Yea, I know. Everybody is in a hurry to go nowhere.
Having been in several large cities, knowing what they are like, it both amuses and irritates me when someone I am riding with sees such antics in smaller towns around here--for example, having someone slide in front of you by only a few yards from a side street going 40 mph when there are no cars behind us. "He couldn't wait another 5 seconds for us to pass? Honk your horn!"

There is one thing that I
don't understand, though... situations like honking your horn in traffic jams. There are 15 cars ahead of me all in the same situation and several behind me. The other lane looks open but is actually cut off for some reason (not that it matters)--you can go down a ways, but you'll then be stuck trying to merge back in. The cause of the jam is the bridge being up to allow a large ship to go by. Why is the guy behind me honking his horn as if he thinks there is something that I can do about it? The people at the front would only barely hear him, and it doesn't matter anyway since we are all trapped no matter what. The raised bridge isn't going anywhere until the ship passes.
What still gets to me, though, are cab drivers that weave in and around traffic as if riding a motorcycle with no other vehicles on the road. I'm surprised I didn't get killed on more than one occasion.