Just an hour ago I was laying in bed, sleeping soundly, not a care in the world.
Then, all of a sudden, I hear a jackhammer chipping away in bursts at my back porch just outside of my window. But I'm still half asleep. Maybe it was something else. There is construction going down at the end of the street but this was far, far louder than anything I had heard over there even while standing outside. It is right here next to me.
So, I listen. . . . . *brrrrr-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-dt*
What the?! Now I realize, though the sound is rattling my entire room, the sound is focused higher. Maybe instead of the concrete porch the sound is coming from tall columns on the porch.
But they are hollow. No way would... what ever this is.... cause the columns to sound that way. Enough things have hit them in the past. They make a hollow noise like hitting a tree.... hmmm..... "hollow" ...... I wonder....
So I get out of bed and head outside, still a little dazed. I head to and look up at the top of the column. Certain I know what the noise is now.
Ok, I am now
certain, but it's not the column. It seems further over this way... but why? There's nothing over there . . . unless . . .
*slaps forehead*
A woodpecker decided it would be a good idea to search for food inside the top of the metal rain gutter right above my window. The outside wall of my bedroom is particularly thin which leaves no insulation for drowning out noise. My bedroom is on the second floor and there is a downspout that ends at about the middle of the wall (where the first floor roof begins. The water then drains down that roof into the first floor gutter.) I have hated these gutters since day one. Combined with my thin walls, when rain is finished and only drips are left behind, just like a leaky faucet, one by one, drops fall and hit the bottom edge of the metal downspout.
*dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink*
As one who likes complete silence when I am trying to go to sleep, you can imagine how annoying that is. But instead of tiny soft drops of water, this morning the sound was of the hardened beak of a woodpecker searching for breakfast.