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Topic: Castle - Spoiler (Read 62202 times)
Mega Heavy Poster
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #345 on:
November 03, 2014, 01:03:02 AM »
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I'm annoyed because we've already had to wait ....... first they made it seem like the wedding was going to be in the finale..then that mess happened. And I think the main reason that bothered me so much is because they let them get so close to the wedding - both in the wedding clothes, Rick only 20 minutes away - when it got messed up. So had to wait out 3 months to get to stuff being fixed...so new season..Rick is found, but with all the nonsense making it look like he just up and decided to go camping for 2 months..Rick and Kate were still together yes, but something was a tad off. That was fixed yes...but it still caused more delays. Now they are stating the next episode is the wedding, but wait an extra week. Enough with the delays already.
Yup...another episode. I think that is a good sign. Hopefully they will get the contract stuff figured out sooner rather than later.
yup...just over a week. So not too long I know..but I would still rather it was tomorrow.
I can't help it.
I would have been fine with the swings, but I really don't think it will be. That episode was filmed a while ago now, and there has not been one picture leaked or anything about a location shoot at the swings. I really don't think they could have filmed anything at the swings at this point, let alone the wedding, and pictures not leak all over the internet. Last year, the day they filmed the proposal at the swings, pictures were online...There is no way they could film there and keep people from taking pictures.
Like I've said before, I think the loft, the 12th, or city hall - maybe the mayor's office - are the mostly likely places. The loft is probably my favorite of those, but really, I don't care where as long as they get married. I could see it being at the 12th and I think I would be fine with that. Could be interesting to see how Gates reacts to that.
Someone at the Castle board suggested in a post that the original venue - that was on a rooftop somewhere in the city - that got ruined had been the rooftop where they first met at the party for Rick's book from the first episode. I don't remember them every actually saying where that venue was...would have been kind of nice if it was where they met.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #346 on:
November 04, 2014, 08:06:27 PM »
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Oh, Castle Castle! Under 1 week before the episode of the show huh?
I guess you are exicted? hehe. There isnt much about the wedding episode online yet. More about the honeymoon episode. So they are making this (wedding episode) a real secret one huh? The two promos i have seen yet is only about the alternate thing of it. Nothing about the wedding. So that makes me real curious. I guess its a reason for all the hush hush. Guess we will find out in 6 days. Maby they will do something we dont expect at all? And they get hitched at the swings? Think if they somehow pulled that off? I dont know.
I really hope they would choose 'The Loft' before the 12th. The 12th is their workplace. Wouldnt be good IMHO. How many times have we seen them kissing etc at the 12th? Not often. But in the loft? mhm. But maby its a place we both havent thought of yet?
Thats something they would do. So i guess we will just have to wait and see what happens next monday!
I'm looking forward to it. Dont get me wrong.
So, the honeymoon looks like it will be westernstyle huh? Well, does Stana look hot in those outfits or what?
Shame it wasnt Castle on this Monday, but luckly (for me) "alot" of my other shows was on. So i got them to watch.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #347 on:
November 04, 2014, 11:47:16 PM »
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Yup....6 days now...
I haven't seen anything specifically about the wedding...other than Aman saying the wedding definitely happens and it isn't in the alternate storyline thing. It does seem like they are keeping more about the wedding quiet...at least for now.
I did see a story or interview with Aman last night...he didn't say much about the next episode.. Was little hints about what is coming after that...Little bit of a cliffhanger at the winter break...something else tied to what happened to Rick will come up again in the Christmas episode. He said that whatever happened didn't change who Rick is...also said nothing was coming out that would cause any problems with Rick and Kate.
Yup...they are supposed to be going undercover at some kind of dude ranch from what I read. That could be interesting.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #348 on:
November 07, 2014, 05:24:47 PM »
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Friday afternoon here allready. Or early evening. And no new promo's\sneak peeks out yet. There are out 2 sneak peeks i think it is. And thats not much or usual. Whatsup? And why are they so secret about this episode? It makes me real curious
only a weekend left now!
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #349 on:
November 08, 2014, 05:31:19 AM »
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I haven't seen any new stuff posted anywhere either. Just what was after the last episode...there was the short clip when Rick ran in the prescient saying that Kate was in danger..only to find out that she is Captain and has no clue who he is. Then there was one when Kate is questioning Rick. That's all I've seen anywhere. Oh, I did see some pictures. Alexis with dark hair..sort of goth like..and the loft. Oh my. Martha must have run amok decorating. Huge chandelier in there. and a smaller couch..think it might have been a shade of pink.
It seems like they want to keep more tied to the wedding a surprise. Maybe in an attempt to get more people watching Monday night.
Still not sure how stuff will work with this alternate story thing. He knows who everyone is but they don't know him. And at least at some point, Rick and Kate are talking about what would be different if they hadn't met - they were in the loft. So ..no clue really. Hmmm....unless Kate is pulling another ....fake out on him like in Lives of Others. Though why would Alexis's hair be different color in that case and the loft so different? It is making me nuts.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Heavy Poster
Posts: 2140
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #350 on:
November 10, 2014, 04:39:10 PM »
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Well, i've been checking the internet for new sneak peeks and stuff troughout the weekend and today. But nah, nothing at all. Only two cool tweets by Stana
other then that. Nothing at all, actually weird. So i guess tonights episode will be a real big deal. Maby the wedding will be bigger then we think? Usually when are keeping stuff hush hush it is a reason for it. Only a few hours left before we find out!!
The local time here now is Monday 4.38 in the evening. So soon! Hehe
Guess we will have our answers soon enough. Or Finally i should say? Hehe
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #351 on:
November 11, 2014, 05:05:42 AM »
I just watched it.
I am happy.
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I need time to fully process all this...
The mystery part...was ok..but that wasn't what I really was caring about. Though there were some nice moments there. The explanation is kind of what I thought it would be. I'll have to watch again to pick up more.
The wedding does happen. It is short, but really, it was sweet, beautiful, and perfect. And no where that we thought, but it was good. How in there were no pics out before I don't know...although...there may have been some green screen stuff going on. Hmmm. Have to watch again. Anyway. It was wonderful.
I am happy. Oh so very happy. I still think the finale from season 6 sucks though.
But I am happy.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Heavy Poster
Posts: 2140
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #352 on:
November 11, 2014, 02:20:03 PM »
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Haha, season 6 is last year. Forget about it allready!
I just watched the episode myself, and i liked it actually. For a few reasons. It was fun to see how the world would be if Rick and Kate never met. But there was alot of callbacks to earlier seasons, and Kate told Rick about his books and that she stood in line etc. I've been waiting for that. Wonder if we will see that mentioned in some episodes later on.
And then ofcourse we got the wedding. Perfect! Yep, it was in the Hamptons! So we were both wrong, hehe.. But as i hoped, only Rick, Kate and their closest ones.
In typical Castle style! And now they are finally married! We are going to get some interesting times ahead i guess.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #353 on:
November 11, 2014, 11:11:03 PM »
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I know it is last season...I still don't like it.
But I am oh so happy now.
I need to fully watch again. I sort of watched again last night..I watched the first few minutes..till just after they got to the warehouse or factory or whatever it was. Then I fast forwarded to when Rick woke up ...watched the new proposal I guess you could call it ..the wedding....then hit rewind...watch the wedding...rewind...watch the wedding... you get the idea.
I honestly don't know how many times I rewatched the wedding last night. More will be coming too I think.
The alternate stuff was done pretty well overall. It is interesting how ...slightly different everyone was without Rick being around. Kevin and Jenny didn't get married...stuff with Javier and Lanie was a mess...and she was pregnant. I still don't know if Javier was supposed to be the dad or the pregnancy was a result of her moving on. I saw someone post somewhere last night that Javier was the dad. Rick's reaction to seeing Lanie was so funny.
I do think there was green screen done and the ceremony was in the studio...after seeing that bit again, I think the shot of the house at the Hamptons was actually from Murder He Wrote and they just changed the background with effects..then the ceremony itself was on set. I think that was done for 2 reasons...to keep everything under wraps so no pics got out ahead of time, and also because the actual location used for the Hamptons house was just too expensive. I remember reading after Murder He Wrote that it was really, really expensive to shoot at that house. So I'm ok with the odd looking sunset. Yes the effects could have been a tad better, but that is minor for me. When I rewatched the wedding, the sky didn't stand out as much to me as it did the first time.
Yes the ceremony was short, but really, it is rather short in most weddings...so that doesn't bother me. Their vows were beautiful and wonderful. The first time, I kept waiting for Rick to add always in his somewhere.
While it would have been nice if the guys, Jenny, and Lanie were there too, I'm not upset or disappointed that they weren't. It was perfect with Jim, Martha, and Alexis. I'm thinking that if there had been more people there, it wouldn't have felt as...special and right. I did prefer her mom's dress over what she wore this time, but I'm still fine with what she wore. I also get why she wasn't wearing her mom's dress again. I am almost 100% sure that she was wearing Martha's earrings again though...and maybe the same bracelet. I loved when they were standing there together and he called her Mrs. Castle. I have no clue what that song was, but it works. I think it was the one they decided was there song last sason...when they were at that prom after the case that seemed like someone had telekinetic power.
I think I'm done for now. I will probably be back after I watch again.
And I do plan to type up something for my blog this evening as well.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #354 on:
November 12, 2014, 06:25:35 AM »
I'm back
I did get something posted on my tv blog about the episode. It is kind of long..but..well...I had a lot to say I guess.
There are spoilers in it.
The Time of Our Lives
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I'm still in my happy Castle fog.
I was ...skeptical on how well the alternate world story would work and how the wedding would work in the same episode.
About if Kate ever told Rick that she stood in line to get a book signed...I don't think she has. Remember how Rick reacted, saying that she'd never told him that before..which confused her since as far as she knew, they had only known each other a few days. So I'm thinking she hadn't told him.
I'm leaning more toward Rick had a dream while knocked on after that smoke bomb thing.. The stuff that came up reflected their talk at the loft that morning - how she would be captain if they hadn't met. In some ways she was a little more...accepting of him in the alternate world, though that was an older version of Kate who was further away from being as focused on finding the whole story with cases and all that. Poor Ryan and Jenny never got married..no Sara Grace either. and who knows what was going on with Javier and Lanie. Hmm...I wonder if Kate and Lanie were still friends in the alternate world...we didn't see anything about that. But there was a time limit, especially since the wedding had to get in there.
I've seen some people ...well...really bitching about the episode. The alternate stuff was stupid...the wedding was horrible and not good enough..blah blah. I don't think that at all. Honestly, I don't know how the wedding could have been better just by being longer - the short length seemed to be what most were complaining about. That part of a wedding really doesn't take that long for the most part. The long bit is the reception.
Did you see a preview of the next episode yet? When they show their rings and say they got married, it looks like they are in the loft. I'm thinking they have Ryan, maybe Jenny, Esposito, and Lanie over to tell them. The dude ranch stuff looks like it will be fun.
Ok...I think I'm done for tonight...need to get some sleep since back to work for long day tomorrow. And I think I'll be using the rewind again a bit tonight. lol
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Posts: 2140
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #355 on:
November 12, 2014, 08:28:21 PM »
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Hehe, i'm glad you are happy with the episode! I am happy aswell.
About the song. Ofc its THEIR song. The reason for it being their song is because its the song AM & Co used in the two final scenes in S04, when Rick and Kate finally hooked up! So when the fans hear that song, we are thinking back to that moment. Atleast i do. And alot of people at the forum does too. Thats why they chose that song. Perfect.
And green screen or not. (We can see that it is a green screen) But they made it work IMHO. Maby it was difficult to shoot in the hamptons? I remember AM saying that it is f'n expensive to shoot in the Hamptons.. And think about the fans.. Would have a fieldday with it i guess.
Anyhow, Martha, Mr.Beckett and Alexis was more than enough for me. I'm glad it was only the family at the wedding. Real small and intimate. It fits the story and the characters IMHO. Remember last season when they were deciding on guests and they wrote "you" on the paper? Was that a give away back then? Hmm.
What i meant about Kate telling Rick about waiting in line for his books was, will we see that in a upcoming episode? Rick telling Kate about what she said in the dream about waiting in line. And will Kate then tell him about it all? Because we know that his books helped her trough her moms murder. She said that in S01. It would be nice if they talked about sometime.
And i too think Rick hit his head when he was falling down, and had a dream. A real dream nonetheless.
I've seen the promo and 1 sneak peek i think it was. Look like it will be a fun episode! And wtf is a "duderanch" ? Could you explain that to me since English is only my second language? Thanks!
And for the place they tell them.. About getting hitched, i couldnt see if it was at the loft or the precinct. Could be either or for me.
I'm just glad they didnt get married at the 12th.
For the details at the wedding (dress etc) i'm a dude, so i couldnt care less about those things to be honest. Hehe
The truth is that Stana is smoking hot in everything!
All in all, a great season so far! Think about what a season 8 will bring huh? Since the seasons is getting better and better for each year!
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #356 on:
November 13, 2014, 04:59:28 AM »
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I am happy...oh so very happy. I watched the wedding again last night ..just the wedding. Well...first time I started when they were back in the 12th...and I watched the wedding at least 5 more times.
I am all ready wondering if there will be some deleted scenes on the DVD set. I would really think they would do a commentary for the episode. Hopefully with Nathan, Stana, Terri, and Andrew.
Was that played at the end of season 4? I honestly don't remember that..I just thought it was the one from the episode last season when they were at that prom...Smells Like Teen Spirit I think it was.
Those are definitely the earrings Martha gave her in The Episode That Shall Not Be Named. And it is the same pearl bracelet - no I didn't watch The Episode That Shall Not Be Named again yet, but I saw a few pictures from it last night..same bracelet.
I think it worked too. And honestly, it doesn't seem as..hmm...unnatural looking I guess on rewatch. At least I don't think it does. And if you listen closely, you can hear the ocean..and seagulls. I'm sure it was too difficult to return to the location used before. I remember them saying how horribly expensive it was before, so it makes sense that they would do the ceremony on set and reuse a shot of the house and just change the background to show the sunset. Also I think it worked out as a way to prevent pictures leaking online early. If they shot on a location, someone would have seen and taken pictures. Also, there would have been something back when they were filming about going to a location. Someone at the Castle board mentioned before about seeing the shooting schedule or something and there was no mention of a location. People would have been posting about the wedding being at the Hamptons after all if that had happened. I like that it was a surprise...and not any of the places we had thought it would be. I would have been fine with the loft, or the courthouse or the 12th...or wherever...but it wouldn't have been as special.
I agree..Martha, Alexis, and Jim - Kate's dad - were just right. Again, I would have been ok if they had decided to just elope and not include anyone, but I'm glad those 3 were there. Yes I remember about them saying the only ones that had to be there were each other. If I remember right, the first people they mentioned after that were Martha, Alexis, and Jim. I've seen some people - both at the Castle board and in comments to some of the stories about the episode - that Ryan, Esposito and Lanie deserve apologies for being left out. Something like that. I don't see it that way. Of course I'm sure they would have liked to have been there, but hopefully they will understand. I don't want them to get pissy about it. They need to be true friends and just be happy for Rick and Kate. And I think they are probably telling them pretty soon after the fact.
I hope that bit about Kate being a fan of his books before they met and standing in line for hours to get a book signed will come up someway.
I wasn't sure when Nathan or Marlowe talked about the episode and how the alternate world thing would serve an actual purpose in getting them to the alter. Terri did a good job with the episode and made the story work on several levels.
A dude ranch is basically like a real working ranch where horses or some type of cattle are raised - there are different types of cattle - where people can go for a vacation. While there, they do cowboy type things...ride horses, rope cattle...stuff like that. Some of them may have some Old West type fake towns - fake towns that are set up to look like it is still the old west. Think some have reenactments of gunfights ..have saloons..blacksmith places...stuff like that. Did you ever see the movie City Slickers? Like that, but not always with the cattle drive thing.
Kate/Stana looked beautiful, and very happy. I did like her mom's dress better, but she still looked very nice. And it fits her. A sort of simple, elegant look.
Yup, I have been very happy with the season so far even though I have had a few issues, mostly in the first few episodes.
I may watch Clear and Present Danger again tonight..then the wedding again.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #357 on:
November 13, 2014, 05:57:28 AM »
Ok...I remembered something else that I've been forgetting for the last few nights.
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This kind of goes with how some people have been complaining about the wedding being too short....like it was just tacked on at the end.
Last year with Bones, that entire episode had a lot of wedding stuff in it..including the church catching on fire the day before.
There were a lot of people there, including I believe the one jerk intern that no one likes. The wedding wasn't super long, but it was longer than what Castle just did. With Bones, I didn't feel this happy after the wedding. I was kind of like...is that it after it was over. It just left me feeling kind of.....blah I guess. I know we talked about it in the Bones thread at the time. With Castle, I don't feel like that at all. This wedding worked so much better even though it wasn't as long and there weren't as many guests.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Heavy Poster
Posts: 2140
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #358 on:
November 15, 2014, 04:13:27 PM »
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So again i'm late to the party. And again i will apologize for that. Been out and about again. And been alot of workstuff again. But come December it will be better And tonight we have a Christmas party (allready) so that will be interesting..
Anyyhoow over to our show.
I agree with alot of the stuff you say. And yes, you can see they use the greenscreen and whatnot. But they made the best of it. And i saw at the other forum aswell that it was great that they used Hamptons, to kinda forget what happened there last year. And get some positive memories out of it. Wich was pretty good i guess. I dont care about the clothes they was wearing. They are looking good in anything. But i really like how Kate is changed from S01.
And for the AU episode. I liked Kate more in the AU episode or how she would be if she never met Rick, compared to how she was in S01.
I've rewatched the episode a few times allready. And i have alot on my mind. But i'm really tired right now, so i need a nap before the party tonight etc.
So i will write a bit more tomorrow.
Have a great weekend!
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #359 on:
November 16, 2014, 01:50:04 AM »
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That's ok. I know how that can be. I have times like that too.
I don't care that much about what they wore either. I would have been fine if they went straight to the court house after he asked her to marry him now, in the clothes they had on. But I'm glad they took a little time to get their family there and that they changed. I saw an interview with Stana that was posted right after the episode. She said the outfit was something they wanted it to seem like Kate might have already had or found on a quick shopping stop on the way. I think I'll go with thinking she already had the outfit. I hadn't thought of it at first, but a few people at the Castle board mentioned that they thought it looked like something she might have gotten to wear for the reception or maybe for the trip to the honeymoon destination. I could see that, and like that idea, so that's what I'm going with.
I like how Kate has changed too. She's still the same person of course, but ...hmmm....softer I guess you could say in some ways. She is willing to fully embrace being happy now, and back then, I don't think she was. Sure she may have acted like it at times, and she dated, but she kept everyone at a bit of a distance. That is gone now.
I liked Kate in the Au too. Yes it sucks that she hadn't found her mom's killer, but she hadn't let that .....hmm...overtake her life. She wasn't as happy with her career even though she was the youngest to make captain. She was...skeptical of Rick of course, but more willing to ...accept him and more willing to see where the attraction/interest might lead. I think part of that is also because the Rick she met is different from season 1 Rick too. He is still fun and even silly at times, but he isn't a playboy. And he's had six years to get to know his Kate, so he knew better how to ...approach certain things.
I'll be watching the episode more too. It's great. The whole AU story worked way better than I originally anticipated. Not that I really thought it would suck...just...was unsure how a few things would work. It was all handled very well. Then to finish that off with the wedding...Perfect.
I really don't mind the greenscreen. Yes it looked slightly off the first time I watched, but it really hasn't bothered me on rewatch. I really hadn't thought that they would go back to the Hamptons, but I'm glad they did and think that works really well. Definitely better than the court house or the 12th. Having it there, along with Kate wearing the same earrings and bracelet, does connect it a bit to the original plans...just with a happy ending this time.
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