Going through Jimmy's collection, some of his adult movie reviews and his list of reviews(...)
Am I the pervert resident?

it occured to me (see I finally managed) that we don't have an "Adult" section for those who watch and collect adult dvd's. Should I create a "Adult" category with some forums in it ?
To answer your question, since I'm the only one who has reviewed adult movie. I don't think that it's necessary to create a new sub-forum. I give you my reasons :
1. I see that as a way to say that's adult movies are not movies (even if it isn't what you imply),
2. You take a risk to open the door for some unwelcome guest.
If we allow reviews with plots summaries and some (limited !) visual content it could obviously be offending to some so the section would only be accessible by those who ask to have access.
That's why I don't post picture in those review and I tried my best to not offend anyone with my world. The spoil tag is always there, but I've never receive a complaint on those reviews so I suppose that they are ok.
There not really much movie to review in this category, only those made between 1970 and 1985 can be seen as movie. I have some difficulty to see how can I make an interested review of a film like "Wicked Sex Party" when nothing happen except you know what

But, I'm sure interested to read the others opinion.