Author Topic: Want to ask Terracotta Distribution a question?  (Read 2662 times)


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Want to ask Terracotta Distribution a question?
« on: February 09, 2012, 05:56:28 PM »
I'll be doing a feature interview with UK company Terracotta Distribution for but with all questions coming from dvdcompare site users. Here is the story:
We will shortly be holding an interview with Terracotta Distribution, the independent UK distributor of Asian Cinema films such as Hansel and Gretal, Fox Family and Big Tits Zombie, and are giving you the opportunity to ask them your questions.

What do you want to know about Terracotta Distribution? Perhaps you would like to know about their plans for the future? Whether there are rights issues for titles you would like to see them release? Or just something more general.

E-mail your questions to (with the Subject TERRACOTTA INTERVIEW) and we will ask them the pick of the crop for a feature piece on the company.

Be quick though, all questions should be with us by 15 February.

I thought I would post here as I'm sure some of you have something to ask!

Also, I previously did one for Second Run:


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Re: Want to ask Terracotta Distribution a question?
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2012, 03:06:32 PM »
Received the answers today and should be posted this week on the main site.

Several exclusive bits of news for us including a first foray into Blu-ray and future titles. Stay tuned, because the official press releases will be in the next few weeks, AFTER WE POST THEM!!! :yahoo:


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