls Rick Richard. It seems like Martha has always liked Kate..and just at times showed concern because she didn't want Rick to get hurt. I do think she realizes that Kate is different than his previous relationships..except maybe Kyra. Remember, that was serious when Rick was younger...she was, in Kate's words, real. It seems like Rick was upset when that relationship didn't work out - and he still had some of that to deal with during that episode with Kyra. The women after Kyra were more superficial..like he was trying to protect himself from that kind of hurt again. Even though Kyra was different, I still think what he has with Kate is stronger. And Martha knows this. She saw his previous relationships. She knows Meredith cheated..she knows that Rick has kept women at a distance so the relationships only got so serious. And Martha knows things are different with Kate, especially now that they are engaged.
I don't know when they will have the wedding. Oooo...I just had a thought...Esposito wanting to have a bachelor party for Rick..that could be interesting. And it would make sense since they did that for Ryan. I don't mind if the engagement is longer...but we darn well better see a wedding before the series ends. And see the actual wedding..not just people arriving like they did for Ryan and Jenny's. It can be a big, formal, fancy thing or just something small. But we should get to see it. Kate said before she was a one and done type of girl...so maybe, since for her, this is her one, she'll want a bigger fancy wedding.
Yes, I am not going to think too much about what Molly says in interviews..I think I read someplace else where someone said she has...exaggerated before. Alexis having to deal with lingering issues from Paris will be ok..maybe she even has a bit of a breakdown at some point...and maybe Kate can help her with that, which will make them closer. I do think I've read somewhere - maybe in an interview with Marlowe or something - that there would be issues for Alexis that tie back to Paris. I'm pretty sure we even talked about her needing to talk about it in the other thread too...and I think I said then too that Kate might be helpful with that.
Ohh..that reminds me. I saw a story earlier..not even sure why I bothered to read it, bit it was mostly focused on the episode for the 28th..
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The one when Alexis and Pi are supposed to move out together
Anyway, the stupid story - that was mostly just a repeat of stuff I read at tvguide.com like a week ago I think it was - had stuff saying that Rick has ignored Alexis since he got engaged. We don't know that at all..nothing like that has been shown. Yes, they haven't had many scenes together yet, but that doesn't mean he is ignoring her. And anyway, right about when Rick and Kate got engaged, Alexis was leaving for Costa Rica - or had just left - for 2 months. So she wasn't even in the same freaking country..by her own choice. Was Rick supposed to tag along after her to give her the attention she thinks she deserves? Also...that reminds me
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Why was Alexis home a week early? What happened to cause that to happen? Rick asked Martha, but then didn't ask Alexis. I get they were cramming a lot into that first episode, but they should have taken the time for Rick to ask that. Course I guess he was kind of....shocked by Pi. I still wonder if Pi was going to smoke those herbs he was talking about burning..
It seems like, even as it was happening, the writers and Hanson were still kind of....scared of letting Bones and Booth be together. Things were just too vague with how they handled it.
Yes it was good that they had the discussions about the house..money...came to a compromise. That is good and shows they are dealing with stuff. But..that sort of thing, and some arguments - like when Bones went off to the doctor for the first sonogram alone..didn't even tell Booth till after the fact - is the majority of the Bones/Booth moments we got during season 7. That wasn't enough. Let them have some..issues and disagreements to talk through, but show more of the happier moments too. Heck...it could have been nice for them to be talking at home some evening and Booth is trying to get Bones to watch one of his favorite movies or something like that. Though there were some dinners at home that were ok.. I don't know... I was happy they got together..and at the time, I wasn't too annoyed with how it was done - though I never did like them going straight to like 5 months later. But now, after seeing how well things with Rick and Kate have worked, I'm more annoyed by how it has been done on Bones. Hanson shortchanged the fans...because he was afraid of the Moonlighting curse. Get over it already and stop using that as an excuse.
I don't want to see Agent Mentor or Detective Slob again either. He can be transferred to ...anywhere that isn't Kate's desk. I saw some posts at castletv.net about how people loved Agent Mentor..want her to come back..she should get her own series..all that. Evidently I missed something there because I just wanted her to go away. If they want to bring back a fed we've seen before, bring back Agent Shaw..heck, give Agent Shaw her own show. That I would watch. And look there...I still remember her name after 3 seasons, yet I couldn't remember Agent Mentor's name right after I watched an episode she was in.
Even the fbi guy that worked on the teh kidnapping case last season was ok. Can't remember his name, but he didn't annoy me. I don't know..Agent Mentor just bugged me a bit from the start. Ohh..also, I had read some story tied to her story arc, and some quotes from Edlestein...whoever wrote it said something about is this the woman to come between Castle and Beckett type of crap. Some of those stories just ...twist stuff to build it up bigger than it really is. So maybe I felt like, even before I saw the first episode, that Agent Mentor was against Rick...and I didn't like that. lol
Less than 24 hours for the next episode for me...woohoo.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #49 on:
October 14, 2013, 11:10:39 PM »
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Well, i was going to write a whole bunch, but then i decided to watch the episode. And let me just say WOW!! hehe. Great episode! Just a classic Castle episode! It had it all! This might actually be one of my favorite episodes of all times! Awesome! And we get a lot of questions answered! I'll wait to write anything more before you have watched the episode!
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #50 on:
October 15, 2013, 12:00:33 AM »
4 hours left here....why isn't it 10:00 yet?
I need my Castle fix.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #51 on:
October 15, 2013, 05:59:25 AM »
I'm back.
Awesome. Just freaking awesome.
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Ok. Here I go...I may end up rambling for a while again.
Some of it was like I was thinking it might be..how Rick gets called because the woman will only talk to him and Kate goes along..and this gets them both back at the 12th...and no need to hide their relationship. Woohoo.
Perfect mix of the serious case stuff and the funny/silly Castle stuff.
Again we get a nice scene with Kate and Rick in the morning. It is so good that Kate voiced her concerns about what is she going to do all on her own without any prompting..and without letting stuff get pent up. It was so cute when Rick said she didn't have to work..then tried to take it back and claimed he was still asleep so it shouldn't be held against him.
So sweet and so much fun. And then Pi just waltzes in the room..how long was he there?? Do people not knock on doors where ever he is from? And just to stroll in there wearing a towel? What the hell? Though Mrs. C to Be cracked me up... and poor Kate...sliding further and further down in the bed as more of them came in until she was like completely under the covers.
Rick playing Castle trivia with the perp - crap...I forgot her name - was so funny. It's probably a wonder Kate didn't have a stroke when Rick said he'd go in there. It was so sweet how she was helping him put his vest on though. And I think she showed how worried she was. Did you notice how she was kind of playing with her ring when Rick was walking in the building? And how she reacted at other times, especially with the gunshot and how she ran in there. Then Rick waking up yelling cheeseburgers.
And right from the start, Gates was more welcoming to Rick being involved. She didn't even get in any little digs like she has in the past and even admitted that Rick has helped in the past. About time she admitted that she realizes that Rick is helpful.
Detective Slob was trying way to hard to fit in when they were all together. He needed to shut up. He doesn't fit..at all. Clean up that mess and go away. And when that ..bagel or whatever it was - I actually thought it was a hamburger - fell out of a file when Rick and Kate were going through stuff. That was nasty.
Lanie is finally back. I liked that a few things about the wedding came up..and Kate saying they hadn't decided on a date yet because they just want to enjoy being engaged. Then Esposito teasing Ryan..they need to keep that up as the birth gets closer..maybe Ryan getting more nervous as the due date approaches and Esposito and Rick can tease him.
I think the case was interesting and I didn't see that resolution coming. Once they got to the one guy, I thought that was it...then I thought maybe his wife did it because she found out. Interesting case. And it was so great to have them all working together again. Espositio kind of complaining about Kate telling them what to do..and then he did it anyway.
Best of all...Kate is back at the NYPD and everyone is happy. Well..maybe Detective Slob wasn't..I don't remember seeing him during that part. Maybe he was being told to clean up his mess and hit the road at that point.
I can hope anyway. I thought I read somewhere that the actor playing Detective Slob was only signed for 2 episodes...so this would be the second so he's gone.
The next episode looks really interesting. Just the type of wacky thing for Rick to fall for - like the mummy curse...or bigfoot...or being abducted by aliens...
And then it should be the episode after that that Alexis and Pi move out and some stuff comes up....they better get stuff settled so there aren't any lingering issues. Just let the issue being Kate getting use to having more people around on a regular basis after so many years of living alone. Or something like that.
Wonderful episode. Absolutely wonderful. And about 100 times better than Bones.
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Ohhh...I almost forgot. That one hostage guy was an idiot. I think Rick was right..the guy has watched Die Hard too many times and fancies himself McClaine. Idiot. It is his fault that Rick got shot. The other hostages should have been shown making that clear when the cops rushed in. Dumbass. They need to charge him with stupidity or something.
Last Edit: October 15, 2013, 06:59:50 AM by Dragonfire
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #52 on:
October 15, 2013, 11:09:54 PM »
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Ah, only 4 days before my vacation!
but anyways, over to the episode.. Alot of great points there. Will write some tomorrow. But i agree with alot. (and Kate still got her own place.) thats good to know. I think this is going to be the best Castle season so far in the show history. Good night and stuff.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #53 on:
October 16, 2013, 12:45:19 AM »
I've already watched the episode again last night...I watched last weeks again too. Watched them back to back.
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After watching the episodes back to back like I did last night...I really think whatever food Kate dislodged on that dump of a desk was a burger...from the previous episode. During Need to Know, there is the one scene when Sully is digging around on the desk while eating a messy burger. He then sits what is left of it down on the desk..and the camera does kind of..linger on the burger. I think that is what Kate dislodged in last night's episode even though Rick said something about it being a bagel. It looks like a ...old, nasty, partial eaten burger to me.
Yes I wasn't a fan of the whole DC thing, but even those episodes were handled well and I don't have a problem with them - other than not liking Agent Mentor.
Oh that reminds me...at the end of Need to Know when she turns up to fire Kate...she seemed a little extra...bitchy or snarky or something. And since when does the federal government send a partner basically to someone's home to fire them? That seems a little...off. But I don't care too much because it just means no more DC..no more Agent Mentor and the other interchangeable fed drones. Kate was already questioning stuff as soon as they got to the 12th...Agent Mentor didn't didn't care about the why like Kate..and even when Kate showed she was upset over what the CIA jerk was doing to Sveltlana - no clue how to spell that - Agent Mentor didn't seem to care at all what was going on. Just spouted off that stuff about the big picture again.
Ohh...Emma...I remembered her name.
The one taking the hostages. The actress who played her did a really good job.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #54 on:
October 17, 2013, 05:30:37 PM »
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I got a ton to say. But i'm in a very hurry. So hopefully i'll get some time to write later on. But let me say, classic classic Castle. Loved how she got her job back. And i liked Gates in this one aswell
(who knew!) And i liked Emma\Emily too. I've seen her somewhere before. But cant remember it. All in all (short and sweet) one of my favorite episodes. Ever. Is turning out to be the best season yet. And we have had a few really great seasons so far! Ah. What a show
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #55 on:
October 18, 2013, 02:59:20 AM »
Sorry...couldn't resist.
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I'm very happy with the season so far. The DC stuff wasn't my favorite..just because I knew Kate didn't belong there, but the shows have been very good. I'm happy. Even with Pi lurking about.. :lol I think the next episode will be fun. I can just see Rick...this case is so cool..time traveling killer..etc.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #56 on:
October 18, 2013, 06:05:05 AM »
I had another thought..
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With how Gates has been shown in the last two episodes, I got to wondering a bit. She stood up to Agent Mentor and talked about getting justice for the actor guy ..that doing the feds may not think that is important but they did - her team. She told Kate not to be a stranger. She finally admitted that Rick has helped. When she seemed to object to bringing in the one guy...Emma's birth father..because he was a powerful, connected man and Rick questioned if he should get away with it because of that..she turned around and handled the interrogation herself to protect her team. She let Kate work the crime scene and help even though she wasn't back on the force...She hinted in a big way for the dad to use his connections to get Kate back on the job. There seems to be a little more....bonding between Kate and Gates. So I got to wondering if at some point she is going to find out about Bracken and his connection to the murder of Kate's mom. And if she does, if she backs Kate and tries to help bring him down. I'm just getting this feeling now that she doesn't think people in positions of power should get away with stuff. Ohhh...and she was in IA before, basically going after people with some power on the force who were dirty. I could be way off here, but I just get the feeling now, especially after I think about it more, that things are being set up for Gates to be brought in on the Bracken situation someway. Kate does seem to be growing to trust her more.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #57 on:
October 19, 2013, 12:56:19 AM »
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Haha! "Cheeseburger" that made me laugh! And i just saw the first sneak peek of the new episode (wich i wont be able to watch before a week.) Looks funny. So far this season they are back to the old classic Castle themed episodes i think. Wich is just great! And over to Gates a bit. I dont know whats up with her, but we know she and Kate has an ok relationship. They are starting to warm up to each other. And we saw that again this last week. And we also know that Gates has her moments with Rick too. But we also know that she can snap just the next second with him. So i'm more curious to see whats going on there. And IF she will warm up to him, or if they will continue to have this on\off relationship. And if Gates will be involved with Bracken i'm not sure. Gates dont know anything about Bracken. Rick and Kate is the only two that knows everything. And if thats change i dont know. I guess thats something we will get answered. I'm like "yeah, great episode" looking forward to the next episode. I really enjoy the show so far. So far they are doing everything correct.
We'll Always Have Paris.
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Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #58 on:
October 19, 2013, 04:43:30 AM »
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Rick yelling cheeseburger cracks me up. I really hope he does that again in future episodes...heck it could just be when he is home and Pi does something to..irk him again..he could just look at Kate and say cheeseburger.
I know Gates has no idea what all is going on with Bracken now. Though she did seem to ...suspect that Kate was hiding something about Montgomery..and she said that she hoped that one day Kate and the guys would as loyal to her. She is showing more and more that she shares certain feelings with Kate...the guilty don't get off if they are powerful..that sort of thing.
I think it would make more sense for Gates to be a mentor to Kate..Gates is married and I think she even has kids..so she knows how to balance the police work with a family. Agent Mentor was more of the mindset of Kate in the first season - completely focused on work. Gates is already closer to what the current Kate is.
Oh...Ryan and Esposito know about Bracken too..they helped Kate and Rick find the clue that lead to Bracken..and helped piece the stuff together.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #59 on:
October 19, 2013, 10:01:16 PM »
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Next time i'm at Mcdonalds or some place else and other me a cheeseburger i will always have that picture in my head now. Funny. As said in the other thread, i'm going away for a week. Something i'm looking forward to! So i wont be able to watch this one aswell before a week. Wich is ok actually. But over to the show. I said it since Gates joined the team that its something iffy here. I've always had this thought that she might end up as a dirty cop or that she joined the team because of Montgomry. I still think there is something iffy, but since its been a long time now since she joined the team i dont think she might be dirty or there because of Monty. But i dont like her or many of her other characters she's been playing. (She's playing the badguy so good!) hehe. I guess thats the signs of a good actress? And for the next episode its looking awesome. And its good to see Kate back too! Looks like she is back "as the boss" Didnt see Det. Slob in the sneak. Does that mean that he's gone? And it will be interesting to see how they deal with the whole engagement at the precinct. Does it mean that we will see less Caskett moments now? Or will they continue? (And she still got her apartament in NYC! She said that in previous ep)
We'll Always Have Paris.
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