And now, as a friendly distraction.....
what I put on FaceBook!
I am sure that my father will flood this place with pictures of me in my cap and gown from my Graduation this evening (yes!!), so for my portion of the celebration, a picture of what I got out of it. Here, you see:
-an award for being in the top 10% of my class
-the casing for my diploma
-a Class of 2013 bracelet given by Mrs. Sproul of the National Honor Society, in a stylish black I might add
-a gift from my art teacher through the years, Mr. Shockley, who saw fit to give me a cool black notebook for writing my stories, appropriately decorated in skull-clad duct tape XD Never change, Mr. Shockley. Never change.
(and of course, a fancy mirror music box, a cool $100, some ice cream cake, and promise of a new life in Hollins University never hurt either!)