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Topic: Castle - Spoiler (Read 62179 times)
Mega Heavy Poster
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #210 on:
May 16, 2014, 08:30:31 AM »
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Ok...not sure how well I can explain why the moment with Kate and Martha was so special...will try. Just may be hard for me to ....articulate.
Martha didn't particularly care for either Meredith or Gina, but she didn't try to interfere and she wasn't nasty to them. She kept it to herself, though once things were over with both of them, she eventually let it be known that she wasn't...overly fond of them. She told Rick at one point she didn't say anything because, at the time, he was happy...or at least seemed to be and she just wants him to be happy. something along those lines. Over the course of the show, we have seen Martha accept Kate fairly well, though she did express some doubts to Rick once or twice..how maybe he should move on or something to that effect. When Martha gave Kate the earrings, she showed that she has fully accepted Kate, not just as Rick's future wife, but as a member of her family. She has seen how Rick and Kate are together..how happy they are.. She has seen that Kate is right for Rick in a way that Meredith and Gina weren't. Martha said how she wore the earrings when she got married...they had been her mother's and possibly her grandmother's - I can't remember for sure now since I haven't watched the episode again yet. Anyway, they have been passed down in Martha's family, from mother to daughter. They are special to Martha and have meaning to her. She didn't let Meredith or Gina wear them..she never offered the earrings to them. Martha says they have only been worn by women of substance. I think she even said something to the effect that they had been waiting for Kate. Martha is fully accepting Kate in a way she never did with Meredith or Gina. I don't know how else to explain it. Also, what made the dress she was wearing more special was that it was her mother's dress. It was way that her mother could still, sort of be part of the wedding. Really it would have made more sense for her to want to wear her mom's dress all along, but whatever.
I know everyone makes mistakes or does stupid things at times. Maybe I didn't explain properly before. I have no problem with Kate having made a mistake or done something stupid 15 years ago. Or having a wild phase when she dated questionable guys. My problem with the whole Kate being married for 15 years thing is that she remembered going to Vegas and marrying Rogan, but she thought it was a joke and not legal. And once she ended things with Rogan just a few weeks later, she didn't at any point, stop and think that maybe she should double check that it really was a joke wedding. Yes she was younger...possibly in the love haze she mentioned to Alexis not long ago. No problem with that. My problem is once she was out of the love phase, she still thought it wasn't legal. She was pre law...it just isn't believable that wouldn't later, once she dumped the idiot, check to see if she really was married or not since she remembered getting married in Vegas. I have seen that some people at the Castle board are saying this changes Kate in a big way..changes how they look at her...stuff like that. That is there right. I don't feel like that. Running off to Vegas with a..questionable guy isn't horrible and doesn't turn Kate into a horrible person. My opionoin of her hasn't changed. I just don't think it is believable that she would remember it and think it was a joke. Then there is also the fact that none of the background checks that Kate has gone through over the years never caught it. It was handled badly, something that usually doesn't happen with Castle. And that is part of why I am so disappointed with the episode. Marlowe can - and has - done so much better than this.
In one of the interviews I read from Marlowe about the episode, he said that doing this was a way of basically knocking Kate down off her pedestal...that she's always had the moral high ground over Rick and now they are even...something like that. I never thought she had the moral high ground just because he'd been divorced. That just seems like...stupid bullshit again. Also, the whole Kate already being married...Marlowe did that because he said he wanted an obstacle to keep them from the wedding. So that's why he did it. Set up things so it looks like they are heading to a wedding, then throw in stupid obstacles just to keep them from the wedding. That is the nonsense that other shows pull. I thought Castle was better than this.
I'm sure they will come through this mess as strong as ever. It just would have been nice for them to get to have one happy day before the new bad guy pops up. Hmmm....I hadn't read anything about how Brolin wouldn't be back in season 7 because of his schedule. It would be nice for him to turn up again. Maybe to help find Rick or who tried to kill Rick..whatever. If Jackson thought that Rick was in danger, I would hope that he would find a better way to deal with it than make it look like Rick was in a firey car crash on the way to the wedding. But then again, Jackson does questionable stuff.
I'll be watching next season...unless they do something massively stupid in the first episode of season 7. I don't anticipate that...but then again, I didn't anticipate this current mess either. Marlowe better have something damn good planned to make up for this mess. As it is right now, I don't like this episode. Maybe once season 7 starts, I'll feel differently. I still feel like it would have been better to end this season with Veritas..then start next season with the two part thing...because really...that's what this is. The first of a two part episode. At least if this had been the first episode of season 7, we wouldn't be stuck waiting 4 months for things to get fixed.
Last Edit: May 16, 2014, 08:44:29 AM by Dragonfire
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #211 on:
May 17, 2014, 10:06:22 PM »
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Well, i think its almost 100% sure that we WONT see Jackson back in S07E01 because Andy said something about that. Wouldnt be likely. Thanks for clarifying the M&B moment for me. Well i disagree with Kate not having the high moral ground etc on Rick. Atleast in the early seasons she was like "hah, look at you. Jackass playboy idiot" been married a whole bunch. Thats how i saw it anyways. But we can discuss if AM&CO messed up this time. I think (as said thousand times before) they messed up trough out this episode many times. And now we do have over 4 months to speculate in who did it and why. I think we will have the answers before E01 ends. But thats me.
I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens. Guess when it comes to July\August we will get some more answers. Right now i'm just empty. After a few real long weeks i dont have much more to say right now.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #212 on:
May 18, 2014, 06:45:20 AM »
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I hadn't seen anything with Marlowe talking about Jackson not being back...but after the few interviews of his I read after the finale, I haven't read anymore. It kind of ...irked me that he talked about doing that whole Kate is already married just because he wanted yet another obstacle for them to deal with before the wedding.
I do remember Kate poking fun at Rick for his marriages...even looking down on him a bit at times about it. But just because she did that, doesn't mean I think she had more morals than he did. He didn't set out to get divorced. Both times he thought that was the right thing to do and, from all indications, he tried to make them work. Make Kate thought she had the high moral ground...but now...with this drunken Vegas wedding, it kind of makes her look like a bit of a hypocrite, especially since she remembers the wedding. But really, that wasn't my issue with the whole wedding thing and I don't think I'll look down on Kate when I rewatch earlier seasons because of it. There have always been times when I thought she was a little too.....judgy about Rick. She took too many things at face value when they first met. But she stopped doing that a while ago.
I don't know if I want to read too many of the interviews and stuff before the season starts. Those things spin things and are worded just so to try to set up like there is more of a problem than there really is. Like some of the nonsense Molly Quinn said last year about Alexis trying to break up Rick and Kate. It never got that far. Just Alexis being a brat and spouting some crap about Kate not being the one when she was made at Rick from not jumping for joy over Pi.
Oh, I forgot before. I like Rizzoli & Isles too. And Major Crimes..have you seen that one?
One more thing...I got the new Derrick Storm book. I read it today. Very entertaining. And there were some ....interesting references to characters from the show...people that Rick didn't care for.
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He made Pi a cult leader.
And Rachel McCord.... porn star.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #213 on:
May 18, 2014, 03:43:47 PM »
Guess we will see in about 4 months whats happens next
I cant wait! Think alot of our questions will be answered in the 1st episode.
And Rizzoli & Isles starts in June again right? Read something about that anyways. That will be a interesting season. The most interesting season yet. And with one of the castmembers commited suicide. Thats just sad. But 'The Major Crimes' i've seen a episode or two. Thats the sequel from Closer right? Didnt enjoy Closer at all. Because the lead lady in the show. Not my cup of tea
I havent read any of the Castle books, dont think i'm going to either. Even tho people who read them saying only good stuff about them.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #214 on:
May 18, 2014, 08:26:12 PM »
I know I know....I'm already impatient. I hope most of the stuff is fixed in the first episode.
Rizzoli & Isles may be June 9...or 10th. I have seen the promos, I just can't remember exactly at the moment. Yes it was...I have wondered how they are going to address that on the show. What will happen to that character.
Major Crimes has mostly the same team from The Closer..a few left and there is a new woman that has been annoying Provenza..and the new main character that took over when Kyra Sedgwick left. I liked The Closer and I like Major Crimes too. The Closer was the first original drama that TNT did, so the success of it lead to them doing others.
The Castle books are great. Really fun and entertaining. People that Rick doesn't like have had some....interesting things happen to them in the Storm books.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #215 on:
May 19, 2014, 10:56:32 PM »
Well, thats great news. Times goes by real fast. So thats just under a month! (Rizzoli & Isles) I started to watch it because of Sasha Alexander (really liked her when i first saw her in NCIS) but unfortunatly she wasnt there for too long. And for the Closer i really didnt like the lead. Kyra Sedgwick i cant stand her. I'm sorry but that women can just go and F herself. She's just. Sorry. So no Closer or Major Crimes for me. But for the Castle books... How many are there now? And when does the books come out? In the summer break?
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #216 on:
May 21, 2014, 02:22:58 AM »
Yup..it isn't much longer for that one. Or some of the other TNT shows. It is nice that they are on in the summer, giving me something to watch while other stuff is in reruns or not on because of some other show or something. I know the last couple of years, ABC has put something else on in Castle's spot in the summer.
I liked Sasha Alexander on NCIS too. Though at first, I didn't realize it was the same actress. I just knew I had seen her somewhere before. It took a while to remember she had been Kate. It sucks how her character left the show. I was watching NCIS back then..after Kate got killed, I didn't watch for a while.
Kyra Sedgwick isn't in Major Crimes. Different main character. It is just some of the supporting characters are the same.
There are 5 Nikki Heat books. Those have been released in September, usually right around the beginning of the new season. Often, just a day after the first new episode. There have been some graphic novels that are supposed to be based on the early Derrick Storm books. I can't remember how many of the graphic novels there have been..at least 3. I actually just ordered the first one earlier today. There have been 2 actual Derrick Storm books released, one last year, and one this year. The Storm books have been released in the spring. Wild Storm, the newest, just came out a week ago - day after the finale aired. There was a short story series done just in the ebook format featuring Derrick too. I think that was done about 2 years ago. With the Nikki Heat books, there have been cases that seem to be inspired by cases that Rick and Kate have worked on. Nikki has had to deal with her mom's killing too - it happened sometime before the first book. But things have been working out with that different than Johanna's murder. The Derrick Storm books are more adventury, spy type books. Derrick sort of seems like a version of Rick.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Posts: 2140
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #217 on:
May 21, 2014, 10:19:33 PM »
I just saw that Rizzoli & Isles will be back June 17th. 3.5 weeks left. I'll survive that aswell. I will just rewatch S04 before it starts. Just to refresh it all
I've read some interviews with how they will honor the guy who killed himself. We will see that in E01 after what i've read. But when it comes to Kyra Sedgwick i'm sure she's in the walls in that show aswell. Me and her arent talking right now
so i'm sorry. No can do ma'm! I've said before i wont get the Castle books (its real difficult to get'em here where i live) Now its soon June, and in mid July they (Castle, The Mentalist etc) starts shooting for the new seasons. And i guess we'll get some more spoilers, interviews etc when it getting close to the shooting dates.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #218 on:
May 22, 2014, 02:07:06 AM »
I am pretty sure that Rizzoli & Isles is back here on the 9th..maybe 10th. Hmm...
Oh I know once they start filming, pictures will end up in the press or something. I don't think I want to pay too much attention to some of that though...some of what was said in interviews and stuff last year was ....edited in such a way to build up crap. Like OMG, Alexis hates Kate now and is going to sabotage the wedding. But then again...I will want some sort of...confirmation that they aren't dragging it out with Kate and everyone thinking Rick is dead...so we'll see.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #219 on:
May 22, 2014, 04:52:12 PM »
Boston detective Jane Rizzoli & Medical Examiner Maura Isles bust Boston's most notorious criminals. Season 5 premieres June 17 at 9/8c on TNT! That's from the offical Rizzoli & Isles twitter acount. So i go for June 17th. But anyways, with that underway in mid june and the other tv-show is back shooting in mid july it will be allright. I think we will get alot of interviews\spoilers and other fun stuff when they start back on. And they will do alot of stuff to spin our heads around. But what i dont think we will get any answers on is the Rick saga. Is he alive? Is he kidnapped etc? I dont think we will get ANYTHING on that story. Just to keep us hanging till September! Guess we'll have to wait and see.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #220 on:
May 22, 2014, 09:28:42 PM »
Ok. I just must have been thinking of the one new show they are starting that is starting on the 9th too..been lots of promos for it. Looks interesting. Murder in the First. Will probably watch that.
Yes I know. I just get a tad...impatient at times, especially if we are waiting out something...well...stupid.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #221 on:
May 24, 2014, 11:42:29 AM »
What new show? And does it have anything to do with 'R&I' ? Any kind of spinoff? If not.. I'm not sure if i'm interested.
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #222 on:
May 25, 2014, 03:59:54 AM »
It doesn't look like it is connected to any of the other shows on TNT. It is dealing with homicide investigations. I think the entire season is supposed to be mostly focused on one case, maybe even including going to trial. Though I don't know for sure yet. I'm thinking I'll try it. If it is that way, that would allow them to show more detail to the investigation. Though with the attention span some have anymore, they may not like that stuff isn't wrapped up immediately.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
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Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #223 on:
May 25, 2014, 03:13:01 PM »
Sounds interesting. And when was this you said? And what was the name of the show again?
We'll Always Have Paris.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Castle - Spoiler
Reply #224 on:
May 26, 2014, 05:40:50 AM »
Murder in the First. I believe it is June 9th, at 10pm est. They guy who played Draco in Harry Potter is in it at some point. From previews, he looks to be a suspect.
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