Hi all,
Anyone in the UK tried
www.graze.com? They send you a box of treats regularly (default twice a week, but you can adjust to anything you like) and I really like them. Basically nuts, seeds, fruit and a bit of chocolate and derivatives there of, but loads of random stuff as well. Like Chilli & Garlic Olives or spicy crackers, flapjacks and breads.
There marketing is clever too. Good website and cute comments on the little boxes when they arrive. And when you've eaten the snacks, you go online and rate them as 'like', 'love' or 'bin' so you can control what you get to a degree. They even do nutrition plans.
Anyway, if you fancy it, feel free to use the code 7QG76Y4. They provide each customer with a code to pass on even supplying you with tickets you can give to friends. It'll get you at least one box free so you can try it. Well recommended.