Author Topic: Angel  (Read 3102 times)

Offline addicted2dvd

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« on: March 09, 2013, 06:36:51 PM »
After recently watching all the episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer... and our friend Jimmy recently watching both series... I decided to start watching all 5 seasons of Angel.

Date: March 5, 2013
Season 1 Disc 1:

I decided to start the series this evening... so only got through the very first disc at this point. That is the first four episodes of the series.

City Of... (Pilot)
My favorite episode on the first disc. I like the character of Doyle. It is a shame he isn't on the show very long at all. I also like that we have Cordelia on this show. Already showing she has matured since her high school days with Buffy and the gang... though not nearly as much as she will through-out this series. She definitely becomes one of my favorite characters.

Lonely Heart
Their first case since they put together Angel Investigations. A good episode...but nothing really huge happens in this one. Mostly just a filler episode here.

In the Dark
Another of my favorites here... an excellent episode. This is the second half of the first Buffy/Angel crossovers. In this one we see both Spike and Oz show up in LA. Oz bringing Angel a ring that when a vampire wears it that vampire becomes indestructable. Neither stakes or the sunlight can harm it. And of course Spike wants the ring. I always liked the episodes where cast from Buffy would show up for an episode or two.

I Fall to Pieces
Nothing too special about this episode. Just a filler episode. A guy obsesses over a woman...stalking her... but he is able to detach and send different body parts to do as he needs. A fair episode at best.

Date: March 6, 2013
Season 1 Disc 2:

I enjoyed this one quite a bit. This is the episode where Cordelia gets her apartment which is haunted. This is probably my favorite episode on disc two.

Sense and Sensitivity
This one, while not bad, isn't a favorite. Basically no more then a filler episode. Wolfram and Hart takes advantage of a sensitivity seminar at the police station to break out one of their clients. I just couldn't really get into this one.

Bachelor Party
This is a good episode. It has the first time that Cordelia sees Doyle's demon side. Worth the time put in to watch it. Though there is better episodes. At the end of this episode Doyle has a vision showing that Buffy needs Angel's help. If I am not mistaken that would be the Thanksgiving episode Buffy had where Angel kept hidden from Buffy for the entire episode. Though she does find out he was there at the end of the episode. Leading us to what happens in the next episode.

I Will Remember You
A very good episode... in this one Buffy shows up in LA. They fight a demon that when Angel kills it the demon's blood mixes with his own... turning Angel mortal.

Season 1 Disc 3:
This is a good and important episode. Though it isn't a favorite of mine. I never cared much for the storyline. The whole demons doing the "pure blood" vs. "mixed" thing. I never cared much for the whole prejudice thing. But at the end of this episode there is a huge storyline development that effects the rest of the series. This is also the last episode Glenn Quinn (Doyle) appears in. While Cordelia first saw Doyle's demon side a couple episodes ago... it isn't till this episode that she finds out it was actually Doyle that she saw.

Parting Gifts
This is the episode that Wesley Windom-Pryce first shows up in LA. This is one character from Buffy I never liked. But he did grow on me through-out this series... even though he never became a favorite character of mine. The episode itself is very good. I enjoyed every minute of it.

In this episode Kate (the cop) finds out that vampires exist... and that Angel is one. This episode has an excellent storyline. Part of Angel's past comes back to bite him.... so to speak... when a vampire that Angel sired comes to town.

Season 1 Disc 4:
This is a fun episode. In this one Cordelia has a date that end in her apartment... waking the next morning to being about 8 and a half months pregnant.

This one is no more then an average filler episode. In this episode Wesley officially becomes part of Angel Investigations.

I've Got You Under My Skin
This is another episode I enjoyed quite a bit. In this one Angel and Wesley perform an exorcism when they find a young boy possessed by a demon.

The Prodigal
The first thing we see in this episode is a scene from before Angel first became a vampire. And in this scene we learn his birth name. His name was Liam. Scattered throughout the rest of the episode is flashback scenes of him becoming a vampire as well. This episode also has one of my favorite actresses in it. That being Julie Benz as Darla. Which is always a plus. It is a good episode. I definitely enjoyed it.

Season 1 Disc 5:
The Ring
In this episode we have some demon fight club action. This episode also introduces us to the character Lilah... the Wolfram and Hart lawyer. This one is a good epiosde with lots of action.

A decent episode... but no more then filler. This one is basically about Angel saving an actress and when she realizes what Angel is she decides she wants to be a vampire as well... so she can stay young and beautiful forever. We also get a bit of a taste of Angelus in this episode.

Five by Five
If I am not mistaken... this is an episode that starts off on Buffy and ends on Angel. Anyone that knows the Buffyverse knows just by the title that we have Faith showing up in LA. As well as some flashbacks so we also get to see more Darla as well. The flashbacks shows how Angel got cursed by the gypsies. This is avery good episode... enjoyed every minute of it.

In this episode we have more Faith... as well as Buffy showing up to find Faith. It is a good continuation off the previous episode. Really enjoyed it.

Season 1 Disc 6:
War Zone
This is the episode that introduces Gunn. This is a character I didn't care for at first. But he did grow on me. This is another episode I enjoyed quite a bit. It has a good storyline... kept my interest from beginning to end.

Date: March 7, 2013
Blind Date
This is not a bad episode... but not a favorite either. This episode has a lot of Lindsey... the Wolfram & Hart lawyer. And I never liked that guy at all. I do have to admit that the blind assassin woman was very cool.

To Shanshu in LA
This is the first season finale. And it is another episode that Julie Benz appears as Darla. This is a very good episode. We have the Angel Investigations building being blown up... with Wesley inside (though he does survive) and Cordelia beung cursed by a demon sending her visions into overdrive.

Season 2 Disc 1:
In this episode we have the real start to the Darla storyline that had a brief start in the season 1 finale. This episode also introduces the character of Lorne. Not to mention we get to see how Faith is making out in prison when Angel goes to visit her. While it is a good start to the new season... it isn't a favorite of mine. Lorne's Kareoke Bar my have some to do with that fact.

Are You Now or Have You Ever Been
This one I enjoyed quite a bit. This is the first time we see the abandoned hotel that becomes the new base for Angel Investigations. This episode has a lot of flashbacks. This is not a favorite way to tell a story in my opinion... but I still enjoyed this one.

First Impressions
This is another episode I enjoyed. In this episode Cordelia tries to save Gunn from the self destructive path he is on.... we also see more advancement on the Darla storyline.

This one is no more then a filler episode. Just an average episode.... nothing really special about it. But still an enjoyable episode all the same.

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Re: Angel
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2013, 04:38:02 PM »
Date: March 10, 2013
Season 2 Disc 2
Dear Boy
By this point the Darla storyline is going strong. This episode has flashbacks which shows when Angel first sired Drucilla. So in this one not ony do we have Julie Benz... but also Juiet Landau. This is a very good episode keeps the story going strong and interesting.

Guise Will Be Guise
This is a good episode... but not quite as good as the previous one. In this one since Angel isn't around Wesley is forced to pretend he is Angel. This one is a filler episode... taking a break from the Darla storyline.

Obvious by the episode title... this one continues the Darla storyline. And it is one that has more flashbacks. This episode we don't ony have Julie Benz (Darla)... but also Juiet Landau (Drucilla) and James Marsters (Spike). This one is a very good episode. One I enjoyed every minute of. I would even go as far as saying it is one of my favorites.

The Shroud of Rahmon
This is another filler episode. But a fun one... as they added a little comedy to it. The comedy comes from Angel impersonating another vampire... a real loud and unusual character coming into town from Las Vegas. This is a good episode... but far from great.

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Re: Angel
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2013, 04:17:51 PM »
Date: March 11, 2013
Season 2 Disc 3[/b]
The Trial
This is a very good episode. I enjoyed every minute of it. It brings the Darla storyline to a whole new exciting place. In this episode both Darla and Drucilla appear.

This episode continues right where the previous episode left off.. and is just as good. In this one Darla and Drucilla go out on the town now that Darla is once again a vampire.

While I always liked the Darla storyline... this is the portion of the storyline I never liked. This is the episode Angel fires everyone and goes on his own. I always hated this part of the story for some reason.

Season 2 Disc 4[/b]

Blood Money
This is a good episode... enjoyed it quite a bit. It takes a  break from the whole Darla storyline. Mostly just a filler episode... but a very good one.

Date: March 12, 2013
Happy Anniversary
Not a bad episode... but nothing great either. Just a basic filler episode.

The Thin Dead Line
This one I enjoyed quite a bit. For the most part it is also another filler episode... but it has a good storyline.

This one brings us back to the pretty much season long Darla storyline. A good one.. though it is more starting to bring the storyline to an end then an action packed episode.

Season 2 Disc 5[/b]

In this episode Angel comes back to his senses and tries to join back up with the gang again... only they are not ready to just forgive him and take him back at this point. This is another one I enjoyed quite a bit. This episode is the final one for Detective Kate Lockley.

This is a fun episode. More or less a filler episode. This one brings Harmony (Mercedes McNab) to LA. Harmony has always been no more then comic relief when she was on Buffy... and it is no different here. We also get a short appearance of Willow (Alyson Hannigan).

Dead End
This is a good episode. Is no more then a filler episode before the season cliffhanger arc starts... but it is one I enjoyed quite a bit.

This episode starts the final story arc for the seacond season. In this arc we learn about where Lorne comes from. It is a good start to the storyline... easily kept my interest. In this episode we get our first quick look at Fred (Amy Acker).

Season 2 Disc 6[/b]

Over the Rainbow
In this episode the season end arc is in full swing. It is the first full episode with Fred Pretty good episode but while I like this arc... it isn't really a favorite storyline of mine.

Through the Looking Glass
A good continuation to the last episode.

There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb
This is the end of the current arc as well as the end of the second season. And of course from this point on the gang has a new member in Fred. The final scene of this episode has Willow waiting for Angel to let him know Buffy was dead. As a whole the second season is very good... well worth watching.

Season 3 Disc 1[/b]

The first episode of the third season... Angel tries to deal with the fact that Buffy is dead. We also get to see a bit of Darla via flashbacks... as well as a surprising appearance in the present time at the ery end. This is a good start to the new season.

That vision Thing
This is a very good episode. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Cordelia's visions are starting to give her physical manisfastations of the injuries she sees in her visions. Angel and the gang must try to save her.

That Old Gang of Mine
This episode is very Gunn oriented as he faces off against his old gang when he finds out that they are killing off innocent and harmless demons.

Date: March 13, 2013

Carpe Noctem
This is a pretty good episode. I enjoyed it. In this one an elderly man was doing spells to switch bodies with young men so he could continue to have fun. Then he stumbles onto something he hopes to keep forever when he switches bodies with Angel. At the end of this episode Angel and the gang learn that Willow and their gang brought Buffy back to life.

Season 3 Disc 2[/b]

In this episode we meet Fred's parents when they come to take Fred home. Of course instead of that they all realize where she actually belongs. This is a very good episode.

This is a good episode. In this one we learn the consiquences of Angel saving that guy from hell in order to save Cordelia's life.

And Darla is back... both in flashbacks as well as present time. Angel and the gang find out about Darla's pregnancy. And this episode also has the first appearance of Holtz. A character I never cared for. Over all a good episode... I enjoyed it quite a bit.

This is a decent episode... while the storyline is good I never cared much for the character of Holtz.

Season 3 Disc 3[/b]

This is a good episode. It has the birth of Angel's son. And once again Lorne's business is blown up... this is what? the third time now? I think this may be where we no longer see his club. I am thankful for that... no more Kareoke!

Angel and the gang must protect the baby! Everyone wants him... some to disect and see why he exists... others wants to eat him. And they are all coming at once! This is another episode I enjoyed every minute of!

This is one of my favorite episodes. In this one it is Cordelia's birthday. And she is offered the chance to be rid of her painful visions. But to do so she would have to choose between never meeting up with up with Angel in LA and being a famous actress or keeping the visions... but becoming part demon so that her body can handle them painlessly.