When I was young (oh my god I've turned into my grandfather

) it seemed that politics and politicians were civil and accomplished more. Now it seems there is no place civility and teamwork.
I'm know that others, much more knowledgeable, might disagree, but I think there are two major factors that has caused a disintegration of the political process: money and the availability of 24/7 news.
Money is easy to understand. Greed and selfishness has always played a role in why people do the wrong things. The astronomical amounts of cash that flows in and out of the political arena has brought out the worse in many.
Another problem is that it seems one must be rich in order to get elected. Then, the focus of most polititions seems to be to continue raising capital in order to stay in office.
It is impossible for multi millionaires can possibly understand the struggles of the average American. The inability to relate to the people you are supposed to be serving and the empathy needed to do so has been lost.
24/7 news is another issue that has turned the political arena into a circus.
The issues are no longer important. The news, with their 30 second sound bites, are only interested in reporting on sex, scandals, outrageous behavior etc.
"Real" reporting is obsolete. Reporters are supposed to be impartial - not any more. Can one imagine Walter Chronkite or Peter Jennings shouting at one another trying to get the last word in?
Reality show mentality has creeped into the once dignified field of reporting. Honesty, truth, compassion, integrity - the important values that can have a positive impact have been lost.
Money and greed now impact the news as well. If one is rich enough you can even buy a television channel. This way you can report whatever you want - truth or facts be damned.
Working together to make things better. Treating each other with respect. Active listening. The things that are needed to move in a positive direction no longer exist in politics.