Several months ago my phone rings. I don't remember if I recognized the area code and prefix of the number or if the city and state were shown on the Caller ID instead of a name, but I knew before answering it that the call was coming from a city a few hours away in the next state.
- "Hello?"
-- "Hey, when are you getting here?"
- "??!!"
(Obviously a wrong number, but between the tone of her voice and the sound of a few other girls, they have been drinking.)
- "Umm... I think you have the wrong number."
-- "Oh I'm sorry." *still in a happy-drunk voice*
-- "You sound hot. Do you wanna come over?"

I don't even remember how I replied if at all. It didn't matter because I don't think she heard me anyway. A few seconds later, she was saying something to the others in the room, talking away from the phone, and hanging up on me at the same time.