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Topic: Castle - Spoiler (Read 62187 times)
Mega Heavy Poster
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #240 on:
July 03, 2014, 03:34:27 AM »
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I don't care for much of the episode - not just the screwed up wedding. Kate not knowing the marriage was legal...and it never showing up in all the background checks she had to go through is just stupid. I think it could have worked if it was set up like the ex - can't remember his name now - was pulling a scam. He saw the engagement announcement...recognized Kate, realized that Rick had bags of money and came up with this idea to get money from Kate and Rick. The ex, with his criminal past, probably knows someone who could hack in and create the record. The ex could have said that he'd sign the papers or make it go away or whatever if they handed over some money...or if Kate did something, sort of like what he pulled wanting her to steal that garage door opener before he would sign the papers.
If Rick did come up behind her during the beginning of season 7, it wouldn't mean that the bad guys had gotten him out of the car. He could have managed to jump out at some point and hid until the cops got there. It has been established that he's done extensive research for different books....he could have taken some kind of defensive driving class or something like that before. Or Jackson showed up and got Rick out before vanishing in a puff of smoke again.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #241 on:
July 03, 2014, 03:03:26 PM »
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We agree on the 'Kate being married but didnt know about it' was just stupid and lazy writing. Kate is so much better than that. And we all know that she would know if she was married, because of the FBI. And that Kate would make herself a criminal because of something her "husband" wanted something from his ex. We all know she would NEVER do something like that. Thats not in her character. And that i dont like at all. But the writers are only humans too and make mistakes.
But what we dont agree on is the ending of the episode. But we dont need to discuss that much more. Now its July allready, and in 2-3 months we will have our answers on what and why. I just dont think they would make such a fuzz about it if he is there. But i've been wrong before and i will be wrong again. He might just be there when we start on S07. But that would kinda piss me off really. But i guess we'll see. I've read some intersting spoilers. And in Mid July they start back up the filiming right? After they start again, i guess we will know more about the episodes, storylines etc.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #242 on:
July 04, 2014, 07:27:51 AM »
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I've haven't seen anything about spoilers for the new season yet. I think they are supposed to be starting up sometime in July, but I don't know for sure.
Yes Kate being married before was stupid. Stupid stupid stupid. I don't care that she got drunk off her ass and married an idiot boyfriend when she was in her wild phase. What I mind is that she didn't think it was legal - she is smarter than that - and it didn't show up in the background checks. I think someone at the Castle board suggested that the idiot was behind it...convinced her it was all a joke, so she didn't realize. Well...maybe. However, after she decided a few weeks later that he was a jerk and I think she even realized about his tendency to be a con at that point, then why in the hell didn't Kate - pre law student at the time - think to check to make sure the idiot didn't somehow make the marriage legal?? It was just so damn stupid. Castle is better than this. and it really ticks me off that Marlowe said in one of the interviews that came out the night of the finale that they did it because they wanted an obstacle to the wedding.
Marlowe has shown over the years, and the other writers too for that matter, that they can do better. If they were so freaking determined to have an obstacle, then it should have been one that at least made sense and didn't insult the fans.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #243 on:
July 05, 2014, 12:45:11 PM »
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Well, (lets all be friends here) but the wedding didnt happen. (not yet) and the shippers that is pissed off need to get over it real fast. Sorry if i'm being blunt. But even how much people are irritated because of the shit didnt happen, it wont make any difference. But i'm not the least worried. No! I'm over the whole thing. And i said that i didnt think they would end up married this season anyways. But they will. In do time. Have some faith in Andy & Co, i think they have showed us that he deserve that trust. He ALWAYS makes good on his promises. And he always have a good reason for what he does. And i'm 100% sure that this is the case here aswell. Look at all the other shitty episode he's made (its usually 1 bad episode per season) and we always get a good reward in the end. ALWAYS. Cheer up and enjoy the ride they will take us on! I'm pretty sure it will be just as awesome as S06 was for us! Have the faith and trust you had for 6 years
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #244 on:
July 05, 2014, 09:03:09 PM »
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There were a few episodes in season 3 I think it was that I didn't like and season 4...toward the end. Well...maybe really just 1 I really didn't like and won't watch at all now - Limey - and one or two others that are ...hmm....uncomfortable to watch because of the crappy way Rick and Kate are acting. There are even some in season 5 that have parts I don't care for. That really wasn't the case with season 6. I did have a few issues with the whole DC thing - I still want to know when that became her dream job - but it was ok. The finale episode was disappointing on several levels, starting from about 5 minutes in when Kate admitted that she remembered marrying the idiot but she thought it was a joke.
That reminds me. Someone posted at the Castle board - it has been a while ago now. Probably just within a few days of it airing. Anyway, one of them came up with something to explain the...holes in the story - Kate thinking it was a joke..never coming up in the background checks. It was the time traveler guy. I can't remember his name now. He went back and hacked the records after Kate was back on the force - so after all the background checks - to put in the marriage to the idiot. He was even responsible for the issue at the venue and Kate's dress getting ruined. Somehow, that - a time traveler mucking up stuff - makes more sense than what we got.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #245 on:
July 05, 2014, 09:17:17 PM »
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Hey, look. I'll admit it. I'm a bit drunk right now. But what the hell. Here goes nothing
Come S02, we get to know Rick and Kate better. And in the last 2 episodes he screws it all up. And in S03 she forgives him, blah blah. And Kate gets a boyfriend. Josh? The handsome doctor. And we get the jealousy angle, we soo clearly see that Kate is in love with Rick but isnt brave enough to tell him. And then we go to the seasonfinale and Kate gets shot, and Rick tell her that he loves her. And Kate doesnt remember a shit. And Rick is keeping her safe via that dude. Mr.Smith. And S04 is a hard season on many levels. But see where that season got us? The last episode of the season both Rick and Kate told eachother what they felt and fucked their brains out. (pardon my language) but lets be honest here. And then we have season 5, she kisses that billionaire dude. Erik something? Well, you shouldnt kiss someone else when you are allready in a relationship. But many would argue that it was all him. Either way, she made it happen. Wont watch that episode again. We have both season 5 and 6 going on tv here right now. And i will turn of that episode. And season 6, i actually enjoyed every episode so far. I dont agree with everything that happened in season 6. With Kate thinking it was a joke etc. And the timetreveler? Give me a break! Andy & Co is better than that. Oh, before i forget. Season 5, in the end when Kate goes to the job interview without telling Rick. But look where it all got us?
It might be because i'm drunk but i dont have much to complain about when it comes to S06. And the show is just getting better and better. We dont know what will happen in S07, but i'm positive. I think it will be a great season. Look, Rick and Kate have been going trough some bumps here and there. But to be honest me and my exwife went trough alot of bumps. And it worked for alot of years before it ended. And that just makes it more real.
Ok Marie, i'm sorry for my babling. Have a great weekend!
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #246 on:
July 06, 2014, 10:20:28 PM »
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I didn't like what happened with the Erik guy either. I haven't watched any of that episode again. With the other episodes I haven't liked as much, I have at least watched some of them and then fast forwarded past the stuff I don't like. Not with that episode. And I still think it is asinine that that episode was supposed to take place after Still...when Rick stayed with her when she was standing on the bomb. After he did that and everything in that episode, then she could go and have doubts at that level..and kiss that idiot? Or let him kiss her..whatever. Either way, wrong wrong wrong. TNT at least airs those episodes in the order they ended up airing...with that mess first and then Still.
I have liked all of season 6...except the last episode. I have several issues with that one and right now, I still don't like it. I don't know that that will change once season 7 starts. I still can't stand Squab and the Whale and I've seen the payoff to that...know that Rick and Kate get engaged and all that. It was just a bad episode.
Rick and Kate have already gone through a lot of bumps...and yes I know that real relationships have bumps. However, with real relationships, people are able to get married without some sort of disaster or attempted crime.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Posts: 2140
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #247 on:
July 07, 2014, 02:52:34 PM »
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Erik Von? Was that his name? This billionaire dude? The kiss should never happend between. No exuse really, but i understand AM did it for a reason. But i really didnt like that episode at all. I havent watched it since, and wont watch it again. But S06 only have episodes i'm going to rewatch again. I have rewatched them a few times allready actually. Even the last episode
Look at the bumps they have had in the relationship so far. But look how strong they are together. Look at what they have been trough together, before they hooked up aswell. They have been trough much more then normal people will. And thats one of the strengths about the show. "Mom and Dad" being the rock of the show. When they are doing good the rest of the team is doing good aswell. If Rick and Kate have a fight, the rest of the team notices. And for "real" relationships. This isnt real. This is Andy & Terri's world. We are just visiting once a week. S06 was the best season so far for me. Not only because of Rick and Kate, but it was pure class all over. And hopefully we will have 2 more seasons with awesomeness. I dont think it will be more then 8 seasons unfortunatly. But thats a decent run. I will not put Castle up there (yet) with Friends, but its getting closer for each season. For me 'Friends' might just be the best tv-show ever made. I havent read many spoilers yet. I guess we will get a few more spoilers about casts, storylines etc when they start to shoot again in mid July. Will Castle be at the comic con or somewhere else this summer?
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #248 on:
July 08, 2014, 06:08:35 AM »
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That sounds right. I don't remember for sure though...like you I hate that episode and haven't watched it again.
I don't know if anyone from Castle will be at Comic-Con. I think they have been before. And at other convention things. Hmmm. Maybe there would be something about it on the Castle board.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #249 on:
July 09, 2014, 11:22:55 PM »
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I just found this. Some interesting spoilers about Castle and Bones!
Check out the spoiler if you want to, and let me know what you think of it. From the looks of the spoilers, Castle will return with a 2 parter. Wich tells me that Rick will be gone/missing. And they will use atleast 1 episode to find him, and maby the next episode to find who did it. But if they are going to introduce some new villians, maby they will do something ala Brecken storyline. To not catch the killer before the seasonfinale or somethin. Anyways interesting spoilers.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #250 on:
July 10, 2014, 06:25:42 AM »
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Hmmmm. That is interesting.
I'm not really surprised about the 2 part thing. I just don't want everyone thinking he's dead for too long. That would get too depressing to watch. For me anyway. I don't like that type of stuff. Anyway.....That Henry person..hmmm...interesting. 3XK with a new face could be interesting...I do think there is more to come with that...though I don't know if it would be this way. And Marlowe was talking about introducing new mythology and stuff...which seems more like they would be introducing someone new. Though, why would someone new go after Rick like this? Unless they are pulling a Misery and some warped fan kidnapped him. Hmmmmm.
Bones...not much of a spoiler there. Just the title of the episode. Seems to indicate that they will be dealing with that conspiracy stuff. Maybe they will get it cleared up. Though will everyone else be able to help with it if Bones and Booth are suspects? Would the Jeffersonian, known to work with Booth and where Bones works, be able to legally do their thing to expose the truth? That it was a hit squad sent after Booth and not a few agents with a search warrant. Hmm.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #251 on:
July 10, 2014, 04:04:06 PM »
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Well, the whole new mythology thing could be so much. And it would only be speculation from my side. But lets speculate for a second. it could be the girlfriend of 3XK? Maby she would be somekind of evil mastermind? But would she be "new" ? Since she's allready been in one episode, and is 3XK's girlfriend? Not sure. But why would someone go after Rick? Endless possiblities. A crazy fan as you said. (dont think that would be it tho) he's been with the NYPD for a long time now. He could have gotten alot of enemies because of that. It can be something with his dad. Someone is talking Rick to come close to his dad. OR since Rick helped his dad in the last episode he was in, maby someone wants Rick because of that? And then you got the Paris episode.. He got some enemies there aswell. Lots of different oportunies i guess. But my guess would be something we never saw coming and take us by real surprise! (in a good way) and for the 2 parter. Thats interesting for me. I'm not sure they will belive Rick is dead, but maby kidnapped. I think they might use the whole 2 parter to find Rick. Thats what i atleast hope for. That would give Stana her opportunity to shine! Like Nathan did in the Paris episode. Both Stana and Nathan is crazy talented. Such great actors. And why not they give Stana her shot? Since she like to do the drama? I think it will be a good episode. And ofc they will find Rick and everything will be great. But i for one would like to see Kate\Stana on the hunt for Rick and the people behind his kidnapping. Would be some amazing acting from her. She deserves that! IMHO
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #252 on:
July 11, 2014, 12:28:53 AM »
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I could see it being 3XK or Dr. Psycho...or both of them. 3XK has liked to screw with Rick before and he is more than capable of well...pretty much anything I think. and that could be interesting...I just don't know since they have talked about new stuff...3XK and Dr. Psycho have been around before...unless 3xK has a new face, which is a huge possibility. Though still...would that be enough to be counted as new?
It could be someone trying to get at Jackson again, though they already did that when Alexis was taken, so not sure they would want to repeat that. Rick probably has made some enemies because of his work with the cops. It hasn't been a secret since there have been articles and stuff about him following Kate and the guys...soo...hmmm. Maybe a relative of someone Rick and Kate put away.
Oooo.....I just had a thought that would be interesting. probably hugely unlikely, but it would be interesting. That other cop that was a bit psycho from Headhunters...he could have finally flipped and gone fully over the dark side so to speak. Or maybe he thought that someone in one of the books -maybe the new Storm book - was based on him and he decided to have a little chat with Rick. The guy did threaten Rick over basing a character on him. Like I said, highly unlikely, but it would be cool to see Adam Baldwin and Nathan together again.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Posts: 2140
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #253 on:
July 13, 2014, 12:48:56 PM »
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Hehe, you only want to see Adam again dont you?
And to be honest with you i dont think its him thats after Rick. I remember the episode with Adam. But didnt quite enjoy the episode tho. Too much shit between our DD. But if they would let Baldwin back for a episode, what character would that be? As the crazy cop again? I'm not sure they would have a reason for bringing him back really. Wouldnt fit with the story they are telling us right now.
When they are talking about a new mythology i would think that would be someone completely new maby? Someone we havent seen before? The 3XK story is a old, and revisited a few times. I do like the 3XK episodes tho. Those episodes get the best out of the cast. I guess we will find out soon enough.
On the other forum some interesting spoilers is getting out, under the section "General Spoilers For Season 7" check it out if you want to.
And they are coming back either this week or next week, and start shooting soon! Finally =)
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #254 on:
July 13, 2014, 11:33:38 PM »
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I know it is highly unlikely that he is after Rick. It was just a wild idea. Though it makes about as much sense as anything at this point.
And yes, I would like to see Adam and Nathan again. Can't help it. I also want to see the rest of them from Firefly on Castle someway. I saw some of these panel things Nathan did ..Dallas Comic con I think it was - posted at the Castle board. He talked about how he'd had this idea for an episode that involved a sci-fi show...the captain ended up dead and everyone else was a suspect because they hated him. That sort of evolved into the one from season 5 with the Nebula 9 stuff. Nathan also gave a kind of cool idea for Alan Tudyk to be in an episode.
I do like the 3XK stuff too. Very well done without dragging down the show - Hanson should take some pointers there - and I don't think we've seen the last of him...or Dr. Psycho. But I'm more inclined to think the finale is tied to something else...especially since Marlowe talked so much about introducing new mythology. I just have no clue what it could be right now.
I'll have to go take a look later...About all I have read so far is that the next episode picks up immediately...which makes sense with the mess they left us with. And of course about the other guy taking over as show runner. I'm not too worried...but there is a little there. I can't help it. But it will get better once the new episodes start airing.
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