Author Topic: Criticker Collection  (Read 936 times)

Offline Antares

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Criticker Collection
« on: April 06, 2012, 03:27:05 AM »
I've just spent the last week and a half creating a complete collection of Looney Tunes/Merrie Melodies cartoons over at Criticker. There is exactly 1005 animated cartoon shorts in this collection. It's my goal to go through every cartoon on this list and update all the pertinent information, plus upload new title cards, YouTube videos and mini-reviews for each. I've already added 59 missing shorts to the database to make this collection complete. If you have a Criticker account, I'd appreciate it if you take a look at it, and if you like what I've done, star the collection. The more stars a collections receives, the closer it moves to the number one spot for that collection's subject. There are other Looney Tunes collections over there, but everyone is incomplete or is only for a specific decade, and if I can get this collection to the top, it will give other LT/MM fans the chance to watch many shorts they've never seen before.

Oh, in the future weeks and months... I also plan to do this kind of collection for all the major animation studios. Next will probably be the Fleischer Studio, so that means Popeye and Bettie Boop.

Thanks in advance to anyone who stars this collection.