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Topic: Castle - Spoiler (Read 62203 times)
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #330 on:
October 25, 2014, 11:23:14 PM »
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I'm enjoying the season too.
I want to see them get married and I would like it if it was more than just a couple of minutes at the end of the episode. Really not sure what to expect anymore other than it isn't going to be a big fancy thing. They aren't planning anything at the moment, so there just isn't time to have anything near what they originally planned. Small would be fine. city hall...the loft...heck even at the 12th. That would kind of be fitting since they first met there. Small will be good. Like you said, Esposito, Lanie, Martha, Alexis, Kate's dad..Ryan and Jenny. I think it depends on if people invite bosses over here..some do, some don't.
Terri wrote the episode..just Terri. I haven't noticed if she's written one by herself before..was thinking she usually wrote with Andrew.
No idea if there will be a case or just the alternate stuff and the wedding. Still haven't been able to find anything online about it.
I'm not sure what to think about the alternate stuff yet myself. It could be alright, but like you, I do not want to see anything like Kate and Esposito involved. I do not like that idea at all. For some reason - possibly because a few things the guy who plays Esposito said in an interview, and from what was in the one commentary on season 6 DVD set, make me think they are going in that direction. I will not like that. So I guess I'm just hoping, if that is the case, the alternate stuff doesn't get a lot of time. But who knows.
Oh....I read something last night connected to episode 10. It is a Christmas episode. Lanie and Esposito will..what did it say...navigate an important event in their relationship or something like that. That is making me think they might decide to move in together or even get engaged. Rick and Kate getting married could be what gives them a nudge.. Maybe Lanie will catch the bouquet and that will get them thinking or something.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #331 on:
October 26, 2014, 12:44:38 AM »
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I dont want them to get married at the 12th. The 12th is their work place. And i dont want to be a nitpicker or anything. But wasnt the public libary the first time they ever met? I think it was when he was at that booksigning. And she came up and asked him a few questions? And after that he was at the 12th.
I would want them to get married at either the loft or the city hall. The loft would be a nice touch. And it would be something Terri would do i think. And Terri is being a shipper (she's said that before) so that will make for interesting tv i guess.
So the wedding episode will not be this one (ofc) but the next one yes? I will try to not to have my expactations up at all. Maby i will go spoiler free? (nah, who am i trying to kid?)
So, there will happen stuff with Lanie and Espo in the a Christmas episode huh? They should be careful with what they do with them. Since they would have to do it first with Caskett. And i dont think they will have Kate and Rick getting married and then Espo and Lanie engaged just a few episodes later. Maby they will move in together? Or taking it a step further?
Hah, who knows?
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #332 on:
October 26, 2014, 03:14:10 AM »
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Yes I know that is where they work. But that is where they have spent the most time together...where they first really connected.
Hmm....not the library I don't think...Wasn't it on the roof of a building where that book launch was? Hmm.
The loft would be fine with me. I know some said they wanted it at the swings..which would have been nice too, but I don't think it will be. At this point, since we are only a few weeks out from it, pictures would have turned up online. There is no way they could have filmed a wedding at the swings and there not be pics out. Look how it was last year before the premiere...people saw the filming of the beginning, and there were pics. yes they were kept at a distance, but there were pics. So I think it was at the swings, a pic would have surfaced before now. From what I have read, the 6th episode was shot a while ago, even before the 5th. And remember, there was that little behind the scenes interview type thing that we saw with Nathan when he had the ring on. That was done right after the premiere aired.
Right...not the next episode, but the one after that. Called Times of our Lives I think is the official title. I am trying to keep the expectations under control here too. Think I am doing ok at this point. However, that could change by the time the episode airs. lol Really, as long as they get married, I'll be happy. I will however, be annoyed if we don't get see anything of the wedding...like they did when Kevin and Jenny got married. If that happens, I'll get past it because they will be married, but I will be annoyed.
Yes...something with Lanie and Esposito and their relationship in the Christmas episode..which is the 10th. I'm thinking it will be either moving in together or they get engaged. I suppose they could break up yet again...I hope not..that would irritate me. Heck..maybe they'll just go straight to getting married and head to Vegas.
I do like them together. I'm ok with not a lot tied to them is shown...like has been with Kevin and Jenny..just little things here and there works for me.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #333 on:
October 26, 2014, 03:09:44 PM »
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Hm, you might be correct. I only thought i remember it was the libary they met. But i'm not sure at all. And it doesnt matter really. I too read somewhere (other forum i think it was) that they wanted to see a wedding at the swings. Since alot of important stuff happened between them at the swings. I guess that would only be fitting and in character. But as you said, there would be picture out online. Unless they have managed to keep it a secret. I guess they will do something we dont expect them to do. and our minds will be "wow" why didnt think of that? As they are known to do from time to time.
I'm actually looking forward to the next episode. The social media episode yes? "thats us" as Kate was saying in one of the promos. Is she crying btw?
And are someone stalking the 12th? Well, its going to be a fun episode i think.
Espo and Lanie.. I dont think they would get engaged really. Dont think AM & Co would first marry Kate and Rick, and then get Espo and Lanie engaded. Wouldnt fit the characters IMHO and the story. They wouldnt do that twice in a row. But who knows? Guess we will see? I'm leaning more towards them moving in together. Kate and Rick is practicly living together. Ryan is married. So why not? But not engaged. (They might engage them.) But i wouldnt like that.
I too like Espo and Lanie together.
And when it comes to the wedding episode, i think most of the shippers will be happy. Since it will be fan favorite. So i think you get more of the wedding then you got with Jenny and Ryan. Ryan is just a "support cast" Kate and Rick is the two absolute leads. So i think they will get a bit more time. I think we will atleast get the "yes, i do" on screen.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #334 on:
October 27, 2014, 02:30:13 AM »
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It was later in the episode that Kate tracked him down at the library. After he swiped some of the case files.
The launch party....I don't remember exactly where it was, but that was where they technically first met...when Kate showed up to ask him questions. I had forgotten about that briefly when I thinking before that they met at the 12th.
I absolutely think there would be pictures out by now if the wedding was filmed on location somewhere...especially the swings. There is no way they could do it at an outside location and there not be pictures out. The more I think about it, the more I think it had to be on set...that is the only way they could control the access and there not be pictures out. heck...by this time last year, we had seen pictures of Bones in her dress. Though Bones had done more to piss off fans before that and push people away. While it is out there that the wedding is coming, they seem to still be trying to keep some of it a surprise. Which is ok with me. I'm thinking it might be more likely that they used a set they already have - like the loft - for a few reasons. 1, because of time constraints...so they don't need to build something new, and 2, budget..also tied to not needing to build something new. Though I suppose they could have gone somewhere and filmed with it basically locked down so no one could see ...inside a church or something. It would have to be indoors though. Hmmmm. I remember seeing a few tweets and things from when the episode was filmed..them talking about it becoming a fan favorite and all that. I saw no mention of a location shoot at that time - last year when they filmed the episode with the baby, the few scenes in a church, people were posting all over, thinking it might mean a wedding or the baptism of Kevin and Jenny's baby. So the more I think about it, the more I think it was on a set they already have. I may be over thinking this a bit.
I think the next one will be interesting too. Looks like someone may be stalking the 12th. I don't know if she is crying or not. I saw other people mention that at the Castle site too. I hadn't noticed.
I think Lanie and Esposito getting engaged would fit them fine. There were issues previously with one of them not wanting to commit to more at that time...but they have gone through a lot since then, and are now officially together, so that may have changed for who ever it was - I don't remember the specifics now... I don't think that Rick and Kate getting married means that other characters on the show can't do that too. Really all that is left is Lanie and Esposito...unless Martha, Alexis or Kate's dad gets into a new relationship. Which, by the way, it could be interesting to see Kate react to her dad dating again...if she would be fine and happy for him right away, or if she has a little bit of a ...freak out at first.
I hope we get a bit more with Rick and Kate's wedding than we did with Kevin and Jenny's. Just not sure what to expect. But I am ready for the wedding. Which is probably an understatement.
I am getting more ....curious about the sneak peek after the episode tomorrow will show. If it is just tied to the alternate story bit or if there is something about them deciding they are ready to get married. I do wonder if any kind of talk about the wedding will come up tomorrow night..maybe by the end of the episode. Though I won't be surprised if it doesn't.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #335 on:
October 27, 2014, 02:04:58 PM »
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Hehe, we know a few things about AM & Co, they "always" keep their promises. Even tho there are some bumbs before we get there. But we usually gets there IF they say we will get there. AM said from S01 that this is a love story. And they used 4 seasons to get them together. But what a journey it was to the moment when they finally hooked up. And they (AM) always do things in character. And if they say EP06 will be a fan favorite, i think it will be. But i dont think we will see a big great wedding in a church or anything. I'm thinking about maby City Hall\12th or the loft. But who knows what they are thinking? Since they havent talked much about the wedding (Kate and Rick) they havent had any time to have a big wedding. Guess we will find out in only about a weeks time.
I bet $1 that Lanie and Espo moving in together
do bet that they get engaged? Would make stuff interesting
Now, i'm just looking forward to this weeks episode. By the sneak peeks it looks interesting. And it looks like someone is watching the 12th. And if they do, why do they do? And if Kate is crying. Why is she crying? It isnt often we see her cry. Will be a very interesting episode! And not to mention the promo after the show for the next week episode!!
But i wont be able to watch this episode when it airs, since i'm on the graveyard shift this week :\
So i have to watch it when i come home.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #336 on:
October 28, 2014, 12:54:39 AM »
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True...they have. Now I haven't been overly fond of a few developments along the way - mostly from the last season finale. That one still irritates the hell out of me for multiple reasons.
I don't think there will be a big church wedding either. There is just no time for them to plan anything other than something small..which is fine with me. If they did end up in a church, it would just be them and a few others - Martha, Alexis, Jim...maybe Lanie, Jenny, Ryan, Esposito. It doesn't seem like, from the planning they did last season, that having the wedding in a church was that important to either of them. Neither seem overly religious and we haven't seen them talk about going to church every week or anything, so I doubt it is a church. I agree...the loft, the 12th, or city hall are the mostly likely places. Oooo....maybe the Mayor's office since he's a fan and he pulled the strings originally to get Rick to follow Kate. If he is still in office.
I don't know...I think either move in together or get engaged...maybe a small chance they just run off to Atlantic City or Vegas and elope. Or...I just had a thought here....or Lanie thinks she is pregnant and they have to deal with that. Hmmm....
Yup...definitely looks interesting. Just over 2 hours here before it starts..I'll be watching.
Maybe there will be hints about the wedding...and I am very interested to see the next sneak peek. Very interested.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #337 on:
October 28, 2014, 02:52:52 PM »
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Hm, mayors office would work i guess. Since he's a fan and all that.
I just watched this weeks episode. And i really enjoyed the episode. Great case. Could have been more Caskett moments. But the moments we got, was nice!
So, in two weeks we will get the wedding episode? What does that means? No new episode next week? Or another episode next week?
I'm in a bit of hurry. So i write more after i get back from work etc.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #338 on:
October 28, 2014, 10:31:02 PM »
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I liked the episode too. It was entertaining. And poor Rick..his commercial didn't turn out like he anticipated.
The reactions when they watched that was hilarious.
No episode at all next week. Evidently ABC is showing some stupid special tied to the country music awards that are on Wednesday night. This would annoy me anyway, but now, delaying the wedding another freaking week?
? Ackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. They are trying to make me nuts. We already had to wait a week longer for the new season to start, and now this. grrrrr.
Ok...I'm calm...really. lol just a wee bit irritated.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #339 on:
October 30, 2014, 12:45:16 AM »
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Uhm, fuck that shit. :\ why would ABC do that? Have some special thing about something that many dont care about?
Anyyways.. I really enjoyed the episode. A kinda dark episode IMHO. But they nailed it in the end. Comedy gold
Nathan is pretty good at those comedy thingies. And Kate as "always" making fun of him. Only in a good way i guess?
But the speech she had in the apartment about cyber bullying and stuff. Right on the money. And its a important subject they (Castleverse) is brining up.
So with next week with no new Castle, and Castle being 1 week delayed. That means they have sat us back about 2 weeks? Hah! They would be married by now!
But anyhow, i really enjoyed the episode even tho there wasnt much Caskett moments. But they was back working together wich is always nice.
And someone in the other forum said something about its time that Tori is getting a fieldtrip. (the computer chick) And i totally agree! It would be nice to see her out and about in the field when she's needed. And she would be in the computer geek place. I start to really like her. When she first started in the show, she was in a episode here and a episode there. Now she is in almost every episode. Wich is great.
So now we get two weeks to discuss how and what will happen in the next episode. I think we agree that they will be married by the end of the episode. But not sure yet how. And we see them on a honeymoon aswell. Well, no "case of the week" then?
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #340 on:
October 30, 2014, 02:16:21 AM »
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Yeah I'm not to happy about it either. It is tied to country music awards..in certain parts of the country over here, that type of music is very popular....so who knows. I think those award shows tend to get decent ratings. But I won't be watching. If my other shows aren't on, I'll watch something from my DVR....or turn on FXX and watch Simpsons.
I did think the episode was a little darker too..definitely more serious than the last few. Until Rick's lovely commercial at the end though.
Poor Rick. That turned and bit him in the behind big time there.
I do wonder if perhaps Gina and the agent are pissed at him for some reason...maybe being missing...so they approved that blooperfest.
Whatever the reason, it was a hoot. And the reactions of Martha and Kate were too. So funny.
I agree about what Kate said about cyberbulling too. She was absolutely right about all of it. Sure there has always been bullying unfortunately, but the internet has caused it to become an extra special type of torment. It use to be that if kids were bullied at school, at least they could get away from it at home. Not any more with the internet and the crap that people post. The crap that kids will do to torment someone are horrible..and adults are just about as bad anymore. Too many of them are bullies too. A generation or so of kids raised by parents who didn't really parent or discipline...didn't teach them right from wrong or how to treat other people and now they think it is fine for their little monsters to bully someone else too. Just part of being a kid or some such nonsense which is bullshit. Teenagers have been driven to suicide because of the nonstop torment tied to the internet. How can anyone be all right with that and just dismiss it, saying the victims just need to get tougher skin and suck it up or some such shit. sure...I'd like to see those assholes deal with that sort of torment.
Ok..think I'm done. Sorry for the bit of the rant there. Guess that sort of crap hits a nerve.
Yes...we will be delayed 2 weeks with next week's issue. Grumble grumble. If they hadn't delayed the start by a week to launch Forever - which is a great show that I am loving - they would have been married this week. I would have been a tad less irritated about the delay if they were already married. This just seems like one last thing to delay the wedding just a little longer. Ack. It is so freaking annoying.
The episode was good...good story and they worked together well. I liked the little bit at the beginning with Martha trying to help Rick with the warm up exercises. And Alexis is not ticking me off this season. She is back to the nice daughter that I like. I saw at the Castle board that a lot of people were annoyed by her last week and how she was...fussing and hovering over Rick...said it didn't work and all that. I didn't feel that way at all. To me, it made perfect sense that she was fussing and hovering. It also served to give Alexis the opportunity to see things from Rick's point of view - being the one worried. She even put that tracking app on his phone that she told him off for back in season 3 I think it was.
We don't even know if Tori does more than just the computer stuff. If that is what she mostly does, then we may not see her out in the field so to speak.
Ohhh...I have been meaning to mention this but I kept forgetting. Tori is in Agents of Shield too. She got brainwashed by HYDRA in that show, so she's acting as a bad guy. The first time I saw her, I was like that looks like Tori. When did HYDRA hit the 12th? lol
Ooooooo. Wild thought. HYDRA took Rick and that's why he was missing.
I think it will be a smallish type ceremony..family and maybe the guys, Lanie, and Jenny. Oh...something else I found out last night..the guy who plays Kate's dad is listed in the cast for the episode, so he'll be there.
I don't know about no case when they are on the honeymoon. Something will happen, and they'll get involved. Another guest wherever the heck they are is killed or something and the owners turn to Kate for help cause she's a cop..or something like that. Heck, Booth and Bones ended up involved in an investigation on their honeymoon and they were in a different country. So I could see some sort of case poppig up.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Posts: 2140
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #341 on:
October 31, 2014, 02:53:10 PM »
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Haha, crossover from "The Shield" to Castle? Well, i guess it could work somehow. But i dont like Tori as a bad guy to be honest.
Well, i have a million things to say about the last weeks episode. And the next. But ofc, i have to go to work right now. I will try to write something either at work, or when i come home from work. Ah, i'm so f'n tired of this crazy work scedual. Only positive thing about it is the extra money i guess.
Anyways, gotta run (again!) Cya in a few hours time.
We'll Always Have Paris.
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Posts: 2140
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #342 on:
October 31, 2014, 04:36:29 PM »
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Well, one of a the good things with being a janitor is that i got some freetime while at work, so i can do all the paperwork aswell. Anyways, enough about my job. Over to this great tv-show of ours.
Cyberbulling is a serious topic. And we see it all over the social media. Its just as bad as regular bulling. I cant stand the cowards who find the needs to bully other people. Why cant we just get along? I guess thats too much to ask? Its a scary world\place we live in.
For me, this was a dark episode. Darker lights etc. Dark COTW. And ofc some sillyness at the end there. It wouldnt be Castle without.
It was a great way\episode to send us on a break for. Usually (in Castle style) after dark episode like this there is a light and funny episode after it. And considering that the next episode will be the wedding episode. I guess they stay true to their thing.
And it is very good to see that Castle & Co are discussing such a serious topic as bulling. No one deserves to be bullied IMHO. Unless you have killed someone. Then all bets are off.
So now we got one week with no Castle, because of the country music festival? Well.. Fair enough i guess. They have done stuff like that in the past aswell. But you got some good country music out there tho. But that doesnt mean that i want Castle to be postopned a week! Damnit.
But, that means the show will last one more week
if you see it that way. Thats what i'm trying to do. Hehe, think about it. We are complaining about 1 week break. How did we survive the months also called the summerbreak? And what will we do when Castle one day say goodnight and thank you for good?
Soo, i havent seen any sneak peeks or anything about the next episode. Just the one promo that airs after the weekly episode. But i've read somethings about the episode. And to be honest. I'm a biiit confused. I dont know what to think right now. Got any good thoughts on everything?
You are my go to person when i'm in doubt etc you know
And for Tori again. She could be in the field when Rysposito was with the computer geeks. Tori would have more to do there, then them. Since she is 12ths own computer geek. But from this season it looks like she will be a regular. Wich is great. I like her.
Bah, what a long year this has been for me. I'm looking forward for November to end. But i wont ramble on. Sorry
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #343 on:
November 01, 2014, 04:15:57 AM »
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Well technically she isn't fully a bad guy on Agents of Shield. HYDRA used some nasty mind control crap on her to make her a mindless puppet type that will do whatever told. I don't think her character was in the last Agents of Shield. I think she may have been arrested or something...hmm..can't remember for sure. So maybe SHIELD is deprogramming her.
In some ways, cyber bulling is worse. More people see the ...pictures or videos or whatever and once it is on the internet, it is always there and that crap will follow the victims, sometimes even if they move. It's horrible and too many people don't realize what a real issue it is. heck, there are even people who think bullying is basically fine and just a part of growing up. Being bullied will make those kids grow up to be stronger adults or more independent...something like that. And the only way they think it should be dealt with is by the victim manning up so to speak and beating the shit out of the bully. What the hell is the matter with people??
I think this case was darker too, though not as dark as some.
It was decent for an episode before a break. I'm just more annoyed because the wedding is in the next episode.
It is some special connected to the country music awards. Top country songs of the year or decade or something. Whatever. The music awards is enough, not sure why there has to be another special too. Blah.
I know it will go a week longer. Ohhh...did you hear? ABC ordered an extra episode for this season, so there will be 23 total instead of 22.
Someone shared another promo at the Castle site, along with a little story about the episode. After reading that, I'm really confused. I thought it was supposed to be just how would Rick and Kate be if they hadn't met, but they still have the same histories - Her mom murdered, him the famous author etc. Well with the story, it says that Kate has no clue who Rick is...doesn't even know him as an author, so she never read his books. What the hell? And Rick knows who everyone is and knows their ...relationships I guess, but no one else knows him. So that isn't exactly what if they hadn't met. Saw pictures...Alexis has black hair...maybe a bit of a goth or something. And the loft...oh my. I think Martha ran amok with the decorating. There is a freaking crystal chandelier in the living room area. The more I read and see about the episode, the less sense it makes to me. The short promo after the last episode had Rick and Kate talking in the loft about what if they didn't meet...then it says Rick gets transported to a world when he and Kate hadn't met or something like that. What? I don't know. The only way I can see it making sense is that Rick got knocked out while checking something out with Kate - bad guy pushes him down or hits him over the head or whatever. While he is out of it, he has the weird dream...then wakes up and all is back to normal...tells Kate he doesn't want to wait any longer to get married and off they go. But who knows. The alternate story thing seems to be going ....more odd than I anticipated. I did see somewhere....I think it was in the article about the episode that had the pics of Alexis and stuff ...that there would be an interview with someone from the show posted closer to the air date - I think someone asked in comments if the wedding would be more than 5 minutes or something like that and then author answered that there would be an interview closer to air date.
I think the actress who plays Tori has been doing some of the live tweeting thing this season. She does seem to be around a bit more.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #344 on:
November 02, 2014, 01:21:22 PM »
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Hehe, why do you even get annoyed that wedding isnt before another week? First you was pissed off because they "screwed" us for a wedding in the season finale.
And now you are annoyed because you have to wait another week?
Well, you know how fast a week goes right? Its just boom like that and the week is gone! I think we should be happy that we get a wedding. Not that we have to wait a week. Even tho i dont like to wait a week, but not only because of the wedding. But because Castle is my favorite on tv right now. I put it up there with Friends (my alltime favorite tv-show)
Well, i havent seen that amazing news no! Another episode huh? Well, thats amazing! And that almost means that ABC is interested in a new season. As long as Nathan and Stana is renewing their contracts. Wich i guess we will know the answer to in the summerbreak or before.
So in a weeks time our DD will be married huh? Thats nice! And i'm looking forward to it too. And i see in the other forum that some people are talking about where they will be married. Well, some says the loft. Some says the 12th. Some even says the mayor's office. I'm not sure if i would like it to be in the 12th tho. Since thats their workplace. Even tho they spend alot of time at the precent. They have been spending more and more time at the loft. And its their home. And we got alot of great moments at the loft. Where they first hooked up. First family dinner. So i would like it to be at the loft, rather then the 12th.
But maby they have tricked us all, and it will be at the swings? Even tho there isnt any pictures out. Guess we will have the answer in a weeks time. Weeks just fly's by.
We'll Always Have Paris.
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